The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1387 [1386] Homemade Ai Zhu (5000)

Chapter 1387 [1386] Homemade Ai Zhu (5000)

Time flies to May when the pagoda tree is fragrant all over the street. No matter where you go, as long as there is a pagoda tree, you can smell the fragrance of pagoda tree. Ding Wei’s house does not have a pagoda tree, but the third uncle’s house has one. This pagoda tree The pagoda trees on the tree are enough for the three of them to eat. As long as the pagoda flowers are in bloom, my uncle and brothers will climb up and down the high and low pagoda trees.

There are also skills in hooking Sophora japonica, one is the making of the hook, and the other is to choose a Sophora japonica that has not bloomed and is about to bloom. Only this kind of Sophora japonica has the best taste. Whether it is dried or eaten, it is very delicious. Full of sweetness.

Every year, my mother would use Sophora japonica to make dumplings and steamed buns, and she would dry ten catties of dried Sophora japonica for winter.

People in the city can’t buy such good things even if they have money. Of course, there are also many wild pagoda trees in the wild. My father and brothers even hooked up fifty or sixty catties and sold them on the black market for ten cents per catty. In the end, it was sold for less than three yuan, which is still the black market price. If it was sold to a supply and marketing cooperative, it would only cost five cents.

Of course, if the vegetable stalls of the supply and marketing cooperatives go late, there may not even be leftovers. Although the black market ones are expensive, the quality is much better than those on the vegetable stalls, so rich people do not miss these three melons and two dates. , will go to the black market to buy.

Because you have to pay a few cents for the entry fee once you go in, in order to save some entry fees, in addition to hanging acacia pockets on both sides of the bicycle, you will also bring dozens of catties of tofu.

Their family washes their clothes with bought soap, which costs [-] yuan a piece. Ding Wei thinks she can do it, especially because there is so much plant ash in the house. It would be a pity to keep the strong land, so she asked her father to buy it for [-] yuan. She bought ten catties of suet, and went to the sheep farmers in the village to exchange tofu for some goat milk. When the peach blossoms were in full bloom in spring, she also made some essential oil from the peach blossoms. The essential oils were extracted by distillation. I have already done it with ease, so I made soap and soap without wasting any raw materials.

For this reason, she also specially engraved her Ding Wei's unique rose flower LOGO, which was molded out and engraved on the soap and soap, which was the original advertising method.

In order to produce more essential oils, she also told her younger sister to pick more flowers when she was at home, any flower would do, and she would use distillation to extract the essence after taking it home.

My mother couldn't put it down when she made good soap and scented soap, and praised her for being amazing, but Ding Wei said modestly.

"If it weren't for the lack of conditions, I could make better and more practical ones, but now I can make do with it. It's worth 30 to [-] yuan. When I leave on Friday afternoon, I will take it away and give it to me. Those colleagues."

The Ding family was surprised: "Such a good soap, do you want to give it away?"

Ding Wei smiled and said: "Of course I don't want to let the children get away with wolves. I gave them to advertise. Not to mention that there are only a few soaps on the market. You need a certain amount of soap tickets to buy them. If you don't have them, you have to buy them at a high price. Don’t need too much, just [-] cents for soap, [-] cents for soap, whoever wants it, just order it, and take it to them when it’s ready, it’s not bad, even if no one wants it, we can keep it and use it all the time, saving money I bought it."

Having said that, my mother was still worried: "Aren't you afraid that people will report you?"

Ding Wei thought about it for a while, and it seems to be the reason. Although it will be seven or five years soon, it will cause unnecessary trouble, so it is better to be careful.

Especially the interpersonal relationship between colleagues is the darkest.

Seeing her like this, Dad couldn't help but said, "Why don't we try it on the black market? When selling tofu, we sold it along with it, but I don't know the price?"

Ding Wei couldn't help but said: "Since it's a side sale, it doesn't matter if it's ten cents or two cents, as long as it can be sold!"

But then again: "Where did you learn this?"

