The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 800 [799] Famine Age 40 (4000)

Chapter 800 [799] Famine Age 40 (4000)

She giggled twice: "You should be lucky, I'm not prone to pregnancy."

"Go, the more children you have naturally, the better, isn't it a good constitution for getting pregnant?"

"Of course it's not good. It hurts so much to have a baby. I don't want to have a lot of babies. How can I go to work then?"

In the era when there were no contraceptive measures, while she was grateful for her physique, she also thought about whether she should have a check-up. Although the check-up had already been done before marriage, the two of them had no major problems, but after all, they have been married for almost a year. According to The thinking of normal people is not very normal, but if military marriage is added, it becomes normal again.

On the issue of having children, the two of them have never reached a consensus. In this straight man's opinion, the more children the better, even if you don't go to work, you should have more children. After all, if you want more children, just follow Laplan As simple as s, it's disgusting.

But in her opinion, one is the best if there are more children than good ones, and if it doesn't work, just two. It's perfect to make up a good character.

"Let's not talk about the number of babies now, you have to give me a chance to have one first? Are you coming back this week? Shall I pick you up?"

"Aren't you busy?"

"Well, there is no task for the time being."

"Okay, then you can pick it up on Friday, I have a rest on Saturday this week,"

Doctors only work on weekends, so they only have two concepts: day off and shift off.

Even on holidays, she needs to transfer shifts with others to get them out. For example, during the three days on November, she was on duty in September.

After that, she didn't dare to talk anymore, after all, the military line can't be occupied for a long time, after hanging up the phone, she went back to the dormitory.

In the eight-person dormitory, most of the people living in it are unmarried. There are nurses and young doctors like her. Those who are old and married female doctors usually live at home unless they have dormitories in other places. .

Everyone's working hours are different, and doctors and nurses don't have so much common language, and she only goes back to the dormitory when she sleeps and does laundry, and usually stays in the department and library, so there are not many conflicts, and they are all okay. polite.

After all, we can understand each other's pain, respect each other as much as possible, come back quietly during the day, and don't cause trouble to those on the night shift, and those on the night shift are also very careful when they go in and out at night, and they are as tired as dogs every day. Do you want to play tricks?

Therefore, she is quite satisfied with the life in the dormitory, because she gets along well, and occasionally invites everyone to eat fruit.

Of course, they have delicious food, and they will let her.

After getting off work on Friday afternoon, she went back to the dormitory to pack up, then ran out with her backpack on her back, and saw the jeep parked by the roadside of the hospital at a glance.

Her man had a cigarette in his hand and hung it on the car window. Seeing her running towards him, he immediately extinguished the cigarette and opened all four car windows to run out of breath.

When she walked in, she was brought into his arms, but Ye Huan blushed and gave him a thump: "There's a big audience, what are you doing? Smoking again!"

"Man, how can you not smoke? But I seldom smoke. I used to smoke a pack a day, but now I don't smoke a pack a month."

"Smoking is not good for the lungs, if you can quit, just quit."

The corner of his lips twitched, "Okay, our military doctor Ye Da has spoken, how can I be disobedient? Let's go, go home, I asked someone to buy meat, and we will make dumplings tomorrow."

He took her backpack, threw it into the back seat, closed the window, and she got into the co-pilot without him opening the door for her.

"Your car...can I drive it?"

Tong Zhan glanced at her sideways, and couldn't help laughing at her eagerness to try.

"Women are born with a poor sense of direction. You should take a good ride in the car. It's not enough to have me as an exclusive driver?"

"There is no one on this road, let me try! Also, I think what you said is discrimination against women. This is a new society, how can you be so pedantic?"

Another one who discriminates against female drivers, he should really be slapped in the face.

"No, no, this is a military vehicle. If you crash it, we have to pay for it!"

"Hey, you can't say something nice, what do you mean I crashed, how could I crash? I'm an old driver,"

Oops, missed the point.

"Old driver? Ye Huan, what do you mean? Do you still know how to drive?"

Ye Huan laughed, "During the summer special training at the Military Medical University, I touched it, but I haven't been on the road. I really want to try it. If you go out of the city, let me try it!"

Tongzhan didn't expect his daughter-in-law to have the opportunity to touch the military vehicle. He was really surprised, but seeing that she really wanted to drive, he could only nod in response.

"All right, all right, I'll drive for you, but only for two or three kilometers!"

Ye Huan nodded furiously, but when he left the city and handed the steering wheel into her hands, he began to regret it.

