Hong Kong Zong starts from the heroic character

Chapter 248 Is it illegal to drag?

Chapter 248 Is it illegal to drag?

"Brothers, let's go first."

Alan heard that several people began to exchange opinions, and knew that it was time for him to leave.

The goal has been achieved, and what they do next has nothing to do with them.

"Take the banknotes with you."

Uncle Da glanced at the box full of dollar bills on the table, and opened his mouth to shout.


Alan smiled and shook his head: "Wait for me."


She turned and went outside, and took out another suitcase from the trunk of the car.

put it on the table.

turn on.

"We came here with full sincerity. This matter is not only about my future with Brother Shan."

Alan stacked the cash box with both hands and pushed it forward, and pushed it in front of the four of them: "Similarly, this matter is also related to Henglian's future."

"Back then, Brother Shan relied on the care of several older brothers to get what he is today."

"This time, I think we can work together again."

Speaking of it.

She tilted her head to look at Brother Shan who had not spoken.

"Several big brothers."

Brother Shan cupped his hands and played the emotional card: "My heart is still the same."


Uncle Da groaned.

this time.

He didn't ask Shan Ge Alan to take the banknotes away, and watched the two leave as they left.

until they disappear.

Only then did Uncle Da reach out and pull the two boxes in front of him, put his fingers into the banknotes, and bend the dollar bills with his thumbs.

"Whoa Whoah"


Uncle Da took a deep breath and pondered: "Well, it tastes like the original dollar bill, it's wonderful."

"It seems that this time the matter is even more serious than expected. Lao Shan has lost all his money by spending so many dollars all at once."


Uncle Biao pondered for a while, and looked at the banknote in front of him with flickering eyes: "Laoshan's situation is so serious, why don't we go all out and take him down too."

"Although Lao Shan has been cooperating with us for so long, his control over his subordinates' business has long been out of his own hands."

"We took this opportunity to swallow them and pay Lao Shan a fee afterwards, which is considered as the most benevolent."

He paused for a moment, then nodded approvingly: "That's pretty good too, it's better than being swallowed up by Ah Jag and kicked out with nothing?"

This is their most original idea.

This is why, they will always let Zhong Wenze do this.


Now a little mishap happened.


Alan's words hit the taboo point in their hearts.

"Alan is right."

Uncle Da tapped his fingers on the table rhythmically, showing a thoughtful expression: "Ah Ze, maybe I will lose control in the end."

When he said that, everyone was silent for a while, and each thought about it.

Zhong Wenze's performance was too good, so they also started to be taboo.

It is enough to win the market in Saigon, just change the management.

As for Brother Shan, we have cooperated with them for so many years, and it is inevitable to continue to cooperate.

Zhong Wenze's threat is the biggest, and it is so big that he has made great achievements.

"I approve of working with Alan."

Uncle Da took the lead in expressing his opinion.

"I agree too."

Uncle Hua followed closely.

"After all, he used to follow Ah Hao, a [-]-year-old boy."

Uncle Biao sighed: "If he becomes like Ah Hao by then, he will hit the streets."

The eyes of the three fell on Yao Changqing, waiting for his attitude.

"That's true, but."

Yao Changqing took a heavy bite of the cigarette, hesitant to speak.

He himself disagrees.

Because Baishawan Pier is his own.

The few of you said it lightly, saying that Zhong Wenze was assigned to manage the dock.

What if this kid takes control of his dock with his backhand?
"No buts."

Uncle Da interrupted him directly, urging: "Now is not the time to take care of this."

"Take advantage of the present to discard Zhong Wenze, and when the overall situation is stable, squeeze him to the side and weaken him step by step."

"That's right, putting him on the pier is just the first step, slowly weakening him and lifting him up."

"It's not realistic to kick him away at once."

"That's right, it's a big deal. You can take one of these two boxes of dollar bills yourself, and we will share the rest."

"That's it, it's not a big problem, if Zhong Wenze is emptied, what threat can he have?"

Uncle Da, Uncle Biao, and Uncle Hua, you speak directly to each other.

Under their urging, Yao Changqing could only nod: "Then let's do it first."


Down the winding mountain road.

Alan drove the car down at a low speed, while Brother Shan was sitting in the co-pilot, smoking a cigarette: "Alan, you did a good job."