The parents discovered that since the eldest daughter entered the city, a lot has really changed. There are many people and things they have never heard of, but she can speak clearly and clearly.

"I learned it on the radio. There are many types of radio programs. I copied the method I saw when I was helping to sort out the materials. I didn't expect to succeed once. Isn't your daughter very smart!"

For this reason, the parents can't fault it, because the programs on the radio are really varied and have everything.

"If you put it this way, it's better than going to school if you make a show!"

When I mentioned going to school, my father suddenly remembered something: "Our unit is going to raise funds to build a house. My daughter really hit the spot. Tell me, should we buy it?"

Ding Wei looked at her father in surprise: "Is this just notified?"

"Yeah, the notice was just issued two days ago, because the housing is too tight, young people can't get a house when they get married, and they have to squeeze in the single dormitory to draw a curtain, and the factory is also noisy. With the new policy coming out, it seems that many factories are discussing the feasibility of this kind of thing.”

"What price?"

"The current price set in the factory is 30 square meters for the time being, and we will see if we can cover the cost later. Of course, if you pay early, the price will not increase in the later period. If you pay late, you will have to make up for it when the price increases."

31 square meters, the current houses are all small in size, 1500 square meters, and there is no shared area. It costs [-] yuan. If you are a regular worker and have worked for many years, you can definitely afford it.

However, for the eight members of their family, before everyone got married, at least four rooms would be enough to live in. Calculated in this way, it must be at least 3000 square meters, right?It is only [-] square meters, but it is almost [-] yuan!
This unit-funded housing means that the unit provides the place, and the employees pay for it. In the future, they can live for a lifetime, or even several lifetimes. Although the future reform is not as good as commercial housing, it is also better than small property rights.

Their family is big, and it is best to be able to do it in one step, so Ding Wei couldn't help asking: "Dad, how big is the biggest house?"

"The smallest is fifty, and the largest is about a hundred,"

One hundred square meters, that is really a super big house. In the era when there is no shared area, that is really a real big house!
However, their family's current deposits add up to only a thousand yuan, one hundred square meters, that's more than 3000 yuan, not counting decoration and buying appliances. One step is in place, but now there is a gap of 4000 yuan. Thinking about it... it feels so far away!
It seems that she has to hurry up and write her novels. Not to mention too much, even if she can earn 500 yuan, she can also buy a house of [-] square meters. Have a place to stay?
Fifty square meters cost 500 yuan. Parents may be able to come up with 1000 yuan now. She has to think carefully about the gap of 500 yuan.

It's a pity that we can't set up a stall, otherwise the money will be earned within a year.

"Dad, are you going to buy it then?"

Dad was inexplicably asked: "Our family has a house, and I also live in a dormitory. What do you buy? If you don't buy it, what do you spend that money on? You guys are all going to school. There will be more places to spend money in the future. This money has to be saved up!"

Ding Wei opened her mouth, and was about to talk about the benefits of buying a house, but her mother suddenly interrupted and agreed.

"That's right, it's not very useful for our family to buy that house. Your father is busy in the factory, and he lives in the dormitory. What kind of house should you buy? Although you may not have to run back and forth to go to school after buying a house, but after so many years, you have saved a lot. Money is not easy, if anyone in the family has a headache, it will be troublesome if there is no money in hand, we will not join in the fun, whoever wants to buy it, we will buy it, we will not buy it, even if there is a quota, we will not buy it."

This is just the first batch of fund-raising houses, and there will be more in the future. At least the tractor factory will go through the 2022s and [-]s. If it is transformed into a harvester in the future, it may be more promising, and it is possible to work until [-].

For now, Dad's job is still good. After retirement, he will have a pension. Not to mention too much, it is no problem to take care of his parents' daily expenses.

Now one of them is working as a worker in the county town, and the other is farming in the countryside. It seems that buying a house is really not very useful.