Apart from looking like a novice at the start, in the next wave of operations, when the brigade commander swallowed nervously, his right hand firmly grasped the handrail next to him, and he kept chanting with.

"Daughter-in-law, let's not worry, you slow down, drive slowly, this is a dirt road, bumpy, don't you feel dizzy yourself?"

Ye Huan held the steering wheel in his hand, looked ahead, and his mind was very stable, because after leaving the urban area, although the road was not good, the key point was that there were no people or cars!
Although her driving skills were not good in her previous life, she felt a familiar feeling when she held the steering wheel in this one. She wondered if Longgang didn't drive this kind of off-road vehicle less in that life, or why did it feel so powerful!
In fact, Ye Huan didn't drive fast, fifty or sixty yards, fast?
It can only be said that our male gays are too poor psychologically, and they look down on their female comrades from the bottom of their hearts.

So, no matter how much Tongzhan asked her, she just refused to give it, and directly let him act as a manual navigation, because if she didn't drive, she didn't remember the roads, especially the roads of the army, she couldn't remember them. Therefore, the meaning of the existence of Tongzhan never listened to comfort her to drive slowly, and gradually turned to the navigation of going left and right.

Gradually, after watching her daughter-in-law grasp the sense of direction and speed, the nervous heart gradually returned to its place.

"Yes, that's it, keep it up, it's ok, you, a novice can drive like this? When you have a chance, you can go to the army to get a driver's license."

There is also a driver's license in this era, and it is difficult to test, and most people have no chance to touch the car, so if she can get a driver's license in this era, it proves that there is another way to find a job.

For example, in their brigade headquarters during the same battle, there seemed to be a car battalion with green cards, which was very impressive, because this was the wealth of their brigade headquarters!
In the end, Ye Huan drove the car ten miles away from the army, stopped, and switched to Tongzhan. At this time, he did not dare to be willful. Not only did he have to pay the fuel fee, but he also had to write an application to borrow state property. One of his powers, there are guards at the regimental leader level, and naturally he also has them in the same battle, but he only uses them for work and never troubles others in life, so he has a very good reputation in the army.

Tongzhan sent Ye Huan directly to the vicinity of the logistics department, then returned the car, and went to the office to have a look.

As Ye Huan walked home, he lowered his head to take out the keys from his cloth pocket, not paying attention to the movement around him.

Head Zhou's daughter-in-law was sitting at the door watching the children play, and when she saw her come back, she greeted her immediately.

"Ye Huan is back?"

She looked up and smiled all of a sudden: "Sister-in-law is using the soles to make shoes for the group leader?"

Sister-in-law Zhou curled her lips: "Hey, how can he appreciate my zòu shoes, as long as our kid doesn't dislike them, I'll make them for my little xiáo (two voices, local dialect, meaning son)."

Ye Huan couldn't help but pursed his lips and laughed, "Sister-in-law really likes to joke, isn't everything going well at home? Thanks to you for this period of time, let our old family go to Cengfan, come to the children, auntie will give you candy!"

It cannot be said that the food in the army cafeteria is not good, it can only be said that this person is tired of eating and complains that the food is still the same.

You want to cook with the same wave of people, and almost no seasoning is used. In the age when only salt is used, what taste can be produced?
Although there is no meat in this family, but because the sister-in-law is from all over the country, she has local characteristics, and the food tastes very fresh.

Therefore, as long as the food at home is similar, Tong Zhan will be invited to have a meal. Although he brings the vegetables grown at home and sometimes gives food back, but the kindness of others, the couple must take care of it, so when they come back this time, I deliberately brought back a catty of candy. There were many children at the door, and they were all there. You and I, the children laughed happily.

"Ye Huan, I'm so sorry to cost you again."

Sister-in-law Zhang's daughter took her out and specially asked her mother to thank her aunt. Although she thanked her, she still felt that it was not enough, which made Ye Huan very flattered. Surprised.

"What's the cost? As long as my guy goes to your house for a meal in the future, don't throw him out."

"Haha, her aunt is really fond of joking. The brigade commander is self-conscious. Let's smoke good cigarettes, drink good wine, and eat good food together. Let's not make things difficult for her behind."

"Yes, yes, sister-in-law is right."


After exchanging pleasantries, Ye Huan returned home. As soon as he entered the house, he found that General Tong Zhan had kept the house very clean.

