Chapter 86 [086] 90s Chef 86
I don't know if it was because the whole family tried their best to match. Cao Yuan didn't want to take the initiative. After all, it's not good to push too hard, but the old lady probably really wanted them to form a family, especially Gong Mingxia. Except for the slightly poor diploma, he is excellent in other aspects, especially in respecting the elderly. He is a rare good boy, so Cao Yuan, who has nothing to do at home, after the old lady confirmed that he had been raised in the army for half a year, he put the He drove out to help Gong Mingxia sell boxed lunches.

Gong Mingxia is so embarrassed to ask him to help, so she keeps urging him to leave. Cao Yuan has never done such a thing. The work they are engaged in is rarely so grounded, but he knows that if he doesn't understand, he has to learn, yes In spite of her urging, it is time to pack and pack, and to serve rice with rice, except for not being able to sell, after an hour of getting used to it, it will be done well.

And Gong Mingxia, because of Cao Yuan's help, her work has become much easier, and she can even free up her hands to wash the dishes.

When the people at the booth saw Cao Yuan, they thought it was Gong Mingxia's husband, and they all teased him.

"Xiaoxia has been busy for more than a year, we haven't seen you, you are really busy!"

"I will often come to help in the future. It used to be because of work. I would come to help her a few years ago. Thanks to everyone for taking care of her in the past, thank you."

Gong Mingxia was quite surprised that a person who was not good at speaking could say such a thing. When he turned around, she quickly turned her face away, but her ears turned red, because for some reason, she didn't seem to dare to talk to him. Looking at each other, maybe because his eyes are too cold?
In the end, she came from a special kind of background. I always felt that he looked at people very sharply, and the inexplicable pressure made her seem cautious in front of him.

Cao Yuan is not a person who is good at activating the atmosphere, so when the two are together, it is what she is doing. He asks if she wants to help. If she answers no, then he will find work by himself, and someone will come over. , he is in charge of packing and packing the lunch boxes. If he eats here, he will clean the table and pass the plates. In short, he is very discerning and easy to use.

After being in such an awkward relationship for about three days, Gong Mingxia gradually got used to it. Even when he went shopping and cooking with her in the morning, she would teach him how to do this, how to adjust it, and how to cut vegetables. , how to live, no matter how small, taught very carefully.

Sometimes there will be physical contact. If she touches him, she will quickly draw her hands. If he touches her, she will move away embarrassedly.

It's a bit embarrassing to let two complete strangers get along with each other in this way every day, but Cao Yuan has been rushing to get married from the beginning, so from a man's attitude, he is very gentleman and pragmatic. Urge her to make a decision, but bit by bit, it will be integrated into her life circle.

YouQi Xiaoxiao often asked him to pick her up, just to show her classmates that she didn't have a father. Although she didn't introduce him as her father, when a tall, handsome, and secure man appeared, it was the effect of silence rather than sound.

Even sometimes Cao Yuan will take his lovely sister to pick up his brother Cao Yang from school. Even the neighbors can't stand it when they get along with the family. They ask when the errand will be done. They can't wait, and they embarrass Gong Mingxia for a while. Awkward.

(End of this chapter)

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