The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 816 [815] Famine Age 56 (1 more)

Chapter 816 [815] Famine Age 56 (1 more)
That's because she doesn't know if anyone knows the value of Hetian jade nowadays. If picking up stones carries a certain risk, she must pay for it.

However, the child Ye Yu didn't know anything, and worried that she was being serious, she said, "I also heard from others that the stones on the Hotan side are beautiful, and they might sell for money, but we don't know, right? So Just pick up more, if you come across a good one, won’t you be able to sell it for a higher price? You don’t need money now, but when the stone is sold in the future and sold for money, the two of us will split half and half, do you think it’s okay?”

Ye Yu looked suspicious, "Stones can also be sold for money? Is there anything wrong with these people? However, it is a fool's behavior to have money and not make money. It's okay. I think it's okay. After I leave you, I have to go to I’m back in Hotan, and there’s no one to take care of me in the city, so I applied to go back in advance, and I’ll come back when the child is weaned, during which time I’ll pick up stones when I’m free.”

"Don't let people see it. Even if you see it, you'd better make up a reason to fool it."

"I know, I know, sister, you are really good at picking up a stone and sneaking around,"

Ye Yu hugged Danfeng with a smile, Ye Huan was worried about kicking her stomach, very worried, but Ye Yu said.

"Sister, the name you gave your child is really nice. You can name my child as well."

"You can push it down. I'm just their aunt. You parents haven't gotten up yet. How can I cross the line?"

"Huzi is a big bastard, what does he know? You can't rely on me, sister, just think of two for me, boys and girls!"

"Oh, by the way, I want to be like you. Boys take their family's surname, and girls take my surname."

Ye Huan stared, "Go, go, can your situation be the same as mine? Have you discussed it with Ji Huzi? You just made this decision?"

"Of course we discussed it, and he agreed. He also said that it's not like having a child anyway. A girl will marry someone sooner or later. My surname is my surname. That person is very machismo, but the child was born by me. Come down, even if he doesn't want to, he has to agree with me, otherwise I won't have a baby, hum!"

Ye Huan found it funny when he saw his sister's arrogant expression, "The key is simple and easy to remember. Girls are called Ye Luo, and boys are called Ji Zhiqiu. In the future, no matter whether it is siblings or brothers and sisters, they can actually use it. When you come out, you will be called Ji Yeluo, and when your younger sister comes out later, she will be called Ye Zhiqiu, this name can be used by both men and women."

Ye Yu murmured carefully, and then slapped his thigh suddenly: "Oh, sister, you are really good, this name is good, really good, if it is a brother, my surname will also be included in the surname, yes, use this The two names are great, so if I have two daughters, hahaha, wouldn't they both have my surname Ye?"

Ye Huan stared blankly at her: "Then you should pray that you will get a boy in one fell swoop, and save one birth after another. In my opinion, two brothers and one sister are the best. Don't have a lot of sisters and sisters. In the end, I have another younger brother, but sometimes, it seems that there is nothing wrong with me thinking that I don’t have to have children.”

"Bah, bah, don't talk nonsense, brother-in-law is also in our army, I think the husband and wife are doing well, and they are also adopted children, but I heard from the sister-in-law that some people get better later. Yes, so, brother-in-law is not completely hopeless, just wait patiently."

"I'm already thirty, it's probably too late to have children,"

"Thirty is not too late. Some people can still live at forty. Sister, as long as you are in good health, age is not a problem. Take it easy and don't think about such messy things."


After chatting with Ye Yu for a while, Tong Zhan hurried over. When he was leaving, Ye Huan secretly prepared a large bag of brown sugar, wheat, milk, essence, apple cider vinegar, walnuts, etc. made by herself for her sister. Big bag, Ye Yu looked at these things and said nothing, Ye Huan became anxious when he heard it.

"You came to see me from such a distance with your big belly, and you said that if something bad happens on the way, how can I explain to your Huzi? You are about to give birth, and I can't go there. I can't serve your confinement. Here's to you With such a little thing, you are still pushing me back and forth here, do you look down on sister?"

When Ye Yu heard this, her head felt dizzy, "Oh, my dear sister, stop talking, can I take it?"

"That's about the same. There are steamed buns and sauce I made for you in it. If you're hungry on the way, just add some sauce to make do with it. When you get there, supplement your nutrition. Remember?"

Ye Yumeng nodded, and after saying goodbye to Ye Huan step by step, she got on the army truck. She was pregnant after all, so she could lie down in the back. The co-pilot and the main driver were all under Ji Huzi's hands. He also takes good care of her.

After sending Ye Yu away, Ye Huan stood at the intersection for a long time, until the car was out of sight, and he was held by the shoulders of Tong Zhan: "Don't worry, they are all experienced drivers, and they don't drive all the time, they stop and go , Although this side is deserted, there are supply stations for our troops every other section, so don't worry that they don't have a place to live at night."

