The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1586 [1585] Spring City Lu Family

Chapter 1586 [1585] Spring City Lu Family

Wan Jiahe was much more proactive in the back. He went to cook with Lu Ying, took the initiative to pay, and used routines, which were nothing more than some of his sister's hobbies. As for his family's situation, he didn't reveal much. This kid also has his own opinions, even if he is a soldier, they may not all be decent people, so before he finds out his situation, he will not explain their family's situation clearly like a fool.

But Wan Jiahe is not a fool. The halo of Bai Zhihua University's Department of Medicine alone has already left him a few blocks away. If he doesn't grasp such good conditions, it really means that his brain is flooded. .

Lu Ying looked at Wan Jiahe with a serious face, but she just tried to persuade her: "My sister is not so easy to chase, you plan to travel long distances,"

By the way, he also talked about the conditions of his sister's favorite object.

"Now people don't like my sister. My sister hasn't given up yet. Besides, she only intends to be friends with you, and she didn't agree to date you. As for you, if you want to defeat all your competitors, don't show some housekeeping skills No way, after all, people have their eyes on that man, but he graduated from a military academy, what education do you have?"

When Wan Jiahe was asked about his education background, he looked a little embarrassed: "I graduated from junior high school. At that time, I didn't have a high school to study. After working for so many years, I didn't have the opportunity to go to further study. I didn't even get a place in the college entrance examination."

"Although academic qualifications are not a criterion for judging a person, you are indeed weak in terms of academic qualifications. You are about the same age as that person. When he was a soldier, he was a person who went to the front and won first-class merit. So I think you are retreating now. , can also understand."

Knowing the gap with Bai Zhi, Wan Jiahe was not repelled by Lu Ying's few words.

"This is a matter between me and your sister, so you don't have to worry about it. Don't worry, we soldiers can't do anything else, but we are particularly hardworking. Chasing someone also has perseverance and perseverance."

In fact, Lu Ying felt that Wan Jiahe was not good enough for his sister. The main reason was that he didn't know this person well. He even complained that Ding Wei said that, and there was no way to make friends with this kind of person. When he was alone with Ding Wei, he asked very straightforwardly.

"Do you think my sister will fall in love with Wan Jiahe? Or do you see his personal charm?"

Ding Wei rolled her eyes angrily when asked by the straight man in front of her, she had no choice but to talk to him in plain English.

"You think too much, I just want to let Xiangfeng know the existence of Wan Jiahe. My brother Xiang is relatively weak emotionally, and he has to rely on others to push him forward. Sister Baizhi has worked hard for half a year, and the result is only going out to eat. I don't want to watch her work so hard, I want to find someone to stimulate Xiang Feng. What I said earlier is so clear, how can you not understand? Go, go, go, I really don't want to tell you this, anyway, Sister Bai Zhi has already Understand what I mean, as for you, mind your own business and go!"

Seeing that Ding Wei was angry, the bastard hurried out and bought dried fruit and plum candy to coax Ding Wei. Bai Zhi looked at her younger brother's dog-legged appearance and looked disgusted. Looking at Wan Jiahe, he was no longer cold, Talking to her softly, she felt that it was wrong. In her opinion, a soldier should have the aura of being a soldier, not a person who can put down his figure just to talk to someone. She looks down on such a person People, and together with it, Wan Jiahe is also a bit displeasing to the eye.

So their journey can’t be said to be safe and sound, it can only be said that they have suffered a lot because of spiritual tests. When they got off the train and walked out of the station and looked up at the blue sky and white clouds above their heads, not only Ding Wei felt that the free air was good, but even Bai Zhi also couldn't wait to separate from Wan Jiahe.

When Wan Jiahe was 'thrown away' by Bai Zhi in a very passive manner, Ding Wei smiled gloatingly at the side.

"Is my sister contradictory? When someone is cold, you feel that he is very handsome, tall and mighty, and it's good to appreciate it, but once he warms up to you, you feel that this soldier has no soldier spirit." , without the integrity that a soldier should have, it's really outrageous!"