She took off the military uniform, propped it up with clothes, hung it on the hanger, wiped the floating dust with a towel, then changed into comfortable home clothes, wrapped her hair in a towel, and went to make dinner. I have to eat early today , After eating, you can go to the bathhouse of the army to take a bath, because there are not many lesbians, so the bathroom is relatively small, and the gay side is much larger.

You have to pay for bathing, five cents a time, soldiers are cheaper, two cents, they are family members and women, women take a bath slowly, adults five cents, children two cents.

Considering that the gay man in their family hasn't eaten the meal she made for a long time, today I plan to make him a satisfying hot and sour noodle.

Start by lighting a fire, and now she has mastered this skill very proficiently.

After the fire rises, clean the big iron pot, add two or three ladles of water, then cover it and go to the vegetable garden to pick fresh vegetables.

Knowing that she likes to eat green vegetables, she grew a lot of Shanghai greens, spinach, coriander, garlic sprouts, green onions, ginger, etc. at the same time.

Of course, cabbages and radishes are the most grown, and the ones that grow are very juicy, and they have begun to wrap their hearts.

In previous years, there was no place to plant them. This year, I seized the opportunity and planted [-] to [-] cabbages and [-] or so radishes.

I also bought about a dozen jars of that kind of pickles. This year, she plans to make more pickles, no matter if they are Korean style or Northeast style, so that everyone in the army can try something new.

Ye Huan picked up a handful of green vegetables, a little coriander, and a few small garlic sprouts.

From the large water tank in the yard, I took a basin of water, washed the vegetables, and then cut the vegetables that should be cut in the main room for later use.

There was a lot of dust in the kitchen, so the pot was placed outside, the water in the iron pot was already boiling, and the vermicelli was taken out from the main room and put into the iron pot.

Because it was a bit hard at the beginning, she needed to hold it with her hands, and the smoke made her blow continuously, twisting her body, avoiding the smoke, until the vermicelli became soft when heated and melted into the pot, then she let it go. Stir with chopsticks twice and put the lid back on.

At this point, it's time to prepare the ingredients.

Peel two garlics, chop them, and put them in two large and small bowls.

Then put sesame seeds, chili noodles, prickly ash noodles, minced green onion, minced garlic and so on.

After the vermicelli is cooked, take it out and put it in the basin next to it for later use.

Then sprinkle green vegetables, boil them, and set aside.

Then put the small frying pan on the shelf, pour in the base oil, sprinkle in a large handful of peanuts, fry them and pour them into a plate for later use.

Add more oil, after it is heated up, pour it on the seasoning just now, and with a prickly sound, the fragrance will come out, absolutely amazing.

Just at this time, Tong Zhan opened the door and came in, smelling the spicy aroma, he rubbed his hands excitedly and came over: "Daughter-in-law, what delicious food do you want?"

"You wipe down the table and you can eat."

Tong Zhan stared in surprise, "So fast?"

The corner of Ye Huan's lips twitched, "I'll let you eat something fresh today."

Although he must have eaten it in Chongqing for so many years, it was the first time she made it after coming to Beijing.

Ye Huan fished the vermicelli into the big bowl of the same war, then put some green vegetables and coriander, then put light soy sauce and vinegar, and added two spoons of vermicelli water.

Stir it with chopsticks, add a little salt, and ask him to take away the hot and sour powder when he comes over.

"Use your chopsticks to mix well, the ingredients are all underneath!"

After mixing it for myself, I brought a small bowl and peanuts sprinkled with some fine salt, and went into the house.

Tong Zhan was drooling: "You actually know how to make hot and sour noodles?"

"What's the matter with this? If the seasoning is more abundant, it may be more delicious. Eat it, you probably don't have enough bowl, I'll get you another bowl later."

The chilled peanuts taste crunchy and crunchy, and the results of the same battle are eaten in two or three bites.

Fortunately, when she was seasoning, she added an extra bowl, so she directly scooped up the vermicelli, added water, and added ingredients to make another bowl.

Tongzhan ate two big bowls, and hiccupped indistinctly. Ye Huan gave him a look: "I'm really useless."

"It's still my daughter-in-law who is capable and can cook all kinds of dishes. She is too capable. Is there any dish that you don't know how to cook?"

Ye Huan nodded, "Of course, we have a lot of Chinese food, how can I know how to cook everything? But I can do everything, and when the living conditions improve, I'll let you experience it slowly. Clean up for you, I have to take a bath."

(End of this chapter)

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