Hong Kong Zong starts from the heroic character

Chapter 268 One of the people dies, and some people need a little help

Chapter 268 One person dies, and some people need a little help
"He has been frantically probing on the verge of death."

Zhong Wenze was expressionless, without any emotional fluctuations in his tone, and said word by word: "Everyone is mortal, and some people need a little help."

"Since he wants to, let him be fulfilled."


Zhou Kehua was stunned for a moment, looking at Zhong Wenze's expressionless face, he had an idea in his heart: "Only by wandering infinitely on the verge of death can you be the closest to death until death."

Zhong Wenze was amused by his words: "You are very good."


Zhou Kehua smiled, and quickly said, "When will we do it?"

Zhong Wenze said: "Soldiers are expensive!"

At this moment.


Brother Zha followed, stood beside Zhong Wenze, turned his head and pouted to signal to the hotel upstairs: "What do you say about Haotian's two street brats? Do you want to do them directly?"

He made a palm with his right hand, and made a neat gesture of wiping his neck.

"They kept it."

Zhong Wenze waved his hand: "These two people are still useful, they are the stepping stones to enter the underground base again."

According to their previous cooperation reached by the two parties.

After Zhong Wenze helped Brother Zha kill Brother Shan, the two of them entered the underground base together to control the production workshop, and then Brother Zha gave Zhong Wenze an extra fee.

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

Uncharacteristically, Brother Zha didn't refute Zhong Wenze's opinion, and asked again: "Then how will Haotian deal with it? When will he be moved?"

After going through a series of things tonight.

Brother Zha's opinion on Zhong Wenze has gradually changed from the previous objection and disapproval to what you say and what you say.

I reserve my opinion, but I don't disagree with you either.


It's up to you.


Zhong Wenze squinted at the taillights of Haotian cars that were no longer on the road, and said in a serious tone, "You don't have to worry about it."


Brother Zha took a deep breath, looked at Zhong Wenze's expression, and felt creepy for a moment, he had never seen Zhong Wenze show such a strong killing intent before:
"Then it's up to you."


He was also a little puzzled, why did Zhong Wenze have such a strong killing intent towards Haotian, it was obviously the first time the two sides met, logically there shouldn't be such a strong hostility, right?

Brother Zha fell into careful thought for a while.

Could it be.

During the dinner just now, did Haotian offend Zhong Wenze inadvertently?So this made Zhong Wenze have such a strong killing intent towards him?
He was full of thoughts for a while.

Brother Zha carefully recalled the entire dinner tonight, but he never got to know where Haotian offended Zhong Wenze.

If it must be said, it must be the conflict between Haotian and the next table, which almost caused Zhong Wenze to be beaten, and there is nothing else.

Oh, forget it, don't want to.

Brother Zha shook his head, telling himself not to dwell on this matter, but he also secretly warned himself in his heart: Don't provoke Zhong Wenze, this kid is too vengeful.

It's just such a small matter, you hurt the killer?
Can't be bothered.

"It's gone."

Zhong Wenze looked at the scumbag who was standing there in a daze and thoughtful, naturally he didn't know that the scumbag was thinking about himself in various brain supplements: "I won't send it away."


He strode outside, gradually disappearing into the darkness under the night.

on the road.

A black car was driving at a constant speed.

The speed of the car is not fast, and it can even be said to be a bit slow.

driver's seat.

Haotian was driving the car, holding the steering wheel. The drunkenness at the drinking party had long since disappeared. Instead, his face was sober, his eyes were extremely bright, and he looked thoughtful.

Haotian first made a big conclusion for himself: "There is definitely something wrong with this Zhong Wenze."

Looking back on all the contacts with Zhong Wenze tonight.

In the test area, when he saw Zhong Wenze taking off his gas mask for the first time, Haotian always had a feeling, as if he had seen this person somewhere.

This person, who is just like me, taller and much more handsome than me, just looks familiar.

and so.

His gaze has been sizing up Zhong Wenze, observing his every move consciously or unconsciously.



Of course.

Just when Zhong Wenze took the initiative to greet the water dog, Haotian suddenly realized that the blurred memory in his mind suddenly became clear.

