Chapter 234 I'm Cracked

In a black plastic bag.

The first is to wrap it in yellow waterproof kraft paper.

Open the kraft paper, and inside is the goods in the plastic packaging bag.

On the gap of the yellow kraft paper seal, a series of digital codes printed on the seal can be clearly seen.

Brother Zha looked at this string of digital codes, his eyes fixed on it, and he froze in place.

I froze for a while.

His body trembled, and he rushed over excitedly, holding the package of goods in his hand, and his breathing became rapid.

With the sound of heavy panting, the chest rose and fell rapidly.

"how is this possible!"

"This is."

Tony and Ahu, who were standing beside Brother Zha, also became short of breath, staring at the goods in Brother Zha's hand with expressions of disbelief.


"This fucking is our product?!"

Tony and Ahu looked at each other with ugly faces, and stammered: "Is this the batch of goods we went to?"

When they saw the packaging of the goods, why did they feel so familiar?

It wasn't until they saw the string of codes on the package that the three of them fully realized that this was the shipment they sent to Yuenan through Gao Yingpei's line a few days ago?
It is self-evident what this means for the goods that were supposed to go further and further, now appearing at Zhong Wenze's place.

The two people who reacted did not know when their foreheads began to sweat.


"Zhong Wenze!"

Brother Zha's mentality exploded in an instant, and he turned around with a roar, his eyes were bloodshot and he rushed towards Zhong Wenze with an excited expression, and was blocked by three big black stars pointing at his head in an instant.

"Look, look, you're impatient."

Zhong Wenze snorted, and put down the glass in his hand: "I told you a long time ago, don't tell you, but you insist on jumping up, can you blame me?"

"It's all right now, you shed tears when you know the truth."

"It's not my fault."

"Grass your mother!"

Brother Zha blushed and pointed at Zhong Wenze's nose: "Fuck you, you fuck me, you dare fuck me."

"Brother slag, what you said is wrong."

Zhong Wenze shook his head approvingly, the smile on his face disappeared immediately, and turned into incomparable indifference: "You dare to reach out to my market, why don't I dare to touch your goods?"

"However, speaking of it, I have to thank Brother Scum."

"I was still thinking about how to cash out with so many goods in my hand. Who knew that you were very active and kept recycling in your hand. Now you have already consumed more than half of it for me."

"As expected of you."


Zhong Wenze looked at Brother Scum with pity in his eyes: "What? You still can't figure it out, how did I intercept the batch of goods that you drove towards Yue Nan?"

"This is impossible!"

Brother Zha seemed to be in a frenzy, shaking his head and talking to himself: "This is impossible, obviously our people have been watching you all the time, and you didn't move at all, how could you intercept this batch of goods."


Zhong Wenze pouted contemptuously: "What's the use of staring at me?"

"Didn't you notice that Zhou Kehua and the others haven't shown up for the past few days while you were shipping the goods?"

"What's the use of staring at me, they are the ones doing the work, idiot!"


Brother Zha squinted his eyes and stared at Zhong Wenze: "I don't believe it, you are definitely deceiving me."

"Hua Zai, tell Brother Scumbag a story so that he dies clearly."

Zhong Wenze returned to his seat with a lack of interest, picked up the Marlboro soft pack cigarettes on the coffee table, and sent one to Mark Li: "Brother Ma, smoke a cigarette and listen to the story."

"Speak quickly."

Wrapped in a cigarette, Ma Keli urged Zhou Kehua: "I'm curious, how do you operate without anyone noticing."

"Cough cough."

Zhou Kehua cleared his throat, straightened his tie, and said solemnly, "Finally it's my turn to play."

"Okay, don't be a fart!"

Mark Li laughed and cursed and urged: "Hurry up, I can't wait to know how Aze operates."

"Brother Zha should also want to know very much, right?"

Zhou Kehua glanced at the eyes that were focused on him, and smiled cheaply: "Since it is everyone's attention, then I will start talking."

"It was a dark and windy night. Brother Zha went to a private club secretly, without noticing that someone was following him behind him."

"Of course, with my superb tracking skills, it's normal that Brother Scumbag can't find me."

He paused, showing a proud attitude, and his voice was a little higher, full of confidence: "Just kidding, I, Zhou Kehua, is the number one under Brother Ze, I think back then"

Mark Lee's mental activity: "..."

Brother Zha's mental activity: "I want to kill someone."

"Fuck off!"

Zhong Wenze gave him an angry look, kicked him down, looked up at the ceiling, lost in memory: "Let me tell the story."

nine days ago.

Zhou Kehua said: "Brother Ze, you said you have the goods, where are they?"

Zhong Wenze said deeply, "This batch of goods is in your hands."

"Brother Ze, I can swear on my conscience, I have been with you for so long, and I have never done anything to be sorry to you."

Zhou Kehua's face changed drastically when he heard the words, and his speech speed was also a bit hasty. He said full of grievances: "Since I took over, I have never had the idea of ​​making goods."

"I'm not saying you stole the goods."

Zhong Wenze shook his head with a smile: "I mean, this batch of goods can appear from your hands."

He leaned into Zhou Kehua's ear and said quickly: "Right now, Brother Scumbag is determined to fight us to the end, and the most difficult thing for him now is to ship goods to the Yuenan line."

"You take the second child and the others to secretly stare at the scumbags and the others. They will definitely contact the channel secretly. As long as we can intercept the goods in their hands, we will have the goods."

"Ah, this"

When Zhou Kehua heard this, he fell into a stupor for a moment: "That's right, why didn't I think of it, if we do this, we can kill two birds with one stone!"

"As expected of you, it's simply wonderful!"

Zhong Wenze waved his hand and signaled him to go down: "Okay, you go down and do it, and you must keep an eye on them."


Zhou Kehua nodded, and immediately went down to act.

this evening.

Brother Zha went to the private club to talk to Gao Yingpei about cooperation, but he didn't notice it at all. He followed them from a distance and stared at them.

"Brother Ze guessed it right. After following for several days, there is finally some movement."

Zhou Kehua sat in the car with the fourth child, the second child and the third child, and watched from afar the scumbag and his party entering the private club, muttering in a low voice, "I guess, they must be looking for someone to discuss the sale of goods."

(End of this chapter)

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