The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 838 [837] Superstar 11 (4000)

Chapter 838 [837] Superstar 11 (4000)

Hua Yan thought about it, and talked to the crew like this.

"If you sign a contract, sign with me. I don't have a guardian. If you trust me, you can sign. If you don't trust me, you can sign. You just need to pay me for the group performance. Anyway, I am here for the group performance. I never expected a serious role."

When she said that, the crew became even more strange, but she seemed unwilling to say more.

Asking Zhou Yao, Zhou Yao only told others what she knew, and specifically mentioned some of Huayan's independent performances during the winter vacation.

In the end, the crew discussed and discussed, and felt that there was no need to care about these things with a child.

Besides, people have provided their ID cards, so what right do they have to question?
Of course, the specific reason for the consent is only known by the producers themselves.

Therefore, Huayan got this contract and this role in her own capacity.

It is probably unprecedented to win over without a guardian.

On the fourth day after she came to Hengdian, she went directly to the filming group, and the schedule was quite tight.

Because the filming is all young actors and old actors, those leading actors are filming in other places, not in the same group, plus the opening and memories, the total is less than one episode, but it is compressed into five days to complete, which can be regarded as overloaded work Yes, but what Huayan is most afraid of is suffering.

People spend so much money to invite you to act, not to make you complain about thick clothes, too hot weather, and poor food.

Those young actors were followed by their parents, and when they pressed Ka, they rushed forward to wipe their sweat and hand them food and drink. On the contrary, she was the only one sitting quietly in the corner, drinking the mineral water provided by the crew. , didn't complain, didn't complain, and didn't bring a guardian to make trouble.

Being so different made the director and the staff at the scene look at her a few more times, exchanging glances in private, silently recognizing her greatness.

Of course, she also has hypocritical times, for example, she has to go home before ten o'clock in the evening.

After working overtime for five days of filming, the filming was finally completed on the fifth night.

Because of the budget of the crew, all the scenic spots were leased, so the filming can be completed within the planned time, which is satisfactory to everyone.

There are many assistant directors in a crew, and there is only one chief director. The assistant director is in charge of different transition groups. The assistant director who chose her earlier was in charge of their group, so his satisfaction with himself directly led to the shooting scene. Gave her a lot of advice and appreciation.

There is someone on the scene who is in charge of lecturing and telling you how to act. Only Huayan is rarely NG, and almost all of them go through it once. Occasionally, when she encounters NG, the director will personally tell her the play. It can be seen that she is very important. For this reason She caused many eyes and sour words from the parents of rival young actors.

Because those who can participate in the performance are not newcomers, for Cheng Yaojin, who was killed halfway, there are indeed many people who hate her so much.

But the producers have already settled down, so what's the use of being annoyed?

Originally, I wanted to see her jokes, but I never thought that her performance was better than all their experienced young actors. When everyone acted like a lady, she didn't have the slightest sense of disobedience, and inexplicably let the people around her follow her into the play. This feeling is not only The parents of the young actor found out, and even the director team realized it.

So after the performances of the young actors are over, it also means that Huayan's role has been completed, earning [-] yuan in five days, it's not too much fun, okay?

Soon someone from the director's team came to ask her if she had signed a contract with a company, an agent, etc., but she refused.

"For the time being, I will only be filming during the winter and summer vacations. If I have the opportunity, it will be the best. If not, the group performance is also very good."

Her modesty, neither arrogance nor impetuosity, made these people even more impressed. The previous assistant director directly recommended her to another crew.

Although there are fewer scenes and he is still a little beggar, he at least has lines and costs 200 yuan a day.

Huayan gratefully accepted the kindness, got out of this group, and directly entered the next group.

They are so busy that they don't have time to see Zhou Yao, but the two will send text messages to report each other's situation.

After two months, Huayan actually earned 3 yuan, of course, before tax. Even so, Zhou Yao envied her good luck.

As for Huayan herself, she also sent out a lot of photos and contact information. If she strikes while the iron is hot, she may have more opportunities, but if she returns to Beijing for classes, no one may remember her when the winter vacation comes again.

