Hong Kong Zong starts from the heroic character

Chapter 184 Let me tell you another secret

Chapter 184 Tell You Another Secret

It is Saipan's personal experience to place an object that may reveal the position near him.

He has experience on the battlefield. On the battlefield, especially in a sniper duel, any detail may expose his position.

This detail may come from external environmental factors, or it may be because of something on your body, or your gun.

Although he couldn't judge the opponent's depth, and didn't know whether the opponent would be fooled, he still did it on purpose in order to attract the enemy's attention.

Once the opponent makes a mistake in judgment, he will die.

Saipan squinted his eyes and continued to catch the movement around him.

The two faced each other in this silent environment.


got windy.

The breeze blows the grass in front of you, and the weeds rise and fall in the breeze.


Xiao Liu, who had been staring at the change in the luster of the grass at ten o'clock, suddenly found that at nine o'clock, the ups and downs of the grass were slightly different from those around him.

The surrounding grass is swaying in the breeze.

And that patch of grass.

Some of the weeds are swaying in the wind.

And a small portion.

The tip of the grass is moving.

The grass doesn't move!

The grass was suppressed by something!
There is someone in the grass!

The corners of Xiao Liu's eyes narrowed extremely quickly, the finger on the trigger stopped hesitating, and he pressed it down forcefully, the muzzle of the gun twisted accordingly, and fired repeatedly at the pile of grass.

While shooting.

His hands and feet exerted strength at the same time, supporting his body to roll to the side.

almost the same time.

Saipan also noticed the subtle difference between the pile of weeds at four o'clock in front of him and the surrounding weeds after the wind picked up.

With his rich experience, his judgment is more accurate, quicker and decisive, and his shooting time is even earlier than that of Xiaoliu.

He raised the muzzle of the gun without hesitation, aimed at that position and quickly pulled the trigger.

"bang bang bang"

"bang bang bang"

in the forest.

Suddenly there was intense gunfire.

under close range.

Two balls of flame danced in the night.

Xiaoliu Saipan and the two were shooting at each other fiercely.

in the house.

Sera turned her head subconsciously, and looked through the window at the distant mountains and forests.

A few seconds later.

The mountains and forests returned to tranquility.

"cough cough"

Saipan was lying on the ground, panting heavily, and with the sound of panting, the whole person coughed violently, and blood sprayed out of his mouth.

"How... how is it possible!"

His eyeballs were bloodshot and he stared at the position in front of him: "How could he find out where I am!"

on his neck.

Blood was bubbling out of a blood hole, dyeing the dark green weeds dark red, and the head tilted, and there was no life left.

To death.

He didn't even want to believe that how could such an ordinary gangster under Zhong Wenze find his place in such an extreme environment.

"Puff puff."

Panting heavily, Xiao Liu climbed up from below and lay down beside Saipan.

There was a gunshot wound on his leg and lower abdomen, and the oozing blood stained his clothes.


If he hadn't jumped up and changed his position in time while shooting, he would already be a corpse now.

Xiao Liu bit his pale and bloodless lips, replaced the empty magazine, and fired a few more shots at Saipan's body.

Done with this.

He pulled his throat and roared loudly to the following:

"Xiao Liu, complete the task!"

The roar echoed in the empty mountain forest, reaching the ears of everyone present.

The fifth child no longer imposed any coercion, and leaned towards the surrounding private houses immediately, stuck to the window position on the first floor of the private houses, and guarded his position.

"Sera, your people are gone!"

Hearing Xiao Liu's loud and weak voice, Zhong Wenze's tone became a bit lower: "Surrender, I won't kill you!"

in the room.


The middle-aged man who was injured in the firefight looked at Sera with a pale face: "We have already lost, why don't we go out, maybe there is still."

"Bang bang."

Before he could finish his sentence, his head was directly blown away by the bullet.

Sera kicked his body down, and changed the magazine with red eyes and gritted his teeth: "Grass mud horse, my brother is gone, you still want to surrender?!"


Close the magazine.

Serra raised his gun and fired indiscriminately outside, roaring: "Zhong Wenze, if you fucking have the ability to shoot in, even if I die with you, I will blow you up!"

"Don't dare to come in, just wait for the police to come and clean you up!"

"You blow me up?!"

Zhong Wenze's eyes widened, and he stepped back to the side, looking at Ma Keli: "Brother Ma, cover me!"

"Fire the gun!"

Mark Lee yelled, put on a brand new magazine, stood out from behind the bunker, pointed the muzzle of the gun at the wooden door of the room, and pulled the trigger directly.

"Da da da"

Among the fierce gunfire.

Only then did Zhou Kehua and the others come to their senses, and raised their guns one after another to shoot at the wooden doors or windows, and fired into the house.

No skill, just recklessness.

In the fierce gunfire, the indoor room on the first floor was surrounded by flying bullets, gravel flew randomly, coffee tables, tables and chairs, etc., were covered with bullet holes under the pouring of bullets.

Sera and the remaining men squatted behind the bunker, not daring to show their heads.


Holding guns in both hands, Zhong Wenze stepped into the room and directly hugged the two of them.

under close range.

Remington's power was exerted to the extreme, directly lifting the rubble in the corner where he was hiding.

Beneath the sputtered gravel.

The middle-aged man raised Black Star to see Zhong Wenze who was about to shoot when he walked in. The blood hole in his chest exploded, and he was directly thrown away by Remington's huge impact.



Zhong Wenze walked inside with big strides, repeatedly pulling the barrel of the gun and pulling the trigger, and Serra was so pressed that he didn't even dare to show his head.

He went straight to Sierra, pointing the muzzle of the black hole at his head: "Grass mud horse, where's your courage? Didn't you say you're going to blow me up to death? Come on, I'm in front of you now."


Sierra looked at Zhong Wenze in front of him and was about to shoot.


A loud bang.

Sera's hand holding the gun exploded directly, and the severed limb fell to the ground, twitching non-stop.

"This time, are you convinced?!"

Zhong Wenze rolled the barrel of the gun expressionlessly, and glanced coldly at Sera, who was clutching her broken right hand, with a painful expression: "Do you think that I, Zhong Wenze, are not fully prepared?"


Sera's eyes were red, staring at Zhong Wenze.

"Winner and loser, I will take over your place for you."

Zhong Wenze rested his finger on the trigger, leaned forward a little, lowered his body and whispered, "I'll tell you another secret."

"Do you know why I can get away from the police every time you make trouble for me? Do you know why the police haven't come yet after fighting for so long tonight?"

The corners of his mouth were raised slightly, and he said coldly, "I'm a policeman!"


Sela's eyes widened, startled.


Remington spewed tongues of flame, opened Sera's head and smashed it to pieces, splashing red and white all over the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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