The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 890 [889] Superstar 63 (2 more)

Chapter 890 [889] Superstar 63 (2 more)
It is very important to seize the opportunity, coupled with professionalism and excellent technology, it will naturally bring excellent results, but 15 seconds is still too short, and you still have to wait patiently for a year. Before that, you can write jokes first , script, find a character design, and register a studio account.

After much deliberation, Hua Yan finally decided to do it on her own. When the time comes, she can find actors from Liang An's agency to come and film the movie.

The reason for registering a studio account is that I don't want to expose my identity in advance. If these two accounts are managed separately, it will be easier to classify.

So, in her daily life, she added a piece of editing work for jokes and scripts, and started her brewing and preparation according to many keywords that are more popular in later generations, such as mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, girlfriends, roommates, betrothal gifts, workplace, and full-time mothers.

At the same time, she registered the official account platform of [Ms. Yan's real deity], and began to create some chicken soup articles, life experiences, and some new media articles that closely followed current affairs. Food recommendations and many other material articles are not in a hurry to find someone to promote, but use Weibo, novel creation, and short video APP platforms for various drainage and diversion. Naturally, there is not much traffic at the beginning, and the traffic is also with the passage of time. Do it slowly.

In the future, her writing direction may be dedicated to the creation of the official account platform, provided that she has enough traffic, so, in order to traffic, her various social accounts must be active.

Of course, this is also good for increasing fans. As long as the short video platform is developed in the future, there will be no worries about not getting traffic.

Huayan has a certain degree of obsessive-compulsive disorder. As long as she does something, she will do it with her heart. If she can't do it well, she will feel tempted.

So after a Sunday, she can also hide herself tired in the space to get some sleep.

Busy days always go by quickly, especially for a busy person like her who can't spare two or three people to do different things. Every minute feels like it can't be wasted or enough.

No, after the capital entered November, it became colder and colder. Here in Oak Bay, she and Ning Hao didn't turn on the heating, which saved thousands of dollars.

Ning Hao went to grandma's house because of the winter vacation. As for her, she has space, so she can get through it even if she doesn't drive.

One day, Huayan received an unfamiliar number. She looked at the number and frowned. She instinctively didn't want to answer it, but she was afraid that something might happen.


"Yanyan, I'm Dad." It turned out that the bad feeling came from here.

Before she could hang up the phone, the voice of the person on the other end of the phone was hoarse: "Can you go back to your grandma's house? She is dying and wants to see you."

"Sorry, I don't have time, and I don't think it has anything to do with me. Both of us have broken up, let alone those irrelevant people?"

"She is your own grandma! How can she be an irrelevant person?"

"Haha? Kiss grandma? Have you misunderstood something? Ever since I was a child, I have eaten a grain of candy, or a bowl of rice, and kissed grandma? When you say this, what kind of picture will emerge in your own mind? ?”

"When my mother was with you, you had nothing, but just like this, the old lady kept comparing her with the rural women in her village, scolding my mother every day for eating yours, drinking yours and using yours,"

"Forget it, I don't want to mention these old things to you. You can even deal with my mother. It is irrelevant and unnecessary to mention these things to you."

"Give up your heart, I won't go back, not today, not in the future, even if you die, I won't go back, don't come to me again,"

Then, without waiting for Hua Guoqiang to make a sound, he hung up the phone. After hanging up, he still didn't let go of his hatred, and was directly blacklisted.

If Hua Guoqiang called again, he would be unable to get through, because he knew in his heart what he was unable to get through.

His heart is actually very painful. If he told everyone that his wife was not deliberately crushed to death by him, would anyone believe it?

When he was discovered at the time, he was also nervous and stepped on the accelerator by mistake. In just a few seconds, the tragedy happened.

How could he not blame himself?That was the wife he had worked so hard to get back then, even if he cheated first, he never wanted her life.

But now that he is dead, the company that he worked hard for more than ten years is gone. His daughter does not recognize him, his son cannot be found, and he has no property. When he was released from prison, even the travel expenses to go home were paid by the prison guards. It's a pity, because no one came to pick him up, and he couldn't even go home when he was penniless.

The ups and downs of life, the great joy and the great sorrow, are in this short thought.

So, he was more than regretful, he regretted it to death.

Especially in the past few years in prison, the world has undergone earth-shaking changes, the Internet has become popular, and his previous era has been eliminated.

So what if he is a top student?

So what if he has entrepreneurial experience?
In the end, don't you have to start all over again?

Dai Jiaorong, that bitch, didn't know where he was hiding, making it so difficult for him to see his son.

