Hong Kong Zong starts from the heroic character

Chapter 262 Do You Have Any Last Words?

Chapter 262 Do You Have Any Last Words?

The atmosphere in the room was inexplicably awkward at this moment.

Brother Zha's expression was extremely gloomy.

Originally, Brother Zha had no fear in the face of the muzzles of the two big black stars, because Zhong Wenze supported him.


With his roar, Zhong Wenze didn't show up, which made him feel a little nervous.

"I'm a silly nephew."

Brother Shan looked at Brother Zha with pity: "You still don't understand why you lost to Zhong Wenze? He is good at playing tricks!"

"The reason why he was kicked out by Henglian is ultimately due to you. If it weren't for you, the big brothers of Henglian might not have had the chance to kick Zhong Wenze away."

"And you just created an excuse for them. Zhong Wenze hated you a long time ago, so how could he choose to help you at this time?"

Brother Shan's tone gradually became tougher, his voice became louder and more confident: "He said that on purpose, tricking you to come here and use my hand to kill you."

"There is no need for him to take action at all, just a few words can solve you, why not do it?!"


Brother Shan looked around with some pride: "The reason why I called you here tonight is actually for me to regain control. I have already given you a step down."

"But you seem to be a bit disappointed, and you want to kill yourself!"

talking room.

In the inner room, two horsemen came out again with guns, pointing their guns at the three slag brothers.

These are all behind Brother Shan.

After making sure that nothing happened, Brother Shan didn't need to hide anymore.

"Except for the four confidantes in my room, outside the entire house, there are all my own direct descendants. With them guarding, it is impossible for Zhong Wenze to walk in openly."

"Will he let his own boy risk his life to quarrel with my people for you? It doesn't exist!"

At this time, Brother Shan is obviously a little talkative.

It's not that he likes to be long-winded.

It's that he hasn't said so many words in one breath for a long time.

It's not that he doesn't want to say it.

I have long been ostracized by brother scum, and I have no right to speak. In front of brother scum, I don't even have the chance to say more.

But now it's different.

Brother Zha is going to be a corpse soon, and he is the only person in charge of the company back then.

and so.

He said so much in a row in order to vent his extremely gloomy mood that he had suppressed for so long.

One word.

Raise your eyebrows!

It's really depressing!

"Do you have anyone else?"

Brother Shan's confidant, Ma Zai, heard the boss's words, and his tone became tougher. He pointed his gun at Ahu and sneered: "Brother Hu, you are famous for being able to fight here. Today, can you still fight?" ?”

Ah Hu was already grumpy, and when he heard this sentence, he immediately exploded, yelling and stepping forward: "Death to the street, if you have the ability, come out and fight one-on-one, I'll punch you out of shit!"

How dare a little pony boy dare to challenge him?

"Pujie, if you dare to move again, I will beat you to death!"

Mazi's big black star directly pressed Ahu's eyebrows: "I've been fucking with you for a long time, and I look down on anyone because I can beat you. How dare you disrespect brother Shan?"

"Aren't you good at shooting? You can beat my bullets!"

Ma Zai gritted his teeth, with a fierce expression on his face: "Come on, try it if you have the guts!"

Ah Hu gritted his teeth and stood there, staring at Ma Zai with bloodshot eyes, his chest heaving up and down due to his rapid breathing, but he didn't dare to move.


Brother Shan waved his hand, signaling Ma Zai to let go of Ah Hu and distance him.

"Speaking of which, I have to thank Zhong Wenze!"

He breathed heavily, and said with a bit of admiration: "If he hadn't encouraged you and given you the courage to support you, you probably wouldn't have dared to come here tonight."


Brother Zha's expression became extremely ugly, and he stared at Brother Shan coldly: "Our three brothers have done so many things for you over the years and managed the company like this. Unexpectedly, you have long wanted to get rid of us!"

"I bother!"

Brother Shan showed a reaction that didn't fit his age group. Like a child, he slapped the table and shouted loudly: "You three white-eyed wolves still have the face to say that you have done a lot for me?"


Because of the excitement, the blood vessels are highlighted.

"I handed over the company's affairs to you, how about you? The first time I thought about how to make me empty, and the people who cannibalized me step by step, completely made me empty!"

"At the beginning, if it wasn't for Alan's insistence, telling me not to hand over the location and manpower of the workshop to you, I'm afraid I wouldn't be alive today, and I would have killed you three white-eyed wolves hundreds of times. Already!"

