The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 301 [300] Delicious Fisherman 151 (4 more)

Chapter 301 [300] Delicious Fisherman 151 (4 more)
Xiao Yu's eyes flickered slightly, what did he mean by that?What does it mean that she knows what he means?

He has said it so clearly, of course she understands, why don't you just tell her his position in the court?

"I am the idle king. After my prince and brother ascend the throne, I will also go to my fief. Tell me, how about listing Port Town as my fief?"

Xiao Yu looked at him with a smirk, always felt that there was something in what this guy said, but also felt that she was overthinking, because she was a fisherman, how could he treat her?

"What skin care products are you selling upstairs? Bring them here and show me!"

Seeing that her expression was already a little stiff, Yan Qing stopped continuing this embarrassing topic, and instead mentioned [Yujia skin care].

Xiaoyu can guarantee that she didn't show any flaws in skin care products when she was on the island, so when Yan Qing asked her what she wanted, she hurriedly took out a dozen bottles from her room and put them in a cloth bag, Handed it to him.

"I'll give you these. The usage is on the note. You can find them yourself."

Yan Qing opened them one by one, squeezed his eyes curiously to look into the small bottles, and after reading them, he sniffed them carefully. He always felt that he had smelled these smells on the island.

"You did all this?"

Xiao Yu didn't answer directly: "If you use it well, come to me again, we can discuss cooperation."

"Cooperation? Cooperation for what? Sell this?"

"That's right, with His Royal Highness the King of Qing in charge, no one would dare to frame me in these things. As you can see, my packaging can only do so much. If someone holds these things, add some materials, and then said that they bought it from me, what should I do if they extort my money? So I have to find a backer for myself.”

The word backer, for some reason, pleased someone. He played with the bottle in his hand, carefully looked at the words and instructions on it, and asked curiously.

"The writing on this note is too neat, right? And this paper, why have I never seen it before? How did you do it?"

Xiao Yu was afraid that he would ask this, so he said awkwardly: "Well, I will tell you after you cooperate with me!"

Yan Qing took a deep look at her, and could not laugh or cry: "Give you some sunshine, and you will shine brightly."

Xiao Yu was at a loss for words: "You actually..., still remember this sentence?" This was what she scolded him on the island, but he didn't expect him to use it on her today.

"Are you eighteen this year?"

"Well, it's eighteen, and it will be nineteen after the Chinese New Year. Time flies so fast."

"You're not too young, don't you ever think about finding someone to marry?"

"I haven't found my younger brother yet, so why marry? I'll talk about it when I see my younger brother. Besides, I'm living a pretty good life now, so why marry? After I'm married, I won't be as free as I am now, and I have to serve others. If I can , I would rather not marry for the rest of my life."

"Girls, what nonsense are you talking about? Where are the girls who don't marry? What kind of person do you want to marry?"

"Simple people don't have so many top relatives. It's better to be a loner, honest and responsible, able to live a stable life with me, don't ask for wealth and power, at least be kind and considerate, and treat me well."

Yan Qing listened intently, and at the end, he did not forget to say: "Your request is not high."

"That is, I am just a fisherman who has never seen the world, and I am not good-looking, so why should I ask how good the man is? Besides, if he is really good, do I dare to marry? Who knows what the other party wants me to do? How should I say, now I am also a person with land and house?"

The last sentence made Yan Qing laugh and cry: "Hehe, you are very confident, but there is nothing wrong with that! There is nothing wrong with this statement."

"That's right, I think so too. We can't guarantee anything else. This cooking skill is still good. Look, isn't even the Wu Zang Temple of your majestic King Qing also bought by my skill?"

(End of this chapter)

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