Chapter 310 The Problem of Face
The door of the TV station.

Du Wenze kept lying on the ground, and didn't dare to get up until seeing Zhong Wenze's car completely disappeared from sight.

With a gloomy face, he said, "reach out and give me a hand."


Dabaotai suppressed his nausea, twisted his orchid fingers and pulled the clean part of Du Wenze's clothes, and exerted more strength.


This blow directly tore Du Wenze's clothes.


Du Wenze was furious again, he slammed his big mouth on the face of the big fort with his backhand, and got up from the ground by himself:
"Damn, what's the use of you."

Get up.

With a sullen face, he looked around at the passers-by who had stopped to watch: "What are you looking at, I'll pick out your eyeballs!"

After cursing and venting the anger in his heart.

He walked quickly to the security guard who had witnessed the whole process, and pointed out: "You testify to me."

"You will be my witness, and I will sue that Huojie."

Even if it is already like this.

Du Wenze's sense of superiority came out again, and he said in a commanding tone, "For 3 yuan, just tell the truth about what you see."

"Today's sun really doesn't poke."

The security guard looked at Du Wenze, then at the sun that had completely set, whistled and left.


Du Wenze was ignored again, he stared fiercely at the back of the security guard, gritted his teeth and said, "Damn you, old man"

"Clean your mouth for me!"

The security guard was unhappy when he heard that, and turned to point at Du Wenze: "You're fucking capable of firing me, at worst I quit."

"Be your witness? Eat shit!"

The security guard who witnessed the whole process of Zhong Wenze beating Du Wenze was also excited.

"Are you so fucking hot?!"

"What's wrong with pulling?"

The security guard wiped the bridge of his nose with his thumb: "Is dragging illegal? If you have the ability, you can ask your lawyer to sue me, idiot!"



The security guard cursed and left.


Du Wenze's chest was burning with anger, and his anger rose and fell violently, but there was nothing he could do.

He's just a dog after all.

If someone pays attention to him, then he can rely on his master's halo to take advantage of others, but if he is not caught.

A dog is just a dog.

Today's incident completely angered Du Wenze.

He swore: Zhong Wenze must be killed and disabled.

Of course.

Before killing and disabling Zhong Wenze, he still silently warned himself that he must stay away from Zhong Wenze as soon as possible after seeing Zhong Wenze.


When this person met, he would be beaten severely. He was completely unreasonable, and he was simply too stupid.

After Du Wenze returned home, he washed his body first, vented with the cannon, and went out with the key.

He asked Qiu Xiong to have supper at night, and asked him to spend his energy trying to kill Zhong Wenze once and for all.

Although he spoke ambiguously about what happened today, he only said that he was unhappy with Zhong Wenze, and he didn't mention when he was beaten.

But how could Qiu Xiong fail to guess, watching him silent for a long time.


Qiu Xiong just patted him on the shoulder, sighed deeply, looked at him resentfully, and said earnestly:
"I have nothing to do with Zhong Wenze."

"Good brother, if you want to kill him, you can find other relationships."

"There's nothing I can do."

Du Wenze fell silent when he heard the words.

From Qiu Xiong's tone, he could hear the strong sense of helplessness and

Avoid it in advance.

Qiu Xiong was unwilling to help him, and he was very firm, and Du Wenze had nothing to do.

So ever.

He was looking for connections from all parties, and investigated Zhong Wenze's background, just asking someone to help him deal with this rotten Zhong Wenze.


After others checked Zhong Wenze's file, they all shook their heads: "This person is very clean, there are no flaws."

"Furthermore, his Shengshi Group has gained momentum recently, and all procedures and other procedures are legal and compliant, and there are no loopholes to exploit."

"Furthermore, it seems that there are people in the circle. It is impossible to let them go to bars and theaters every day to find fault."

"In addition, the new routines of Shengshi Bar and Shengshi Cinema seem to be taken by the relevant departments of Saigon District."

"Ready to use them as models for exemplary promotion"

What they said was this kind of nonsensical evasion, anyway, the final result was that no one was willing to help him.

to be honest.

The reason why they were willing to talk to Du Wenze was because of his helpless godfather, otherwise, who would talk to him.


Everyone was annoyed by him and had no choice but to leave one sentence:

If you insist on messing with Zhong Wenze, I suggest Du Wenze go for an injury appraisal, and then accuse Zhong Wenze.

The most critical witnesses must be present.


Du Wenze just couldn't find any witnesses.

and so.

He can only knock out his teeth and swallow it in his stomach. He is a group leader of ICAC and a ghost godfather, so he can't deal with Zhong Wenze?

Du Wenze, who failed after several attempts, was really hated.

There is no way to mess with Zhong Wenze.

I can't vent the anger in my heart.

How to do it?


