Chapter 145 Can be a dead person
"Haha, Xiao Liu is miserable."

The fourth child bared his teeth and took a mouthful of a cigarette, suddenly he felt a sharp gaze on him, raised his head, and Zhong Wenze looked at him straight in the eye.

"Fourth, you seem to be smiling very happily."

Zhong Wenze snorted coldly: "Tomorrow, you two, if you step into this door first, then you see how I will deal with you two."

"No, brother Ze, I was wronged."

The smile on the fourth child's face froze in vain, and he did not dare to doubt Zhong Wenze's methods of dealing with people.

"Then did you laugh just now?"


"That's fine."

"I'm so miserable!"

The fourth child wailed, and quickly chased out the door: "Little six, you bastard, pull me into the water!"



Everyone in the room laughed.

Only poor Zhou Kehua didn't get to everyone's point at all. After everyone quieted down, he stepped forward.


Zhong Wenze looked at Zhou Kehua's expression: "Speak."


Zhou Kehua's face was a little ugly, he opened his mouth, hesitating.

"Talk if you have something to say, fart if you have something to say, how can you be like a bitch."

Zhong Wenze said angrily, took out the cigarette in his pocket to light one, and then threw the cigarette case to Lao Wu and his party.

Zhou Kehua gritted his teeth, and said quickly: "That's right, I told you that the meeting will be held at eight o'clock in the evening, but the areas assigned to us by Uncle Da are the leaders in these areas."


Zhong Wenze's nasal voice was elongated, he took a mouthful of cigarettes, and stood up flexibly: "All of you asked for leave?"

"how do you know?"

Zhou Kehua raised his head and looked at Zhong Wenze: "Haven't you been serving Sister Mei?"

"Get out of here, who is serving Sister Mei!"

Zhong Wenze scolded angrily: "Aren't you coming? Tell me about the specific staffing, and I'll analyze it."

This situation is also very common in later generations.

There have been a lot of intrigues in the office, such as airborne leaders who took over other people's positions, and then disobeyed orders and so on.

How could Zhong Wenze not know this kind of way.

For such rebellious people, the best way is to cut across the board.

Get rid of all substitutions and rebuild your own team.


Zhong Wenze didn't want to do that.

"That's how it is. Under the area we're newly assigned to, there are currently four people in charge in total, namely Bloody Hand, Ah Prostitute, Liang Zai, and Ah Lang."

Zhou Kehua's professional ability is good. After returning home last night, he became familiar with the staffing below: "These people originally followed Tony, and they were regarded as Tony's direct troops. Now they are assigned to Brother Ze, so naturally they will go up thing."


Zhong Wenze nodded, tapping his fingers rhythmically on the table.


Zhou Kehua took a step forward: "Should we get rid of them all?" After saying that, he made a gesture of wiping his neck.

"Need not."

Zhong Wenze shook his head and straightened his body: "It's not difficult to get rid of them, but in this way, the boss will definitely not be able to do business, and what do you want the younger brothers to think?"

Zhou Kehua frowned: "Then how do we control it?"

Do the math.

Together with Zhong Wenze, there are only eight of them.

Originally there was a shortage of manpower, but now with the addition of these four dissatisfied people, it would be even more chaotic, and the hearts of the horse boys below could not be gathered together.

"You don't have to worry about this, I have my way."

Zhong Wenze stubbed out the cigarette in his hand, turned to look at Zhou Kehua: "I have a task for you, go find these four people now."

"No way!"

Zhou Kehua retorted subconsciously: "They did this to refute your face. You let me go to them now, isn't it just an indirect submission? Then the follow-up will be even more difficult to deal with."

"Also, they certainly won't come over."

These four people had their own reasons for not coming, and Zhong Wenze couldn't make any excuses against them.

As the saying goes, you can control the sky and the earth, but you can't control shit and fart.

"I know they won't come."

Zhong Wenze straightened his back a little, took out a bullet and slapped it on the table: "But, no matter what method you use, they will arrive within half an hour."

"It won't arrive in half an hour. I'll take you as a question."

The corners of his brows were raised, and his tone became more serious: "Is there any problem?"

Zhou Kehua seemed a little embarrassed, paused, but still raised his voice and answered: "Yes!"

"I'll teach you a simple method."

Zhong Wenze picked up the bullet on the table, and threw it backhand to Zhou Kehua: "The four of them, who came here can be a living person or a dead person."

"I will support you."


Zhou Kehua responded again, his tone obviously higher than before. With Zhong Wenze's verbal instructions, it would be much easier for him to handle things.

"Fourth, fifth, you two come with me!"

He greeted the two of them, then turned to look at Zhong Wenze, with a teasing tone: "As for the others, stay here and watch Brother Ze well."

"Brother Ze is obviously hollowed out today. You all need to take care of him. If there is anything wrong with Brother Ze, I will ask you with your dog heads!"

"Push the street!"

Zhong Wenze immediately scolded after hearing this sentence: "Hua Zai, are you starting to play tricks on them now? See if I don't deal with you!"

"Go away!"

Zhou Kehua chuckled, beckoned to the fourth and fifth, and quickly slipped out.

"this boy"

Zhong Wenze shook his head with a smile, and tilted his head to look at the second and third child who wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh: "What? You also owe it to me?!"

"Don't dare!"

The expressions of the second and the third child changed, and they quickly turned their backs, not looking at Zhong Wenze, but the shoulders of the two were visibly shaking.


Zhong Wenze's face was resentful, he couldn't help sighing and shaking his head, looking up at the ceiling, he sighed, "Sister Mei is so fierce!"

The saying that a woman is thirty like a wolf and forty like a tiger is really not wrong at all.

Even though Sister Mei had just transformed from a girl to a woman yesterday, her enthusiasm, even though he was young and strong, was a little bit overwhelming.

"System, system."

Zhong Wenze lit a cigarette with some melancholy, and muttered to himself: "Can the rewards for the next mission be more powerful than this time, give me two more no, I want ten, give me ten more Attribute enhancement points."

"I want to bless all five strengthening points on a certain part, and five strengthening points on the waist, so that I can fuck her for three days and three nights without panting."

The second child and the third child looked at the muttering Zhong Wenze, whispered to each other, and shook their heads again and again: "It's over, it's over, brother Ze is already in a trance."

"Such a capable person has been tossed like this by Sister Mei. Sister Mei is as fierce as a tiger."

(End of this chapter)

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