The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 335 [334] Delicious Fisherman 185 (4 more)

Chapter 335 [334] Delicious Fisherman 185 (4 more)
The woman’s cold hands and feet are related to qi deficiency. The traditional Chinese medicine prescribed by the imperial doctor already has medicines for invigorating the middle and nourishing qi, so on her side, she prescribed some prescriptions for nourishing blood and beauty. Beauty), red bean barley tea (dampness and detoxification), etc., there are many prescriptions, the key is can you keep drinking?
Can persist, the natural effect is remarkable.

The queen felt that her body was getting fatter and wanted to seek some effective ways to lose weight from her.

Xiao Yu feels that he has become a know-it-all, so why can he ask her anything?
She doesn't like sports, in fact women in the harem don't like sports, but visiting from one palace to another every day is enough for them to drink a pot.

Those with high ranks have sedan chairs, while those with low ranks can only go on foot. Whether they are in good health can sometimes be seen from their complexions.

The queen not only got fat, but also showed the signs of aging that women often show after the age of 40. If you don't take good care of it at this time, you will soon enter the old age.

If you want to be maintained, you must first get enough sleep, secondly have a smooth bowel movement, and finally strengthen exercise.

The older a person is, the more degraded the body functions will be. The gastrointestinal function is the most important among them, followed by sleep. Mastering these two points, combined with diet and exercise, can be well improved.

In the process of communicating with the queen, Xiao Yu explained that the first thing she did after waking up was to drink a glass of water. A glass of water in the morning can detoxify and empty the intestines. This is a good habit and should be adhered to every day.

Secondly, the usual diet should be light, with less oil and salt, and eat more vegetables and fruits.

When it comes to exercising, Xiaoyu taught the empress a set of commonly used yoga poses. When the empress saw these poses, she didn't care at all, she still felt them.

"Where can this exercise go? It doesn't look complicated!"

However, when she actually came over to do it with her, when Xiao Yu corrected his posture, and his forehead started to sweat, he realized that he was wrong, not only wrong, but also outrageously wrong, because yoga really should not be underestimated, it seems that Jane Simple movements, each time you do it, actually have a different feeling.

"This kind of exercise can tighten the skin, exercise various parts of the body, stretch ligaments, open shoulders, and adjust breathing. In short, if you can persist all year round, you will find that you will not be so panting when you walk, your skin will be firm and not sagging, and your body will be well-proportioned. You have a temperament, you may not be able to see it in a year or two, but you can try it in ten or eight years?"

"You made this yourself?"

Xiao Yu shook his head, "No, it was taught by my master. How can a Minnv have that ability? But Minnv has persisted for six or seven years. What do you think of my body? What about my skin?"

The queen couldn't help laughing: "How could you tell when you were young?"

"That's right, but if the empress likes it, I can draw a set of pictures and bind it into a book. You can flip through it when you're bored. If you're bored doing it yourself, let these female officials accompany you to do it. This will give you motivation!"

Xiaoyu just drew a book of Taijiquan for the emperor, the queen knew about it, and now Xiaoyu proposed to draw a yoga map for himself, and he was still very moved, "But, there are only movements, no movement essentials, We can't learn either!"

"It doesn't matter, as long as the sisters are free, you can go to the noodle shop to find me when you are free, and I will train you."

The queen immediately patted the table: "That's a good idea, so let's make a decision. This exercise is quite quiet, and you don't need to go out. You only need elastic clothes. You can practice it in our own palace. I like it!"

 The child is not feeling well these days, so I won't add more for the time being, and I will add it when I am free.

(End of this chapter)

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