The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 823 [822] Famine Age 63 (4000)

Chapter 823 [822] Famine Age 63 (4000)

The profession of doctors has always been more valuable as they get older. It is different from workers. In order to make room for their children, early retirement abounds. However, for an experienced and capable doctor like Ye Huan, early retirement is not for them The loss is enormous.

So when Ye Huan wanted to retire three years earlier, the hospital also struggled, and it was later that Ye Huan agreed that if there was a more complicated operation, she could go there to help, so they let her go.

Although she retired, she was still in northern Hebei Province. He didn't know what his wife was doing, and even said she was messing around.

But in only three months, he had never heard of a business in which all investments returned to capital, and he even ran over curiously to have a look.

"There are so many rich people in this era?"

The corners of Ye Huan's lips rose slightly, "Reform and opening up, opening up the country, allows free buying and selling, and the common people have enough food and clothing, so the extra money is naturally used for consumption, otherwise, why keep it?" Buying a house?

This is different from later generations. In this day and age, units are divided into houses. Who would think of buying a house?

Only people like her who came from later generations can have such forward vision.

In fact, she still feels that the clothes of this era are ugly, and she even has the idea of ​​designing her own, but what she designs may not conform to the aesthetics of this era.

So after much deliberation, I still use this retail method to toss first.

In the era of no telephone and inconvenient transportation, it was the most difficult thing every time I went out to bring goods.

But she really enjoys the feeling of using the train as a monthly ticket. She brings the goods every half a month. From the initial 5000 yuan to the current 1 yuan, she only took three months to bring the goods. The amount has doubled, which is enough to show that in this era of gold and opportunities everywhere, you will not lose anything.

She even called the fifth and sixth brothers and asked them if they would like to do business with their sister-in-law.

Now the Ye family has no formal jobs except for these two houses, and the other houses are doing well, but the elder brother and sister-in-law are unwilling to come, because they are getting old, and their hands and feet are not convenient. Best, if you don't pass the exam, you can only face the loess with your back to the sky, and you can see things more openly.

Although she really wanted to tell them that selling snacks is also very profitable now, they were neither willing nor reluctant, so they could only hang up the phone with a sigh.

The call was made at the post office, and the family brigade had a phone, and it took a lot of detour to find someone.

Although the telephone bill is more expensive, it is always faster than writing letters and sending telegrams.

No one in the Ye family wanted to come, and her uncle's family had fallen out long ago, so it was impossible for her to help those wolf-hearted people.

She can't open two shops by herself, and she doesn't have enough energy, so she can only devote all her attention to the clothing store business.

Of course, in order to find a shop with exclusive property rights, while opening a shop, she did not forget to find someone to help find out where there are independent shops for sale.

Ye Huan went to buy goods once every half a month, and soon turned to once a week. Her vision and matching always make people's eyes shine, so as soon as she wears it on a model, it will soon attract a lot of attention. people's inquiries.

Now that everyone is thin, she always chooses M and L sizes, and each dress will not exceed five pieces in one color each time.

No, as the word of mouth spreads and the reputation of good service spreads, more and more people come to their clothing store.

At first, I didn't know that this was a women's clothing store, and there were even male customers who came in. I asked too much. Ye Huan simply set aside a store for men's clothing, so this time I went to bring the goods, and I also brought 5000 yuan. For men's clothing, in addition to women's clothing, women's shoes, women's bags, women's socks, men's socks, underwear, etc. were added for matching. The goods worth 2 yuan were purchased at one time, and they were sent back by railway freight. the capital.

With the Beijing Railway Station, there will be that kind of porter. She can hire two temporarily and let them transport it to Wangfujing. The shipping fee is only a few yuan, which is quite convenient and fast. Those who contribute by others will definitely not contribute by themselves.

It's not that she has never thought about buying electronic products, but the cost of such products is high and the risk is high, and the north side is obviously not as popular as the south side. Honestly dumped her clothes to sell.

As far as she is concerned, her starting point is higher than those who set up street stalls, but after she has a facade, her clothes can be sold at a higher price.

