Chapter 1538 [1537] Ten dollars
On the first day of school, self-study was over in the evening. Ding Wei and Chen Xiumin returned late because of the coal stove in the classroom. They arrived at the dormitory at about ten o'clock. The voice of the life teacher, and the girls were scolding and tearing each other, Xiumin Weiwei exchanged a look, and stood at the door without squeezing in.

Although we all live in the same dormitory, Ding Wei has not yet recognized who is in the whole dormitory, and which class they are in. She only knows the ones with beds near her.

Zhao Manman, who had had friction with Ding Wei in the afternoon, was already crying.

"I lost my money. The money my mother just gave me was a full ten yuan. That was my living expenses for half a semester. I didn't keep a dime and I stole it all. Xu Zhaodi, don't Said that I wronged you, when I loaded the money in the afternoon, you saw it, the look in your eyes at that time, I feel regretful when I think about it now, "

"Also, we are in the same class, and you are so close to me. You must have taken my key. You can't be wrong. Teacher, I want to search her body and check her locker. She is the only one in our dormitory who is poor. , but I just saw her go to buy a meat box to eat, how could she afford a meat box? It's not her fault, it must be her!"

The meat box is one of their local specialties. In the crispy pancakes, add pork head meat and shredded cabbage. Spicy garlic-flavored cold dishes. It’s crunchy, burnt on the outside and fragrant on the inside. There are a lot, so you don’t need meat tickets, but you need a dime each.

Xu Zhaodi's family conditions are indeed very poor. Her family is also in the suburbs and rural areas. I heard that she saved all the expenses for going to high school. She didn't ask for a penny from her family. Pickled vegetable pancakes and school free soup, because of long-term malnutrition, dry hair, sallow and emaciated complexion, only those eyes are full of desire for knowledge.

Being insulted by Zhao Manman pointing her nose like this, Xu Zhaodi couldn't help but cry too. She lowered her head and couldn't see her emotions. No one stood by her side. From the tattered black cotton shoes, it can be seen that she is pawing hard on the ground, which is an expression of tension.

There were constant quarrels inside, and even the teacher couldn't control it, because it involved Zhao Manman, who Ding Wei disliked, so she didn't bother to pay attention to them. The words are false.

Anyway, if she was wronged, she definitely wouldn't just cry with her head down, let alone let someone categorically insult her to this point.

"Weiwei, here, how can we do a body search? You have to check other people's lockers. If it's not the case, how wronged you will be! This Xu Zhaodi doesn't like to talk very much, and we all lived in the same dormitory for a semester. , I didn't say a word to her, what should we do in this situation?"

Ding Wei glanced at the lively dormitory.

"I can't solve it for a while, isn't this big guy delaying my sleep? I have to continue the exam tomorrow!"

Ding Wei didn't want to meddle in this nosy business at first, but at this point, Ding Wei frowned when she saw that the life teacher was really going to check Xu Zhaodi's locker, and squeezed into the dormitory, crying on the ground. Zhao Manman was pulled up.

"You have no evidence, why do you say that Xu Zhaodi stole your money? You even asked the teacher to search the cabinet. Let me tell you, you are invading other people's privacy and insulting people. Do you know? What if you wronged a good person? ?”

Zhao Manman didn't expect Ding Wei to be so strong, and he pulled her up all at once. The tears on her face were still wet, and she was stunned by Ding Wei's bang bang bang, and she was dumbfounded when she realized what Ding Wei was. Meaning, jump right away.

"I wronged her? How could I wrong her? She didn't eat meat for the whole semester last semester. Ah, as soon as I lost money, she immediately ate meat. Who is it? Ten yuan, then But a big unity, my mother's half a month's salary, you are rich, you don't have a backache when you stand and talk, you don't care, but I care, Ding Wei, I feel distressed, if I don't have this money, my half What to do with the monthly period? What to do?"

Zhao Manman expressed his anger and helplessness in a roaring way, looking pitiful and hateful, Ding Wei, who was spitting stars, took a step back subconsciously, and then directly took out ten yuan from his pocket.

