Chapter 4 [004] 90s Chef 4
In 1997, when her daughter was five years old, she should go to kindergarten. In order to devote herself to her work, Gong Mingxia had to send her daughter to kindergarten.

Fortunately, this is a small third-tier city, and she can afford the education expenses. Kindergarten costs more than 100 yuan a month.

In this city with an average salary of 100 to [-], more than [-] nursery schools are all low-priced and affordable kindergartens for migrant workers.

The facilities must be very poor, but at least someone helps to take care of the children, which is her lowest requirement.

Gong Mingxia has a fever these days, so she gave the dumplings a chance to pass through.

"The original owner had two wishes. Originally, she wanted to change her name and her appearance. She didn't want scumbags to find her, but if her name was changed, how would she find out the wrongful convictions made by her replacement? So, not only can she not change her Name, but also keep this name and this account forever. This is the first wish, and the second wish is to let my daughter be admitted to a good university, so that the scumbag can get retribution earlier. "

Although they didn't change their names, because the daughter's household registration has not yet followed her to her parents' household registration book, the mother and daughter must have their own household registration book, otherwise it will be inconvenient to go out to do errands in the future, so this trip to my hometown, Still have to go back.

She took a careful inventory of Gong Mingxia's private property, and now she has saved more than 1000 yuan. With this more than 1000 yuan, it is enough to go home and open an account.

There is no need to delay this matter, the sooner the better.

Gong Mingxia forced her body to stand up, ate the antipyretic medicine on the table again, drank a lot of water, felt her strength recovered a little, and began to pack her things.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, I picked up my daughter home, and I didn't mention the matter of leaving at the teacher's place.

At the beginning of the month, she hadn't paid the fee, and last month her child was sick and asked for leave without refund, so she didn't take advantage of the kindergarten.

It's not yet time to settle wages at the construction site, but she dragged her sick body to apply for wages, and there were reasons for her elders to be sick. Especially her salary was low, only 600 yuan, but she didn't make things difficult for her.

It will be three days after the salary is received and the things are packed.

Wasn't the reason why she left in such a hurry because there was a 'boyfriend' that her substitute didn't want to see at the construction site?
In fact, there is nothing that can't be seen, but if you feel that you are here, then this friend will definitely not be able to talk about it, so it is better to just leave.

I bought a train ticket to the provincial capital first, and then I bought a train ticket to their provincial capital when I got to the provincial capital. There was no seat, so I had to bring a small ponytail. The mother and daughter stumbled and struggled for three or four days. Just arrived at the provincial capital of your own city.

With no time to catch her breath, she bought a bus ticket for the town below, wandered around for a day, and arrived at the destination at night. Up to now, she had spent more than 200 yuan for the fare and meals.

I found a hostel in the town to live in, and the next day I took my daughter to the police station and asked to apply for a household registration. After consulting, I found that the procedures were very cumbersome.

After wandering around the police station for several days, after asking someone, I spent money to entrust my relationship, and I gave someone a red envelope of 300 yuan, and I did an urgent processing.

Even so, it took her more than half a month to go through some procedures. When she came, she brought about 200 yuan. After all the household registration documents were completed, she had 300 yuan left in her hand. The 700 yuan that was sent out was all spent on relationships.

However, she was relieved to see that Gong Mingxia was the head of the household's new household registration book and her daughter's new name.

She is still called Gong Mingxia, the name can't be changed, and her daughter's name is Gong Xiaoyan, because she has two dimples and she looks so good when she smiles, so on the basis of the nickname Xiaoxiao, she is named Xiaoyan.

With the new household registration book in hand, Gong Mingxia set off for the capital decisively, because only big cities can reflect her own value.

When I arrived in the capital, I did not look for other jobs, but went directly to the construction site to apply for the job of a cook.

The reason why I don't work as a waiter or other work is because other service industries are not easy to do, but this work is actually quite good.

He is only responsible for three meals a day for the workers on the construction site, and does not require you to buy vegetables, just cook, finish cooking, and clean up the kitchen, and the rest of the time is yours.

In addition, Gong Mingxia has a lot of work experience in the construction site, and she has dishes to guarantee her strength, so she will be very handy when working.

She used to be busy with work and rarely had time to cook. In fact, she still likes cooking. She didn't have time to study in the previous life. In this life, she feels that she can spend more time studying cauldron dishes.