Bai Zhi looked back at Ding Wei in amazement: "You also feel this way, don't you? I just feel that what I want is not this kind of object, and I should just ignore me like Xiang Feng. You see, he is so attentive all the way, let me I feel that this person is a bit hypocritical and unreal, what should I do if I don't even want to be with him as a friend now?"

Ding Wei pursed her lips and turned her head to look at Lu Ying: "Okay, stop nagging now, you see, Sister Baizhi didn't like that person at all, so you won't have to say that I turned my elbows out , just put me in trouble for Brother Xiangfeng."

"Look, look, you're here again, I've already apologized to you, why are you still holding grudges? Doesn't this just show that your brother has a good character and powerful methods? After seeing him, I think who It's not suitable to be my brother-in-law, you should be happy, why are you still holding grudges?"

Ding Wei was really too lazy to talk to this kind of person, stepped forward and grabbed Bai Zhi's arm, threw the luggage in the direction of Lu Ying, and then rubbed Bai Zhi's head affectionately.

"Sister, shall we go to your clinic now?"

"No, let's go home first, put our luggage at home, and then go eat. I'll take you to try our authentic cold noodles in Northeast China. Today, it's a good time to eat cold noodles. My dad and the others have a kitchen in the backyard of the clinic." , cook and eat by myself, and don’t need someone to deliver the food.”

As soon as the two aunts left, Lu Ying hurriedly followed behind with big bags and small bags, and followed them onto the bus with difficulty.

The development speed of the three northeastern provinces in the 80s was actually at the leading level in the north. At least in terms of the number of buses and bicycles, people's clothing and the thriving street scene, it was much better than the development of their provincial capitals.

Naturally, it is not the first time for Ding Wei to come to the Spring City, but it is the first time to come to the Spring City in the early 80s. Although the current development of the Spring City may not be as good as a small county town in later generations, the calligraphy and paintings painted on the streets are still from the 70s and [-]s The style, low houses, dilapidated doors and windows, and unplanned streets and alleys are very characteristic of the times. If you have a camera, you can shoot a nostalgic blockbuster!
"How about it, compared with the capital, does Chunshi have a different charm?"

"That's necessary. Chunshi has a profound modern city background. The earliest automobile industry base and film production base in New China are all here? I have admired this city for a long time. Today, I can use the two of you I feel very honored to come here once. After all, the beauty of the Spring City in the North Country can only be appreciated bit by bit.”

The siblings were very moved because of Ding Wei's high standard evaluation, and then Bai Zhi introduced to Ding Wei various delicacies in Spring City, such as pork slices, Korean cold noodles, pot-packed meat, white meat blood sausage, pork ribs stewed beans, Stewed Chicken with Mushrooms, because of the detailed description, Ding Wei, who is obviously not very hungry, feels articulate and drooling every minute.

Lu Ying's mouth is not idle: "Anyway, the summer vacation is long, let's play in the spring market first, and then go to the mountains after playing enough. Let me tell you, there are many famous scenic spots in our spring market. It's the Puppet Manchukuo, do you know that?"

Ding Wei gave him a white look, "Anyone who has gone to school knows that, so I know there is a Museum of the Puppet Manchukuo Palace here."

Lu Ying raised her hand and snapped her fingers: "Then let's go to the museum as the first stop, how about it? In addition to this museum, there are Wanshou Temple, Jingyuetan..."

The film and television city, wetland park, and sculpture park known to Ding Wei in later generations were all built by later generations, and they did not exist in this era.

The most worth seeing in Spring Market are some relics of the Puppet Manchukuo, which have been protected in this era, but the tickets have not yet been charged to enter the tour. However, after going through that era, many valuable sites have been almost destroyed. In fact, Ding Wei knows to look, but she can't see any tricks, but if you come to Chunshi, you can't justify it if you don't go and have a look, right?
So she quietly listened to Lu Ying's introduction, glanced at the rapidly developing industrial city outside the car window, and saw the streets and alleys full of office workers riding bicycles, and felt more and more that she could survive from that era to the present, really It's as fast as a movie.

