The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 882 [881] Superstar 55 (4000)

Chapter 882 [881] Superstar 55 (4000)

"Why can't I be so good? How much do you know about me? You only know that I am an orphan without father and mother. Do you know what I have learned and practiced before I became an orphan? But you surprised me Well, usually you look so superior, all boys seem to be able to be used by you to command, just because of your face, so you can do whatever you want, thinking that all boys should like you and listen to you, right? "

"However, when you met Jin Yuanqing, you felt that your tried and tested charm was useless. He didn't like you at all. Maybe he spoke for me. Anyway, I didn't hear or see it, let alone I don’t know, but in the end, it brought your so-called... um, lesson?"

"I don't know if your parents know that you bullied your classmates, or that you used money to raise a bunch of useless friends, but since you found me today, I don't think I can act like nothing happened Yes, I let you go, or else I would look like a virgin, wouldn't I? Classmate Molly?"

Huayan put her hands behind her back with great interest, and walked around Molly a few times. The person who was domineering just now turned pale with fright.

Because in order to teach Huayan a lesson, she specially found a blind spot for monitoring. This place is an alley for garbage, and at this point in time, no one passed by at all.

The so-called "every day should not be answered" and "the land is not working" is probably like this.

"You, what do you want to do to me? Let me tell you, our family is powerful, if you harm me, you will not end well!"

Molly was really terrified, because Huayan's skills were so good that she suspected that she was a black belt in taekwondo.

If Huayan knew, she would sneer with disdain, how awesome is a black belt in Taekwondo?In front of Chinese martial arts, it is nothing!

"I don't care, right? You don't care anymore. What else should I be afraid of? Anyway, I'm alone. I don't care if I live or die!"

"No, no, no, you can't think like this. You have to think about it carefully. You. It's not easy for your mother to raise you, and it's even more difficult to train you. You said that you have come to this day. If you ruin your life because of harming others , her spirit in the sky will definitely not be comforted, right?"

Huayan raised her eyebrows, "Since that's the case, why didn't you think about the difficulty of your mother? You will carry out the most cruel persecution against me right away?"

Molly's face froze, and she looked at Huayan with self-deprecating eyes: "It's not easy for her? Hehe, this is the funniest joke in the world. She abandoned me as soon as I was born. I don't even know what she looks like." I don’t know, the so-called mother in my family is my stepmother, stepmother, do you understand? They have their own children, and I am redundant in that family. What do you know? You don’t understand anything at all.”

The more Molly talked, the more excited she became, and her tears kept falling like broken beads because of her emotions.

Huayan didn't expect that these words would hurt her, just when she was thinking about how to persuade her, there was a sudden piercing sound, followed by a 'bang' sound, as if there was something heavy The sound of landing.

The two looked back at the same time, Molly wiped her tears and looked back at her: "This... hit someone?"

Just when Molly was about to step forward to find out, Huayan suddenly grabbed her, covered her mouth, and then violently pulled her behind the trash can.

"Don't talk, it's not safe for you to rush out now, we are two girls after all."

Huayan pushed her down, glanced at the bicycle in the distance, and was about to hesitate whether to move forward or not, when she saw two people walking towards them carrying a person.

Huayan immediately raised her vigilance, took out her phone, and said to Molly, "Quick, turn your phone to silent, quick, be quiet, don't talk."

After she turned the phone to silent, she secretly took out the phone, adjusted the angle, and started to record. Molly saw this scene and stared at her with wide eyes.

Huayan's whole body was pressed against the trash can, and her phone only dared to show a little bit. She turned around and made a 'shh' gesture to Molly.

After that, the two people saw from the mobile phone that the two people were carrying the injured and threw it directly to the trash can on their side.

"Why is there a bicycle here!"

"Why do you care so much? It's still next to the garbage dump. It must be broken. Let's go quickly. Fortunately, there is no surveillance in this area, otherwise we can't eat and walk around."

"Brother, I'm afraid, do you think she's dead?"