There were already commercial housing in the 80s, but the real rise was in the 90s. At that time, she was only in her 20s. It was a time of hard work. It didn’t matter whether the family bought it or not, because it seems that there is really no need to buy it. Rather than tossing about a house, it is better to buy a bicycle, at least it will not clean up the house.

In fact, there is the most important point. No matter what age you are in, buying a house is a big matter for the whole family, not only your own home, but also your neighbors, relatives, colleagues, and leadership. Look at it, you said that it is useless to buy a small one and take out all your money, you can buy a big one, even if you can really get the money, with so many people staring at you, who would want you to live a better life than yourself?Who is the neighbor of the big house?They must all belong to the leadership of the unit. Do you think they are willing to be your neighbors?
Why are social classes divided into grades?What level should you be? Just rely on that level. If you suddenly jump a few levels, who will be happy to bless you?
No matter what age there is no shortage of villains who will give you small shoes, I would rather be looked down upon by them and not be able to buy a house, than let people think that your family is very rich, and you can take out 3000 yuan if you say it. Is this a farmer?Is this the level of a veteran worker who just became a regular?

If things go wrong, people will investigate your money sources.

The more she thinks about it, the more Ding Wei feels that her parents' words are correct, and that their consideration is more complete. She was also used to being confident in the world before, but now that she thinks about it carefully, she still feels that before the 90s, it was better to be down-to-earth.

So Ding Wei silently put this matter in her heart and stopped thinking about it.

When it came to June in the Gregorian calendar, my parents got busy at the same time, and my second brother didn't go home on weekends, and stayed at school to review and make the final sprint.

The elementary school students are all on wheat leave, and the third brother is about to graduate from primary school. Maijia and the fourth brother go to the fields together to help their mother earn work points.

On a hot day, Ding Wei took Lilac to weed pigweeds, collected firewood, and ate in the big cafeteria. During the busy farming season, the fire was basically not fired at home, because the cooked meals would be sent to the fields, and after a short break, she would join the ranks of rush harvesting. , the weather changes rapidly in this season, no one dares to take it lightly, even if there is a wind at night, you have to run inside quickly.

Dad's factory is also the same. Every day, they receive orders to repair machines. Wherever there are tractors, there is their maintenance team. It is normal not to go home after a busy week. The only advantage of getting ready for car repairs is that you don't have to do physical work, but it's a bit uncomfortable.

On the contrary, what my mother and uncles and aunts do is really physical work. They are busy until dark after dawn, and feel that their limbs are not their own after returning home.

At this time, Ding Wei will massage her mother very thoughtfully, step on her back, rub her shoulders, boil some wormwood water for her to take a bath, and relieve her fatigue.

She even made homemade moxibustion using clay pots and wormwood wool. When her mother snored, she added a row of small clay pots on her back for moxibustion.

This is the simplest method of operation in Chinese medicine. The production of clay pots is not difficult for her. The result of the combination of the two is that it not only smokes away the mosquitoes, but also discharges the fatigue and moisture of the mother's body. , even smelling the smoke aroma of wormwood can also improve immunity and reduce the possibility of wind and cold.

Because summer often alternates between hot and cold, cold and evil will enter the body if you don't pay attention, women are most afraid of this, Ding Wei didn't dare to come up and just do it, she is smart, went to the apple orchard to help for a few days, and specially 'consulted' Later, I went home to make it for my parents. As for the method of making clay pots, it is even simpler, just like a child kneading clay to play, coupled with the scientific firing method, although it is not as exquisite as others, But at least it is enough for moxibustion.

Ding Wei had already received three months' wages by the end of May. Except for the first month due to the increase in wages, the first week was a little less, not enough 5 yuan, and the remaining two months were 12 yuan.

Not only that, but the [-]-word manuscript she gave to Uncle Lei has successfully passed the review in Taili. Uncle Lei even took it to the publishing house to ask, but none of them were interested in collaborating with her, a primary school student. The writing is not bad, but people are not optimistic about children's books, especially children's books have to be reported to the education department, which is very troublesome.