"After what you said, I already have a strong feeling that they will cooperate with us."

"My role is minimal, what matters is that I get to the point."

Alan looked ahead with flickering eyes: "It's only Zhong Wenze who is to blame for being too ambitious."

"He is too sharp, enough to make them deeply taboo."


Brother Shan sighed with some emotion, and put his palm on Alan's thigh: "Fortunately, you are here. If it weren't for you, I might have been killed by that savage Ah Zha long ago."

"I will always be with you."

Alan's face was reddish, he stepped on the brake, pressed against his ear, and exhaled like Lan: "Shall we go to the hotel outside?"


Brother Shan's face froze, a little embarrassed: "Forget it, let's go home directly."

He doesn't know what's wrong with his body, that thing doesn't work when he's in his 40s.

Over the years, I have been seeking medical treatment everywhere, whether it is traditional Chinese medicine or Western medicine, I have tried all kinds of wolf and tiger medicines, but nothing has worked.

Later, there was a monk who said that the yang energy in his body had dissipated and he couldn't go back.

Over the years, not only did the two of them have no children, but they also saved that aspect, not to mention how much resentment there was.


Alan caught Brother Shan's face, and didn't continue to talk tactfully, but looked at him resentfully, and continued to drive.

A car passed by.

In the Mercedes.

Sister Mei controlled the steering wheel, looked at Brother Shan and Alan in the car, and frowned slightly.

What are the two of them doing here?

Sister Mei kicked the accelerator and rushed to the top of the mountain quickly.

The car continued down.

driving forward.

Zhou Kehua met him in his car, and it happened that this was a one-way lane, and the two cars met.

"What a coincidence, Ze."

Alan looked at Zhong Wenze, the co-pilot in the white shirt, and leaned out half of his body: "Make way for Sister Lan."

"Brother Ze."

Zhou Kehua controlled the steering wheel, seeking Zhong Wenze's opinion: "How should I say it?"

"Why did the two of them come here? It seems that they deliberately avoided you."

"Ha ha."

Zhong Wenze snorted, looked at the smiling Alan, rolled down the window of Santana, and leaned out: "Sister Lan, Brother Shan, what a coincidence."

"This is, go up to talk to the boss and the others? Why don't you wait for me."

"Oh, you big Buddha, how dare I sit with you and discuss things."

Alan responded with a half-smile, but pointedly: "However, there are some things, it's better that you don't know, after all, you are also an outsider."


As soon as Zhou Kehua's expression changed, he was about to poke his head out to scold people, but was stopped by Zhong Wenze.

"Well, that makes sense."

Zhong Wenze nodded with a calm smile, showing his white teeth: "Then don't bother me."

"That...Hua Zai, make way for Sister Lan."


Zhong Wenze withdrew his body, took out the soft box Marlboro in his pocket, squinted and clicked it.

driver's seat.

Zhou Kehua looked at Zhong Wenze's expression, his hands and feet were motionless, without any operation.

Alan looked at Zhou Kehua, who was unmoved, with sharp eyes.

"Grass, hit the street!"

Zhong Wenze cursed loudly, and scolded anxiously: "Didn't you see Sister Lan and Brother Shan? Why don't you back up and give way."

"Sister Lan, Brother Shan, who are you?"

Zhou Kehua slammed the ground, the voice was not too loud, just enough to be heard by both cars: "I don't fucking know them, what way should I give way?!"

"Hey, it's not big or small."

Zhong Wenze was happy, and the smile on his face became even more intense.

"Brother Ze, if you want to give way, then you should go down."

Zhou Kehua captured Zhong Wenze's expression, and his tone became a bit louder: "I'm fucking going up now, no matter who he is, I have to give way to me."

"If you don't let me, then I'll be stuck here. I don't have anything, but I have time."

"I've been with Brother Ze for so long, everyone who stood in our way has fallen, who the hell dares to stand in my way now."

"If we want to move forward, there is no habit of retreating."

"Death to the street, you"

How could brother Shan fail to hear something in Zhou Kehua's words? How dare a younger brother dare to criticize and scold him?

"Okay, if you don't retreat, we will."

Alan stretched out his hand to hold Brother Shan, who was about to get angry, and looked at Zhong Wenze in a cold voice: "Not bad, Aze, not only you, but even the younger brothers under your hands, are you pulling like this?!"