"I touched her just now, and she has no pulse. Eighty-nine out of ten she won't survive. If she is alive, we don't know how much it will cost. If she is dead, she will die. Go, go quickly, and don't let people see her."

Although there is no surveillance here, but fortunately there are street lights, so the appearance of the two people, although not clear through the mobile phone, is definitely clear enough.

After those two people ran away, Molly was about to stand up when Huayan pressed her hard: "Don't move, wait a little longer."

Sure enough, within a minute, the two of them rushed over again, so frightened that Molly immediately covered her mouth and stared at Huayan.

It seems to be asking her: "How do you know?"

TV drama routine chant!

"Brother, there is someone there. I think you are too suspicious. Look, don't you?"

"Maybe I'm blind, go, go quickly."

This time, there was no need for Hua Yan to remind her, Molly stood there and did not dare to move, leaving a sentence: "Call the police."

Hua Yan rushed out immediately, trying to capture the other party's license plate number.

But as soon as she ran out, she was stopped by two people: "Sure enough, there are people, brother, you are amazing."

It turned out that those two people saw the schoolbag in the car basket, so they suspected that there was someone nearby, and the scene just now happened.

Huayan didn't expect that it was her bicycle that exposed herself. She took a step back and looked at them coldly.

"What? It's not enough to kill one, but you want to kill me too?"

She had already seen the other party show off the dagger that she carried with her. It seemed that it was not good to be able to carry this thing with her.

She threw the phone into the space immediately, and there was evidence in it, and these two guys must not let it be searched away.

Sure enough, in the next second, they looked at each other, walked towards her with a dagger in hand, searched her clothes, and found no mobile phone, so they were relieved.

"Have you seen it all?"

Huayan nodded calmly, "Well, I saw everything, so, are you planning to stab me to death here?"

She wanted to delay the time, but she wasn't sure if Molly would call the police, maybe she would just watch and not take any measures, so at critical moments, she had to rely on herself.

The reason why gangsters are called gangsters is because they have no moral bottom line. When they bump into someone, they are not thinking about saving people, but thinking about how to get out of this trouble.

By the way, the female student is still lying there, and she doesn't know whether she is dead or alive, so she must make a quick decision.

Thinking of this, she made a sudden move, and quickly grabbed the tall man with a malicious face swinging the dagger with both hands, and folded his hand upwards forcefully, the man let out a cry like killing a pig, and the dagger in his hand While flying up and landing, she lightly touched her toes, and muttered the word "receive", and she took the dagger into the space, and the short man, after seeing his elder brother's hands folded by the girl in front of him, He raised his foot and kicked her in the stomach, without noticing the disappearing dagger at all.

The man who was fighting her didn't even pay attention, because he was screaming with his eyes closed!
Huayan's attack was extremely ruthless, breaking the man's wrist with one move, because she knew that she only had one chance, so she couldn't be careless.

When the short man kicked towards her, she yanked the tall man hard, threw it towards the short man, and then ran out, shouting as she ran.

"Come on, come on, come on, kill someone, help, help!"

Huayan was running towards the main road. There was no one in this small alley, but the main road was full of cars. Seeing this, the two gangsters dared to chase after people?
Hurrying into their car, trying to drive away, Huayan took out her mobile phone and quickly took a picture of their license plate number.

As a result, this move made the two gangsters see it at the same time: "Oops, brother, she has a mobile phone on her, why didn't I find it just now?"

"You idiot, get in the car, hit her to death, hit her to death, you must not let her live!"

Huayan dialed 120 while running, reported the address first, hung up the phone, and dialed 110 again, but before the phone answered, the screeching sound of brakes sounded from behind, and she jumped up instinctively , she actually stepped on the head of a car that hit her behind her. At this time, she showed the benefits of her cat demon cultivation. After standing on their car as light as a swallow, the other party slammed on the brakes and tried to throw her off. Going out, Huayan rolled back under inertia, and grabbed the two handles on the top at the same time. She was glad that their car was an off-road vehicle. There were two handles for camping equipment on the off-road vehicle. Now these two handles, Saved her life.