But Huayan didn't want to make herself famous too early, which would bring her too much trouble, so she didn't do some irrational actions for filming like other children.

Therefore, in mid-August, she finished her trip to Hengdian and returned to the capital.

In July, Zhao Yun had told her that Doudou had disappeared again.

This time Huayan was obviously not as nervous as last time. She had already seen that the dog from home was different from other dogs, so she didn't take it seriously, always thinking that he would come back by himself sooner or later.

After returning to Beijing, her first online novel ended on August 180 with 8 million words.

In order to get full attendance, she also purposely made up a whole month, haha, this obsessive-compulsive disorder is no one.

In June and July, she received a total of 6 in manuscript fees (after tax), plus 7 in performance fees, almost 3.

It turned out that the book was not finished yet, and the website said that her book had reached the publication standard, and asked her if she would like to publish it.

Huayan agreed without any hesitation, because with this novel, her Weibo fans have exceeded [-], which means that her book is really popular and has a chance of being published, why should she give up on it? ?

But it also means that she will have to spend more time revising the manuscript for publication.

She knows that publishing does not make money, but earns fame, so she doesn't have much hope for publishing, and she doesn't take the tens of thousands of dollars seriously.

But if an online writer has a published book, it means her level has been recognized. This is a very honorable thing. If others want it, what right does she have to refuse?
The website tried to use her ten-year-old age as a gimmick more than once to promote her, but she refused.

The publication manuscript is still being edited, and the editor of the next novel is urging her to publish it. After all, the previous one has just been finished, so it should be timely to retain readers.

But Huayan didn't agree, the main reason is that she doesn't have enough energy, and sorting out the manuscript for publication is also very exhausting, okay?
She is used to concentrating on one thing, so she plans to open the article again in November, and the time is clear, and the two months of September and October will be used to revise the manuscript.

She has already smoothed out the outline of the new article, and the opening article has written about [-] words. It is still an old saying, but she has moved Zhaidou to Gongdou.

And this time I played Rebirth, which is a bit more interesting than the original ancient style work.

The title of the published book was finally determined to be "The Concubine's Policy", and the manuscript was successfully passed in mid-October, and the new article was smoothed out before the end of October, and the saved manuscript was added to 10 words.

On November 11st, the second online novel "Xianhou Yunrong" will be updated, which is another Gongdou drama with a big female theme.

After returning from Hengdian, she was busy until mid-November, after heating in the north, she suddenly realized that Doudou hadn't come back yet! ! !

She suddenly began to feel uneasy in her heart, but she couldn't do anything about it, because she didn't know where to find it, and could only wait for him to come back to find her.


There is also Laowen's semi-annual award (not issued in June, postponed to January), and the channel fee for the first half of 6. In January 1 alone, she received 11 manuscript fees. I was surprised, I didn't expect that the finished article would earn so much.

In this way, the money plus the previous deposits reached 55 yuan, and after deducting the expenses for more than half a year, it also reached 54 yuan.

After the holiday in January, she didn't go to Hengdian, because the previous director recommended a modern drama to her, which was filmed in Beijing, and the cycle was not long, only ten days.

Huayan happily agreed, but after joining the group, she realized that there were many night scenes, which was a bit difficult for her.

During the summer vacation, in order to cope with the time for her transformation, she only pushed the scenes after 10 o'clock to daytime shooting after communicating with the director.

This time, she felt that she didn't have such a big face, so she explained the situation to the director, thinking that she couldn't delay his progress, so she simply stopped acting. Unexpectedly, after seeing her rehearsal with makeup on, she decided to order her. Said that everything else can be discussed, so she got the chance to join the group. Although the manuscript fee was only [-], Hua Yan expressed her satisfaction.

With this drama, she didn't go to Hengdian this year. Who would have thought that on the night of New Year's Eve, Doudou, who had been missing for more than half a year, would return home. God knows how excited she was when she opened the door?
Holding her cute hair, tears fell down.