It's not that he has never thought about finding a job, but as long as the job site checks his identity information, the prison history will come out, causing him to refuse to hire as long as it is a decent job.

He had no money in hand, so he asked his family for it, but they refused to give it, and said it was their money.

What about his money?
The old lady was like this, and she asked him to go to Dai Jiaorong and Hua Yan to ask for money, and if he asked them for it, he would get nothing.

Now that there are no cars, houses, tickets, women or children, and no one cares about him, Hua Guoqiang finally felt the real sadness.

Countless times when I dreamed back at midnight, I mourned the photos of my deceased wife.

However, he was awakened by nightmares countless times.

Sure enough, if he didn't do something wrong, he wouldn't be afraid of ghosts knocking at the door. He did something wrong, and he was destined to never get out of this shadow for the rest of his life.

Three days later, Huayan was in class when she received a WeChat message from ASUS: "The old lady passed away. She died with her eyes open because you and I didn't go back."

Huayan turned off the phone indifferently. It has nothing to do with her whether she dies with peace in her eyes. The old woman, the mother who abused the original owner, died as soon as she died. What does it have to do with her?
After class, Huayan received another WeChat message from him: "You know? Now the family is fighting for property. Your father and my father, as well as our aunt, uncle, and old man, are making a big fuss. Hehe, haven't you seen that?" The scene was so lively that everyone in the village gathered outside to watch the excitement of their house,"

Huayan then received the video from Huashuo, and at first glance it was recorded by someone in the village. I think the reason why Huashuo knew about it was also because of an insider.

A total of three videos were posted, each of which lasted more than ten minutes. The picture quality is very clear, and everyone's face is very clear. This is a picture that can be expressed without acting. In order to save it and upload it to the network disk, she didn't know why she did it, but it was a subconscious behavior.

Later, she transferred 500 yuan to ASUS: "I want more details, just let me know if there is any movement at home, and I will pay you the labor fee."

"Hey, you are really my own sister. Although the money is not much, it is better than the so-called younger brothers and sisters of my own parents and stepmother. They never pay attention to me. No matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat. Okay, brother is willing to help."

After the Hua family made a joke, Hua Shuo went home and took a video, no, recorded the audio and transferred her.

The ugly faces of the Hua family also opened her eyes, and through these, she discovered that Hua Guoqiang was the only one who had a bottom line.

Maybe he really didn't do it on purpose back then, but she still chose not to forgive the mistake.

The Hua family is unwilling to give Hua Guoqiang money for everything, including his own father, who said that he would use the money for retirement, even though Hua Guoqiang has no job, no house, no wife, but the old man doesn't care about these, anyway, if he wants money, One life.

Hua Guoqiang asked his brothers and sisters to return his former property, but these people refused to admit it. Even though they used his money to buy a house and a car, today they can have the cheek to say that it was their money, not his.

Hua Guoqiang was very angry, and even said that he would sue them. As a result, all the people were dead pigs and they were not afraid of boiling water. They felt that asking for their money was more terrifying than killing them.

Everyone in the village laughed at this incident, and some even scolded Hua Guoqiang in front of him that he deserved it.

"It's a good day, but I have to make it happen. Is it okay now? My wife is gone, my daughter doesn't want you, and your concubine ran away with your son. Haha, you haven't seen your son yet, have you? I Let me tell you, it’s okay to disappear, because the son is neither like you nor your concubine, and I don’t know where she carried the child from, are you sure it’s yours?”

"That's right, that child is so beautiful. I have never seen such a beautiful child in my age, and I can't tell what it feels like. Anyway, it's not like you. You said you didn't even see your son. Give away your own property, what do you think?"


When more and more people mentioned this matter, Hua Guoqiang remembered that he seemed to have really overlooked a big question, that is, is Dai Jiaorong's son really his?

In order to investigate this matter, he did not hesitate to find the hospital where Dai Jiaorong gave birth, but he had no money, no one, and no proof of relationship, so he couldn't get any medical records from Dai Jiaorong's hospitalization.

Hua Guoqiang wanted to borrow money from Huayan, but he couldn't enter the community where Huayan lived. He went to look for her in the fourth middle school, but the security guard first asked who he was. When he heard that it was Huayan's father, the security guard waved his hand : "You go, we don't have this student here."

Hua Guoqiang didn't believe it, but the security master didn't tell him, and even threatened him to stay here again, so he called the police. Hua Guoqiang was so scared that he had to leave. As soon as he left, Huayan's phone rang , it turned out that it was the security master who reported to her...

(End of this chapter)

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