The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 858 [857] Superstar 31 (1 more)

Chapter 858 [857] Superstar 31 (1 more)
After school started, the life of the siblings returned to the state of last semester. The only difference was that they had to pick out three or four days a week to go to the swimming pool to exercise. Ning Hao also had basketball lessons every week. There was a half-hour walk with the dog, which basically reached the state required for daily life.

After entering the sixth grade, Ning Hao's learning status has obviously changed, but his sister who was admitted to No. [-] Middle School arranged the plan, but it was methodical, and he didn't panic at all.

Although Huayan didn't go to evening self-study, she can maintain her ranking in each stage exam, and her grades in all subjects are very stable, so the teachers don't care if she doesn't go to evening self-study. This is probably the treatment of top students .

The advantage of evening self-study with Ning Hao at home is that the time is more free, more abundant, and safer.

Huayan's maturity is not only reflected in her control and sophistication in her studies, but also in the changing seasons of adding and buying clothes. It is inconvenient for a girl to take care of a boy during daily tidying up, but as long as the shoes, socks and underwear are short She can tell when it is getting smaller and replace it in time.

The Ning couple thought that after their death, their son's standard of living would be greatly reduced, and they might even return to his hometown in Northeast China, but they never thought that under Huayan's care, their son's life would be more comfortable than before.

Huayan doesn't just take care of her blindly, she will tell him what to do while taking care of him, cooking, washing, mopping the floor and cleaning up the housework, not to mention how perfect it is now, at least people are willing to do it, among children of the same age, absolutely is par for the course.

With his sister, he didn't feel the embarrassment of being dependent on others, but he took out a small notebook to write down every penny his sister spent for him.

Because the living expenses paid by her family to Huayan are just for living, such as these interest classes, gymnasiums, annual clothes, and daily necessities, all are paid by her sister. When she grows up, she will naturally have a A grateful heart always reminds him to move forward.

Probably because of this, grandparents and grandparents try their best to send things to them, right?I just think that if an outsider can take care of his grandson like this, how can they, who are old people, be inferior to others?
This person is afraid of making comparisons, and the same is true for the elderly. They are even afraid that their grandson will think that they are not as good to him as their sister, so the phone calls are made every three days, and the things are mailed once a week. In this way, Ning Hao has become the biggest one. beneficiary.

Huayan's new book was launched on September 9st, and the subscription volume in a single day reached 1 yuan. It is really as powerful as ever!

Facts have proved that whether it is ancient or modern, her pen name has successfully left a lot of diehard fans. The type is changing, and the reader's bond remains the same, which gives her a lot of motivation. Because of the considerable sales of the article, more channels have been opened, and the revenue has never dropped by more than 1 yuan. That is to say, even if she has finished it for a long time, the monthly subscription volume can still be divided into [-] yuan. , which is quite powerful.

As for the channel fee that is issued every six months or even a year, it can bring her excitement almost every time. Even if her monthly income is stable at [-] to [-] yuan, every time she sees a channel fee of hundreds of thousands, Still very nervous, very excited, this is the shock brought by money, right?
In mid-August, the rent for the second quarter also arrived one after another, totaling 8 yuan.

And as of the end of August, even after deducting 155000 yuan in private detective fees, gym and other expenses, her savings balance still exceeded one million yuan, and it was 120 million yuan recently.

After the renovation of the house, there are still about 6 yuan. At the end of June, there is a channel fee, and there are other website revenues in the past few months, so it is not impossible to reach 120 million.

In September, she deposited 9 million of it in a regular deposit with an annual interest rate of 120 points. She will save it for a year first, and see how much she can save in a year. If it is not that she is not old enough, she needs to find a relationship to buy a house. She is really I want to spend all the money awarded by the court to buy a house at one time. In the future, I will do nothing and have nothing to worry about for the rest of my life.

It's a pity that she can only decrease the money at a rate of 30 yuan per year, and it is only possible to use the money unless she reaches the age of maturity.

Of course, there is another piece of good news in September, that is, the result of the compensation judgment of the Nings has also come out. The total compensation is more than 9 million yuan, which is much more than expected. It seems that the law firm has After repaying the loan, there is still more than [-] yuan left.

After discussions between the two families, they unanimously decided to hand over the money to Huayan for safekeeping. After all, Ning Hao's basic necessities of life depended on her, so neither of the two families came to handle the inheritance. The money went to Huayan's account, and when Huayan found out, she couldn't refuse.

Even Ning Hao said: "Sister, just take it. We will be brothers and sisters in the future. If you give me money, you can deduct it from the money. Otherwise, I won't feel comfortable?"

