Chapter 1522 [1521] Secret exam

Regardless of whether it is the third grade or the fifth grade, basically one exam a week, one exam every half month, one exam every month, and one exam every month. They take the exam on the playground, and the stool is a table. They bring a small bench from home, or just kneel there for the exam. , each exam is a grade, the classroom does not need a playground, even in cold weather, so in many cases the papers are not well protected, and they will be blown away by the wind.

If it is raining or the sky is cloudy, the test will be canceled directly and postponed. If it is said that it is raining, then the paper will be taken away and the test will be continued in the classroom. Of course, in this way, the test will be completed Moisture, maybe it will be tested again after a while.

The national examination can be regarded as a master level, from ancient times to the present, without exception.

There are scientific examinations in ancient times, and the current college entrance examinations are all opportunities to change one's destiny, so naturally they rush forward.

But more than a month later, Ding Xiang gossiped and said to her sister: "No. [-] Middle School does not recognize the results of the last exam, because they asked the top three to go for interviews. You think they usually perform only in the upper middle class, how should they get out of the exam?" This time, I took the exam directly in the No. [-] middle school, and the primary school didn’t even know about it. If they were asked to do the questions given by their own teachers on the spot, wouldn’t they be completely exposed?”

"so what?"

"So there will be another selection test after May [-]st, sister, what do you think we should do? Didn't you say that you would take me to study in the city?"

Ding Wei nodded, "What do you think?"

"Where my sister is going, I will go there. Anyway, I am confident that I can follow in your footsteps. Since they didn't pay attention to it at the beginning and gave people an opportunity, there is no need to take the exam again. I will tell the teacher that I Withdraw from this selection test."

"Okay, this is your own choice. You can tell your class teacher well, don't be emotional."

"I know ma'am."

So after May [-]st, Ding Xiang went directly to the class teacher and told her about abandoning the exam, and the class teacher looked up in surprise.

"Is it because of what happened last time? I thought you didn't care about it. Moreover, this time there will be an open selection, absolutely not,"

"Teacher, that's not what it means. My sister is going to study in the city. It happens that No. [-] High School and No. [-] Middle School are on the same campus. I plan to take the selection exam for the No. [-] Middle School in the city. I won't waste my place at the No. [-] Middle School in the county." .”

The homeroom teacher naturally knew who Ding Xiang's older sister Ding Wei was. She was a gifted girl who won the first place in the third year of the County No. [-] Middle School. Sisters, their Experimental Primary School is very precious. If it wasn't for the injustice last time, they wouldn't have lost such a big person. Now the principal can't wait to dig a crack in the ground to get in, but he can't refuse those related households. Thinking that they couldn't fool the leadership team of County No. [-] Middle School, not only the school would be ashamed, she thought she could take a second chance to make it up, but what did she hear?
People don't go to the county No. [-] middle school, but go to the city No. [-] middle school. Is this a mockery in disguise?

The head teacher was so blocked that he couldn't speak, and it was not good to hinder the future of others, but this incident was reported to the school.

"The principal came to talk to me later, and my answer was the same as the teacher's, without any hesitation, sister. In this way, I have no way out."

Ding Wei touched her head: "We are going to take the exam in early June. Uncle Lei has already asked me about it, and everyone there knows about my situation. Call us when the specific time is set. Don't worry, we will I don’t go to school anymore, I have been in County No. 6 Middle School for three years, no matter in terms of teaching staff or teaching environment, it is very average, if you can enter the key cities, it is better than staying in the county.”

Ding Zhenlong didn’t return to work until May 2st. His vacation was until the end of February in the Gregorian calendar, so he didn’t ask for salary for two months on March 3.4. The reason why he took such a long break was because his mother refused to let him go. It was only at this time that he was willing to come back. All aspects of the body are also taken care of.

Dad hated his job after all, he said.

"I don't have much pursuit in my life, I just like to play with those machines. You ask me to go out for a walk like an old man every day, and I can't do it!"

The mother still lives in the country with the old lady. Now she has fully adapted to the life in the country. She is alive and well, a group of sisters, her children are completely forgotten by her, and she just asks a question.

"You don't come back to see me, why are you asking so many questions? Give me more money, let me eat, drink, see a doctor, and have money. You don't care about the rest, and I don't care about you, let alone kidnap you to be filial. I!"

