The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 894 [893] Superstar 67 (2 more)

Chapter 894 [893] Superstar 67 (2 more)
The two of them took the bus to the Giant store near the school, picked out two bicycles, and Molly insisted on giving her one, and that would be fine if she didn't accept it.

Huayan had no choice but to choose a mountain bike. Although the one she rode before was also a Giant, it was an ordinary 24 bike. It cost more than 1000 yuan when she bought it. The mountain bike she chose this time is a white sports version , More than 3000 yuan, free helmets, locks, etc., Molly’s is more expensive, more than 8000 yuan, in her words, in the future, you can take them with you to ride together. This is indeed a way of exercise.

"I really didn't come this trip in vain. You are really willing to give me. I will take away the living expenses you paid later. Otherwise, I won't cook for you in the future. You put me under so much pressure. I want to There is no way to bribe me with favors."

Molly saw that this little girl didn't seem to be joking, so she could only surrender: "Really, it's actually quite serious, okay, okay, I won't pay living expenses in the future, okay?"

It's a big deal to give you a gift.

It is not easy for me, Molly, to make a friend. If I see the right way, then I will treat her well from the bottom of my heart.

No, Huayan saw through her mind directly: "Don't put pressure on me, don't give me gifts, that's enough, keep your money and save it, it will be of great use in the future, don't spend it on irrelevant people, if You really have no place to spend, there are so many people in need of help in society, we can do more meaningful things, what do you think?"

Molly sighed, "I think you are my father's possession. Every minute, I feel like I'm in a play. When you talk about it, it's exactly the same."

"That's more to say, a father's love is deep, not as direct as a mother's love, so you have to try to find out his difficulties. If you usually feel embarrassed, send him a WeChat greeting and tell him about your recent past. Life and study situation, let him understand your life situation, I think this is what you should do, if you talk a lot, won’t it form a habit?”

Molly rubbed her arm subconsciously: "I feel goose bumps, big girl, that's not my style!"

Huayan took a deep breath: "It's okay, let's take our time."

Back at school, Huayan went to the library, and Molly returned to the dormitory. On the bed in the dormitory, she awkwardly clicked on her father’s WeChat, flipped through it casually, and found that she was either asking for money or asking for money. It seemed that she had never had anything else. He then thought about what Huayan had said, pursed his lips, clicked the typing place with a little difficulty, spelled out one word at a time, carefully thinking about it.

At the same time, after getting off the plane and washing up in the hotel, Mo Ke, who was about to open his briefcase for work, heard the notification tone of WeChat and opened it.

[Dad, I have returned to school, and the new house is very suitable for me to live in. I spent two or three days at my classmate's house, and I ate well. Thank you dad for your generosity. I have a free and happy life now. While busy with work, Don't forget to do sports, don't grow old so fast, I'm still waiting for you to back me up! 】

In just one sentence, Mo Ke stared at it three or four times, and finally sat down on the sofa with red eyes, and let out a faint breath.

"It's only been a few days, and there has been such a big change. Could it be that something really happened that night? And that classmate named Huayan, is that so influential?"

When Molly asked him to buy a house, he was not willing at all. Later, people around him went to investigate and found out that she had made a good friend recently. This classmate is also a good student with good character and academics. He is very independent. As the president of a listed company, he can naturally see how much influence such a person has on his daughter. There are only advantages and no disadvantages in following her more, but he did not expect that this change is too fast, and it is difficult for him to do so quickly. confidence.

Mo Ke thinks that in the final analysis, we still have to investigate from that night. He asked the child about the specific process of that night, but she kept silent and even used the routine of dealing with the hospital and the police. Set, Mox thought about it, but he still couldn't sit still.

He felt that if he had a chance, he really had to meet this classmate named Huayan.


In the library, Huayan sent the jokes she wrote to Ling Yao, and asked him if he would like to film a short play with them.

"There is no money for the time being. In the future, if there is advertising revenue, there will be dividends. However, within a year or two, it is estimated that there will be only traffic and no salary."

Ling Yao looked at the jokes, most of them are bloody, but they are closely related to the lives of ordinary people. Many of them are exaggerated and adapted from life. Such jokes are indeed very eye-catching, especially the white lotus green tea bitch It's just the right amount of measure.

He also has challenges, scumbag, mother boy, Voldemort's younger brother, and occasionally he can transform into a wife-protecting madman. It's diverse. Although it's bloody, it can't hold the attention, and it's all weekend shoots. In principle, I don’t waste my school time, and it is possible to earn some pocket money in the future. It is hard for him to completely abandon this circle now. After all, he has come all the way through this, so he just nodded and agreed after thinking about it for a while. .

