Chapter 278 Killing God

"This is impossible!"

Brother Zha's face was livid, gloomy and ugly.

He couldn't figure out how Zhong Wenze heard Ma Zai's message on the phone and made an early warning.

"As the saying goes, people are more popular than others, and there is no comparison between people."

Zhong Wenze curled his lips in disdain: "If you can't hear it, it doesn't mean I can't hear it. Most people can't hear it, but it doesn't mean I can't hear it. Understand!"

He stretched out his hand and patted Brother Zha's face, and casually pulled the tie of the curtain on one side and tied Brother Zha upside down. He held the other end on the iron railing on the window, and bent over to Mark Li who was hiding behind the sofa: "Little Ma, what do you say?"

"What do you want to say?"

Mark Lee sat on the ground with his knees bent, and he was taking out a match to light a cigarette. The continuous gunshots outside did not disturb his own rhythm in the slightest.

"I listen to you."

Zhong Wenze grinned, leaned over and lit a cigarette, and while the match was still burning, he wrapped two mouthfuls and lit the cigarette.

Mark Lee shook the matchstick to extinguish the flame: "Then let's talk after smoking."

"it is good."

The two talked with each other in an extremely relaxed manner, and everything that happened outside seemed to have nothing to do with the two of them.


Zhou Kehua's lips squirmed, and he tightened the big black star he was holding in his hand. He looked sideways at the two extremely relaxed bosses behind the sofa, and was a little speechless: "Boss, what should we do now?"

Mark Lee grinned, shook the cigarette case in his hand, and said calmly, "Do you want one?"

Zhong Wenze nodded approvingly.


As soon as Zhou Kehua gritted his teeth, he simply started to twitch.

The two big guys are not in a hurry, they are afraid of a fart.

inside the house.

The three of them smoked cigarettes leisurely.

The corridor was not so quiet.

The boys in the clubhouse originally surrounded the private room, but the sudden gunshots from outside forced them to send people to intercept it.


Xiao Liu and his party of six were divided into three groups.

Two pistols, two micro-pistols, and two Remington shotguns fired methodically at the house, and they fired alternately in a very rhythmic and cooperative manner, forming uninterrupted firepower coverage.

Xiao Liu took the lead, holding the gun in his right hand and supporting the sound of the Remington gun in his left hand, and pulled the trigger on the inside with a blank expression, one shot after another, the bullets released were extremely powerful at close range, and the broken stones flew randomly .

Under the suppression of their powerful firepower, those who were beaten were retreating steadily. Anyone who dared to show their faces would be a death sentence. For a while, it was as if they were in no one's land, and they pushed forward quickly and directly forced into the inner courtyard.

"Grass mud horse!"

Tony raised his hand and fired a few shots indiscriminately, then quickly withdrew his body and yelled at Ma Zi: "Fucking forward."

"Me Tony."

Ma Zai opened his mouth and his voice stopped abruptly. The Tianling cover was directly lifted by the bullets fired by the machine gun, and blood splashed on Tony's face. .

Tony looked at this group of ponies who were about a dozen or so young, and their equipment was not bad. They had all kinds of micro-guns and shotguns, but they were beaten by the six men with the same equipment outside, so they couldn't breathe. Come.

He was so angry.

"The shovel! Go, go out!"

As soon as Tony raised his gun, he directly pointed it at the head of Ma Zai beside him: "Give me a shot, or I'll beat you to death!"

Ma Zai's body trembled, and under Tony's threat, he could only hold up the micro punch, cautiously stretched out his hand, and was about to shoot indiscriminately towards the outside, but a blood hole exploded as soon as he stretched out his hand.

See this scene.

The other boys hid deeper in the corner.


Seeing this scene, Tony let out more than half of his anger.

They lost.

In terms of momentum, it has been completely lost.

That spirit is gone, even if they are given the best equipment, they will not be able to gain any advantage.

Seeing more and more felled ponies, Tony with a gloomy face, pulled Ahu who was still shooting, and the two quickly returned to the corridor outside the private room.

"Zhong Wenze!"

Tony approached the door and yelled something inside, and Zhong Wenze responded with a shot, and sawdust flew when it hit the door frame.

"You don't have to face us to the death!"

Tony didn't dare to show his face this time, he hid in the corridor and shouted loudly: "Let my elder brother go, at worst we will give you Bai F's business, what do you think!"