He remembered.

At first.

After the undercover water dog's identity was exposed, Haotian personally went into battle and tortured the water dog, trying to find out the information that the water dog had delivered so far, so as to make the most reasonable risk assessment.

Who knows that the water dog will not let go of his bite, in order to get the water dog to speak, Haotian has spent a lot of time and relationships to investigate the personal and family information of the water dog, and wants to threaten the water dog's family to make him open his mouth.

Based on the clues he had, he found the water dog's residence.

Just a pity.

Water Dog has no relatives or friends.


That is, when he went to inquire about the situation of the water dog this time, Haotian accidentally saw Zhong Wenze in that area, and even asked Zhong Wenze to borrow a fire to light a cigarette, although it was just a chance encounter.

But in this day and age.

The height of 1.8 meters is already very abrupt, coupled with this handsome face, Haotian is somewhat impressed.

Especially when Zhong Wenze came into contact with the water dog, he completely remembered it.

Haotian was calm and didn't take the initiative to ask questions.

After remembering Zhong Wenze's origin, he has been paying attention to Zhong Wenze, until he left the underground base, Zhong Wenze even directly talked to the water dog.

Although Zhong Wenze concealed the past very well, Haotian has already seen through that Zhong Wenze's act of talking to Yan under the pretense of lending to Yan, naturally it is difficult to convince him of his real purpose.

Zhong Wenze clearly knew the water dog, but he didn't say it directly. Instead, he kept contacting the water dog intentionally or unintentionally. This behavior was very abnormal.

He clearly knew the water dog, so why did he pretend he didn't know him?
And he also expressed his extreme hatred for the water dog.

What Haotian captured was unusual, so he has been secretly testing Zhong Wenze.

Whether it was a conflict with the next table at night, or a handshake with Zhong Wenze, Haotian tried to figure out and test Zhong Wenze in his own way.

Know that the supper is over and leave.

Haotian has basically made a judgment.

Although he still doesn't know what Zhong Wenze's identity is, he can be sure that there is definitely something wrong with Zhong Wenze.


Haotian took a heavy breath, squeezed the center of his brows, and said to himself: "Well, when Uncle Shan comes back, I have to tell him about this as soon as possible. Maybe the dog is the same thing."


The car came to the foot of the mountain.

Climb a little further up and you will arrive at your base.

Haotian stretched out his foot and tapped the brakes, slowing down the car again, and turned to the left to get the mineral water on the passenger seat. He also drank some wine at the wine table at night, and now he is a little thirsty .

That is at this time.

In the originally quiet suburb, the roar of a car engine suddenly sounded.

in the rearview mirror.

Suddenly four cars appeared and quickly approached him.

Haotian didn't notice it at first, but when he found out, it was already too late, and the four cars quickly stuck him in the innermost position from front, back, left, and right.

The distance card is very good, forcing him to stop.

"Bang bang bang!"

A series of door switches sounded.

A total of six people alighted from the four cars.


Haotian's eyelids twitched, he locked the car door immediately, subconsciously reached for the big black star pistol under the seat, loaded it quickly, and lowered his head.

At the same time, he raised his eyelids and looked outside.

With the light of the headlights, he could vaguely see the faces of these six people, all of whom were unknown.

Haotian's heart sank, and he stabilized his voice, making his tone sound no different from normal: "I am Brother Shan's subordinate, brother, is there some misunderstanding!"

No one responded to him.

Only an endless stream of "click" sounded one after another.

It was the sound of a gun being loaded.

The six people moved almost in unison, holding Ingram with both hands, and after the bullet was loaded, they aimed directly at Haotian's car, and pulled the trigger expressionlessly.

"Da da da"

"Da da da"

The Ingram machine gun sprayed flames, covering the car from the left and right sides.

There is no dialogue.

There is not a single redundant word.

They just hugged each other directly, and a lot of bullets were fired at Haotian's car.

In the mountains not far away.

Under the surprise attack of the gunshots, the birds took off in all directions in shock.


Haotian's heart sank, and he subconsciously wanted to shoot back. Before he could raise his hand, a blood hole exploded on his shoulder, so he could only subconsciously bend over and fall into the car.

