The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 295 [294] Delicious Fisherman 145 (2 more)

Chapter 295 [294] Delicious Fisherman 145 (2 more)
After all, in their memory, they have never seen their master so greedy. Even when he is hungry, he can maintain his demeanor.

But like now, it is really the first time for a big girl to get on the sedan chair!

A total of four of them sat at the square table. The master ordered seafood noodles. One of them ordered hot dry noodles, one ordered noodles with fried sauce, and the other ordered braised noodles. At the end, they added fried noodles with shredded pork. They just wanted to try it. Taste, how delicious these noodles are, it will make the master want to rush here early in the morning.

Soon, the noodles they ordered came to the table. Because the hot dry noodles and fried noodles were relatively dry, they were given a large bowl of seaweed egg drop soup, as well as cabbage kimchi and radish kimchi as side dishes: "Guest officer, please Use it slowly, your faces are aligned."

"Unexpectedly, although this noodle restaurant is small, it is quite exquisite. Look at the bowls, chopsticks and plates, which are also printed with their unique signs. The side dishes are served in small plates. The soup is also provided with a small bowl and spoon for each of us. , this is not treated like this in ordinary noodle restaurants."

"Not only this, I have never heard of the noodles in this restaurant. Have you heard of hot dry noodles, stewed noodles, and fried noodles? We also have seafood noodles and fried noodles here. There is nothing special about it." , and, this soup, what did they just say? Seaweed? What kind of dish is that?"


While the three guards were chattering endlessly, no one noticed that Yan Qing, who had eaten so much, was so excited when he tasted the first bite, because this noodle still has the taste from memory, and the more you eat, The more he felt that it was more delicious than the food on the island, God knows how long he had been talking about it after he came back, and how many cooks he had hired to make seafood noodles, but it was not as delicious as her cooking.

It seems that the ingredients are almost the same, why are there so many differences?Where exactly is the problem?
Indeed, the cooking of seafood noodles is similar, so why is the spicy seafood noodles made by Xiaoyu more enjoyable than the local ones?

One is the reason for the noodles. The noodles used on the first day of opening are all natural flour made from wheat grown in the space;

The second thing is the sauce. Because she doesn’t use salt, she made a special chili sauce. The oil in this sauce is sesame oil that has been fried with peppercorns, shallots, coriander, garlic, and sesame seeds. The taste is very pure. If you use this kind of refined seasoning oil to water the peppers, will the taste be bad?
Chili is a must-have when eating noodles. Without this is equivalent to missing a soul mate. For the same noodles, the taste of adding chili may be more delicious and richer than spiced.

In order to eat this meal, Yan Qing didn't eat in the morning, just waiting for this meal, a bowl of seafood noodles was exhausted in a short time, and before the others started eating, he played the CD, and saw it on the table. The shredded pork noodles are eaten without any politeness, nodding while eating.

"Her craftsmanship, you can taste it as soon as you taste it!"

The guard finally noticed something was wrong: "Master, have you eaten before?"

Yan Qing ignored them, and signaled them to eat quickly, but his actions slowed down, after all, a bowl of seafood noodles was hurriedly finished, and he had to enjoy the rest of the noodles slowly.

He had already drank seaweed egg drop soup on the island, and he didn’t think there was anything rare, but since he hadn’t drank it for a long time, he filled a bowl for himself, took a sip slowly, and found that the taste was different, so he stirred it with a spoon ,what?There are still small shrimps?This woman can really do it!
(End of this chapter)

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