The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 308 [307] Delicious Fisherman 158 (1 more)

Chapter 308 [307] Delicious Fisherman 158 (1 more)
It happened that Xiaoyu was sitting at the counter to settle the accounts. This is a skill she learned from Uncle Yuan, and it needs to be practiced more, so as long as there is nothing to do, she will sit and do the abacus. Only when you agree can you prove that you have really learned it.

Princess Yijia?

Xiao Yu raised her head and saw that the guards over there had already started to drive away the diners on the table next to her. She frowned and stopped in displeasure.

"Poor ghost? This guest officer, who are you calling poor ghost? Is this your territory? Why do you want my guests to get out?"

The guard was taken aback for a moment, apparently he didn't expect that there would be civilians who were not afraid of death in front of the princess?Immediately stare.

"You are so courageous, Princess Yijia is here, how can you allow yourself to be presumptuous? Hurry up and kneel down!"

Xiao Yu glanced at them indifferently, without saying a word, went straight to the diners, and said with a smile.

"Everyone, don't waste it. It's not easy to get every grain of food. Just eat it. I've invited you for today's meal,"

The common people looked around hesitantly, as if they were a little worried about whether they would be kicked out again, but what the boss said was right, so before their attention was focused on them diners, they quickly grabbed their bowls The noodles inside, try to finish eating early and leave early.

Then he turned around and looked at the princess Yijia: "I don't know if the princess is coming, but the villain is far away. Please forgive me. May I ask why the princess came to this shop?"

She just raised her hands and didn't kneel down. Just kidding, how can a modern person kneel down to the ancients?

She has never kneeled in Yanqing, how would she kneel to Princess Laoshizi?
The Princess Yijia was wearing a veiled hat. Although she couldn't see her face clearly, she could clearly see Xiao Yu's expression through the tulle.

Seeing that she didn't salute him, his brows were already furrowed in displeasure. Looking at the common people around, it seemed as if they didn't hear the guards chasing them away just now, but they were still in the mood to sit down and eat?Do these people see her as the Princess in their eyes?

But she was angry when she was angry, she didn't forget her purpose of coming here today, so she could only hold back her anger, and looked at Xiao Yu with a sullen face.

"Are you the shopkeeper of this store?"

"It's the villain."

"Very good, I heard that Brother Qing eats at your place for three meals a day recently?"

Brother Qing again?This voice seems to be different from the voice of the princess last time, could it be Yanqing's diehard fan again?

Xiaoyu cupped his fists respectfully and bowed his head: "Exactly, His Royal Highness Prince Qing does eat here every day. Excuse me, is there any question?"

Princess Yijia's expression was ugly. Looking at Xiaoyu's calm face, she felt even more angry: "What kind of ecstasy soup did you give my brother Qing to make him go here for three meals a day? You can't even go to court? You know? I don't know if this continues, he will become more and more depraved?"

"Emm...," Nimei, what does it matter to him?Also ecstasy soup?Thanks to this little girl, she can say it in a movie.

"Princess, I'm afraid you have to ask His Royal Highness King Qing himself about this, not to mention, he just came to eat, and the time for eating will affect the morning court? This must not be directly related to eating, otherwise, you Go and ask yourself? The villain is just a cook and doesn’t understand these things.”

"I see that you, the shopkeeper, have sharp teeth and a sharp mouth. Since I entered the door, you have not paid attention to me. In your eyes, as long as I am the princess, you will not be so rampant. Don't you know? You What about cheating ghosts? Come, arrest him and torture him severely, I want to see, what kind of thing is this, dare to act presumptuously in front of this princess!"

(End of this chapter)

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