Ye Huan sighed, "Xinjiang is so big, when I think of her running so far to see me, I want to cry, no, I have to count the time, when she is about to give birth, I will find a way to see if I can I can’t change shifts with Dr. Zeng, confinement will be very hard without my mother’s family around, and I’m worried that she won’t be able to keep up with nutrition, do they live in a nest?”

"Should it be replaced with an adobe house? The ground nests were all built when we first went there. After a long time, everyone will move to the ground. However, it's hard to say, you didn't ask?"

Ye Huan sighed with self-blame, "I'm confused, I forgot such an important thing, although I packed a few clothes for the child, but they were all torn, I have to take advantage of these few days to make clothes for the child." A few clothes, we sisters are far away from the mainland, away from parents and brothers, I don’t take care of her, who will take care of her?”

Speaking of which, both Tongzhan and Ji Huzi were children without parents, because they lived alone since they were young, so it was difficult for them to understand the relationship between brothers and sisters. If it wasn't for fear of attracting attention, Ye Huan would still I want to give Ye Yu more, but unfortunately the bag is not big enough, stuffed with those things and a few clothes, it is full, eh~~.

Little did they know, the things she gave Ye Yu already made the pregnant woman shed tears on the spot.

I was bored on the road, so I just wanted to look at those little clothes. How could I expect to see money, tickets, and boiled eggs wrapped in the little clothes?

She didn't even know when her sister went out to cook eggs, and when she hid them here for her, not counting the brown sugar, malt milk, essence, she felt the care from her relatives in an instant, these are the things her man will never forget. She couldn't feel the warmth either, she held on to the little clothes tightly, and it seemed that she could still smell the child's milky fragrance.

I thought that what my sister gave her should be the steamed buns they often eat, but what she never expected was that there were white flour steamed buns and corn flour steamed buns in them, all of which were fine grains, and even the sauce contained large pieces Meatballs, as soon as I tasted it, I knew that my sister made it herself. She hid all her love in these foods and asked her to bring them back. At that moment, Ye Yu finally couldn't hold back, and cried while eating, causing trouble The panicked glances of the little soldiers.

"I'm fine, I just want to cry, I miss my sister, I miss my parents, I'm sorry, I can't share these things with you, because my sister made them, I want to eat more, turn around Go back, let your regiment leader treat you to a good meal, don't worry about me, let me cry for a while..."

The two little soldiers panicked, and quickly said that they would not eat, they were just joking, no matter how greedy they are, they should not grab food from pregnant women. Besides, before they came back, the team leader ordered the cooking team to prepare rations for them. So they won't compete with sister-in-law for food.

Hearing sister-in-law's words, although he was relieved, seeing her crying and laughing for a while, he was terribly worried, and finally went back to the station in fear, and sent the little sister-in-law who was depressed all the way to the hands of the group leader. Only then retreated tremblingly.

Afterwards, I learned from those sister-in-laws that pregnant women are emotionally unstable. It was only at this time that I suddenly realized that it was so. No wonder the sister-in-law was crying and laughing at other times that day, scaring them to death. Women are really made of water.

Ye Yu, who kept Ye Huan's words firmly in mind, returned to Hetian, whenever he went for a walk, he would pick up stones, not many, three or five yuan, and only picked up good-looking ones, where he slipped and picked them up, because there were stones everywhere. No one followed her, so she carried a small basket, and when anyone asked, she said she wanted to tidy up the yard and pave a cobblestone road.

After all, in her opinion, it is impossible to hide it from others, so it's better to say that, anyway, when plowing the ground, the stones in the ground will be thrown on the geli or the ground at will.

Because pregnant women have to walk more before giving birth, this is the best way to give birth, so Ye Yu walked around, went everywhere, finished in the morning, went in the afternoon, and was still trying to pick up stones the day before the delivery, so the stones piled up in their house were hard for Ye Huan to give birth to. The speed of imagination was constantly increasing, until one night in mid-August, she suddenly started, carried it to the clinic, worked all night, and finally gave birth to a boy weighing five catties at dawn.

Ye Yu smiled and said before he fell into a coma: "Great, my younger sister has an older brother, Ji Yeluo, congratulations, you are born."

It was around August 8th that Ye Huan arrived in Hotan after traveling for seven or eight days in the army's supply vehicle, where he met his younger sister.

(Note: Altay is about 1800 kilometers away from Hotan, and here it is overhead, and the setting is only [-] to [-] kilometers, please know).

Ye Huan's arrival made Ye Yu very excited, so she had a very comfortable confinement.

Because after my sister came, she brought her a lot of supplements, the body was well nourished, the milk was sufficient, and the baby naturally had no shortage of nutrition.

And Ye Huan worked overtime for more than half a month in order to take care of her confinement, and he might have to make up [-] days of work after returning.

However, she doesn't regret it, because for her younger sister, this confinement period is very important and must be taken care of properly.

In order for the sisters to take better care of the children, Ji Huzi moved to the next room to sleep, and the sisters and the children slept in the main room.

"The small yard of your farm is pretty good. You can grow vegetables, melons and fruits, which is much better than ours."

(End of this chapter)

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