But no matter how troublesome it is, it has to be fixed. Considering that she can't agree on anything with one child, Uncle Lei can only use the rest time to deal with this matter. Apart from being moved, Ding Wei also feels that when the manuscript fee comes down in the future, Lei must be divided. Uncle a little bit.

Her "Ding Ling's Going to School" was written until she graduated from college, but now she is not allowed to go to college, and she doesn't even believe in high school, so she can only write it until junior high school. It can be regarded as a novel with no beginning and no end. She planned to write 50 words in elementary school and junior high school. After finishing the 50 words, she will end up with a continuation. When high school and university reopen, it will not be too late to continue writing.

After being so sure, Ding Wei worked harder and harder. Her family couldn't hide the fact that she wrote a novel. Her brothers even worshiped and read it adoringly. The experience can be regarded as providing material for Ding Wei, and it is another bright spot when it is crushed into daily life.

Of course, if you want to make this book popular, you need to explain some useful learning methods. Ding Weiguang has taken the college entrance examination many times. When it comes to learning, no one is more experienced than her. She even listed in the book There are many types of questions, and these types of questions will play a vital role in the future college entrance examinations.

So she didn't plan to sell the book, but signed an agreement with the publishing house, using the future publication volume as the sharing model, [-]-[-] is the most fair.

Ding Wei is confident that her book will be a hit. Now that the family doesn't have any big expenses, she can wait slowly.

Going to elementary school is like playing, and most of the time is spent writing novels, and life is comfortable.

In mid-June, the second brother successfully got into the best technical secondary school in the province and got a letter of recommendation from the army. Naturally, he chose the latter without even thinking about it.

He didn't go to technical secondary school, and Ding Wei didn't feel regretful, but felt that her brother's choice was not wrong. In addition, she also found a lot of high school books from the scrap purchase station, gave them to the second brother and sent some to the eldest brother, so that The two of them will take a look when they are free. If the college entrance examination is expected to resume, I still hope that they will pass their own efforts to enter high school, and then use their strength to enter the military academy.

Those who come out of military academies are far more promising than conscripts, and their starting points are different, let alone their future prospects.

The illiteracy rate in the army is very high now, and they will suffer a lot in the future. Learning early is the most beneficial way.

Because Ding Wei's current experience is linked to the radio station, her letters to her eldest brother and comfort to her second brother are all communicated in an adult way.

Now the two brothers have really listened to Ding Wei's suggestion.

She hopes that her brothers will have a bright future, so that her parents will reduce their burden and live a better life.

As far as the current study situation of the four brothers is concerned, the fourth brother is the worst, and the third brother is not much better, just watch him play, never take things in the textbooks seriously, she doesn't think she has the ability Send all four older brothers to college, but she has to supervise them to at least get a high school diploma.

Because entering the 80s, you can have a high school diploma, and the road ahead will be much easier in the future.

However, the third brother is quick-witted, very smart, has a high emotional intelligence, and is a material for doing business. The honest fourth brother is suitable for finding a stable job and staying with his parents to take care of him. The future of the eldest brother and the second brother requires them Working hard with strength, if they can be admitted to the military academy, then their family may really change a generation.

As for the youngest sister, Ding Wei plans to let her personally supervise her. In the future, she will at least be a teacher or a civil servant and live a stable life of her own.

She, Ding Wei, has great ambitions and is destined to be unable to stay in this small county. If the fourth elder brother and younger sister don't have lofty ambitions, it's not bad to stay with their parents.

There are six brothers and sisters, one or two should stay with their parents no matter what, this is not selfishness, but depends on personal ability.

Those who are able to stay outside will contribute money when they cannot take care of their parents, and brothers and sisters who have no money can contribute, so that the sense of family atmosphere will be strong.

Of course, this is just Ding Wei's wishful thinking at the moment. If all six of their siblings are capable, then it is naturally impossible for their parents to be abandoned in the future. Let alone others, at least Ding Wei will be the child who is willing to bring his parents by his side , because morality does not allow her to be an ungrateful person.

(End of this chapter)

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