Chapter 1504 [1503] Thirty-three thousand, Yu Xiaozhu
The files of the brothers don't need to go back to the local area, and they can be directly transferred to the academy when they report.

They themselves have military status, and the military academy they attend here theoretically goes a step further.

Ding Wei received another sum of money before the winter vacation, and this time it was even more, 6000 yuan.

It seems that with the increase in the number of her works, the money is also constantly accumulating and increasing. At present, the deposit has been 3000 yuan.

This does not include the 600+500 given by my brothers, nor does it include my parents' salary for this year, nor her own salary.

She saved a separate booklet for the brothers' money, and then gave the booklet to her father, who locked it together with their own salary booklet.

Ding Wei keeps her own salary as pocket money, and locks it in her savings box if she can't spend it all. This is what her father made for the two sisters, one for each of them.

It's just that she puts her own salary in it, and her sister's is all pocket money given by her family on weekdays.

The little brother doesn't have any, if he wants pocket money or something, he has to talk about it, maybe he can get a few cents.

He was embarrassed to ask her, but it was more difficult to ask his parents. Boy, they think there is no need for pocket money.

In my father's words, people who don't study well, don't do housework, and don't need to work in the fields are not eligible for pocket money.

So Ding Wei planned to wait for the reform and opening up, and teach her a few ways to let him earn pocket money by himself.

As for the younger sister, she is the youngest in the family, and her mother would stuff her with pocket money every time they met, let alone her father, who was also pampered.

Even she herself often generously gives pocket money to her younger sister, but she can't give too much. Parents should give it too. Giving too much will form her some bad habits.

It was only later that she realized that her worries were unnecessary. This child is smart. Although she likes to eat snacks, she will let her make them instead of eating outside money. Her pocket money is all saved up. , never messing around.

Maybe it's because she set an example for her. Their family is rich, but no one is extravagant. The clothes of the two sisters, except underwear. Socks, which are newly made by myself, and others are sent back from others. Wear it, and you can wear your own new clothes all year round.

I am used to thrift, and if you ask her to spend money, she will not be willing to bear it.

Of course, the more important point is that Ding Wei can do everything, just tell her sister what she wants to eat, she will do what she can, and if she can't, she will take the ticket to the supply and marketing station to buy it for her, since there are things at home , Why did she have to spend money to buy it again? This also formed Ding Xiang's good habit of saving money.

She never compares with others, because she knows that inner and spiritual wealth is far better than these vain appearances.

Sister Ai said that it is enough for her to know about her own family, and she must not tell outsiders, so outside, Ding Xiang never thinks that she is a rich person. On the contrary, she will pretend that she is poor. Let them see things that must not appear in the living room.

"Sister, I think our family is good. I have a female classmate whose mother is dead. Under the hands of the stepmother, she is beaten every day, and she wears thin clothes. Her hands are as cold as steamed buns. If it weren't for Her grandma paid her to go to school, so she must not even be able to go to school. Now that grandma is getting old, I don’t know if she can afford junior high school. She is also good at studying. Every time I see her, I think I am good Happiness, she is thin and small, obviously older than me, and looks much weaker than me, sister, can I pack the clothes I don't wear for her?"

The rest of Ding Wei's clothes were given to Ding Xiang, and the rest of Ding Xiang's clothes were given to her neighbors in her hometown. The clothes that are similar to each other have not been cleaned up recently, my sister asked, Ding Why does Wei not agree?

"I was afraid of wearing it on her body, and I would be picked up and taken away when I got home. Didn't you say that she has a younger sister? The one born by her stepmother is only one year younger than her."

This girl Ding Xiang often mentioned that her name was Yu Xiaozhu, and her mother had been in poor health since she was born, and she passed away when she was more than one year old.

Later, she was taken to live with her grandmother until she was in elementary school. Her aunt couldn't tolerate her, so she had to go back to her own home. From then on, her life was worse than death, even worse than when she was at her uncle's house.

Now my father has a daughter, and she has not been around since she was a child, so she doesn't have much affection for her. Even if the school reduces or exempts her, she can't eat enough for just three meals a day. You have to work to eat, and when she finishes her work and goes to eat, there will be leftovers on the table.

Because of pity for this child, Ding Xiang often brings her steamed buns and steamed buns to eat, so the relationship between the two is quite good.

When Ding Wei said this, Ding Xiang stopped talking, because it was true.

"If you have gone to junior high school and lived in school, that's okay, but now she goes home every day, I think you have a good heart, and you can treat the symptoms, not the root cause,"

"But she was shivering with cold during class. She looked so pitiful. The teacher knew about it and looked for her father, but when she returned home, she was beaten even worse."