If the cauldron is done well, it can also become her foothold in the future, right?
No, because she did a good job and had local characteristics. She only cooked one dish and was left by the person in charge of the construction site.

Of course, there are many migrant workers, and she can't do it alone. There is also a male cook, who should be a relative of the person in charge of the construction site.

To put it bluntly, he is a handyman. He has to do everything, and he must do a little more dirty work. As a newcomer, he is bound to get up from here.

This doesn't matter, she just wants to find a stable job first, save some money in her hand, and then think about other things.

When she applied for the job, she had already explained her situation. It was enough to bring a child and have a bed.

She wanted to ask for a single room, but it was absolutely impossible, so she didn't mention it.

Fortunately, there are also female workers on this construction site. There are young people who have just married and come out to work hard together, and there are also women who are 50 or [-] years old and are still working hard for their children. In short, no matter what the reason is, women who can come to work on the construction site, if they are not helpless, who are they afraid of? They don't know how to do this work that is more difficult and tiring than farmers.

Not everyone can be a cook. It can only be said that the glutinous rice balls are lucky. The previous woman came over a few days after she left, and the food she cooked was recognized by others. In fact, before that No girl from the construction site came here to try it, but the results were not very satisfactory.

The arrival of Gong Mingxia made those people realize that this job would be impossible to win.

But the peasants of this era are still quite simple, especially seeing that she is carrying a child alone, which is even more difficult than them, so they stopped thinking about fighting.

In fact, even if they don't give up, they have to admit that they will continue to recruit people in the future, but if any of them have this ability, they won't wait until Gong Mingxia arrives to determine the candidate, right?
The prefabricated house on the construction site is two floors up and down. This kind of prefabricated house is cold in winter and hot in summer, which is very painful.

But since he fell ill, Tang Yuan knew that although life was hard, it was good to live.

Besides, if this task is simple and she chooses, when will the original owner's wish be fulfilled?
Without the work experience to match her high school diploma, what if it was a high school degree?
Can't find a job yet?
There are so many college students in later generations, and it is not necessarily a few who can get satisfactory jobs.

So if you don't take the opportunity to save some money, how will you raise your daughter in the future?

As for her student status, she has other plans.

The goal in the future is to buy a small house in the capital, even if it has only one bedroom and one living room and fifty square meters, it is better than nothing.

Because the first time-traveling world was originally positioned as a construction site cook, she had no choice but to take her place smoothly.

This real estate site is relatively large, so the kitchen is not the one here, but basically one in each of the four corners of the south, south, north and west.

The two of them are responsible for [-] to [-] workers, which is quite a lot of work.

The wife of the person in charge is the custodian of the construction site and also manages the logistics. When she went to report to her, her accent revealed her hometown.

As soon as I heard that it was my fellow countryman, and he was very kind to her, I gave her a room with fewer people, a room with four beds and eight beds in total. At present, there are three people living there, one of whom occupies the lower bunk, and she takes the child with her. , the upper bunk is definitely inconvenient, so it occupies the lower bunk.

The girl is five years old, very sensible, and rarely makes trouble. After running around with her for two years, she has adapted to this lifestyle of changing places every once in a while, so in the face of the new environment, it is not at all. Not cramped.

In fact, the mother and daughter did not bring any luggage. Most of the luggage they had purchased before was given away, because it was inconvenient to carry large and small bags with a child.

When I first arrived, I went to the hardware store near the construction site to buy some rough quality bedding sheets and covers. The hardware store near the construction site is equivalent to a grocery store, basically covering the basic necessities of migrant workers, not to mention quilts, even aunt towels.

In this kind of public area, it is natural to be as low-key as possible.

Because of the clutter of people, no one knows anyone, so you should be vigilant.

She was especially insecure with a child, so she was poor at the beginning.

After changing the bedding sheets, I took my daughter to a nearby bathhouse to take a bath, changed into clean clothes, and bought a basin and toiletries.

Then she washed the dirty clothes and hung them outside to dry. When she returned to the house, her daughter was already tired and fell asleep.

It was getting dark at this time, and I just ate a bowl of noodles outside after taking a shower, but I didn't feel hungry. Because I was going to work tomorrow, I took an early rest this evening.

(End of this chapter)

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