Hong Kong Zong starts from the heroic character

Chapter 288 How pitiful you are living

Chapter 288 How pitiful you are living
"What do you think I want to do?"

The corner of Zhong Wenze's mouth was raised slightly, and he pulled Brother Zha's handcuffs steadily, leading him down quickly.


The two came to the first floor.

outside the house.

Tony noticed the gunshots fading away, and immediately stopped shooting to hide himself, and quickly approached the old house.

"I do not go!"

Although Brother Zha didn't know what Zhong Wenze wanted to do, but a bad premonition hit his heart, he hooked his right leg around the railing of the stairs, trying to resist.


As soon as Zhong Wen Zebeleta lifted it, the bullet hit the railing, and sawdust flew everywhere: "The next shot will hit your leg."


Brother Zha's lips twitched, and after hesitating for a second, he let go of his right leg hooked to the railing.


The two came to the door.

In the weeds.

Tony held the micro-punch in both hands, just in time for his head.

Zhong Wenze grabbed Brother Zha's throat, dodged behind Brother Zha, blocked him in front of him, and backed away quickly after leaving the old house.


It is a small river.

"Zhong Wenze!"

Tony subconsciously raised the muzzle of his gun, but Zhong Wenze hid behind Brother Zha, his vision was perfectly blocked, and he had to give up his plan to shoot.


Brother Zha was supported by Zhong Wenze to walk back, and shouted angrily: "You go, leave me alone!"

"Zhong Wenze must be playing tricks!"

Although Brother Zha didn't know what Zhong Wenze was going to do, he was in the attic and directed Song Zijie and others to go in another direction.

This is typical to dismiss Song Zijie and the others.


Zhong Wenze lifted Beretta, shot casually at Tony's position, stepped into the river, and quickly walked to the opposite bank along the river: "Want to save him? You can try!"

across the river.

It is a luxuriant grove.

"Fall on the street!"

Tony jumped to avoid the bullets, looked at the two people wading across the river quickly, gritted his teeth and followed quickly.

At this juncture.

He didn't have time to think so much.

All those gangsters are gone, and Zhong Wenze is the only one right now. As long as he is dealt with, Brother Scum can be taken away. This is the only chance.

The soles of the shoes stepped on the mud, making a crunching sound.

across the river.

Zhong Wenze has already landed with Brother Zha.

Tony raised the muzzle of the gun, still not shooting at an angle, looked at the dim river, and followed without any hesitation.

The moment the soles of the feet enter the water.

Tony frowned, and felt a "thump" in his heart.

soles of feet.

A hard feeling came.

Someone laid stones in the river.

Tony has lived here for many years, and he is very familiar with this river channel. He used to take a bath in it in the summer, but he never remembered that there would be rocks at the bottom of this place?

Seeing that Zhong Wenze was about to disappear into the grove, Tony didn't have time to think too much, he gritted his teeth and rushed over quickly, following the traces of the two people, he plunged into the grove.

Brother scum, he is bound to win.

We must take advantage of this opportunity to rescue him.

run and run.

I don't know how long I ran, but the traces suddenly disappeared.

There was an open space in front of me.

"Puff puff puff."

Tony held the micro-charger with both hands, stood on the spot with his mouth and nose and panted heavily, adjusting his breathing, with his fingers tightly on the trigger, looking around vigilantly, ready to shoot at any time.


There were footsteps.

"You're here?"

Zhong Wenze supported Brother Zha and got out from behind the grove. The Beretta in his hand rested on Brother Zha's temple, keeping a distance of four meters from Tony.

Brother Zha had a rag stuffed in his mouth, he couldn't speak, he could only keep shaking his head at Tony with a "huh huh".

"What deal are you going to do with me?"

Tony raised his gun and aimed at Zhong Wenze in front of him, narrowing his eyes: "Speak, as long as I can replace my elder brother."

Zhong Wenze sent the messenger away first, then fled here, and brought someone out to meet him again. He guessed that Zhong Wenze wanted to exchange something with him.

"You are very smart."

Zhong Wenze smiled and nodded: "Congratulations, you guessed right."

Tony stared at Zhong Wenze: "What do you want!"

"Your life!"

Zhong Wenze's tone was calm, and he said every word.


The corners of Tony's eyes shrank obviously. Looking at Zhong Wenze who was standing there, he subconsciously threw himself aside.

"Bang bang bang!"

Rapid gunshots rang out.

Calls from four directions in the grove.

Where Tony was originally standing, mud splashed everywhere.

