Chapter 284

With a low voice, Tony scolded coldly, "Where is my brother?"

Under the brim of the peaked cap.

Those eyes were cold and fierce.


The middle-aged plainclothes Adam's apple twitched, looking at Tony with sweat on his forehead, he knelt down on the ground directly: "I tell you, can you let me go?"


Tony pressed the muzzle of the gun and pulled the trigger directly.

The bullet tore the knee of the middle-aged plainclothes, and in the splash of blood, the whole person knelt down on the ground in response.

Tony raised his gun again, aiming at the head of the plainclothes: "Are you qualified to negotiate with me?!"


The middle-aged plainclothes man turned pale, and said quickly, "Reefer No. 38, it's inside No. 38."


Tony responded, and his finger pulled the trigger.

"You can't kill me, I'm a policeman, I"

Before the middle-aged plainclothes man finished speaking, a blood hole exploded between his eyebrows, and he fell straight to the ground.

"Are you still missing one?"

Tony said something expressionless, walked in quickly, came to No. 38, and opened the cooler.

Ah Hu was lying stiffly on the cold wall, his whole face was covered with dark purple bruises, it was really hard for people to know his real appearance at first glance.

This face fell apart under Zhong Wenze's fist.

"Ah Hu!"

Tony's face was livid, and he gritted his teeth and said, "I'm sorry, second brother is late."

"Now, I'll take you home!"

"I shouldn't have let you live here for so many days, it's all my brother's fault!"

As he spoke, he carried Ah Hu out of the inside, pulled out his already prepared body, carried the cold corpse on his back, and tied himself together with him.

"Let's go home!"

"When the time comes, we will rescue the elder brother, and after killing Zhong Wenze, we will go back to Yue Yue!"

"I'll send you back!"

Tony walked outside with Ah Hu on his back, muttering silently, as if he was talking to Ah Hu.

"Da da da"

Just walked up to the stairs.

There were hurried footsteps on the stairs.

The four plainclothes police officers at the temporary office on the first floor charged downstairs quickly with a [-] in hand. Looking at the tragic situation in the corridor, they rushed inside quickly.


Tony, who was carrying Ah Hu on his back, appeared from the bottom of the stairs, and looked at them coldly: "Come to catch me?!"

talking room.

He stood motionless on the spot, frantically pulling the trigger in his hand.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Bang bang."

There was a rapid shooting sound.

The loud gunshots resounded in the corridor, rippling from the air for a while and couldn't go away.

The brave wins when we meet on a narrow road.

Tony's completely reckless style of play, on the contrary, had an advantage in the face of four people.

When the four plainclothes saw Tony, their first thought was to dodge and then shoot, but Tony didn't hide at all, and just hugged the fire and shot.

After a fierce and short burst of barrage.

The four plainclothes men who rushed down fell to the ground. Some of them were shot directly in the head and died on the spot, while others were shot in the abdomen.

Tony tore open the sleeve of his left arm that had been hit by the bullet, reached out his hand to pick in the wound with his eyeballs, forcefully pulled out the bullet embedded in it, and threw it on the ground.

The bloody warhead bounced several times on the ground.

He inadvertently saw a blood hole exploded on Ah Hu's shoulder, and his breathing became rapid. He lowered his head to change the magazine, and walked to the plainclothes who was still breathing.


The plainclothes crawled back subconsciously.

"Dare to touch my brother, you will die!"

"Bang bang bang!"

Tony emptied the magazine in his hand with a blank expression, blood holes exploded on his plainclothes body, and blood spattered.

The splashed blood stained his face, adding a bit of hostility.

Wipe raised his sleeves, wiped his face indiscriminately, and quickly walked up the corridor.

But Tony didn't go out directly from the first floor, but took advantage of the situation, hid in the middle of the stairs on the second floor, and stood at the fire window to look downstairs.

The door of the hospital.

Two police cars arrived first, and surrounded the hospital one after the other. The doors of the police cars full of police officers opened, and the police officers quickly faced the servants, and were about to rush into the hospital.


Ma Zai sitting in the car saw this scene, fastened his seat belt, took a deep breath to adjust his emotions, gritted his teeth, and stepped on the accelerator and brake at the same time.

The car roared in place.

The police officer who was about to rush in looked over subconsciously.

Ma Zai let go of the brakes, and the car flew out in a catapult on the spot, fleeing wildly towards the outside.