The reason inside is probably only clear to him, because he is more unwilling than anyone else to let this silly girl in front of him play a rival role with another man.

Since I don't want her to act with other men, I can only do it by myself, but it's not bad for me to be an Internet celebrity, right?

Their computer department will also need to go out of the circle in the future, so they can't really lose their heads in advance because of excessive brain use, right?
Therefore, it is also a good choice to come out appropriately to adjust and adjust the environment and mood.

As soon as Ling Yao agreed, Hua Yan breathed a sigh of relief: "As long as you agree, other people will be able to handle it. Why didn't you come on the weekend? What are you busy with?"

"Didn't you find a part-time job delivering food? You can earn a hundred or ten yuan a day, and you can also exercise, which is pretty good."

Exercise? "Don't tell me that you deliver food by bicycle."

"What's wrong with riding a bicycle? I wander around the school. I can't finish the orders around Guangjing University and Tsinghua University. In fact, money is not important. The most important thing is that it allows me to change the environment. Sometimes I sit for a long time. After watching it for a long time, I am so tired that I should go out for a drive, let alone wake up."

"You Beijing University and Tsing University's food is so delicious, and there are people who go out to order takeaway? Such a good opportunity to take advantage of the country, how can they pay it back?"

"No, not students, you're right, this is an opportunity to take advantage of the country openly, so people seldom order takeaway, it's the surrounding office buildings, residential areas, where people order takeaway,"

Oh, just say it!
But this fox is becoming more and more like a human being, and he can even do the job of delivering food, which is not easy.

Thinking about her era, it seemed that the special organization of delivery staff was the one with the most hidden dragons and crouching tigers.

After Ling Yao's finalization, their small organization is almost enough, and Molly on the camera side also gave a letter of approval, and they can participate in the filming on weekends.

Four people are enough. If you need group performances, just find someone temporarily.

Because it is only 15 seconds, she plans to divide each video into three episodes, the upper, middle and lower, and the editing also takes a lot of effort.

Huayan's request to everyone is to complete their study tasks during the weekdays and to free up weekends in advance.

As a result, Huayan has less and less spare time for herself, especially when she has to take classes at the Conservatory of Music, so that Molly and her are clearly in the same class, but they are often not seen. Fortunately, there is a The mobile phone allows her to find people who are often missing.

In order to better control her study time, Huayan asked for leave to study in her own space directly, which is more efficient.

Her grades have always been very good, and the teachers are very reassuring of her, so she is given special care when she does not attend classes at night.

Molly originally wanted to go home with her, but was ordered by Huayan.

"No, you have to stay at school. I'm not going to be lazy at night, but to the library of the music academy."

The high school library is only open during the day and not at night, but universities are different. All kinds of study rooms, classrooms, and libraries are full of people, not to mention some of them study day and night. The Central Conservatory of Music also has theoretical class, so there are naturally people in a sacred place like the library.

While Molly was envious, she urged herself more and more to keep up with Huayan's footsteps.

However, Huayan walked out of the school gate after school with a stroller, and wanted to find a place to enter the space, but unexpectedly a luxury car stopped in front of her, and she frowned slightly.

The car window was rolled down, revealing a strange middle-aged man's face, he looked elegant and polite.

"Student Huayan, I'm Molly's father. I have something to talk to you about. Can I invite you to the car?"

Huayan's eyes widened suddenly, and she hurriedly bowed her head to say hello, "Hello, Uncle Mo, but I'm riding a bicycle, or can you tell me where?"

Mo Ke frowned slightly, as if he was not familiar with this area, Huayan spoke first.

"Turn right at the intersection ahead for about 100 meters, there is a coffee on the Left Bank, how about going there?"

Mo Ke breathed a sigh of relief, and nodded politely to her: "Okay, then you slow down, we'll pass right away."

Watching the luxury car drive away, Hua Yan felt a little confused, how did he know that I was leaving school at this time?
There was no traffic jam and no need to look for a parking space, so they entered the store one after another within 5 minutes of Mo Ke and found a seat by the window.

Moke asked Huayan to order food, Huayan wanted to refuse, but thought that she might have something to discuss with him in detail, and it would not be appropriate not to order when entering the store.

So I ordered a caramel macchiato, and Mok ordered a latte.

While waiting for the coffee, Mork said to her with an apologetic expression.

"I'm sorry, my little classmate, I frightened you. In fact, my uncle didn't mean anything malicious. I just wanted to ask you about my girl, whether she caused you trouble or something, especially what happened that night? Because I feel that she is Things have changed since that night, this change is too fast, I can't react fast enough, and I'm even worried, so, "

Mo Ke made his purpose clear in one breath, and Hua Yan's heart was lifted, and she quietly returned to her seat.

(End of this chapter)

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