Chapter 159 Kill
"Thank you for the compliment."

Zhong Wenze snorted coldly: "Is that Sera? You guys have something, and you reached out to me at such a fast speed?!"

"Believe it or not, I broke your hand?!"

"Oh, why don't Zhong Sheng be so violent, he's a gentle man, he's going to fight every now and then, it's not good, isn't it?"

Sera laughed "hehe", taking no time to rush: "However, it seems that Zhong Sheng is not surprised by today's phone call at all. It seems that my preparation for this surprise is not perfect."

He paused, and continued to speak that poor Mandarin: "However, there is a bigger surprise for you, which should bring you a big surprise, hahaha"


Zhong Wenze took a heavy mouthful of his cigarette, his tone unchanged: "Thank you."

"Well, you're welcome."

Sera also seemed very polite: "Miss Li is here with me, I wonder if Zhong Sheng is interested in coming over? Hahaha"


Zhong Wenze's eyes narrowed all of a sudden, his teeth were clenched, and the masseter muscles on both sides of his cheeks suddenly appeared, his complexion turned cold.

After a moment.

He became calm again, with no waves in his tone: "Well, yes, this surprise is indeed a bit surprising. You are quite capable."


Sera's tone became humble: "Without the help of your people, we wouldn't be able to move so quickly."

Zhong Wenze narrowed his eyes and did not speak.

It was quiet there too.

Through the receiver, Li Yunxin's angry curses could be vaguely heard, which must have been intentionally played for Zhong Wenze to listen to.

Serra paused for a while, and then continued: "Last time, I got more than 200 million in Dadong. How does it feel to spend this money?"

Zhong Wenze said coldly: "Excellent."

"Well, that's our money."

Sera sneered, and spoke sharply: "No one has ever dared to take our money. Who the hell dares to take it if I don't give it to you? You are the first."

"Since you took it, spit it out twice as much. I'll give you an hour and come to me with 500 million."

Zhong Wenze squinted his eyes: "Okay."

"Okay, then I'll wait for you."

Sera smiled and told him the address: "By the way, if you want Miss Li to be fine, then you can come here alone."


The phone was cut off directly.


Zhong Wenze pressed the receiver back to its original position heavily, scanned the people in the room with gloomy eyes, bit the cigarette butt expressionlessly, smoked quietly, and sorted out the incident.

The four bloody hands were responsible for creating chaos, and the MD gang took the opportunity to arrest Li Yunxin and lure him to kill him. Once he got rid of himself, the plate would become chaotic.

If the matter of sucking dead people cannot be resolved in a day, then the following four gangs will not dare to release goods outside. After a long time, the newly established trust will also collapse, and this area will become chaotic.

The MD gang has undoubtedly become the biggest beneficiary.


Who is the helper that Sera mentioned?
Tony? !
Zhong Wenze frowned deeply.

Seeing Zhong Wenze's gesture, Zhou Kehua Xiaoliu's group didn't dare to speak for a while, and the room became quiet.

Zhou Kehua stepped up bravely: "Brother Ze, what happened?"

Zhong Wenze exhaled a puff of thick smoke: "Go and prepare 500 million cash."

"But we don't have so many."

Zhou Kehua paused when he heard the words: "In our own hands, at most, it is less than 300 million."

"Then take the payment."


Zhou Kehua subconsciously raised his head and looked at Zhong Wenze: "Brother Ze, at this juncture, something like this happened.


Zhong Wenze glanced at him coldly.

"I'll go right away."

Zhou Kehua's forehead was sweating, and he called Xiaoliu Laowu to go down with him to prepare.

Within 5 minutes.

In a large canvas bag, there was a bag full of banknotes: "Brother Ze, the money is all ready."


Zhong Wenze responded with a deep voice, bent down and picked up the canvas bag: "You take care of this place, I'll go out for a while, and I'll be back soon."

"Brother Ze!"

Zhou Kehua immediately became anxious when he heard this: "We will go with you, if you go alone, you will die!"

Although he didn't know exactly what happened, he could more or less guess that it must have something to do with the MD Gang.

"Stay here!"

Zhong Wenze's tone sank: "Beware of Tony, this guy is very problematic."

"During my absence, if Tony does anything to disrupt our territory, he will be killed without mercy!!"

"Besides, you can do one more thing for me..."

He whispered into Zhou Kehua's ear quickly.


Zhou Kehua gritted his teeth, and could only watch Zhong Wenze's back disappear into the street.

Eleven at night.


Wang Bo dragged his exhausted body out of the unloading area of ​​the dock, greeted his workers and left, lit a cigarette and walked to his residence.

Ever since breaking through Li Li's crime of stealing people, Wang Bo chose to accept his fate, and after a few days of depression, he devoted himself to work again.

The wharf is about four kilometers away from his residence. In order to save money, he walks back every day, walks along the coastal road, and goes around the remote bay in front of him.

Walked two kilometers.

There are two cars parked on the edge of the road curve ahead.

There were seven or eight people in the group, standing sparsely on the reef in the bay, not very conspicuous under the night.

Wang Bo didn't pay attention at first, until he heard Xizi's voice, he immediately hid behind the nearby rocks, not daring to come out.

Xizi smiled and looked at the four bloody hands in front of him: "Blood hand, you four did a good job this time!"

"Where is it, brother Xi's plan is perfect."

The bloody hand chuckled, not without some complacency: "This time, Zhong Wenze can't help it no matter how capable he is.

As long as he can't catch us, he won't be able to give an explanation to the big brothers of Blind Snake, and they will definitely not dare to release goods outside in a short time. "

Xizi nodded approvingly: "Yes, so you must hide it well, and they won't let them find it."

"That's for sure."

The bloody hand smiled, rolled his eyes, and looked at Xizi with an ambiguous tone: "Then Brother Xi, can you prepare for us?"

"of course."

Xizi smiled, and tilted her head to look at Tony next to her: "Brother Tony, are you ready for the money I want?"


Tony nodded, and the boy behind him immediately came up and brought out a thick stack of banknotes to them: "Come on, take care of yourself."

"Thank you Tony!"

The eyes of the Bloody Hands lit up, and they took the banknotes and began to count them.


The foreheads of the four of them were suddenly blocked by the black muzzle of the gun.

"Brother Tony!"

The fingers of the bloody hands counting money were stunned, and they said quickly: "We took the money and ran away, running far away, and we will definitely not let Zhong Wenze get caught."

"No, it's risky. If you expose it, I will expose it too."

Tony shook his head slowly: "Only the dead can keep secrets, can't they?"

The bloody hand knelt on the ground immediately, and the banknote fell aside: "Brother Tony! We have been with you for so long, you want"

He wasn't finished yet.


Following Tony's order.


Several shots were fired in succession.

The four bloody hands fell to the ground without life.

Tony waved his hands expressionlessly: "Take care of it and sink into the sea."

 Thank you for your reward, just take a look, thank you, good brother. There was a problem with the typesetting in the previous update, but now it is normal, and I apologize for the inconvenience.
(End of this chapter)

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