Du Wenze, who had been thinking about it for several days, suddenly thought of Song Zijie.


Everything was blamed on Song Zijie.

This fucker saw himself being beaten up by Zhong Wenze the other day, and it was fine if they didn't come out to help, and they ran away immediately.

This kind of rushing down the street is just be damned.

Oh shit.

I can't handle Zhong Wenze by myself, can't I also handle you, a little Song Zijie?
So ever.

He found Guilao's godfather again and mentioned this matter.

Regarding his dog son who is obedient and good at licking, the ghost godfather thought for a while and gave him a call.

"Governor Hu"

Du Wenze dialed this series of numbers, and spoke quickly: "I am Du Wenze, it's like this, I have something to do."

At this moment.

Zhong Wenze was leisurely in the villa in Nanshan, teaching Li Yunxin how to make Hong Kong-style milk tea.

In the spacious water bar.

"Wrong wrong."

Zhong Wenze hugged Li Yunxin behind himself, and patted her palm lightly: "This ratio is the ratio of mandarin duck milk tea, Hong Kong-style milk tea, tea is the main, evaporated milk is just used to cover up, so that the tea taste is not so strong. "

"You, it's obviously too milky."


Li Yunxin suddenly became mad with anger, pouted her lips angrily: "I'm so mad, I can't do it, if I can't learn it, I don't want to learn it."


His eyes fell on Zhong Wenze, and his eyes rolled to reveal a hint of cunning.

"If you don't learn, how will you know how to do it?"

Zhong Wenze didn't notice the change in Li Yunxin's eyes, Chun Chun taught: "It's very simple, just come twice more and it will be fine."


Li Yunxin suddenly became tough: "I won't learn anymore, you just need to know how to make milk tea, and when I want to drink milk tea in the future, you can make it for me."

Zhong Wenze sensed something was wrong: "No, it's not."

"you are not willing?!"

Li Yunxin immediately put her hands on her hips: "Okay, Zhong Wenze, you don't even want milk tea to rush to me now."


She turned her head and shouted at the living room: "Brother Ma, come and help me, Aze is bullying me."


Mark Li looked at the two of them very speechlessly, and said with disgust: "Please, you two beautiful girls, if you want to show your affection, hide in the room and show it, okay?"

"Don't bully your poor pony all the time, okay?!"


"Ha ha ha ha."

The two suddenly burst into laughter.

They are happy, but how would they know.

They bullied Du Wenze, and Du Wenze couldn't deal with them for a while, so it would be annoyed.

At last.

The other party tossed and tossed, and directly transferred his anger to Song Zijie who was running away that day.

Persimmons naturally look for soft ones.

In Du Wenze's eyes, Song Zijie, who hits the street, is the best soft persimmon, let's ignore other things first, let's squeeze it to vent our anger first.

three days later.

Westside Jail.


Song Zihao in prison clothes was brought in, and the policeman pushed him in and closed the door.

inside the house.

There are three people standing.

Senior Chief Inspector Hu Hai in a black suit.

Inspector Zhou in a gray suit, and the warden in uniform.

The warden introduced Song Zihao: "Song Zihao, let me introduce you."

He stretched out his black suit: "This is Mr. Hu Hai, Senior Chief Inspector of the Western District." Then he turned to the gray suit: "This is Inspector Zhou."

Hu Hai was wearing a black suit, standing in front of the window with his hands in his pockets, his back to Song Zihao.

With the introduction of the warden.

He turns around.

"Ah Brother Hao!"

With a pipe in his mouth, Hu Hai stretched out his hand to Song Zihao with a smile on his face: "Haha, please sit down."

"Thank you!"

Song Zihao stretched out his hand to shake it, then folded himself and sat on the sofa seat beside him.

"Brother Hao."

Hu Hai took a puff of his pipe, and walked towards the stool opposite Song Zihao: "Now there is a case that requires you to be involved."

Inspector Zhou stood beside him holding a file bag.

With a strong smile on Hu Hai's face, he stretched out his hand and opened the seat: "I don't know whether to invite Brother Donghao."

Song Zihao sat on the seat with his back straight, and did not answer the conversation.

"Ha ha."

Hu Hai didn't care either, and put his hands on the table.

Inspector Zhou immediately placed the file bag in his arms in front of Hu Hai, a majestic inspector, and now he is just serving tea and water as a younger brother.

"Interpol's information shows."

Hu Hai pressed the file bag with his palm, and looked at Song Zihao: "I suspect that the headquarters of the International Counterfeit Banknote Group has been transferred to Hong Kong."

Speaking of it.

Hu Hai paused, looked at Song Zihao for two or three seconds, and then raised the corner of his mouth slightly: "It's a matter of face, I want to settle this case before retiring."