In a blink of an eye, she was 16 years old, and it has been 16 years since she came to this era. She came from the hinterland of the Central Plains, went north to the capital to study, and now she has come to the city of the former Puppet Manchuria for sightseeing. It was so natural, smooth, and wonderful!
After watching the street scene in Chunshi on the bus, after more than an hour of stop-and-go driving, they finally arrived at a residential area. There are no tall buildings now, but only one-story houses and small courtyards. They followed their siblings The two turned east and west, and finally walked into an alley called Tuanjie Lane, and then stopped at the gate of a large one-story house.

Lu Ying found the key from the bag, opened the door, and pushed open the iron gate. What came into view was a small courtyard on the second floor. The courtyard was half the size of a basketball court. There was a two-story building directly in front of it. There is a row of chicken coops and a hut in the corner.On the right side of the yard is the kitchen and the pile of firewood. The firewood is neatly placed, and it can be seen that the owner has taken good care of it.

In the center of the yard is a vine shelf, which is directly connected to the gate. There is a drainage pool and sewer under the vines, as well as stone tables and benches.

Neatly planted eggplants, beans, tomatoes, cucumbers and other vegetables in the yard are all green and look extraordinarily juicy.

With just one glance, Ding Wei fell in love with this flat and small courtyard, and developed an inexplicable affection for this family who love life.

"They all go to the clinic during the day and come back at night. The clinic is one or two kilometers away from here. I have a lot of family members, so after demolishing the previous clay tile house, I built two small buildings. My father lived downstairs. My mother, grandparents and grandparents also have a guest room, and the four of us live upstairs, each with a room, and the location of the corridor will be sealed in the future, so that we can dry clothes and make an activity room or something.”

The stairs of Lu's house are outside. Because the house in this era has no insulation layer, and it is cold in winter and hot in summer, creepers are planted in the backyard. Although the summer is not very hot, there are also many snakes, insects, rats and ants, but the creepers all over the walls never It looks very beautiful from a distance, but only the Lu family knows how troublesome it is.

"I can't get rid of it. It's very vital. My dad can't do it by pouring poison on the roots. The root system on the wall is so developed that it ruined the house. Last year, I saw a creeper hiding a snake. It scared me to death."

Lu Ying's words provoked her sister's sneer: "Are you ashamed to tell Weiwei that you are afraid of snakes? You are a medical student, but you are afraid of snakes?"

Lu Ying blushed, it was a subconscious word, and she just blurted it out, Ding Wei hasn't said anything yet, this sister, really can't open any pot.

Seeing Lu Ying's uncomfortable expression, Ding Wei quickly said, "Who is not afraid of that kind of cold-blooded animal? They're all the same, and I don't like them either. But your creeper has been around for a while, which means the root system underneath is too developed. So it can’t be eliminated. In this case, we must dig deep to dig out the roots, otherwise the house will indeed be scratched and cracked by its root system after a long time.”

Ding Wei's words undoubtedly comforted Lu Ying, and Lu Ying was relieved to see that she didn't care.

"My dad said that we will start a big project this winter to completely get rid of this creeper,"

Lu Ying took Ding Wei to the backyard to have a look, and found a piece of honeysuckle, "Ah, do you still grow medicinal materials at home?"

The backyard is also half the size of a basketball court. Such a large space is not wasted at all, and it is all planted with medicinal materials.

"Every year, my dad will plant a kind of medicinal material. Last year, I planted plantain dandelion, and this year I planted honeysuckle. They are all medicinal materials for clearing away heat and detoxification, because these medicinal materials are in high demand. Although planting them will not help. The land is empty and empty, so I want it to create some value. If it is planted outside, it is easy to be stolen. Unless we plant in large quantities, we have to build a house in the field to take a look. The price of medicinal materials is relatively expensive at present, and it is easy to not know the goods. Forget it, if you meet someone who knows the goods, you will also suffer serious losses."

There are four rooms on the first floor of Lu's house. The living room faces the sun. The room is inside. Once you enter the room, you will feel a chill. Even if you don't turn on the air conditioner and fan, it is not hot at all.