The person in charge roared, and immediately returned to the car, and shouted into the car through the car intercom: "The person is at the back door, he has already rushed out!"

Sirens blared in the streets.

Only two people were left in the two police cars to go down to check the scene, while the others chased them out.

Tony waited for a while, and after confirming that it was safe, he quickly walked downstairs with Ahu on his back, went out through the back door, opened the car he had prepared in advance, put Ahu in the back seat, stepped on the accelerator and went out quickly. into traffic.

After crossing a street.

The car stopped at the door of an apartment building. Tony got out of the car and carried Ah Hu into the apartment. He opened the door of the room closest to the door and stepped in. The whole process lasted very short.

This was planned and laid out by him long before he acted. The entire escape process from the hospital to the apartment took only 3 minutes.

"Push the street!"

Song Zijie was now on the first floor of the hospital, looking at the many dead bodies, he punched the wall: "There are so many people, can't hold a dead body?!"


The respective feedbacks were collected into Song Zijie's hands.

It was just an ordinary boy who fled by car. There was no one else in the car except himself. The checkpoints set up along the road did not find any suspicious vehicles.

The heads of the people who had lost the battle were bowed.

When this incident got out, it was a huge blow to the credibility of the police force.

"Why are you still looking at me!"

Song Zijie yelled at his subordinates, and instructed his subordinates: "Right now, block the news immediately, and at the same time investigate the CCTV of the hospital, and check all the images on the CCTV!"

This is his opportunity to be promoted after sweeping the Henglian Group and getting the credit. Although the official document has not yet come down, the promotion is certain. Mo Sir has already asked him to lead someone.

Who knew that the glorious name of the police force hadn't been warmed up yet.

On the first night when he took over and led the team, such a big incident happened. Isn't this a shame for himself.

one night time.

They checked the closed-circuit television of the hospital, and none of the few cameras captured the specific situation, but found the situation on the only closed-circuit television on the street in front of the hospital.

5 minutes after the shooting started.

A car came out of the road on the hospital side.

Originally, the card control screening was still going on, but it was the peak time of commuting in the early morning, and the gods from all walks of life asked the department and then called directly to complain.

Under tremendous pressure, Song Zijie had no choice but to remove the barriers blocking the way.

"Hem home shovel!"

Song Zijie slapped the table, staring at the latest developments on the table with red eyes: "After canceling the card, where the hell are you going to pull people!"

last night.

The person who drove away the firepower was not caught, which made Song Zijie furious.

Distraught, he dismissed his subordinates, took out a cigarette and lit it, wrapped it heavily for several puffs, and finished smoking the cigarette, still unable to figure out a way, and then refilled another one.


He thought of Zhong Wenze, and immediately took the phone and dialed the landline in the villa that Zhong Wenze had told him about. After a simple catchphrase, he got straight to the point:
"Ah Ze, Ah Hu was snatched away by Tony, so no one can catch him."

"Help me!"

He almost yelled out in a low voice.

The position has not yet been secured, and this matter must be resolved quickly.

Although the news of this incident has been blocked, it will soon spread internally, and it will have a great impact on him and Mo Sir.

"it is good."

Zhong Wenze simply replied with one word.

Two 10 minutes later.

Song Zijie and his men gathered at the hospital gate.

He first took Zhong Wenze to check the closed-circuit TV that captured the suspicious vehicle, but not only are there very few closed-circuit TVs in this era, but the picture quality is basically in a barely watchable state.

What's more, at night, it's not bad to see a car going out.

"How to do?"

It was the first time that Song Zijie needed to solve the case quickly in such a short period of time. Under the huge pressure, he was in an impetuous state for a while.

At his age, he was still too immature.

Song Zijie quickly described the situation last night: "What should I do?"

Zhong Wenze unhurriedly took out Marlboro, put one in his mouth, and shook the cigarette case in front of him.


Where did Song Zijie still have the desire to smoke, he urged: "Is there anything you can do?"


Zhong Wenze lit a cigarette, wrapped it heavily, and looked at Song Zijie's subordinates: "Now, you guys report to me the situation data on the first floor."

"What data?"

Several people were taken aback for a moment.

He asked bluntly again: "How many people broke into the morgue last night?"

"Who knows."

The crowd shook their heads.


Zhong Wenze was speechless for a moment.

That's it.

His thinking is still the police thinking that he had more than 30 years later. At that time, the thinking of handling cases and the steps of investigation procedures were much ahead of them.


