Hong Kong Zong starts from the heroic character

Chapter 123 The Mysterious MD Gang

Chapter 123 The Mysterious MD Gang


In a small rental room.

Wang Bo lay on the simple bed in a stiff posture, silently smoking a cigarette between his fingers, staring dully at the blue smoke hovering above his head.

The door was knocked.

Wang Bo was a little alarmed: "Who?!"

Although this incident has passed, he is still afraid that Tony will continue to send people to trouble him.

"Bobo, it's me."

Li Li's voice sounded.

"You go."

Wang Bo bit his lip and shook his head: "Let's never see each other again." He remembered what Zhong Wenze said to himself.


He has already resisted Zhong Wenze's words from the beginning, and now he firmly believes.


Nor is he a fool.

How did Tony come to Li Li's place to find him that night?It's the first time I went, how would they know about this place?
So he was also suspicious of Li Li.

"I was beaten."

Li Li's voice was crying: "Did you really miss me?" Then there was the sound of pear blossom crying with rain.


Wang Bo gritted his teeth and got up from the bed with difficulty. He opened the door and saw Li Li with a bruise on the corner of his mouth. He couldn't bear it: "There is a medicine box on the table, sit down and wipe it yourself."

He couldn't see Li Li crying the most. To him, this move was simply a killer move.

Li Li came in crying, and began to talk about what was going on.


This evening, Tony brought someone to find him. He suspected that she had leaked the news about Wang Bo. With her death refusing to admit it, Tony gave up.

"Thank you for this."

After all, Wang Bo picked up a cotton swab and wiped it with disinfectant for her: "But I don't think we're suitable, and I don't plan to continue messing around anymore. I can't support you anymore if I go to work honestly."

"It's ok."

Li Li wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes: "I don't care, really, if you earn less money, you can just give me less, Bobo, I really love you."


She took out a stack of money from her bag, which was the 10 yuan that Wang Bo left behind when Tony took her away: "I will return the money to you, and I will not touch you at all."


Looking at the 10 yuan bills that were neatly stacked and not touched, Wang Bo was inexplicably moved, and finally couldn't help but take Li Li into his arms: "Just take the money, I'll give it to you , as long as you are willing, then we will have a good time."

"No, I don't want to."

Li Li resisted, not wanting the [-] yuan, but Wang Bo forced it to her: "You just keep it properly, and use it as our future marriage funds."

Li Li didn't resist this time, she let Wang Bo hug her, and looked behind with a smile on her lips.

Come this time.

She originally came here for the 10 yuan.

She is very clear about the temperament of people like Wang Bo.

If you ask him directly for the [-] yuan, he will definitely be unhappy, but if you pretend not to want it, he will force it to you instead.

Different men have different personalities, and she, Li Li, is very sure about it.

Just like people fall in love now.

Some women are especially good at handling boyfriends. The more you want to give it to me, the less I don't want it, so you will be more willing to buy it for me.

As for breaking up.

Li Li still didn't want to share it. Even if Wang Bo only took a dead salary in the future, as long as he was willing to pay him, it would be a bonus, and he didn't have to pay his body.

That evening.

Ever since Zhong Wenze revealed his tricks to everyone, their emotions have once again reached an unprecedented frenzy.

In the next few days of training, Brother Ze has become a role model for everyone to follow.

They have no other ideas.

Just to be able to shoot birds like Ze Ge did that night.

Bird: NMMMP, I am not a human, you are a real dog, did I offend you?Want to shoot me every day? !

these days.

Zhong Wenze was not idle either, he asked Yao Changqing for detailed information about the MD gang, and tried his best to get to know them as much as possible.

MD Gang.

MD, that is, the Kingdom of Myanmar next door.

There are a total of eight members in the gang, and they are serious MDs. After sneaking into Hong Kong Island, the gang directly uses MD as the name of the gang.


The information that Zhong Wenze can grasp is too one-sided.

What do these people look like? There is no picture of the eight of them, not even the specific facial features.

The only accurate information that can be obtained is about the body shape: these eight people are all thin, not tall, and the whole body is between 1.6 and 1.7 meters.

As for other information, it is all rumors about their work style.

The eight of them operate very well.

After they jumped up in Saigon a few months ago, they took over the site quickly by means of robbery and robbery. They never took care of it themselves. .

They never show up to host business in person, and they never accept horses, so no one knows where they live.

"The whereabouts are erratic."

Zhong Wenze put down the materials in his hand, and frowned: "I never show up to host work, basically it's the nature of half-behind the scenes."


He took a breath, tilted his head and looked at Zhou Kehua who was beside him: "When did this MD become so smart?"

Their method is similar to that of Yao Changqing and the others. They don't show up, and the people below handle all the business, acting as the boss behind the scenes.

According to the reviews on the data.

MD helping these people should be of the reckless and brainless type, how could they be so strategic?
"Brother Ze, don't underestimate them."

Zhou Kehua leaned forward, and quickly said: "Of the eight of them, one of them has a role similar to yours, just like a military adviser. They are only responsible for making suggestions, and the other seven are responsible for execution."

"Their way of operation is also very simple: kill whoever refuses to obey."

He paused, and then continued: "I remember such a thing, they snatched a site and brought up a man to do some business, but this man had a crooked mind to play tricks on the accounts, and after being discovered, their little boy All six people in the hall were wiped out."

"They used this simple and rude method to give people a fierce image. Since then, none of these people under their hands have dared to change their minds."


When Zhong Wenze heard this, his eyes twitched: "How do you know so much, kid?"


Zhou Kehua blushed, and touched his nose in embarrassment: "I used to hang around there before, and I came to Tony's place later."


Zhong Wenze couldn't help laughing: "You, you are not incompetent, why are you being run over and floating around?"

"Well, their management is messy."

Zhou Kehua waved his hand, not wanting to mention his previous black history.

Zhong Wenze put away his smile: "Then have you ever seen them?!"

"I've seen two."

Zhou Kehua thought for a while, then nodded: "But it's useless. Every time they appear, they cover their faces. Who knows what he looks like."


Zhong Wenze frowned again, and rubbed his chin with his fingers: "No one has seen it before, so who knows, who will come to the negotiation tomorrow?"

According to Yao Changqing and the others.

Tomorrow's negotiation, the high-level officials of both sides will send people over, but they have never met anyone. Who knows who they are meeting?
Who knows what they are thinking?
"That's impossible."

Zhou Kehua spread his hands helplessly, as if thinking of something: "By the way, they don't seem to be able to speak the vernacular, they speak very substandard Mandarin."


Zhong Wenze looked at him and muttered to himself thoughtfully: "Can't speak vernacular, substandard Mandarin?!"

"Okay, I get it."

Zhong Wenze waved his hand, signaling Zhou Kehua to go out, stood by the window, lit a cigarette, and carefully summed up in his heart:
"Tomorrow's negotiation may not be as calm as it seems on the surface."

Stuff out the cigarette in your hand.

Zhong Wenze returned to his seat, picked up the map on the table that he had personally visited in the past few days, and drew it by hand after returning. His eyes fell on tomorrow's negotiation location:

Wang Kee Tea House.

(End of this chapter)

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