"Okay, I have ten yuan here, I'll give it to you, don't make a fuss, it's past ten o'clock now, I have an exam tomorrow, I have to get up early, I really don't want to stay here anymore, you don't have to pay it back Me, don't pursue it, I believe that Xu Zhaodi is not that kind of person, maybe you have lost yourself, we live in the same dormitory, we don't see you when you look up, how do you get along with each other in the future if you make such a mess?"

Zhao Manman stared at Ding Wei dumbfounded: "You, you are so rich, I am arguing here, do you think I am willing to do this? You are still willing to believe her, why, you don't believe me? Get along? I don't I thought about continuing to get along with her!"

"Do you have evidence? Even if the police come, you have to pay attention to the evidence, right? Besides, you said you lost ten dollars, who can prove that you have ten dollars? How are you driving Xu Zhaodi now? I'll give you a step down, it's almost done, you have no evidence to prove that you have ten yuan, and she has no way to prove that the money in her pocket is her own, you have no evidence, why don't you each take a step back? I will temporarily help you with this money. You are late, this matter will be investigated after the exam tomorrow!"

"Ding Wei, don't think that you are great because you have money. Why do you want to check after the exam tomorrow? It's money, and there is no mark on the money, no name, if you don't check it now, is there any chance?"

Ding Wei was really too lazy to listen to her nonsense, so she stuffed the money into her hand, then walked up to Xu Zhaodi, took out the paper in her pocket, and wiped her tears.

"You are a person who is not good at talking and can't argue. I haven't seen you say anything. Although I don't know you, I believe you didn't steal her money. Let's sit upright and not be afraid of what she said. What, but you can't compromise, let them search your body, check your locker, that is an attack on the person, insult, once you compromise once, there will be more contempt and white eyes waiting for you later, that's fine , it's getting late, and we have to take the exam tomorrow, so hurry up and go to bed!"

Xu Zhaodi looked up at her in disbelief. At this moment, Ding Wei saw the flash of guilt and nervousness in her eyes, but she was more grateful.

She ignored her embarrassment, smiled and patted her on the shoulder, signaling her not to take it to heart.

Zhao Manman wanted to speak again, but was swept away by Ding Wei's cold knife.

"Shut up, I've given you all the money, what else do you want?"

"You, you are rich, you are amazing, why don't you spend your parents' hard-earned money? What are you pretending here? This is my business, and you don't need to take care of it!"

Ding Wei smiled proudly seeing her gnashing her teeth and unwillingly.

"I'm sorry, you're wrong. I earned all my money. If you don't know me, don't judge me, including Xu Zhaodi, and don't label her. If your money can't be found , I can’t find the key, so I can blame the bully people in the dormitory at will to be taken advantage of, so if I lose my money later, I can also say that you stole it?”

"You, you are simply unreasonable, you, what is your relationship with Xu Zhaodi? Do you want to stand up for her like this?"

Ding Wei didn't want to talk nonsense with her anymore, so she went back to her place, took out a basin, poured hot water, took off her shoes and socks, and prepared to wash her feet and go to bed.

The teacher of life is a friendly person. Seeing that Ding Wei stopped talking, he quickly came out to be a peacemaker. This matter was quite a big one, but Ding Wei stopped him with such a slap in the face.

Xiu Min also came over with a basin, and looked at her in a low voice: "Are you stupid, you posted ten yuan for no reason? Look at her just now, she clearly wanted it, but she couldn't let go of that face, and she was unwilling to accept it." Reluctant, she stamped her feet and stared at Xu Zhaodi as she went back to her bed."

Ding Wei looked around, and said close to Xiu Min's ear, "It's only ten yuan. For ten yuan, ruining a person, is it worth it? No matter how she lost the money, since I have the ability to help, Then I will help, Xu Zhaodi is not good at words, if he is really wronged, he may force the child to drop out of school, why bother!"

"Then..., what if it is true?" Before Xiu Min could say the following, Ding Wei shook her head lightly: "There is no such thing as an if..."

In fact, Ding Wei's thinking is very simple. For her, ten yuan is really a drop in the bucket, but for others, in Zhao Manman's hands, it is her living expenses for most of the semester. In Xu Zhaodi's hands, Maybe it's her living expenses for a semester, or even longer, as long as she sees her pale and emaciated, taciturn, despite the abuse and contempt of the people around her, she will feel inexplicably distressed.