The purchase price of a sweater is 45, and she can sell it for 60, or even [-], but you can only sell it for [-] at a street stall, or [-] yuan.

A cashmere coat costs 120 or 100 yuan, but it can be sold for [-] yuan. If you sell it for [-] yuan at a street stall, people will say that you have a brain problem.

If you have that money, you can go to a department store to buy it. Who would want it from you?
But with a specialty store, once the lighting is turned on, the models wear it, and the shoes and bags are matched, the effect will come out.

What kind of clothes are sold in what season, in order not to keep inventory, there will be discounts based on inventory at the end of the month, the prices of specialty stores are dead, at most I will give you a full discount, give you some small things, buy those belts, scarves and wallets Socks, underwear, pants, don't they come in handy?
In addition, Ye Huan will also claim that if someone draws the leaflets, or distributes some leaflets before each event, others will throw them away immediately after getting the leaflets. She also withdraws the discount of five yuan for the voucher. The idea of ​​"Huan·Yan" is really unsatisfactory. In the face of the same department store merchants, [Huan·Yan] has gained a firm foothold in Wangfujing in only three months by virtue of its own charm.

The better the clothes sell, the more times she travels to Guangzhou. Once a week is the limit. After all, it is more than 2000 kilometers from Beijing to Guangzhou. At least half of the time is on the road. She even spends a day in the local area. I feel that time is tight, and I basically go there on the same day and return on the same day, which can save the cost of accommodation.

She only sits in hard seats. She has never bought a sleeper berth, and she can't buy it even if she wants to. She doesn't have a unit, and there are no special channels. They won't sell it to you at all.

Fortunately, the hard seat has a place every time. She can sit all the time, but she must eat well. Even if she gnaws steamed buns every time, she has to get some beef slices to eat, or eat salted duck eggs and tea eggs in exchange. In the [-]s, instant noodles were rare items, and most people couldn't buy them. She had the space, so she could eat everything conveniently.

At first, she thought that what she ate was high-profile enough, but a middle-aged man in the row next to her by the window picked up a roast chicken when he got on the bus. There was even a child on the opposite side, but they didn't pay attention to it at all. She sucked deliciously by herself, sucking bones and gnawing meat. Really, if it wasn't for something stuffed in her mouth, she would The saliva will also be stimulated by this fragrance.

How can a little boy stand this kind of stimulation? He keeps yelling at his parents to eat meat. In this case, the father can only carry the child to other places without letting him see it. Judging by his attire, he didn't look like someone who could afford roast chicken, so he could only comfort his son in a low voice, promising him to get out of the car and buy something.

At this time, the people around looked down on the middle-aged man a little, and seemed to condemn him with their eyes for not giving the children some, and even if they didn't give them, at least give the children something to eat.

Ye Huan doesn't think so. First of all, it's their own stuff, so you can give it to you if you want, and you can't help it if you don't give it to you. You can't be kidnapped morally.

Just as she was eating tea eggs here, the woman across from her was staring at her all the time, and she pretended not to notice. She ate her own, and no one took advantage of anyone else.

All her goods have been shipped, so she just carried a bag here. Except for daily necessities, she didn't even have any money in it. Traveling lightly, it seemed easier than any of them.

Self-employed businesses were allowed to exist in 83. Before this year, there were still many people secretly speculating, selling things from the south to the north, and then selling things from the north to the south. They were just dawdling on the train every day, but This kind of risk is high, so she is often caught, unlike the time she chose, which happens to be legal.

And the reason why she chose to retire at this time is also because the business in the past few years is the best time to do business, which is rare and must not be missed.

In fact, whether it is reselling clothing, electrical appliances, snacks, building materials, home decoration, or real estate after 85, they are all profitable.

The prerequisite is that you have to be down-to-earth, work hard, do business, and be honest. If you cheat and play tricks from the very beginning, then, huh, huh, even if you become bigger and stronger later, you will overturn sooner or later .

At night, when she was sleeping with her eyes closed, a scream suddenly sounded in the carriage: "Ah..., my money is gone, my money has been stolen."