"Grandpa and grandma don't like to live here in winter, they feel cold, so they all go back to live in the mountains in winter, and stay at home as long as they don't have a doctor in summer. It's unfortunate that we came back today, and I didn't send a telegram to tell them that we will come back. Days, so they should all be at the clinic. If you live with my sister, you can go upstairs. If you want to live by yourself, we will clean up a room for you in a while. The two downstairs are guest rooms. Occasionally, relatives come over. Will stay overnight."

The small courtyard of the Lu family can be regarded as a wealthy family in the surrounding area. This house was also left by the ancestors. After all, the ancestors have studied medicine for generations, so how can they have no savings?
"The area of ​​the clinic is larger than this, because there are still patients who need to be taken care of at night. My brother and the others often stay there and don't come back, just for the convenience of taking care of patients."

Asked about the ten years of the Lu Family Clinic, Lu Ying nodded: "It has been closed for 15 years, and it was only opened when the college entrance examination was resumed. During the 15 years of closure, our family lived in the deep mountains and old forests. Of course, I also helped a lot of people in the mountains, where the population is sparsely populated, and ordinary people dare not offend our doctors easily, so they did not suffer much. The main reason is that my family has been here for generations, and there is no history of studying abroad. During the period of grandpa and great-grandpa, I saved many people. Only people can pass it on.”

After putting down their luggage and tidying up, they washed up in the yard, and Lu Ying boiled bath water for them. The corner between the main room and the kitchen is the bathroom, and the water is dried in a black bucket. The room is not big. It has a bathtub and shower, which is very convenient.

The key point is that the water flowing out of the bath water flows directly into the cistern next to the woodshed.

"This water will be used to water the flowers and vegetables. There are reservoirs on both sides. We also have a shower room upstairs. The water that flows down goes into the reservoir in the backyard. When it was designed, everyone in the family came out Got an idea, how about it, isn’t it good?”

Ding Wei gave them a thumbs up: "It's nice, the design is very thoughtful, the design is also very reasonable, it's very good, it must be very comfortable to live here. How to heat it in winter, I don't think there is a kang in the room. "

"My dad and the rest live in the clinic in winter. The clinic burns boilers and has radiators,"

To ensure the comfort of patients, the clinic must burn boilers. Although it is only a clinic, it is equivalent to a small hospital.

Patients from internal medicine, gynecology, and orthopedics will come to see them. Of course, they are mainly those who trust Chinese medicine. Those who admire western medicine generally don't come here. Will not show, very backbone.

"My mother has been in poor health for the past few years, so my father asked her to go to the mountain to recuperate, but she has worked hard all her life, how can she rest all at once? So my mother planted medicinal herbs in the mountain. My grandparents seldom come to the clinic, and spend most of their time with my mother in the mountains, unless there are particularly difficult patients, they will be invited here."

Originally, Bai Zhi planned to take Ding Wei out for dinner, but Ding Wei looked at the vegetables and fruits in the yard.

"Why do you go out to eat? It's good to eat at home. I'll make you the garlic noodles that our locals love to eat in summer. How about hand-rolled noodles?"

"But there is no meat at home, and you can't buy meat at this time of summer."

How can guests come to the house without meat?
Ding Wei shook her head, "What kind of meat do you eat in summer? Look at the green vegetables in the yard, how pleasing they are. All right, hurry up and help me pick cucumbers and tomatoes. Are there eggs at home?"

"Yes, I'm feeding the chickens, they can harvest five or six eggs a day,"

"Then it's fine, as long as there are eggs, I'll knead the noodles, it will take time to wake up the noodles, you pick some vegetables..."

Under Ding Wei's command, the siblings got busy in an orderly manner.

The flour of the Lu family is made by themselves. Not to mention the fragrance of wheat, the color is also slightly black, and even the flour is a bit rough. It seems that they are people who know how to keep healthy, but in this way, The gluten of flour is not as strong as that of rich and strong flour.

Add some salt to the noodles, make the noodles harder, and then put them in the basin to wake up the noodles naturally.

While waiting, I made a marinated tomato and egg. There are green onions in the yard. As an auxiliary ingredient, the red, yellow and green ones are quite beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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