Zhao Qingqing is now busy going to work to earn work points every day. She wanted to cook when she got home, but every time the old lady prepared the meal and waited for her to come back to eat, which made her very embarrassed to ask for her salary, but the old lady insisted Give.

"It can't be lowered anymore. Without you, how can I live the life I am today? You let me leave that house, have new friends, live a good life every day, feed the chickens and ducks, and organize the vegetable garden , and digging wild vegetables around with these old sisters. This is old and useless. I will be disgusted wherever I go. I exercise my muscles and bones like this every day. Isn’t it better than sitting there stupidly basking in the sun? Your big Didn’t my daughter say that life lies in exercise, and I think it’s right, so don’t mention this money in the future, if you don’t want to accept that money, you should take it if I give it to you!”

My mother was at a loss, so she could only convert her wages into materials to give the old lady more nutrition.

It can be seen from Ding Wei's regular monthly expenses in the supply and marketing cooperatives that both parties are fastidious people, one does not want wages, and the other pays hard. Eat better, have a headache or something, run faster, and serve comfortably, so you can be considered responsible.

Ding Wei wanted to take Ding Xiang to school in the city, so she naturally discussed it with her family, because when the child grows up, everyone goes to higher places, and this girl has been upright since she was a child, and Ding Wei is taking care of Ding Xiang. So the Ding family didn't object.

In this way, when Ding Jianshu was still counting down the college entrance examination at school, Ding Wei took her sister and Chen Xiumin to the city's No. [-] Middle School and No. [-] High School to take the exam. Ding Wei took the letter of introduction from the street and moved in. In the triple room.

Ding Wei didn't choose a school to take the exam. In fact, she wanted to find a way out for Chen Xiumin. If she didn't pass the first high school, she could go to the second high school. There are few schools in this era, and there are not so many messy names. The order of one, two, three, four, and five is at the back. As for the quality of teaching, it doesn't necessarily mean that the top is the best, but the first high school and the second high school are indeed the two most popular high schools in the city.

In fact, even if Ding Wei didn't take the exam, she could be admitted based on her dazzling resume, but she didn't choose that path, but was the same as those students who came to participate in the selection. Merit admissions are normal rules.

Because Ding Wei and Chen Xiumin wanted to go to two schools, they stayed in the city for a total of four days, and all expenses were borne by Ding Wei.

Xiu Min wanted to give Ding Wei money, but she held her down.

"Save the money to pay tuition and living expenses in the future. Don't think too much about our relationship."

Ding Wei knew better than anyone what was going on in Chen Xiumin's family. Even when Chen Xiumin repeatedly pushed for money, she chose it.

"Then you just keep an account. When you graduate from university and go to work, give it to me together. I believe you."

With just one sentence, Chen Xiumin was moved to tears. She deeply remembered this kindness, and she really found a notebook to write down every detail of Ding Wei's help to her.

Ding Xiang went to the No. 50 Middle School to take the exam. There were more than [-] people in total, all of whom were outstanding in the surrounding counties. Most people really didn't have the qualifications to take the exam.

It is also thanks to the fact that she usually does a lot of questions and has seen many typical questions, so this exam did not bother her at all.

After leaving their personal information after the exam, they didn't go shopping in the city, so they went back to the county directly.

Soon the school began to have a wheat harvest holiday. One week, after this holiday, the school would start for another week of classes, and it was almost time for the exam.

Ding Wei and Ding Xiang went home to help her mother harvest the wheat on vacation. The golden ears of wheat and the green stalks were stunned, and they were firmly planted in the soil like soldiers in a line. After that, a large area fell down. Fortunately, harvester technology was not mature enough in this era, and it was not widely promoted. Moreover, Ding Zhenlong's factory was both a harvester factory and a tractor factory. When the conditions were still immature, wheat was still harvested manually. , so a lot of waste is reduced.

Harvesting wheat manually is very costly. It is like taking a professional wheat cutting tool, sweeping east and west, and the rows of wheat will fall down neatly. Without seven or eight years of experience, it is difficult to master It is essential, and the requirements for wheat fields are also very high. It is not applicable to all places. Ordinary people still have to bend over to hold hands, and the elderly tie them behind.

