Chapter 77 [077] 90s Chef 77
At two o'clock in the afternoon, Gong Mingxia and Zhang Yun began to cut watermelons. They cut [-] large watermelons and sent them to the dam in batches.

Before she came, she bought a lot of Huoxiangzhengqi water. When the children took the watermelon, she gave them two bottles each and let them carry them in her arms to prevent heatstroke and cool down.

Everyone thought that the two of them were ordinary people in the village. After expressing their gratitude honestly, they decided to fight quickly. After eating, they ran quickly to pack sandbags. of sadness.

After getting off the embankment, Gong Mingxia and Zhang Yun drove to a nearby town and bought a carload of watermelons, mineral water, and Huoxiangzhengqi water, which cost 3000 yuan.

In fact, the soldiers are not short of food and drink. All over the country, donations are being made to fight floods and disasters. The cohesion of the Chinese people can only be displayed at such a moment. I also want to contribute myself.

The watermelons were unloaded into the tent, and a dozen pieces of mineral water were lifted to the dam, opened and distributed bottle by bottle to their hands.

It was only at this time that they seemed to notice that this eldest sister seemed to be different from the others. It was not that others were bad, but that she was running too diligently.

Diligently moved their hearts.

When she asked them their ages, they grinned and reported their ages, "Nineteen, twenty, 22..."

These children who were supposed to be treasures at home, but now they are standing here and become men who stand above the sky. Seeing them so cute, she felt distressed.

Especially when fighting the flood, everyone was so reliable, but when answering the age, he was shy, which moved Gong Mingxia very much.

However, this also indirectly proves that these children are gradually imitating their predecessors, defending the family, the country, and the people. They are the pride of the people and their role models.

In the evening, Gong Mingxia cooked meat patties full of love for the children, and they were all large pieces of meat, and each one was delicious.

In addition to the meat patties, they also made the pickled fish they wanted to eat. One pot per person made the children so moved. Who would have thought that if you say something at noon, you will actually eat it at night. Can you not be excited? ?

The next day, when she heard that she wanted to eat steamed buns, Gong Mingxia immediately started frying eggs and sausages. When they reached the dam, there was an egg and a piece of sausage in each steamed bun. The children were happy to eat, and Gong Mingxia laughed with tears in her eyes.

At noon, this meal, braised pork, shredded fish-flavored pork, pot-wrapped pork, and three fresh foods... As long as she can, she will cook them in turn, and sometimes even cook them a meal of seaweed rice, spicy fried rice cakes, Bibimbap and other foods with Korean characteristics, the soldiers quickly remembered her within a few days.

Later, when a reporter came to interview, Gong Mingxia avoided far away, but they still caught her, and even made a special issue, because she learned from the village cadres that she had to bear all the cost of cooking by herself. Gong Mingxia did not dare to expose her face, one was afraid that Zhang Liang would see it and cause unnecessary trouble, and the other was really worried about trouble, so at her strong request, she was coded.

As long as she doesn't photograph her face, everything else doesn't matter. Cooking is also her own job, so what she said during the interview was also the official words of the military and civilian family. As for how much she spent, she kept her mouth shut. .

(End of this chapter)

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