"Do you know how I've been through the past few years?"

"I'm so fucking aggrieved!"

Brother Shan's face was flushed, and he almost roared out through gritted teeth:

"I, Dashan, used to be a self-made and well-known character in the Tao. When did I get reduced to this point, and I actually want to talk to you three white-eyed wolves?!"

His extremely immature behavior at this time is not because his brother Shan has no boss mentality, but because he is indeed too aggrieved and angry, so that he is a little hysterical now.

"But, it's different now!"

Brother Shan's tone changed from excitement to complacency. He looked at the three brothers Slag with high spirits, and said word by word: "If you kill the three of you, all the control will return to my hands again."

"I've been waiting for this day for too long!"

He took out a cigarette, his fingers trembling with excitement, and he did not ignite it even after rubbing the flint several times.

Alan handed over the lighter with jumping flames at the right time, helped him light the cigarette, and said indifferently: "Okay, Ah Shan, there is nothing more to say, let's just settle it."

Her mind was even more resolute and decisive than Brother Shan.

Brother Shan nodded when he heard the sound, then turned to look at the three brothers, Brother Zha, and resumed his usual attitude of a big brother, with a calm tone: "Do you have any last words?"

"Hem home shovel!"

Brother Zha was completely hopeless, looking at Brother Shan who was expressionless, he felt extremely desperate.

He was brought up by Brother Shan, and he has lived with Brother Shan for more than ten years. He knows Brother Shan's character very well, and he is decisive in killing and never procrastinating.

This time he was able to catch his breath. Today's self really doesn't have any chance.

"Li Dashan!"

Brother Zha called Brother Shan by his name, and shouted in the rest area: "Are you really going to kill the three of us? You killed the three of us, aren't you afraid that no one will take care of you in the future?!"

"Just the three of you?"

Brother Shan glanced wisely at Brother Zha and the three brothers: "It's just three white-eyed wolves, what's the use of you, relying on you to die for me? You just wish I was lying in the incinerator of the funeral parlor right now!"

"Uncle Shan!"

Brother Zha's face changed a few times again, looking at the four guns aimed at the three of them, his tone softened, and he begged: "I know I was wrong, this matter has nothing to do with the two of them, everything is mine idea."

"Tony and Ah Hu are just following my instructions. They don't have their own ideas, they just follow me to do things. You can kill me, please let them go!"

He spoke very fast, finished speaking in one breath, knelt down on the ground, gritted his teeth and said, "Uncle Shan, at least we are because you have raised us for so many years. Please let them go!"

"Big brother!"

"Get up quickly!"

"Don't ask him, we brothers are not afraid of death!"

"What are you afraid of, at most, you will be a hero again in 18 years!"

Tony and Ahu's expressions changed, they stretched out their hands to scold Brother Zha, gritted their teeth and roared.

"Tsk tsk."

Brother Shan grinned and shook his head: "It's really brotherly love, but it's a pity that you have no chance."

He knew very well what the consequences of leaving these two people behind were, and he couldn't let them go.

"Li Dashan!"

Brother Zha stared at Brother Shan with red eyes, his eyes were venomous and cold, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Can you stop beating my head and hit my heart, and give me a decent way to die!"

"That's it!"

Brother Shan's eyes met Brother Zha's, without any disturbance.

He breathed out the smoke lightly, raised his left hand with the cigarette in his hand, exerted force on his wrist to drive his palm down, and said in a cold and sharp tone:

Brother Zha gritted his teeth and stared at Brother Shan without resisting.

He knew very well that Brother Shan's four confidants were all pretty good, not to mention that now that he had a gun in his hand, resisting would only make his death worse.

Why not be decent?
He closed his eyes in despair, waiting for the arrival of death.

Following Brother Shan's order.

The four guns were aimed at the three of Brother Zha, and they held fire at the same time.




A series of gunshots rang out, exploding in Brother Zha's ears.


His mind was blank, without any other thoughts, only waiting for the arrival of death, but there was no pain.

With a sound of falling to the ground.

The room fell into a brief silence.

"Zhong Wenze!"

Brother Shan's hurried and terrified voice suddenly sounded: "It's you!"

The three words Zhong Wenze exploded in Brother Zha's mind, he opened his eyes almost reflexively, and looked in front of him in disbelief.

The four confidants with guns all fell to the ground with bullets between their eyebrows, and even the cover of one's sky was lifted, and red and white were scattered all over the ground. The dead image was extremely ugly.