I haven't seen him for more than half a year. He has grown up a lot, and he is unexpectedly clean. Unfortunately, he can't speak, and he can't answer her questioning. But judging from his mental state, he is still her family's arrogant uncle.

"It's good to be back, it's good to be back, and I'm not allowed to disappear like this again in the future."

DouDou didn't answer, but said in his heart that he couldn't agree to this request, he just pretended he didn't hear what you said.

Although it was Chinese New Year, Huayan still prepared a lot of ingredients, and even made sausages. This year, Uncle Dou served him well.

I haven't eaten her cooking for more than half a year. After returning, Uncle Dou opened his belly to eat. Although he still fell asleep on the ground after eating, but because of his return, Huayan felt that this was like home. .

At the beginning of February, the 2 yuan for her first publication also arrived in the account, plus the 2 yuan manuscript fee and 3 yuan performance fee in February, the deposit is less than 1, because there are still daily expenses.

Huayan knew that the Internet literature in the past few years was awesome, but she didn't expect it to be so awesome. Of course, she also ignored her true strength.

In February last year, she took the Piano Grade 2 exam. She missed the opportunity to take the grade exam during the summer vacation, so she took the Piano Grade [-] exam this winter vacation.

Since the painting and dancing fees paid by her mother expired, she didn't renew the fee because she found that she was busier and didn't have time to go to class.

Except for the piano that is still being studied, all other interest classes have been suspended.

At the end of February, 2 yuan of child support in 2012 arrived in the account, adding up to 30 yuan. This money has not been saved for the time being, because it is necessary to buy a house with the remaining two on a regular basis!

In March, her "Cat Code" successfully passed the assessment, and has since entered the secret realm of cultivation.

The so-called secret realm of cultivation is to release her into the fantasy forest to temper her body.

She only has nine lives, and if she runs out of nine lives and fails to pass the assessment, she will not be able to be promoted.

The fantasy forest is a very real world. All animals are killed when they meet. There is no friendship at all. In this process, she not only needs to use the various professional knowledge she has learned, but also to apply it in practice, such as hiding and sneak attack. , Bounce, and agility, these words that appear in the cat demon, must also be exercised and practiced by her.

How do you say that?

Practice is the only criterion for testing the truth. After learning the theoretical knowledge for the past two years, memorizing it is definitely not enough. You have to be able to use it. See, hard times are coming!
This fantasy forest has been set up with [-] difficulties. As long as you enter, you must succeed to get out, so no one can predict how much time it will take. For this reason, she can only choose to challenge on weekends or holidays.

Because once in, it will take at least ten days and a half months, or even a few months. In the secret realm, energy needs to be replenished. Of course, the food ingested comes from within the secret realm, and you need to identify and ingest it by yourself. It can be a beast or a plant. If you burp by mistake, you will be responsible for it yourself.

"Cat Code" is quite thick, but it is not omniscient and covers everything.

Therefore, the real experience is only after entering the secret realm...

In June, the junior high school exam was divided into separate schools in principle, but Huayan's grades were excellent, and she was directly recommended by the school to Beijing No. 6 Middle School in Xicheng District. It is not far from Huayan's home. 10 minutes, yes, she doesn't intend to live on campus.

The Ning family specially held a celebration party for her, and urged Ning Hao to learn from her. Huayan also helped Ning Hao a lot. She sorted out a lot of key points for her, and even gave him English tutoring. Ning Hao's current grades are, Not to mention the grade, but still in the top five in the class.

She didn't go to Hengdian this summer, but used her previous contacts in Hengdian to win small roles in two TV series. One of these two TV series was filmed in a film and television base in Beijing, and the other was filmed in Hebei. It can be done month by month, and she will be able to go through the enrollment procedures in August.

Those in Beijing can take the subway directly, and those in Hebei can take short-distance trains. The itinerary is not complicated.

I don't know if it was stimulated by Huayan. This summer, Ning Hao didn't go back to his hometown. Instead, he planned to enroll himself in interest classes and a library card. Grade children, once they get serious, they still don't know each other!
(End of this chapter)

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