Chapter 62 [062] 90s Chef 62
That night, at the gracious invitation of Aunt Wang, the Meng family stayed at Aunt Wang's house, and Meng Xiuying stayed at their house.

Because of the issue of Meng Xiuying's divorce, the Meng family's brother had some connections, and he found his classmates here. The classmates found a reliable lawyer, and the family squatted here to fight against the Liu family.

In fact, this lawsuit is easy to fight. Meng Xiuying has already sued her husband for human trafficking, and this matter was implemented because Liu Xueliang confessed and found the human trafficker. Although his trick was unsuccessful, but at the insistence of the Meng family, he was sentenced. One year in prison. Given that the Liu family is now heavily in debt, the Meng family will not take advantage of her Liu family. As long as he happily signs the divorce and gives up custody of the child, the Meng family will not care about anything from now on.

The old lady of the Liu family forced Liu Xueliang to sign the divorce agreement, and the couple parted ways from then on.

The Meng family stayed at Aunt Wang's house for five days. Before leaving, Meng Xiuying's mother offered her 1000 yuan, but Gong Mingxia refused.

"Auntie, who doesn't have a problem when you go out, don't be so polite. It's my blessing to be able to get to know my sister. If you refuse like this, you'll be polite."

At this point, Meng's mother knew that she couldn't do this anymore, so she had no choice but to take the money back. Meng Xiuying was very grateful to her. The two exchanged addresses and planned to keep in touch in the future. Gong Mingxia was also welcome to visit her in the capital when she had time.

After saying goodbye to the Meng family, Gong Mingxia breathed a sigh of relief. Although Gong Mingxia confiscated the money, Aunt Wang found 500 yuan under her pillow.

"This family is too polite." Holding the 500 yuan, Aunt Wang sighed.

"They feel that they are bothering us, and they feel bad about it. In fact, we really didn't do anything, but Auntie, after this incident, I can see that women are sometimes better than themselves, and they really want to encounter a dissatisfaction. The man who I am in may be ruined all my life, such as sister Xiuying, or me, if time can come again, I would rather not get married in my whole life,"

Auntie Wang frowned, "Son, then you can't overturn a boat with a single pole. There are still many good men. Take my son for example. He is a good man, he,"

"Auntie, it's true that Cao Yuan is a good man, but since he became a soldier, he can't stay by your side to take care of you, right? For work, he can say that he does everything he can, but as a son, husband, and father, he is qualified side?"

Auntie Wang opened her mouth and quickly fell silent. Gong Mingxia felt sorry for her quick words.

"Auntie, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been so direct, but I,"

"No, child, you're right, in fact, I know it myself, but I just don't want to face it. He is not a good son, not a good father, nor a good husband. My daughter-in-law really endured a lot at the beginning. Pregnancy, going to the maternity check-up, giving birth, and even supporting her son, she has always been paying for it. As a father's son, she has become a passer-by in this family. Thinking about it, it is also sad. It is not difficult to understand why you did not choose him. You are very sad. Reason, maybe because,"

Gong Mingxia took Auntie Wang's words, "Yes, because I have already experienced a failed marriage, so I will be more cautious about marriage, Auntie, please forgive my selfishness, I hope you don't because of this matter, and There's a rift between me."

(End of this chapter)

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