The smile on his face disappeared, and his tone was filled with coldness: "I want to settle this case as a souvenir."

in tone.

It's quite a bit of a disgrace.

Song Zihao sat on the seat unmoved, just looked at him with a blank face, kept his face, didn't speak, and ignored him.

The room suddenly fell into silence.

a while.


Hu Hai blocked his mouth with a fist with his right hand and cleared his throat, then opened the file bag under his hand, and took out the files inside.

There are several files.

Each file had paper clips to attach photos of suspects to specific information.

"These are all well-known counterfeit banknote kings who have already been dismantled by us, and there is only one left that deserves our suspicion."

Hu Hai flipped through the files in his hand, and stopped at the end, took out this file and put it in front of Song Zihao's eyes.

on file.

A photo of Long Si appeared.

His personal photo and his prison photo with number 14328.

Song Zihao looked at the picture of Long Si in front of him, his eyes widened a little.

"Your mentor, Long Si!"

Hu Hai caught Song Zihao's expression, stood up from his seat, walked around the table and walked out: "15 years ago, he was very powerful and controlled the counterfeit banknote business in Southeast Asia."


He walked to Song Zihao's side, his footsteps stopped, and the hard leather soles stepped on the floor, making a crisp sound.

Song Zihao retracted his body expressionlessly, and leaned against the back of the seat with his arms folded.

Hu Hai looked at Song Zihao's expression, put his right hand into his trouser pocket, and said in a more serious tone: "We don't rule out the possibility that Long Si still controls the counterfeit banknote group."


Song Zihao directly retorted: "He has been out of the arena for more than ten years."

"Brother Hao, are you so sure?"

Hu Hai sneered, put his right hand on Song Zihao's shoulder, and patted lightly: "He withdraws on the surface, but secretly?"

"Don't forget, your brother Hao can do so well, not to mention he is your mentor, can you quit so easily?"

"Long Si is not such a person."

Song Zihao stood up from his seat, stood in front of Hu Hai, looked at him, and repeated with great certainty: "I know him well."

Hu Hai snorted, and his tone was also unquestionable: "A person can change his appearance, but his criminal record is hard to wash off."


Song Zihao gritted his teeth, let out a heavy breath and did not continue speaking.

This sentence.

He couldn't refute.


Hu Hai laughed, and lightly patted Song Zihao's shoulder: "Brother Hao, you are from this industry, I want you to help secretly investigate Long Si."

"No matter what the final result is, I will help you apply for a commutation of sentence, and then you will get out faster."

Song Zihao didn't even think about it, he just shook his head and refused:

"I won't do it."


He turned around and walked towards the door.

When you get to the door.

Song Zihao stagnated, turned around and looked at Hu Hai, and added: "It's a matter of face."

This sentence was said to him by Hu Hai just now, and now Song Zihao returned it to him intact.

"Song Zihao!"

Hearing these words, Hu Hai gritted his teeth and didn't speak. Seeing Song Zihao who was about to go out, he stopped him behind his back: "Don't you want to do something good for the society?"


Song Zihao exhaled, and stretched out his hand to press the wall: "I'm paying off the debt now, I think I'm worthy of this society."

Door open.

He took half a step out the door.

"Song Zihao!"

Hu Hai shouted in a deep voice: "Are you sure you really think it through! If you don't help me, I will naturally find someone to help me."

"Next time, if you want to help me again, I won't give you this chance!"

Song Zihao strode out without looking back.

"Yes, very good!"

Hu Hai looked at Song Zihao's back, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This result.

It didn't exceed his expectations.

When he came to Song Zihao, he had already guessed the answer.

"This Song Zihao simply doesn't know what to do!"

The warden smiled awkwardly, and yelled at Song Zihao's back: "This kind of person should be locked up for a few more years."


As soon as Hu Hai stretched out his hand, he was not angry. Instead, he acted very generously: "It's okay, everyone has their own rights."

"Brother Hao is unwilling to cooperate with us, that is also reasonable."

After exchanging a few words with the warden, Hu Hai took Inspector Zhou to leave from here and went straight to the parking lot.

In the car.

"Hu sir, what should we do now?"

Inspector Zhou was driving the car, tilting his head to look at the senior governor Hu Hai who was the co-pilot: "Song Zihao is the best candidate to investigate Long Si."

"It's not a big problem."

Hu Hai didn't panic at all, took a puff on the pipe and said, "Go to the Saigon Police Station."

Song Zihao refused.

It's ok.

Because his first goal was not Song Zihao.

Inspector Zhou was a little puzzled, and asked, "What are you doing at the Saigon Police Station?"

PS: Thanks to Brother Frostwolf for the 3000 point reward and monthly pass accumulation, thank you.
Ask for a monthly pass.
(End of this chapter)

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