"Da da da!"

Tony rolled over on the spot, dodged into a pile of weeds, quickly adjusted his figure, squatted on the spot and raised his gun towards the woods to shoot.


A shot went off.

A blood hole exploded in Tony's arm, and the micro punch in his hand fell directly to the ground, followed by a huge force from his back, and he was kicked out of the bushes.

The second child shook the weeds on his head, then got out from the grass, blew on the little smoke from the big black star, and looked at Tony with contempt: "No one told you, don't be ashamed to explore the grass !"

"Squatting on the grass is cool once, and squatting on the grass is cool all the time."

He muttered proudly: "It's really cool to be an old silver coin."

Last time.

When besieging Dadong's gang, the second child also lay down in the bushes of the green belt, quietly making a sneak attack, tried and tested repeatedly, and almost became a professional squatting grass.

in the woods.

Zhou Kehua led the team, Xiao Liu and his party got out from inside, the big black star pointed at Tony, walked up quickly, picked up his collar and lifted him up:
"Young man, we have been waiting for you for a long time, do you know?"

Tony was short of breath, staring at Zhou Kehua with a livid face, his chest moved up and down rapidly with his breathing.

"Why, you are not convinced!"

Zhou Kehua lifted the butt of his gun and hit Tony directly on the forehead, his brow bone was torn, blood flowed down the corners of his eyes, he was a little embarrassed.

"Hem home shovel!"

The rag from Brother Zha’s mouth was pulled out, and he struggled to charge towards Zhong Wenze, but Zhong Wenze lifted his foot and kicked him to the ground. He fell to the ground, gnawed shit, and breathed out fragrantly: "Fuck the street! You fucking fuck me."

Zhou Kehua pushed Tony over with his backhand, and a group of people surrounded them.

"We have an old saying here: the king loses the king."

Zhong Wenze shook out a Marlboro cigarette, and the Zippo lighter flames flickered: "If you lose, you have to admit it."

"It turns out that if I can eat you once, I can eat you a second time and a third time."

"I'll eat you forever!"

between words.

Filled with incomparable self-confidence.

After Alan learned of Tony's possible hiding place, Zhong Wenze immediately notified Zhou Kehua and others to come and investigate the situation.

"I don't agree!"

Tony's face was gloomy, and he stared at Zhong Wenze: "You have the fucking guts to come out and challenge me one-on-one."

"You can't even play me with your brain, how dare you challenge me one-on-one, who gave you the courage?"

Zhong Wenze squinted his eyes with a cigarette in his mouth, and casually picked his fingernails: "Do you know why I brought you here?"


The two brothers looked at each other without speaking.

"It's very easy to beat a guy physically."

Zhong Wenze flicked his fingernails, and his eyes fell on the two of them: "It is very difficult to defeat a person mentally, so I staged this."

"Just now, did you all have an illusion in your mind: as long as you kill Zhong Wenze, you can escape from here, escape back to Yue Nan, recuperate, develop your strength, and make a comeback again?"

"Hope is right in front of you, ah, what a wonderful thing, but it disappears and disappears in the blink of an eye, how sad it is."


Tony's face froze, his fists clenched.

no doubt.

What Zhong Wenze said was not wrong at all.

"Just beating a person to death, how can it be so enjoyable to crush and shatter the hope you are obsessed with in front of you bit by bit in front of you?"

Zhong Wenze narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a flash of sharpness in his eyes: "Do you feel despair?"

"Grass mud horse!"

Tony was about to get up from the ground, but was kicked down by Zhou Kehua again, he yelled unwillingly: "Zhong Wenze, you are a fucking mad dog!"


"Why do you fucking want to make trouble with our three brothers, you are a fucking mad dog, why do you keep staring at our three brothers!"

"We are already living so hard, you still step on us so fucking hard, why!"

Tony, whose mentality was completely out of balance, vented his inner resentment before dying.

these days.

Ever since they met Zhong Wenze, they haven't lived a single day of comfort. They have been plotted against by Zhong Wenze all the time. That kind of grievance and resentment erupted at this moment.

"What a familiar word. You three brothers even scold people in the same way. You are like this, and Ah Hu scolded me in the same way at that time."

Zhong Wenze bent his body slightly, stared at Tony condescendingly, stepped on his injured arm, bent down and looked down at him, his eyes were sharp: "Since you live so hard, then I will give you relief! "



Tony growled hysterically.

"You want to know why?"

"Yes! I want to know why!"

"Because you guys are damned!"