Brother Zha is now under the control of Zhong Wenze, so he has to say these conditions, first save Brother Zha from Zhong Wenze's hands.

"Things that can be eaten in one bite, why should I let you go?!"

Zhong Wenze's hearing was extremely keen. Judging from the distance of the gunshots outside, the gunshots from outside were obviously more intensive, which meant that Xiaoliu and his party were in a typical dominant position.

His lips were slightly raised, and his tone was playful: "You are already surrounded, put down your guns and attack, maybe I can still think about whether to let your life go."

"Fall on the street!"

Tony's face was extremely gloomy.

Originally, Zhong Wenze was surrounded by himself, but Xiao Liu and the others beat him back in the blink of an eye, forming an anti-encirclement situation.

He thought for a while, and then roared: "Don't be so naive, it won't be that easy for you to kill us, if you keep delaying like this, the messengers who hear the news will rush here, and then no one will be able to kill us." want to run!"

Tony really couldn't think of any other good reasons to convince Zhong Wenze.


Killing their three brothers, Bai F's business is still theirs, why let them go after everything is over.

"Then will it be easy for you to kill me?"

Zhong Wenze yelled nonchalantly: "In a short time, you won't be able to eat me, so let's just consume it like this, let's see who wins!"

Tony's tone faltered: "Aren't you afraid of bad guys?!"

"Why are you afraid!"

Zhong Wenze smiled contemptuously: "Do you think you can hold on until the messengers come over?"

"Mad dog!"

Tony clenched his fists tightly: "You are a fucking mad dog!"

Zhong Wenze was holding on to the determination of everyone to die together, and he was really helpless with his reticent appearance.


Brother Zha's voice was a little weak: "Leave me alone, kill them!"

"Big brother!"

"This is my order, kill them!"

Brother Zha's lips were pale, his face was pale and bloodless, he shouted hysterically: "Now, immediately, immediately, charge me!"

He was really angry.

If the delay continues like this, once the messengers arrive and surround this place, then no one will be able to escape.

He is a very strong elder brother, and he doesn't want to see the two younger brothers being implicated because of him, and he doesn't want them to be suppressed by Zhong Wenze because of him.


Zhong Wenze punched Brother Zha directly in the stomach with a backhand punch, causing his stomach to churn: "Pujie, you can speak!"

"If I die, you must die!"

Brother Zha stared at Zhong Wenze with squinted eyes: "Today you will die!"


He shouted again: "Tony, what are you waiting for, kill them!"

Tony clenched his teeth, and hesitated for a few seconds in a daze.

"Ah Hu!"

He roared with a gloomy face, "Call me!"

Ah Hu was immediately anxious: "Brother is still inside!"

"Call me!"

Tony pulled the barrel of the gun, raised his hand from the window and fired a shot into it.


Ah Hu let out a loud roar, raised his micro-charger and fired at the inside, the muzzle of the gun sprayed flames, and debris flew everywhere where the bullets went.

Zhou Kehua huddled in the corner, his body tightly pressed against the wall, and he didn't dare to show his head under the firepower.

Zhong Wenze hid behind the sofa with his waist down, squinted at Brother Scum, and said word by word:

"Are you afraid of the dark?"


Mark Li understood, lifted Beretta and blew the light bulb above his head, and the room was suddenly plunged into darkness.

Without the lights, it became taboo again for people outside to shoot.


The door, which was pressing tightly, was pushed open from the inside.

"Come on, the door is open for you, come in!"

Mark Lee's steady voice sounded: "I, Mark Lee, have been idle for a long time, and I just happened to have a good time with you today."

In terms of actual combat experience, Mark Lee has an absolute advantage. The actual combat experience he has experienced is far beyond the comparison of these people present.

Tony looked at the door that was pushed open, and glanced inside from the light in the corridor. It was dark inside, and he couldn't see anything clearly. He turned his gun again and pointed at the pony beside him: "Rush in!"

Ma Zai's Adam's apple twitched, he swallowed, and subconsciously took half a step back.

They're all mixed up.

How could he not know Mark Li's name, and he was already a little timid psychologically.

"The three of you charge together and kill each of them for 100 million!"

Tony waved the muzzle of his gun, pointed at the two boys next to him, and said fiercely, "Don't charge, I'll kill you right now!"


Ma Zai cursed in his heart, he picked up the Remington in his hand and walked slowly towards the door, and the other two quickly followed.

In any case, they are all dead, and there is no way out.