Although the weather is hot, people still look tired and happy when they see the harvest of food. Even if they cook at home, they also know how to prepare nutritious food such as eggs, meat, white noodles, steamed buns, etc. to replenish their energy. .

Ding Wei's family even went to the supply and marketing agency to buy melons, watermelons and other fruits, and put them directly in the water basin in the cellar to cool down. After eating and resting at noon, they cut open the cold melons and ate the sweet flesh. How happy.

The old lady also went to the field to help with binding. After all, there are many people, cooking is not easy, and it is not comfortable to stay in the kitchen in such a hot day, so Ding Wei took on the task of cooking, helping until about ten o'clock, Go home and start cooking with noodles.

Noodles are mainly eaten in the north. Although rice is also grown here, the soil requirements are relatively high. In most areas, there are two seasons a year, one season of wheat and one season of corn. Other scattered plots are planted with cotton, soybeans, millet, sorghum, sweet potatoes, potatoes and other miscellaneous grains. It is not static and will be planted differently so that the soil will not get sick and affect the harvest.

Plants in any place are planted for a long time and are not replaced, and there will be large and small diseases and insect pests. This is a saying passed down by the older generation. No one can explain the specific reason.

Working from dawn to dusk to cut the wheat, and then pulling the wheat to the drying yard for threshing and exposure, these tasks must be done one step at a time. After a week, not to mention the adults, the children are also exhausted.

Because the little brother is going to take the college entrance examination, so there is no school holiday for him. Ding Wei and Dingxiang sisters go home to help, and Ding Zhenlong goes home as soon as he gets off work. Fortunately, the land is not his own now. He does as much as he wants. For example, Ding Wei and Ding Xiang only earned three or four work points for a day's work, which is not a lot.

Their work points are recorded with Zhao Qingqing, and at the end of the year they will get a small amount of money and food. For a normal adult man, a year's work points are worth about 150 yuan, not even 200 yuan. , for women, there will definitely be less.

And Zhao Qingqing's monthly salary is [-], and it's [-] a year. With the allowance from the old lady on weekdays, it can be calculated to [-] or more.

So going to work in the production team is just a way to pass the time. Their family does not lack this job, but they just don't want to be gossiped by the village to save some trouble.

After the autumn harvest break, Ding Wei called the two schools to inquire. The Ding sisters were admitted to No. [-] Middle School and No. [-] High School at the same time. There was no suspense about this. Yes, although the two of them entered different classes, at least they belonged to the same school!
After school started, she brought the good news to Chen Xiumin. Chen Xiumin was also very happy. Ding Wei was already going to live on campus. Maybe they might be assigned to a dormitory.

The high school entrance examination will soon be ushered in. Although she has passed the secret examination of the first high school, she still has to go through the formal high school entrance examination procedure. It can be repeated, so the competition is not as cruel as the later generations.

After the high school entrance examination, the school began to take graduation photos to announce their graduation this year.

On the day of the photoshoot, they were all white shirts and blue trousers. In black and white photos, don’t look through them neatly. It’s impossible to tell whether you’re wearing blue trousers or black trousers.

The girls all wear two braids, with bright and simple smiles, and they pull together in groups to take a photo. Ding Wei and Chen Xiumin also took a group photo. Of course, the photos that are washed out are paid separately .

For these photos alone, Ding Wei spent about three yuan. There were so many photos of group photos, teachers and classmates that she bought a photo album.

Graduation photos are generally three or four inches in size for singles and couples, and graduation photos are larger. Because of the large number of people, class photos are usually six inches.

Chen Xiumin also performed well in the high school entrance examination this time. Although she has passed the school's secret test, people also said at the beginning that the results of the high school test, the secret test and the entrance test will be used as the basis for future class placement. Before the results of the high school entrance examination came out, Ding Wei received an invitation from the Chen family.

After all, she has helped Chen Xiumin so much, and the whole Chen family should treat her to a meal. Ding Wei knew that she couldn't refuse this meal, and also knew that this was the attitude of her grandparents, so she agreed, but the time was set at After passing Ding Jianshu's college entrance examination, in the past few days, she has to help her brother connect.

(End of this chapter)

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