Hong Kong Zong starts from the heroic character

Chapter 219 Brother Ze Is My Savior

Chapter 219 Brother Ze Is My Savior

in the villa.

Zhong Wenze and his team exchanged cups, enjoying the meal.

Ah Hu and his party of five felt a bit bitter.

It's fine if they don't have food, and they have to act as housekeepers and clean up under the gunpoint of the old five. How have they ever suffered such humiliation, let alone gnashing their teeth.

Hard work.

Finally, it was twelve o'clock.

Zhong Wenze did not break his promise, and let them go according to the previous agreement. A group of five people fled from here quickly, fearing that Zhong Wenze would go back on his word and leave them here.

"Drop your mother."

Ah Hu opened the door and got into the co-pilot, took out a cigarette, and cursed viciously: "A group of people rushing to the street, trash, your performance is zero tonight, what use are you for."


Ma Zai's eyes were resentful, and he didn't speak when he heard Ah Hu's scolding, but his heart was full of murmurs: You said it as if you were useful, why didn't you just raise your hand and surrender without doing anything?

But no one dared to speak.

For the operation tonight, a group of five of them went there, and nothing was done. Not to mention cleaning up for others for three or four hours, all the five black stars they brought over were confiscated before they were shot.

Lost the wife and broke down again.

Who dares to open their mouths to refute.

The car turned around and drove down the mountain.

A downhill section ahead.

open open.

The rear wheel of the tire suddenly exploded with a bang.


The horse boy who was driving was taken aback, and with an exclamation, he hastily pinched the steering wheel, watching the ravine in front of him step on the brakes.

But the car still didn't have any tendency to slow down, and rushed down the mountain without slowing down: "The brakes failed."

He was controlling the steering wheel with sweat on his forehead, but the speed of the car was too fast on this downhill road, and he had lifted the accelerator before, and even blew a tire, rushing down into the ravine below.

Just for a second.

The out-of-control car plunged down the mountain.


Ahu's heart beat faster from fright, he grabbed the steering wheel immediately, and slammed into the mountain on the inner side of the road.

Fortunately, the control was timely and the direction was quickly adjusted.

The front of the car went straight into the hillside, the hood was tilted up, and smoke was coming out. Several people were touched, but fortunately there were no casualties.

There was a cavity of anger in Ah Hu's heart that he couldn't vent, and it started to explode in an instant.

"Trash, trash!"

He stabilized his body, raised his fist and punched and kicked the horse boy who was driving: "Fuck you, a bunch of trash, don't think about getting money this month."


at this time.

A car horn blares from behind.

A black sedan pulled up beside them, its windows down.

Zhou Kehua leaned out his upper body from the co-pilot, holding back a smile: "Oh, Brother Hu, what's wrong? You're very powerful, why can't you control a car?"

"fuck you"

A Hu angrily took off the hat on his head, and punched the car door.

"Brother Hu is so angry, calm down."

Zhou Kehua triumphantly made a gesture of shooting at him, and said cheaply: "Anger can't solve any problems, do you need me to call for rescue? It's late at night, and there is no one in this mountain." .”

To say it's cheap.

Zhou Kehua is a first-class expert.

"Need not!"

Ahu almost squeezed two words out of his teeth, and gave Zhou Kehua a vicious look.

Even if he was brainless, he guessed that the car accident must have something to do with Zhou Kehua and the others, but he had no choice but to dare not find fault.

Now in someone else's territory, going up to find fault is tantamount to seeking death.

"Okay, since Brother Hu doesn't want to help, I'll go first."

Zhou Kehua retracted his body, then seemed to think of something again, poked his head out again: "By the way, the five of you should be more careful and pay attention to your personal safety."

"Brother Scum spent 500 million to redeem the five of you. If something goes wrong, we won't be able to explain it. It will affect our reputation, Brother Ze, so remember to protect your dog's life."

"Go away!"


He patted the roof of the car with his palm, leaving behind a trail of exhaust fumes, with a cheap swishing look, it was murderous.

"My mother"

Ahu stared gloomyly at the taillights of the car that disappeared into the curve, then turned his gaze to look at the boys inside the car again, and then punched and kicked again: "Trash, just you guys, it's worth 500 million! "


Zhou Kehua was wrapped in a cigarette in an extremely comfortable mood. Sitting in the car, he could faintly hear the painful howling of the horse boy from behind. It's a better way to relieve anger than beating the opponent with fists."



The fifth child who was driving also grinned: "That's not true, I also heard Brother Ze say that we also have a share in this big villa."

"Brother Ze already planned it when he was renovating. We don't need to live in an apartment in the future, and we can directly live in a big villa."

The fifth child also looked sad.

Two months ago.

The six brothers are still low-level horse boys who are waiting to die behind Huo Shi. It has only been a short while, and their salary, living conditions and status have doubled several times.

While the two were chatting, they came to the blind snake's territory first.

Because of the phone call in advance, Blind Snake knew that Zhou Kehua had something to explain when he came to deliver the goods at night, so he went out and waited in person.

"Brother Snake."

Zhou Kehua glanced at Ma Zai who was handing over, took out a cigarette and gave it to the blind snake.

"Smack me and mine."

Blind Snake quickly waved his hand, took out a box of cigars, took out one and handed it to Zhou Kehua, and lit him personally. Under the jumping flames, the tattoo on his hand was conspicuous.

"not bad."

Zhou Kehua wrapped his cigar happily: "Brother Blind Snake is doing well now."


Blind Snake's face was flushed, it seemed that the development during this period was really good, and he let out a sigh of relief: "Thanks to Hua Tsai's mentioning it when he passed the message, I came here to discuss cooperation with Brother Ze."

"It wasn't for Brother Ze who gave me the opportunity, I wouldn't be able to develop to where I am now."


The discussion of cooperation that night was simply a turning point in the lives of the four major gangs of Blind Snake.

In just a few months, both the money earned and the power of his subordinates have doubled compared to before, and a lot of things have been saved.

"Hehe, it's right to hang out with Brother Ze."

Zhou Kehua smiled and nodded, and the two walked to the side, and began to convey Zhong Wenze's instructions:

In the last week, we must strictly control the speed and quantity of shipments in our hands. No matter how high the price is, do not ship. After a week, the price can be raised desperately, and you can pay as much as you want.

"Remember, one week."

Zhou Kehua added a point again: "After a week, how much the price will be raised is up to you, and the difference you earn will be yours, but whoever dares to sneak in the goods, hehe, then don't blame Brother Ze for being cruel."

"Listen to Brother Ze's instructions!"

Blind Snake made a promise with a serious face, patted his chest and said: "Brother Ze is my savior, I will do whatever he says!"

Although he didn't know what happened, as long as it was not harmful to him in principle, he should do everything Zhong Wenze said.

Cooperate with Zhong Wenze, the more you eat, the better.


Zhou Kehua nodded approvingly: "By the way, there is another matter, please pay attention to it."

 Condolences on the death of Uncle Wu Meng Dada.

  People of our generation have basically watched his movies, which left a good memory for our childhood.

  In that era, many good characters were created in Hong Kong dramas. There are too many classic images like Cao Dahua who eat soft food and hard food.

  respectable actor, go well
(End of this chapter)

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