This thrilling scene rushed onto the main road, and was naturally seen by passing drivers, and more and more people began to call the police.

Those two people were completely angry. At this time, Huayan was very grateful that she broke the wrist of one of them, because the broken wrist proved that he couldn't lean out and cause her a second injury. After rushing forward, he slammed on the brakes again, trying to throw her out in this way.

But they ignored that Huayan is not an ordinary person. She firmly grasped the handle with her own hand, like a cat's claw, and let her body stick tightly to it. Time passed by, like a siren. When the sound rang, the two people in the carriage panicked.

"Oops, big brother, what should I do now? What kind of species is this student, he is so powerful, I can't shake him off no matter what!"

The man with a broken wrist saw that the road around him was blocked by the passing vehicles and the police, and he already knew that the situation was over.

"Don't worry about it, wait to be caught, I hope this woman didn't record anything,"

The short man cried and said, "Brother, there is blood on our car, how can we deny it?"

The short man's reminder stunned the big man, and then he closed his eyes, "Then what are you fussing about? Stop and go to jail!"


Ten minutes later, Huayan was taken off the roof of the car by the police uncle. She didn't realize it just now, but when the pain hit, she realized that her two arms were dislocated like this, and she didn't know if there was any fracture. Bai, gritted his teeth and looked at the police uncle crying: "It's broken, maybe it's broken."

"You girl, you are really lucky. Where did you get the courage? It's God's blessing that you didn't get thrown out with such a big impact. Don't move, wait for the doctor to come over,"

"Quick, in the alley over there, the girl who was hit by them is still lying on the ground, not knowing whether she is dead or alive, and my classmate, she is still hiding,"

"Okay, stop talking. It's your classmate who called the police and 120. She also called. Otherwise, how could we come so fast? It's okay, but you said it's so late, you two girls are here What are you hiding there for?"

Huayan cried, "We were being followed, so we hid there. How could we expect to witness the scene of a car accident? If we had known this, we should have run to the main road!"

As soon as Huayan finished howling, Molly ran towards her after taking the transcript: "Huayan, how are you? Are you okay?"

Seeing that she didn't look like a fake, with a concerned face, Huayan nodded in her heart, yes, she hasn't lost her mind and can't be saved, if she can call the police at the first time and call 120, this girl can still be saved, it's worth the lie she just made up to save her.

"It's okay, but the arm may be broken or fractured. It hurts. Can you accompany me to the hospital? I'm afraid!"

Molly's eyelids twitched, and she subconsciously complained, "Are you still afraid? Are you lying to ghosts?"

Huayan put on a petite look, "Why can't I be afraid, if I'm thrown out, you won't be able to see me, my teeth are about to be crushed by me, ouch, it hurts to death, Uncle Policeman , why hasn’t the doctor uncle come here, it really hurts!”

"Come here, come here quickly, this girl's condition should be quite serious, hurry up and help her take a look,"

As a result, as soon as the doctor came over, as soon as he touched her arm, he subconsciously let out a scream like killing a pig...

An hour later, Huayan was sent to a nearby traditional Chinese medicine hospital. Her arm was not only dislocated, but also fractured.

When the doctor touched her bones, she, who had no stage fright in the face of criminals, fainted from the sudden pain.

Later, the school teachers, the parents of the girl who was hit, reporters, and the police all surrounded the hospital.

Because Molly was also at the scene at the time, Huayan even sent the video to Molly's mobile phone, so Molly became the main interviewee after Huayan fainted. He was sent to the hospital by the police uncle, because Hua Yan said, let her stay with her.

Huayan didn't expect that when she said that casually, when she woke up, she saw Molly lying on her hospital bed and fell asleep. It was still yesterday's messy clothes, hair, makeup, and even her schoolbag. Take it back and put it on the sofa in the single ward.

 Two chapters will be updated tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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