"Da da da"

"Da da da"

Six people and six shots fired at the car for as long as ten seconds. Each person emptied three magazines, and the leader waved his hand to signal everyone to stop.

Center of fire.

The car Haotian was riding in had already been pierced by bullets. The iron skin of an ordinary car couldn't resist the 9mm bullets and had already been pierced.

The windows of the car were shattered, shards of broken glass fell all over the floor, and the body full of bullet holes seemed to be disintegrated at any moment. There was no intact iron sheet.

on the hood.

There was black smoke coming out.

The six people stopped for a while, then turned around and got into the car, stepped on the gas pedal, and the four cars drove away, as if nothing had happened, leaving only a car full of bullet holes in place.

in the driver's seat.

"Cough cough."

Haotian's mouth and nose were bleeding, he stretched out his hand to unbuckle his seat belt, opened the door, got out of the car and fell to the ground.

at this time.

He couldn't feel any pain anymore, and there were at least five or six bullet wounds all over his body, mainly concentrated in his hands and feet, with blood gushing out from each.

The most fatal gunshot wound was in the abdomen.

Relying entirely on his own perseverance, Haotian struggled to climb to the villa on the mountain.

He also had doubts in his heart.

Why did it take so long for the shooting to happen, and no one from the guards at the villa came to check on the situation? I was also very confused as to who sent those six people just now.

The movement is so uniform and fast.

From shooting to leaving, the whole process did not exceed 1 minute.


Haotian was breathing heavily, blood was pouring down his throat, and there was a hoo hoo sound along with his breathing, he just crawled slowly on the ground, the blood oozing out from under his body stained the ground red.

After a lot of effort, he crawled forward about one meter, his limbs had lost any strength, and he was lying powerlessly on the ground.

Haotian looked up at the night sky, the night sky full of stars gradually doubled in his vision, and became more and more blurred.

He could clearly feel that his body's sense of strength was rapidly disappearing, or his vitality was rapidly disappearing, and his consciousness became more and more blurred.

Haotian's head fell to the side feebly.

In the sight of ghosts.

A tall young man was walking towards him unhurriedly.

Haotian almost subconsciously shouted in a weak voice: "Help me"

The man's pace was a little faster, he came to Haotian with big strides, and squatted down in front of him.

Haotian pulled himself together, raised his heavy eyelids with difficulty, and finally saw the person coming.

A handsome face was looking at him with a playful smile.

It was Zhong Wenze.

"Yo, isn't this Haotian?"

Zhong Wenze seemed to be surprised, and after exclaiming, he casually took out the cigarette in his pocket and lit it, took a puff and stuffed it into Haotian's mouth: "What's wrong with this? How did you get shot."

"Zhong Sheng...quick help"

Haotian, who was on the verge of death and extremely weak, after seeing Zhong Wenze, was so full of desire to survive that his subconscious reaction was to ask Zhong Wenze for help.


Just after he said two words, his voice stopped abruptly.

He was sober again.

Why did Zhong Wenze appear here at this time?
The meaning is self-evident.

"Are you still waiting for Brother Shan's people to rescue you?"

Zhong Wenze stared at him with his head down, and said in a playful tone: "I'll tell you a secret, brother Shan is dead, and all his troops have been dealt with by me."

The night wind blows.

Blow the bangs that hang down on his forehead.

"you ho ho"

Haotian's eyes widened, and he wanted to speak, but the only sound left was the throbbing of blood clogged in his throat.

"You know too much. Your performance tonight has successfully accelerated your death."

Zhong Wenze reached out and patted his face: "Have a cigarette, let's go."


Zhong Wenze propped up his knees and stood up, turned and left, leaving only one sentence without any fluctuation in tone: "Hua Zai, send Haotian on the road!"

Zhou Kehua took out the big black star from his back, loaded it neatly, aimed the gun at Haotian on the ground, and put his finger on the trigger to quickly pull it.

"Bang bang bang!"

The muzzle of the big black star opened fire in the dark night, and a series of gunshots echoed in the mountains and forests.

After the gun went off.

All that was left on the ground was a corpse covered in blood holes.

(End of this chapter)

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