Brother Shan leaned against the sofa, looking at the door in fear.

Brother Zha turned his head.

Zhong Wenze stood at the door with a smile on his face.


Zhou Kehua Xiaoliu and the others, all in white shirts, were smoking from their muzzles, and all pointed inside.

"Sorry, I'm late."

Zhong Wenze stepped in, stood beside Brother Zha, and said with some embarrassment: "There is a traffic jam on the road, and I came a little late, but fortunately, I came in time."

"My mother"

Brother Zha looked at the handsome face in front of him, angry and happy.

Zhong Wenze didn't lie to himself when he rushed to the street. He came here at this critical moment. Although it was a bit late, it was better in time.

At this moment, Brother Scumbag was filled with a sense of luck for the rest of his life, and for a moment he found Zhong Wenze's handsome face a bit pleasing to the eye.

There is a sense of luck of being taken care of by the savior.

"Zhong Wenze!"

Brother Shan's fingers trembled, he looked at Zhong Wenze in disbelief, gritted his teeth and shouted, "How is that possible!"

He didn't want to believe that these were all true, so he yelled at the people in the resting area outside: "Come on, come on! People are coming in, what are the bunch of trash outside doing!"

"Don't shout, it's very noisy at night, and it will disturb the neighbors."

Zhong Wenze stretched out his hands and picked his ears in disgust: "Oh, sorry, I forgot that Brother Shan lives in a single-family villa, and there are no neighbors around."

"Where are my people and my people!"

Brother Shan still didn't give up, his voice was a little softer, but he kept repeating.

"It's been resolved long ago!"

Zhong Wenze spread his hands with an innocent face: "We want to come in, they are blocking the way, we can't come in if we don't solve them, so we have no choice but to solve everything."

He sighed, and said lightly: "I didn't say that, the quality of your horse boys is really too bad, and it's easy to solve. Alas, there is no challenge at all."

"Now, they are all tied up outside."

"you you."

Brother Shan's face was ashen, and the last trace of luck left in his heart was instantly annihilated.

for a short period of time.

Brother Shan's heart was ups and downs like a roller coaster, his breathing was short of breath, he couldn't catch his breath for a while, and his face turned red.

Alan subconsciously took a few steps back, his face pale and bloodless.

The moment she saw Zhong Wenze appear, she always knew the ending.


Total failure.

"Uncle Shan!"

For the rest of his life after the catastrophe, Brother Zha quickly recovered his mentality. He stepped forward to hug Brother Shan's shoulder and stretched out his hand to help him pat his back, and put on a smiling expression:
"Look at you, don't get excited, how old you are, too excited can easily pull your heart"

"You, cough, cough"

Brother Shan pointed at Zhong Wenze, his arms trembling in the sky: "How dare you bring someone to beat me, those big guys from Henglian, they won't let you go, you bastard!"


Zhong Wenze was speechless when he heard the words, and looked at Brother Shan aggrievedly: "Brother Shan, how could you say that about me, in fact, I don't want to do that either, I don't want to hurt anyone."

"If you honestly take me to see your workshop, wouldn't it be fine?"

"If you don't bring me with you when you discuss cooperation with Henglian and the big guys, then you'll be fine?"

Zhong Wenze snapped his fingers, and began to mention examples one by one, saying one by one: "Look, I can't help it. If you don't take the initiative to mess with me, I won't mess with you either."

Brother Shan gasped heavily: "You fucking"

"When you touched me, didn't you think that today would happen?!"

The smile on Zhong Wenze's face suddenly disappeared, and his tone was indifferent: "I have no shortcomings, but I am too vengeful. No one has ever dared to think of me, and I am the only one who thinks of others."

"You're not the first to hit me, and you won't be the last, but you all have a common destination"

He left a word coldly.

Zhong Wenze turned around directly and went out: "Brother Scum, I'll give you 15 minutes, can you solve the problem?"

"Brother Xie Ze!"

Brother Zha was in a good mood, waved at Zhong Wenze, and watched him go out.


Brother Zha's eyes fell on Brother Shan who was being hugged by him, and he sneered, "Do you have any last words?"

Brother Shan froze, inexplicably silent.

Never knew this sentence before.

I just finished talking to Brother Zha 3 minutes ago.

did not expect.

In the blink of an eye, the situation has changed drastically, and the situation has changed.

And all of this is due to the back of the tall, straight white shirt with his back facing him smoking and standing outside the door.

(End of this chapter)

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