Zhong Wenze pressed his toes hard, and the sole of the shoe crushed the wound on his right arm fiercely, and stared at him with sharp eyes: "Why did Ah Hu die? I could have let him go. What did he do?"

"He threw a little girl to death in front of me!"

"Such a young child, at such a young age, has not yet fully seen the beauty of this world. She could have lived happily and happily."

Zhong Wenze sniffed, and the muscles on his face trembled: "It was such a little girl who had nothing to do with this matter. I let Ah Hu go, but he still killed her."

"He threw her to death in front of me, do you know that angry feeling!"

He said word by word: "Do you know why I took so much effort to bring up Brother Scum?"

"Ahu must die!"

"You two have to die too!"

"You are all the same people. Has life imprisonment freed you?"

Tony was taken aback when he heard that.

After a few seconds.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Tony raised his head and laughed wildly.

a while.

His laughter stopped abruptly, and he looked at Zhong Wenze with pity: "Look at what you live like, you are so pitiful, what do you think you are? Are you maintaining the so-called sense of justice in your heart? "

"You're a fucking wretch!"

"Are you tired of living like this? Have you ever experienced the feeling of living on your knees? This is a society where people eat people. If I don't eat others, others will eat me!"

"Who do you think you are?"

"What does that little girl have to do with you? It doesn't matter, put away your self-confident and high-sounding face!"

Tony looked contemptuous, venting his inner anger.

far away.

Footsteps sounded.

"Hurry up!"

"Over there over there!"

Song Zijie's voice sounded.


With Zhong Wenze's order, Zhou Kehua and others quickly disappeared into the grove.

"People can live hard and do whatever they can to achieve their goals, but they can't lose the basic humanity!"

Zhong Wenze lowered his body, moved closer to the two of them, and said word by word: "I forgot to tell you a secret. In fact, I am not cooperating with the police to get nothing for nothing."

"I'm a police officer. The meaning of my existence is to stop people like you!"


Brother Zha and Tony stared at him in disbelief at the same time, their eyes were wide open, their breaths were short of breath.

on the trail.

Song Zijie rushed out with people.

Zhong Wenze took out a handful of big black stars from his waist and stuffed them into Tony's hands, followed by throwing himself to the side, rolled into the small woods beside him, and shouted:

"Be careful, they have guns in their hands!"

The moment Tony got the big black star, he raised his gun subconsciously, aimed at Song Zijie and others who rushed over, and pulled the trigger directly.

Song Zijie and the others raised their guns and shot at the same time.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Bang bang bang!"

Rapid gunshots sounded like setting off firecrackers.

a time.

Birds are flying in the forest.

After the rapid shooting, the forest fell into silence.

Brother Zha and Tony were shot in multiple places, only the air was out but not the air in. The blood flowed down their bodies, seeped into the ground below them, and dyed it dark.

"Hah cough."

Tony, who was shot in the neck, fell to the ground and twitched vigorously, staring weakly at the double image of the big black star in his hand.

This is a gun without bullets.

Zhong Wenze was right.

He is using his own way to sentence two people to death on Hong Kong Island, where there is no death penalty.

"Check them out!"

Song Zijie rushed up quickly, looking at Zhong Wenze who came out of the woods: "Ah Ze, are you alright?"

"Fortunately, you came in time."

Zhong Wenze had a frightened expression on his face: "I was scared to death."

"At that time, I was upstairs with Brother Scumbag, and Tony rushed over like a mad dog. I had no choice but to run away with him."

"Nice job!"

Song Zijie looked at Brother Scumbag and Tony, who were beaten to death on the spot, with a smile on his face: "Thanks to you, they were arrested and brought to justice in just half a day."

"It's a small matter, just grab it."

Zhong Wenze looked indifferent, and stretched out his hand to pat the dirt on his body: "That's it, I'll go first, and you can take care of the record."


Song Zijie looked at Zhong Wenze who left, and his eyes fell on the big black star in Tony's hand.

He put on his gloves and picked up the big black star, unloaded the magazine and looked at the empty magazine inside, smiled and shook his head: "Aze, there is something."

Others may not have noticed.

How could he not know.

In the shooting just now, Tony fired before them, but no bullets came out. Then there must be something wrong with the gun. How could a man like Tony shoot with a gun without bullets? Woolen cloth.

The results speak for themselves.

Song Zijie opened his mouth and shouted: "Look for the bullet casings at the scene, forget it if you can't find them, don't look for them deliberately!"


Everyone responded one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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