Chapter 150

Not just bloody hands.

Liangzai, Ahjou, and Ahlang all jumped up on the spot as if there were springs on the stool, glaring at this confidant boy.

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!"

The bloody hand gritted his teeth and shouted, stretched out his bright red right hand to grab the collar of his confidant, and dragged him directly in front of him, staring at him tightly, short of breath.

The chest of the whole person rose and fell with the rapid breathing, and the red-striped arms looked more and more bright red due to the surging of energy and blood.

"how is this possible!"

Xueshou gritted his teeth and said word by word: "You must be a fucking traitor. Where did you hear the news? He Zhong Wenze has no one. How could he have sold all the goods so quickly and even added more goods temporarily?" .”

"Brother Bloody Hand, it's true, it's absolutely true, it's being spread outside now!"

The confidant looked at the vicious bloody hand, and quickly explained: "I'm definitely not talking nonsense, the matter has nothing to do with me, I didn't make it up myself."


Xueshou frowned into the word Chuan, and pushed his confidant out with a curse, and looked at the three Liangzi beside him with gloomy eyes.

"how is this possible!"

The three of them also looked unbelievable.

After getting the news, the four couldn't sit still any longer, and immediately called their subordinates to ask them to go out to inquire about the news.


message back.

The news they inquired about was surprisingly consistent, and it was no different from what Bloody Hand's confidant said: Zhong Wenze had indeed sold out the goods, and added more.

"how is this possible!"

Xueshou let out a heavy breath: "Zhong Wenze has no one else, how could he ship so fast?"

Even if the goods are distributed to them, it will take several days to finish the goods. After all, the market is here, everything is fixed, and the demand is here. It is impossible for you to sell quickly.

"Impossible, Zhong Wenze left this batch of goods by himself?"

Liangzi's voice was already trembling a little, trying to find possible situations to stand firm for his group: "Didn't Zhong Wenze rob more than 200 million yuan from the robber Dadong last time? Could he use this sum of money?" Did you make up the money?"

The four of them didn't have anyone to do things for Zhong Wenze, so it was impossible for Zhong Wenze to distribute this batch of goods.

Liangzi realized this very simply, and continued: "Zhong Wenze wants to fight us again, in order to save his own face and prevent the boss from having any opinion of him, so he used his 200 million yuan to give Arrive it, keep the goods for yourself, and then slowly release them later!"



The three bloody hands immediately agreed.

Apart from this method, they really couldn't think of any other method, and there was no way to sell so many goods in a short period of time.


When something far beyond my expectations happened, I didn't want to believe it was true, so I would subconsciously find excuses for myself.

A prostitute said with emotion: "This Zhong Wenze is really kind, more than 200 million in cash, just filled in, this is determined to stand firm."

"Ha ha."

Bloody Hand sneered, gritted his teeth and said: "After all, he is still too young. He can use his own banknotes to make up for this hole this time, but as long as we don't help him for a day, then he won't be able to function for a day. After a long time, he will definitely I can't bear it."

"Yes, yes, this thing is not so easy to sell. He hoards it in his own hands and waits for it to rot in his hands."

"Pujie, how the hell do you think his 200 million yuan is enough to watch? What did you say to tell us not to hang around with him anymore, what a joke!"

After the four of them comforted themselves one by one, their mentality immediately became much better.


They also had a sense of accomplishment that they had seen through Zhong Wenze's tricks, and they felt quite at ease.

3 minute later.

The phone on the side suddenly rang. This was the phone Tony usually used to contact them when he was still under Tony.

The bloody hand immediately picked it up, and replied in a respectful tone: "Brother Tony!"

When the three of Liangzai heard that it was Tony calling, they immediately gathered around and prepared to report the situation on their side.

"Trust your mother!"

On the other side of the phone, Tony yelled angrily, and cursed overwhelmingly: "Blood hand, you four are so fucking teenage boys, I usually treat you well, right? Just close your eyes and let it go.”

"But now? How did you treat me earlier?"

"Tell me that you want to fight against Zhong Wenze, it won't let him go so smoothly, but in a blink of an eye, you all followed him to do things for him?!"

Even though it was across the phone, Tony's angry roar almost tore the phone receiver apart.

"No, Brother Tony, what are you talking about!"

The bloody hand was stunned by what the angry Tony said. He turned his head and frowned at the three of Liangzi, and asked, "What are you talking about? We didn't do anything for Zhong Wenze, nor did we give him bulk goods. , still consuming."

"A group of [-] boys, let me die!"

Tony's voice was elongated, and he growled viciously: "I really don't know? I just found out that Zhong Wenze not only dispersed the goods in his hand, but also asked the boss to add a wave of goods to them temporarily, a total of 500 million yuan The goods are all scattered, and the 400 million cash has been handed over!"

400 million cash.

After hearing this word, the heart of the bloody hand "thumped", and a bad premonition welled up in his heart.

Tony's angry roar continued: "Why didn't you see that you had this ability when you f*cking followed me? Now following Zhong Wenze and helping him loose so much at once!"

"Fuck you! The bosses all called me and asked me how I managed you before! Why can't you work under me? As soon as you follow Zhong Wenze, you all become so fucking good."

At this moment, Tony, after being backstabbed by Bloody Hands and his group, his mentality has completely exploded, and he no longer has the appearance and demeanor of a boss: "The four of you are so fucking outstanding!"

"We really didn't help him ship the goods!"

The bloody hand defended himself extremely aggrieved.


Now that he said this, how could Tony believe him? If they didn't help Zhong Wenze, how could Zhong Wenze sell so much at once.

"You four youngsters, just wait for me! When I'm done with it, let's see how I settle accounts with you, damn it!"

Tony roared and hung up the phone immediately.

With bloody fingers, he put the phone back weakly, took out a cigarette and put it on, but with trembling fingers, he lit it several times but failed to light it.

He was smoking an empty cigarette, and looked at Liangzi and his party of three surrounding him with trembling lips: "Brothers, it seems like we're really done this time."

He only felt that his throat was dry, and his voice seemed to be stuck in his throat to speak: "Zhong Wenze really sold out all the goods."

(End of this chapter)

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