Ma Zai took the lead, and when he came to the door, he first poked his probe to scan the situation inside. The room was quiet and there was no movement, and he couldn't see the exact location of the people inside.

He and the other two looked at each other, and the three of them quickly walked in one after the other, the muzzles of the guns were divided into three directions and guarded at the same time, their spirits were highly concentrated, and their eyes quickly searched the house.

Although they looked very calm, the sweat on their foreheads had already betrayed their nervous hearts.

"Hey! I'm here!"

at this time.

At three o'clock, Zhong Wenze's voice sounded.

The nervous three people turned their guns to the position of the sound almost at the same time and pulled the trigger directly. The flames from the muzzles briefly lit up the room.

Among the flying bullets, they only saw a tumbling white shirt.

Mark Lee rolled out from behind the three of them like a ghost.

The three people who heard the movement turned around at the same time, but it was too late, they only saw a cigarette butt with red dots flashing in the darkness.


"Bang bang bang!"

Three sharp shots sounded, and Zhou Kehua hurriedly replenished his guns. Blood mist exploded from the bodies of the three boys, and they fell directly to the ground.


Mark Lee picked up Remington, who fell to the ground, and skillfully moved the barrel of the gun. Hearing the sound of footsteps coming from the door, he directly hugged the fire.


Remington spit out a tongue of fire, like a poisonous snake spit out a letter, covering the horse boy who had just rushed to the door.

Under the powerful jet force, countless blood holes exploded on Ma Zai's body. Under the huge impact, he flew upside down, hit the wall of the corridor, and then slipped heavily to the ground.

Hot blood stained the wall red.



There were two crisp sounds of the gun barrel being pulled.

Zhong Wenze and Zhou Kehua picked up the Remington on the ground, and appeared next to Mark Lee from left to right, with their guns pointing out at the same time.


Mark Lee squinted his eyes at the door, the cigarette butt in his mouth flickered on and off, and blue-green smoke swirled upwards along the cigarette butt.

The three of them did not defend and counterattacked, they fired alternately and walked out.

The window on the left.

A horse boy raised his pistol and was about to shoot.


Zhong Wenze hugged the fire first, and the window was directly torn. The horse boy who fired the gun was directly smashed to pieces with powerful firepower at close range, and scorching blood flew in all directions.

Ma Zai, who was about to pounce inside, quickly dispersed into the passage after falling down two people in succession.

Zhou Kehua took the lead, looked left and right to make sure it was safe, and was the first to walk out the door.

turning point.

The guarded Ma Zai raised his gun and shot when he saw the opportunity.

The bullet flew past Zhou Kehua's arm, and the blood stained his arm red.

at the same time.

Zhou Kehua also pulled the trigger, and immediately bloody spots flowed down the wall, scorching hot and bright red.

The other person watched Zhou Kehua pull the barrel of the gun, with a smug smile on his lips, the gun was pointed at his head and was about to pull the trigger.

Before he could shoot.

Zhong Wenze appeared from the side, the Remington gun in his hand was emitting blue smoke from the muzzle.

Blood mist exploded from Ma Zai's side, and he flew out as if he had been hit by a car.



Mark Lee followed and pulled the trigger on the people in sight expressionlessly, helping them clean up the rear. After the rapid and intense gunshots, the corridor fell into dead silence for a while.

The ponies who were still gathering in the corridor, planning to surround the private room, all fled in despair.

in the aisle.

Ma Zai, who had been shot and fell to the ground, was lying all over the place. The ground was stained red with bright red blood. The blood and embedded bullets on the wall announced the tragic battle situation.

Ma Keli stood straight on the spot with his back straight, with blood splattered on his face, and the old man who held the cigarette ash in his mouth did not drop it, and just looked at the front with a blank expression.

A large windbreaker was splashed with blood stains to dye it dark, and the chill and murderous aura on the whole person became a bit stronger. He just stood in the corridor like a god of death.

The inner court.

Xiao Liu and his party of six quickly pushed in.

The horse boys in charge of defense retreated steadily, and finally joined the horse boys who escaped from the house.

They looked at each other's faces covered with blood and horror, and they had different expressions for a while.


The sound of guns falling to the ground sounded.

I don't know who started it first, and then it quickly spread around like a plague.

Just a few seconds.

The rest of the horses threw all their guns to the ground, and squatted on the ground with their hands raised and their heads covered.

(End of this chapter)

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