She doesn't want to think about what-ifs, so she would rather believe that she is suffering in her heart. Isn't it just ten dollars? I hope the ten dollars can really help the two of them. He said, if things go on like this, even though everyone has doubts in their hearts, why is there such an embarrassment about things without evidence?
After a long time, I don't think about it anymore.

"Oh, you are born kind,"

"Okay, let's wash up and go to sleep. I'm really dozing off to death. You still slept in the afternoon. I've been busy all day, and I can't even open my eyelids."

Perhaps it was because everyone was tired, and this night, before eleven o'clock, they all fell asleep.

Only Xu Zhaodi was lying on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep, occasionally turning her head to look in Ding Wei's direction, something seemed to be shaking in her bright eyes.

Then the school took the exam for two consecutive days, because the national flag was raised on the first day of school, the opening ceremony and other messy things, so everyone had time to breathe for two days.

During the exam, no one really mentioned this matter anymore, maybe it was because they were not in the same class, except that Zhao Manman occasionally met her and rolled her eyes, Xu Zhaodi seemed to hang her head when she saw her. lower.

It is said that the head teacher of Class [-] later reconciled with this incident, and Zhao Manman stopped talking nonsense in the dormitory, because her key was found under the mattress on the second day after the incident, and the money was naturally not found, but Because of Ding Wei's compensation, she didn't say anything more.

On the contrary, Ding Wei, one day half a month later, when she opened the cabinet, ten yuan floated down from it.

She knelt down to pick it up, and found that she hadn't put it down by herself, but had indeed floated down against her closet. She quickly looked around, but no one in the dormitory was looking at her, even Xu Zhaodi and Zhao Manman were in the room separately. If you are busy with your own work, then the ten dollars...

She pursed her lips, pretending nothing happened, and collected the money.

When she and Xiu Min went to the cafeteria to eat with their lunch boxes, she told them about it.

Xiu Min stared at her with wide eyes: "It seems that who is the real one returned the money?"

Ding Wei nodded, "This proves that people are not bad, there may be special circumstances,"

"That can't be..." Xiu Min said halfway through, and sighed: "Although my family is poor, I never thought, maybe, it really didn't push me to a certain level, no matter what, you have nothing to lose Just do it."

Ding Wei nodded, and the two of them tacitly stopped saying this, but today Ding Wei asked for two more leek boxes.

"Today's leek box is not bad. The eggs are not too small, especially the vermicelli. It's so delicious. Remember to rinse your mouth when you go back later. The smell of leeks is overwhelming. Eat more!"

"By the way, isn't Auntie going to do business? How is it?"

Ding Wei shook her head, "Don't mention it. If the policy hasn't come down, it's all state property. No one can decide. Although it's obvious that a lot has been relaxed, but the policy hasn't been down. Who dares? My mother wants to support Let’s sell it at a stall first, but my dad doesn’t agree. Fortunately, she is more flexible. She goes to the village to collect eggs, then makes marinated eggs and tea eggs and sells them at the bus station. She can earn [-] cents a day. Doing this will help her know where the wind is going."

"Auntie is really capable. If it were my mother, she wouldn't dare. The arrests in the village were very strict back then, and now there are still people who have not come out. Even if some people turn a blind eye and close their eyes, she will Don’t dare, unless it is really fully liberalized and there are relevant policy instructions.”

Ding Wei shook her head with a smile, "Auntie is just being more cautious. In fact, she is also very capable. You see that there are so many people in your family. Auntie is responsible for everything inside and out? As for doing business, it is actually a big deal. Some people are still old-fashioned, thinking that small businesses and hawkers are done by people who are not doing business properly, and look down on these people. In fact, hehe, I think 360 lines, the best in every line of work, as long as it suits you and can support yourself and your family, What's the difference between high and low!"

It's hard for Ding Wei to say too much to Chen Xiumin now, but she will definitely help the Chen family in the future. After all, that is her maternal ancestral home, where her mother grew up. For her mother, she will also help them!
(End of this chapter)

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