He walked downstairs: "Forget it, let's go together and go to the scene to see."

Zhong Wenze walked ahead and quickly came downstairs to the first floor.

Although the scene downstairs had been cleaned up slightly, it wasn't cleaned up directly, and they crossed the cordon to enter.

on the wall.

You can still clearly see the splashed blood and the traces of bullets hitting the wall.

"Have you counted the bullets at the scene?"

Zhong Wenze stared at the warhead embedded in the wall in front of him: "Is there a specific number?"


Everyone shook their heads in embarrassment, their voices were pitifully low.


Zhong Wenze was silent again, took a deep look at everyone, sighed and shook his head.

He recalled the specific situation that Song Zijie had told him, turned around and walked to the mortuary inside, and according to Song Zijie's description, he took the lead in checking the two plainclothes men who died in the corridor.

Zhong Wenze made a judgment: "There was only one person who came in last night."


Song Zijie frowned.


His subordinates retorted subconsciously: "How could there be only one person!"

"Just one person."

Not saving face for them, Zhong Wenze pulled the corpses and pointed to the fatal wounds on their bodies: "I have checked, and there is only one wound on both of them, and there are no other wounds."

"This shows what?"

"It means that the two of them were instantly killed, and they were killed by one blow basically without reacting, so there are no other traces of fighting on their bodies."

Zhong Wenze analyzed quickly: "Looking at the positions of the two wounds on their abdomen, one on the left and one on the right, I can tell that they were stabbed to death by sharp objects at the same time."

"He was standing on the left side, and he was standing on the right side, and they were stabbed to death from the back at the same time."

He smoothly made a forward stabbing motion: "The distance between the wounds is just in line with the distance between the arms of a 1.7-meter-tall adult."

"That might just be a sneak attack by a person!"

Song Zijie's subordinates were a little dissatisfied: "The four colleagues downstairs who were shot, it is impossible for them to beat one of them."

"Just one person!"

Zhong Wenze directly denied it mercilessly: "From the position and number of bullets on the wall, we can analyze the shooting trajectory and the firing speed of the gun."

"Judging from the number of warheads, it is only consistent with the result of one person. If there are two or more people, then the four dead people should have many wounds on their bodies."

"It can be analyzed that at that time Tony was the only one standing at the stairway to shoot."


heard here.

Everyone was dumbfounded for a while, and they were dumbfounded by Zhong Wenze's professional analysis. They spent the whole night and couldn't figure out the exact number of people attacked last night.

Someone posted a barrage: "What's the use of drawing this conclusion?"

"It can be concluded."

Zhong Wenze said word by word: "Tony is no one available now, so he came alone."

"What about the man who drove away last night?"

"From the current situation, it can be ignored."

"Then what do we do now? Where can we find someone?"

Song Zijie looked at Zhong Wenze with more expectation: "Originally, I was going to set up a card to arrest people, but this morning too many people called and complained, so I had to cancel it."

Facing Zhong Wenze's rhetoric, he couldn't refute it, so he had great hopes for Zhong Wenze.

"It's right to withdraw."

Zhong Wenze nodded: "You didn't find him all night, which means that he must have stepped on the spot before taking action and arranged the escape route in advance."

Someone was very upset by Zhong Wenze just now: "Wow, don't be so absolute?"

"This is called anti-investigation awareness and means."

Zhong Wenze snorted coldly, and said with disdain: "Don't think that you feel powerful when you put on this police uniform, everyone else is a fool."

"He managed to escape from here last night and he hasn't been found by you now. This is the best explanation."


Everyone was silent again, speechless.


The word anti-detection capability, many of them don't know what it means.

"He has already deduced in advance the methods you may use to pull people, and guessed that you will stop the truck and check the car."

Zhong Wenze glanced at the crowd and continued:

"So now he must have found a resettlement place nearby in advance, hiding in a nearby rental house, waiting for the opportunity to run out."

"Makes sense!"

Song Zijie clapped his hands, his eyes lit up a little: "Then let's go look around now?"

"No! It's too much work and pointless."

Zhong Wenze shook his head again, waved his hands and said: "Not only will you not be able to catch up with the person, but it will cause complaints from some citizens again, which will increase the attention of this matter, and your pressure will be even greater!"

"Besides, Tony must be watching your movements. After you cancel the card, he must have run away immediately, and will not stay where you are to pull it."

