The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 339 [338] Delicious Fisherman 189 (4 more)

Chapter 339 [338] Delicious Fisherman 189 (4 more)
Fisherman's Noodles officially closed on the 28th of the twelfth lunar month. Because they were all bought by her, they should all return to the farm for the New Year, so after the noodle shop closed, Yuan Bao drove them back to the farm for the New Year.

Xiaoyu is not an unscrupulous master who criticizes his servants harshly. Although she bought them, she also gave them absolute human rights and freedom. Each of them still has an allowance of [-] Wen per month for food and clothing. They are distributed to them on a quarterly basis, and all they have to do is to do their own job well, as long as they do well.

In terms of eating, she didn't treat them harshly. Basically, she can see the meat once every three days, and the eating method can satisfy people's greed. Talents gradually realize that they have met good people, and the daily life of sunrise and sunset has allowed them to gradually settle down, and they have become more hardworking in dealing with the work arranged by Xiaoyu
Moreover, Xiaoyu also bought cattle, donkeys, and various farm tools and vehicles for the farm to reduce their physical activity as much as possible. Everyone is grateful to her from the bottom of their hearts.

No, in order to have a good year, the farm bought [-] to [-] fish, a pig, a dozen chickens, eggs and tofu for everyone to eat every day. Who would not yearn for such a happy life?

But Xiao Yu is not a good person. No matter who she is, she will let the people in the village supervise each other. If she meets someone who steals, rapes and plays tricks, as long as she finds out the truth and is sure it is true, she will sell it directly. , never come back.

With this deterrent regulation in place, those who want to take advantage of the kindness of the boss and those who are lazy, don't have to weigh it before doing things?
After Xiao Yu went back to the farm and settled down with the big guys, he asked Yuan Bao to send her to the small courtyard where Yan Qing gave her a place to live, where he even gave her a maid, she didn't want it, and thought it was very possible It became a point of ridicule for others, but Yan Qing said that the purpose of the servant girl following her was to let her recognize more people and places in the palace, because the palace is too big, men and women sit separately, and it is impossible to entrust her to anyone. Don't worry, so I specially sent a female guard to follow.

This female hidden guard doesn't look very old, she looks fifteen or sixteen years old at most, but she is a master of the middle class. She knows that she is Shen Ze's sister, and she is valued by King Qing, so she respects her very much, because she was born in the imperial palace. , the degree of familiarity with the palace is no less than that of the maids, so with her, she can save a lot of worry.

Xiaoya looks ordinary, and there is no smile on her face. It is what we often call a poker face. You can hardly see her emotions from her face. In contrast, Xiaoyu feels that she is too LOW. Because she found that in this life, it was difficult for her to control her emotions, which probably had something to do with the environment she grew up in. She was used to being free and living alone, and when she saw many people, she would feel inexplicably nervous.

So Yanqing arranged for Xiaoya to follow her, it was really heartwarming.

And Xiaoya seems to be very versatile, because she can comb her hair?She is more feminine than her anyway, but she is a handicapped person. It took a long time to learn the most common bun, but Xiaoya, who can wield knives, handle guns and play hidden weapons, can actually comb such a beautiful bun. The hair bun is simply admirable.

She always felt that such an excellent person shouldn't look so ordinary, so she would stare at her face in the mirror and look hard.

"Miss Shen, you've been staring at my face for a whole day, don't you feel your eyes hurt?"

(End of this chapter)

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