The middle-aged woman touched her slashed trouser pocket and sat on the ground crying for her father and mother. This scene, no matter when it is, is sympathetic.

"When I got in the car, I kept touching it. Look, it was all there. I still had it before I went to bed. I just squinted for a while. How could it be stolen? This thief who suffered a thousand dollars, don't let my mother I found you, I will stab you to death #¥...,"

She really didn't want to listen to the obscenities behind, no wonder people stole you, dressed so rich, and fumbled in your pockets from time to time, lest people would not know what money is in your trouser pockets?This is the most taboo thing when going out, whether it is a bag or a pocket, if you keep touching and looking at it, if someone sees it, it will be a disaster.

Since the thieves can steal it, it proves that they have been watching you on this train for a long time. After stealing the money, they will definitely not stay where you are and listen to your scolding.

In such a situation, there is still the possibility of a gang committing crimes, so Ye Huan just looked back and turned around.

Although she is a military doctor, she is too old, and she can't take care of this kind of nosy business so much, because she is worried about it, so every time she goes out, she dresses very low-key, fearing that she will be patronized by thieves and lawbreakers.

The bad guy will not write that he is a bad guy. In addition to thieves, there are also human traffickers in this era, abduction and trafficking of women and children, which is their strength. Be scary.

In fact, ghosts are not good at all, what is scary is the human heart.

So far, she has not particularly trusted anyone, especially in business, and has always given herself some leeway.

But because this carriage was patronized by thieves, after the police took the woman away, the people in the carriage could no longer sleep, especially the middle-aged man who ate roast chicken, holding his briefcase vigilantly, You can tell that there are valuable things inside at a glance. Are these people's vigilance too weak?

As soon as he regained his attention, Ye Huan washed his nose and suddenly smelled a bad smell. He looked down and saw a young man in his 20s next to him, taking off his shoes and snoring. He was sleeping soundly and was not affected at all. The impact just now made her feel uncomfortable and pushed him.

"Young man, put on your shoes. It's fine to snore in public. The smell of these shoes is so strong. You don't feel bad. You should take care of the people around you. What do you think?"

Ye Huan is an elder now, and he smiled when he spoke. The young man blushed, but he knew what was good and bad. He immediately put on his shoes and nodded embarrassedly at her.

"Auntie, I'm sorry, I will definitely pay attention in the future."

Ye Huan nodded to him: "I'm sorry to trouble you."

Take a step back each, and you will be able to broaden the sea and the sky in the end.

If the other party is rampant, then use extraordinary methods to deal with it.

After staying up for two nights, she finally arrived in the capital at noon on the third day. At this time, she felt that her waist could not straighten up.

She wasn't in a hurry to get off the bus, it was the terminal anyway, she waited until everyone else got off, then stood up and walked towards the door.

When I arrived at the platform, I took the bill of lading to find two strong laborers, and borrowed their trolleys to help her put the goods on the taxi. After paying three yuan for the labor fee, I took the taxi directly to my shop.

Then she took care of the shopping guide to help unload the goods. For this reason, she also custom-made a trolley to pull the goods. Several women tossed and tossed and brought the goods to the small warehouse. After that, two people were left to sell the goods outside, and the rest started Comparing and counting with her, she will enter the account again, and then she can hang up the goods to be replenished.

If there is a new style, you need to find a time to hold a small event to stimulate consumption.

This is the road she must go through every week to buy goods. In the wholesale market in Guangzhou, she has never seen the kind of clothes sold by the catty on the street stalls, or clothes that cost five yuan or eight yuan a piece. The clothes that came back the first time were all good clothes that she found in the whole wholesale market and caught her eyes.

She doesn't like ordinary clothes, and ordinary clothes need to be matched properly in order to get out of the best-selling style.

In that wholesale market, there were many retailers like her, but they didn't take her seriously at all.

And now they are all state-owned enterprises, it’s not that she wants to design a pattern, people can mass-produce it, so if she wants to make the style she wants, unless one day she can open a garment factory by herself, even if it is a small Yes, how could it cost 40 to [-] yuan?

(End of this chapter)

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