"Fall on the street!"

Song Zijie slapped the table, his eyes were red and bloodshot after he hadn't slept all night: "Then what should we do now!"

"How about this."

Zhong Wenze briefly thought about it, and quickly came up with a plan, watching a group of police officers quickly say:

"You all set off immediately, and go to the entire Saigon seafood market, as well as the freezer and other places where you may buy a lot of ice, and go to all of them."

"Ask them these days before and after, has anyone approached them to buy a lot of ice or something like that."

"If you encounter some people who dodge their words, you can directly check their in and out bills when necessary."

"At the same time, we should also urge them. If someone asks them to buy ice cubes in the recent period, as long as the quantity comes up, I will call you directly."

Zhong Wenze spoke repeatedly and quickly gave instructions.

"Aren't we looking for Tony?"

"That's right, why go to the seafood market to check for ice cubes!"

Someone asked a question again, and each of them stood in place without moving.


Zhong Wenze was furious.

Although the quality of today's police officers is far inferior to that of later generations, do they lose some basic common sense?

Have these supporting roles been mentally handicapped to such an extent that they don't exist?

"Hong Kong Island is not big, but it is not small. If you catch him, where do you go?"

Zhong Wenze scolded angrily, and he didn't have the intention to show off: "Why did Tony come last night? He came to snatch Ahu away."

"Ahu is a dead man. How many months is it now? When the weather is still very hot, he brought a dead man with him. What should he use to preserve the body?"

"He was able to snatch Ah Hu's body at this juncture, which means he values ​​his brother very much."

"From a psychological point of view, he is a person who attaches great importance to family affection, or in other words, he is a person who is heavily dependent on family affection."

"He also knows that after taking the corpse away, he won't be able to get out in a short time. Will he just watch his brother's corpse rot?"

"The refrigerator is too small to fit a person as big as Ah Hu, and he doesn't have cold storage."

"He came to snatch the corpse alone, which means that he has no one to use, or he doesn't trust others. From an ideal situation, it can also be said that he has no conditions to store the corpse."

"So he can only buy ice to store Ah Hu's body!"

"That's the only way."

Zhong Wenze's series of explanations once again silenced everyone.

"Why are you still standing still!"

Song Zijie roared and waved his hand: "Now immediately, follow Sir Zhong's orders. From now on, his orders are my orders."

"Whoever dares to disobey his command, I will be the first to deal with Tony's accomplices!"


"Sir Zhong, Sir Song."

Everyone cheered up and responded loudly, and walked out quickly.

Come outside.

Several people whispered again: "What is the identity of this Mr. Zhong? Why does Sir Song listen to him so much?"

"Who knows, but what he said just now seems to be right."

"That's right, what is the anti-detection ability, and what is it from a psychological point of view, all things we have never touched."

"Pu Jie, how did you study in the police academy? You don't know how to do it, but at least you have heard of it, right?"

"I'm not from the police academy."

"Then how did you get in?"

"It's up to you! Besides, whoever said that people who have been to the police academy must know? You came out of the police academy, why don't you know?"

"Hey, this is called specialization in surgery. I think Mr. Zhong should be a big boss."

In the morgue.

Song Zijie followed Zhong Wenze out one after another: "Now we have the direction of investigation, but where are we going to find Tony?"

As Zhong Wenze said.

Hong Kong Island is so big, and there is no closed-circuit television, and no informant to provide information, who knows where Tony is hiding now, and finding him is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

"I might try."

Zhong Wenze thought for a while, and suddenly a person came to mind.

"Well, you go and arrange it."

He said quickly: "Find a chance to bring out the person you have already captured, and let me meet with him. Maybe I can learn from him where Tony may be hiding."

"I'll do it right away!"

Song Zijie responded immediately: "No matter who you want to meet, as long as you can quickly capture Tony, then I will bring him out."

Just now.

Just for a few minutes.

Song Zijie's cognition of Zhong Wenze in his heart has once again risen to a new level and height.

Whether it is Zhong Wenze's conversation and professionalism in analyzing the case, or his investigation and analysis at the scene of the crime.

Regardless of the analysis speed and judgment angle, they have far surpassed most people, even better than those famous experts.

Even he has a feeling.

Zhong Wenze was an experienced old policeman before.

How could he know.

Zhong Wenze was really an experienced old detective in his previous life.

(End of this chapter)

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