The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

第367章 【366】60窝囊废逆袭1(1更)

Chapter 367 [366] Six zero wimps counterattack 1 (1 more)
When Tangyuan woke up again, she found herself in a ward full of age. The unfamiliar environment made her realize that she might have entered the third life.

Sure enough, before she was allowed to see clearly what she was like, a memory that did not belong to her flooded into her mind.

The original owner was Long Gang, male, born in 1945 and died in 1970. He was only 25 years old when he died. What a young child!

Long Gang was born in an ordinary family in the northern countryside. He has older brothers and sisters, and a younger brother. He is neither the eldest son nor the eldest daughter, nor is he the most favored. If the younger brother is neglected because of his parents' partiality, he has always been the child with the lowest sense of existence in the family since he was a child.

The honest Longgang is not material for learning. He dropped out of school after graduating from primary school, and later went to work as an apprentice in a furniture factory. When he was 20 years old, he saw a woman jumping into a river. Under instinct, he jumped down to save others without worrying too much. But fortunately, people have fallen for him, saying that he bullied her to get pregnant and wanted to marry him.

The woman first followed him for a few days, and then led her natal family to their house to make a fuss. The parents and brothers who made the fuss didn't believe him, thinking that he really did something to him. There is no DAN identification in this era, so he can't talk about his suffering.

I thought I would get married if I got married, but the family was very aggressive, and the bride price was 3000 yuan. What is the concept of 3000 yuan in [-]?
The elder brother and sister in the family just got married, so where is the money left for him?Even if I have money, I still want to keep it for my younger brother to go to school, so my parents firmly disagree with giving money.

The family said they were going to sue him and put him in jail, thinking that this would force the Long family to submit. Who would have thought that his parents would be so heartless that they would directly drive Long Gang out of the house and want to sever ties with him.

Long Gang didn't expect his parents to be so unfeeling, let alone a woman who was rescued casually could be so shameless and beat him up.

He was so angry that he uttered harsh words himself, severing the relationship would sever the relationship, and if he had the ability, he would not recognize him for the rest of his life.

The woman didn't expect that the Long family would kick them out so quickly. Her betrothal gift was gone, and her stomach was getting bigger day by day. Now because of their family's troubles, everyone in the neighborhood knows that this child was conceived by her unmarried, If she doesn't marry Long Gang, it will be completely over.

And Longgang is also a coward, his parents have broken ties with him. If he hadn't been able to do carpentry and was a little educated (already able to have an elementary school education in the past six years), the factory would have fired him long ago because of these gossips. He is a temporary worker, has great development prospects and is worth cultivating, so he reluctantly stayed.

The woman decided to continue to follow him because she saw the job of another temporary worker in Longgang. Otherwise, wouldn't she go back to the countryside to farm?

So even if Longgang couldn't come up with a bride price and couldn't prepare a house, the woman still had no choice but to choose to marry him.

Long Gang thought about the daughter-in-law who came to his door for free, without spending a penny, don't want it for nothing.

So, one was willing to fight and the other was willing to suffer, so they got married.

After marriage, Cao Lijuan's lazy personality was fully revealed. They had no savings, no house, lived in the town by renting a house, and had children to support. The key point was that this wild species did not belong to Longgang. The more Longgang worked, the more he felt aggrieved and panicked. , because he didn't spend much of the money he earned, and let that woman spend all of it.

The imbalance in his heart has accumulated over time, but he can't drive people away casually, he can only be a monk hitting the clock for a day, and make do with it.

More than once, he felt that he was useless, for the sake of an irrelevant woman and child, he had a family and couldn't go back, and he couldn't call a mother, how could he not be angry?
 The third story begins~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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