However, Huayan didn't ask the Nings for accident, insurance, and car compensation. Instead, she deposited 55 of the 50 yuan separately for a regular period, and kept the remaining 5 yuan as his living expenses. In her opinion, although the child has a house, he will definitely work in Beijing in the future, but it is okay to save more money. Both of them are underage now and cannot manage money. They can only deposit in the bank to earn interest. It's the same to help him take care of the money.

Therefore, at the beginning of September 2014, Huayan deposited two fixed deposits, one of 9 million and one of 120.

During the 38 holiday, Ning Hao went to his grandma’s house in Northern Hebei Province. During this holiday, Hua Yan broke through to level [-] and went to two concerts with Zhen Hao, and even participated as an accompanist. This was her first time. This is the first time she participated in such a formal concert, God knows how many times she played that piece, and after she practiced it well, she passed it once when she arrived at Zhen Hao's side.

"Okay, it's just you. Among all the substitute students I have, only your music is the most contagious. You are not lazy, not only proficient, but the most important thing is that you can integrate your emotions into the music, not Blindly practicing dryly, this cannot be described in words, it depends on feeling, I even think that with your current level, it is no problem to take the professional exam."

"I asked you to participate in these two concerts, not because there are no people in our conservatory of music, but because this is a relatively outstanding seedling in the age group of 12-18 years old selected by the circle, and it is the intermission of these two large concerts. In other words, you are not at a professional level, but have professional talent. Whether you will take this path in the future, today. Your piano will have a 2-minute solo part. Whether it can be heard by the masters in the industry, you must It depends on your luck!"

At this point, afraid that Huayan would not understand, he explained with a smile: "In the past two years, you have been able to overfulfill what I have taught you. Although our lessons are not as frequent, you are hardworking enough. , Maybe the piano needs talent, but diligence is also a very important part. Although I can still teach you, I think if you have the opportunity to meet a better teacher, it will be a good thing for your future development, so Yan Yan, Come on!"

For two consecutive days on June 6 and 7, the two concerts are repeated, but the people who come to listen may not necessarily be repeated, so don't be nervous, just perform at your own level.

Huayan now spends two to three hours a day practicing the piano. For professionals, this time is not too long, but for busy middle school students, her time is not short. Sometimes it is too long. With practice, she can even play for eight hours continuously.

The piano can release one's emotions in a soothing way. Huayan can't be said to love it, but she doesn't hate it either.

The opportunity is given before her eyes, whether she can catch the eyes of others depends on her own good luck.

Huayan dared not neglect the care given by Zhen Hao, so during the two days on the 6th and 7th, she brought her level to the limit.

After the performance on the 6th, no one came to inquire about her. On the 7th, when she thought she could wash up and go home to sleep, Zhen Hao led a handsome middle-aged man to the backstage. Knowing that this is Deng Yunxuan, a relatively young and promising pianist in Huaguo, she immediately stepped forward to say hello respectfully.

After a short greeting, Deng Yunxuan asked her: "Have you ever participated in a piano competition?"

"No, I only got the tenth level of amateur piano in elementary school. The teacher suggested that I participate in the 'Xinghai Cup', but it was put on hold due to family changes. During the summer vacation after graduating from elementary school, I met Teacher Zhen and studied with the teacher for a year. Many, have not participated in the competition so far,"

"Well, like this, no wonder I haven't seen you, or heard of you. Are you in the second grade of Beijing No. [-] Middle School in Xicheng District?"

"Yes teacher, I am in the second grade of junior high school this year."

"Have you heard of the High School Affiliated to the Central Conservatory of Music?"

Huayan nodded: "Understood, he has a primary school and a middle school. The primary school is a three-year school, and the middle school is a six-year school. If you are good enough, you may be able to recommend the central music."

"Then why didn't you take the test before? According to your teacher, with your level at the time, even if you haven't participated in any competitions, you can definitely enter."

Hua Yan cannot deny that both Mr. Zhen and her former music teacher suggested that she should be admitted to the High School Attached to the Conservatory of Music, but at that time, she had no plans to develop into a piano major. Will you choose the attached high school?Not looking down, or not ready.

"Then teacher, if I am admitted to the high school affiliated to the Conservatory of Music, will I be eligible to be admitted to the Central Conservatory of Music?"

Deng Yunxuan said with a smile: "It's natural. Most of the students in the attached middle school will major in piano in the future. As long as you are good enough and top-notch in everything, of course you can get the qualification for admission in advance, but I see you little girl, It seems that you haven't figured out your future direction yet?"

(End of this chapter)

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