"I said let you bring clothes to her. She only wears them at school and takes them off at home, so she is more likely to get sick. If I put them on for her directly and get taken off by my stepmother when I go home, we have wasted one." Clothes, give her advice, let her go to the aunts of the neighborhood committee to cry, don't be afraid of shame, kneel down, if the neighborhood committee doesn't care, let her go to the gate of the stepmother's factory, hang a big-character poster around her neck, and tell that woman, who will come Don’t even get up, just ask to see the factory leader.”

"Then she can stay in that house?"

"It's definitely not going to last, it's tearing your face, it's no wonder if you can stay, but it's nice to be able to disgust the stepmother, and let outsiders know what kind of person she is, isn't it?"

The corner of Ding Xiang's mouth twitched, "Then, that's not as good as it is now, at least I have a home."

Ding Wei patted Ding Xiang's head, "You have helped her by giving her food. For her, the other things will do more harm than good. Just bear with it, study hard, and strive to be admitted to the county's No. [-] middle school. When you get the qualifications for free admission, wait for junior high school, and live in school, the stepmother can't handle her, so we help her, now it's just futile, understand?"

Ding Xiang suddenly understood: "I understand, the patience now is for the future, what does sister mean, are you willing to help her?"

"It's not for nothing, don't say it now, I'll ask her to write an IOU later, as long as she can study and take the exam, it doesn't matter if she is funded until she goes to college?"

Those who have learned well will be able to repay in the future, so why not do it?She didn't help in vain, she was charged interest.

Ding Xiang was very happy when she heard that, "Sister, don't worry, I won't say anything, I will let her bear it, the good thing is that she lives in a room by herself now, she can't give her outside clothes, so she can wear thicker clothes inside. If you wash it, I will take it home and I will wash it for her."

Ding Wei looked at her with emotion: "It seems that my sister really likes her and can help her with laundry? Do you still want to take her back to take a bath!"

Ding Xiang giggled, "I used my pocket money to take her to the bathhouse to take a bath, instead of washing at our house, our house is still a bit cold, so it can't be cleaned well."

Now I go to the bathhouse to take a bath for a dime, and I can wash whenever I want, why do I have to wash at home?
Ding Wei doesn't like going to the bathhouse, but Ding Xiang likes to go if she has someone to accompany her and help her.

Ding Wei couldn't help peppering her (teasing) her: "I hope all your efforts will be rewarded."

"Sister, you don't like what you said. I like her and I am willing to help her. Sometimes she is very stubborn and unwilling to accept my help. I insist on helping her. She has a heavy heart. I am very wary of outsiders, and I am the only one who can talk to her, so I don't ask for anything in return, and I am willing to do all of this."

Ding Wei nodded and didn't say anything more. At this time, they didn't know that this unintentional move had benefited someone in the family.

Even during the winter vacation, Ding Xiang often went to find Yu Xiaozhu, because the winter vacation was Xiaozhu's disaster day, and she could do all the housework and paste paper boxes to earn money. For food, Xiangxiang was worried that she would not have enough to eat at home, so she often called her out and gave her cornbread to eat. Even if she was only given one cornbread a day, it would keep her from starving, because she had never been full, so she could only say no hungry.

It's cold outside, and she hardly ever goes out. There are younger siblings at home, and the woman doesn't dare not turn on the stove, so it's warmer. She has to take care of younger siblings, cook, wash clothes, and paste paper boxes at home until late at night. , I just remembered that I didn't read a book, so I hid in bed and cried every day.

Ding Xiang didn't dare to give her white steamed buns, that's what her sister said, "If you let someone who eats steamed buns eat white flour steamed buns every day, she might think of you. Although you think she has a good personality, who knows if she will fight Mien Sheng Miqiu has a friend? It happens that our family also steams corn bread, so you can just give it to her."

Ding Wei’s family’s conditions are good, and it’s not enough to eat white noodles, steamed buns and white rice every day. They still have to steam steamed buns every now and then. There are miscellaneous grain buns and vegetable buns. They are all sifted, so they don't taste so harsh on the throat.

Ding Wei prepared a copy for her sister, and she will also copy a copy for Yu Xiaozhu, and the relationship between the two has become more and more intimate with Ding Xiang's kind help.

A few days later, the eldest brother and the second brother returned to their family home for the first time. Both of them were wearing old military uniforms, because they hadn't worn casual clothes in these years, they were all military uniforms, and in this era, wearing old military uniforms was an honor. Whoever can wear old military uniforms means that there are people in the army, and it is a very honorable thing, so when the two of them, one green and one white, appeared at the gate of the harvester factory, even the guards knew whose children they were.

"You are the eldest and the second child of Lao Ding's family, right? Hey, these years, we have met each other. Come on, go in, your house is in the family courtyard, and when you go in, someone will point you out, so it's easy to find , I still live in the cadre building!"

(End of this chapter)

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