"Oh, I'm sorry, Sister Lan, my little brother is like a fool, it's useless to say anything."

Zhong Wenze responded with a smile: "However, there is nothing wrong with dragging, and dragging is not against the law. What law stipulates that people cannot be dragged."


Alan gritted his teeth, frowned, and started to reverse the car: "It's not illegal to drag, I hope you can keep dragging."

"Then thank you, Sister Lan, for giving me a good word from Sister Lan."

Zhong Wenze had a strong smile on his face, biting a cigarette butt and straightening his shirt collar: "If you don't pull it, you're a fool. There are still two days left. Remember to show me your production workshop."

"Since you want to see it so much, you are welcome to come and visit at any time."

When Alan said this, his tone became a little higher, and he added: "If you still have this right."

"Ha ha."

Zhong Wenze squinted at the backing car, and suddenly guessed a general idea in his heart.

They talked to a few of their bosses, but deliberately avoided themselves, so it must be related to business matters.


Alan parked the car at the wrong spot and looked at Zhong Wenze with a half-smile.

Zhou Kehua stepped on the accelerator and drove forward.

Zhong Wenze met Alan's eyes expressionlessly, grabbed the armrest of the co-pilot, and said in a calm and unwavering tone:

"Hua Zai, step on the gas pedal and hit them."

"it is good!"

Zhou Kehua responded, stepped on the gas pedal, and the car rushed out.


He swung the steering wheel and directly rammed Alan's car, which was parked next to the cliff at the wrong spot.


Brother Shan was so frightened that he lost his soul, and instinctively leaned to the side.

Alan's expression was even more horrified, unbelievable.

Seeing that they were about to hit each other.


Zhong Wenze issued an order again.

Zhou Kehua quickly called back, the car was almost next to Alan's car, and the two cars stopped side by side.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!"

Zhou Kehua put on the handbrake, took out a cigarette and lit it, pretending to be surprised and said: "My broken car is always out of control. Damn it, I was scared to death just now."

"If I didn't collect it in time, I really knocked brother Shan down. I'm really sorry."

"Fall on the street!"

Brother Shan gritted his teeth and was about to curse, but Alan stopped him again.

She regained her composure before, and said in a neutral tone: "That's how it is."


Zhong Wenze stared at Alan with a smile, looking at her from top to bottom.

The eyes are naked.

Smile playfully.

"Zhong Wenze!"

Brother Shan leaned forward and poked his head out: "It's almost done, let's go quickly, young people are too crazy, this is not a good thing."

He is a man, so he can understand Zhong Wenze's eyes just now.

Those eyes are absolutely impure and colored.

Zhong Wenze ignored him, and looked at Alan with a half-smile: "Sister Lan, I took a closer look just now."

Rubbing his chin with his fingers, he acted like he was thinking and reasoning: "Your figure is well maintained, with a protruding front and back, and you don't have a bucket waist."

"It's just that your complexion is too dark and yellow. Even with makeup on, you still lack blood and your skin looks a little rough."

"Let me tell you, if a woman wants to have a rosy complexion, cosmetics can't change it. It still depends on people, men, and hard work."

"Only when it is moisturized can it exude that feeling of love from the inside out, you know."

Speaking of it.

Zhong Wenze paused, and looked at Brother Shan solemnly: "Brother Shan, you have to work hard to marry such a young and beautiful wife."

"It's okay if you can't, just bite the bullet."


Brother Shan's face was ashen, and the pain in his heart was stabbed severely by Zhong Wenze, which was extremely disgusting.

For a man, this is undoubtedly the most taboo thing.


Zhong Wenze waved to the two of them, and Zhou Kehua stepped on the accelerator.


Brother Shan panted heavily, staring viciously at the back of the upward car, gritted his teeth and said:
"This Zhong Wenze will kill him sooner or later."

"Forget it, he's just a quick talker."

Alan's face was also a little ugly, and he looked at the direction of the car coldly: "I hope he can still laugh after a while."


Brother Shan gritted his teeth and replied, "Let's go to the hotel."


Alan froze for a moment, looked at Brother Shan, her lips twitched, and she really wanted to say, "Are you ready?"


After all, he didn't say anything, and nodded silently: "Okay, as long as you are happy."

(End of this chapter)

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