The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1385 [1384] Extra money (5000)

Chapter 1385 [1384] Extra money (5000)

He even felt that after this girl came here, he seemed to have more and more inspirations for the show. She will be recognized as the lucky star of the Lei family. For this star, he must protect it.

Little did they know that the so-called inspiration was touched by Ding Wei's unintentional words. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a lucky star, because Ding Wei deserves it.

With this major discovery, Ding Wei became more and more unusual with Lei Feng. He even taught her as his own daughter. Regarding the professional knowledge of the announcer, he gave her all the professional knowledge. The slightest act of keeping secrets, and Ding Wei's return to him is much higher than other children, even those technical secondary school students who come to the radio station for internship are not as good-sighted as Ding Wei.

In order for the program to develop better, they plan to train a few more students for this children's program. Among the hundreds of applicants, they found five to come to the radio station to study, including two girls and boys. Three, it's a pity that the promotion of Mandarin is not successful, at least they haven't achieved good results here, and none of the five can satisfy Lei Feng.

It was probably because Ding Wei was so good that Yuyin couldn't come out. In addition to failing Mandarin, their literacy, on-the-spot response, and a state of the scene were all very different from what they imagined.

In the end, everyone had to give up the original intention of having male and female students pair up for broadcasting, and let them practice Mandarin instead. When they have mastered Mandarin, and when they pass the training, they will put it out to compete with Ding Wei.

Parents hope that their children are excellent, but compared with other families, the difference is too far and they feel unacceptable.

I also came to the radio station to study, Ding Wei is so excellent and still doing the work of serving tea and water seriously, and these five teachers came here on time, even if they came here, they were just sitting there waiting for face-to-face lectures. , Sitting in the meeting room during the period, I didn’t know how to help with the work, and even brought my parents to show my courage. This behavior aroused the dissatisfaction of the radio station teacher, and I repeatedly explained to these parents.

"Let's come here according to the agreed time, and we can pick up and drop off at the appointed time. Your parents don't have to sit here and wait. I still have class here. You make this sound for a while, and then stand up and walk around again. It really affects my class. Is it? If this happens again, I will only ask you to leave. "

After all, the five candidates are not to be selected now, but to give them a chance to learn, and whoever learns well will stay. It is not said that if Ding Wei is born, then find another boy. In fact, both boys and girls are the same. As long as you are a student.

With the teacher's explanation, no matter how dissatisfied the parents are, they dare not sit in the conference room openly. Without the influence of the parents, they want to talk about these children being late all the time. In short, the teacher will be very worried , as soon as they left, Ding Wei came to clean up the room, and the teacher grabbed her and complained.

"Why don't you say that there is no one who is as relaxed and effortless as you to study hard! I don't think they are interested at all. They are just to deal with their parents. Unlike you, they really love this industry, and sometimes they can ask Some rationalization suggestions, these ancestors, if you don’t push them away, they don’t want to take a step!”

Children, all have laziness, normal. The reason why she is so good is not accumulated in N generations. Back then, she was so carefree and ignorant. She can understand, although she really wants to try After all, she has more free time than everyone else during the day, but she is afraid that she will be too sharp and cause others to be jealous. Thinking about it, she still didn't say this.

And the reaction of those five children who saw her peers on the radio was also quite rare: "Are you also here to study?"

Ding Wei was only holding a rag in her hand at the time, so they didn't see what she was doing in a daze. Faced with the questioning, she smiled and raised the rag in her hand.

"Working," Ding Wei felt that she couldn't go with them, so she hurried away. After leaving, the two girls whispered to each other.

"How can you use a child for cleaning, is it someone's child?"

"That's for sure. It's not someone's child who can stay here. Unlike us, there is a learning task here. What can she do? Even someone's child has to work here, otherwise Will they let her stay here?"

Ding Wei heard these children talking about her, shook her head with a smile, and continued with the work in hand. After they left, she still had to talk to Uncle Lei!

The broadcast was successful again that night. In particular, according to the previous proposal, the reading of the audience’s message letters was opened. Many letters were received this week, and a few were selected. The master and apprentice read them out and communicated with the audience. There were also two letters praising Ding Wei, which really made her happy, because it was recognition from her peers, which was very rare, and some people even expressed that they wanted to learn from her, but she was very moved.

After the successful second broadcast, this week's tasks are considered to be over. Lei Feng will rest tomorrow, and before he gets off work at night, he also arranged for Ding Wei to study.

Tomorrow she will study with the uncles and aunts of the news group. You must know that journalists are extremely rigorous. If Ding Wei can follow the group, it proves that she is qualified to study. After all, not everyone can keep up with the news group progress.

By the time Ding Wei cleaned most of the place inside the stage and went out, it was almost 08:30. Dad came here on foot tonight. When she went out, her father was talking to the security guard and saw that Ding Wei was a little tired His eyes felt distressed for a while.

"How are you today? Are you tired?"

Ding Wei said with a smile: "Tired and happy, Dad, I am only one yuan a day, I cherish this opportunity very much, and I am learning to write manuscripts today, maybe your daughter can be a writer in the future !"

"Hey, my daughter is really amazing. Dad has already developed immunity after hearing such good news. Surprises come one after another. Tell me, are you a little fairy sent from heaven to renovate our house? Luck? Dad also has good news for you, guess what?"

Ding Wei laughed happily: "Look at your expression, and then count the days, is your salary raised?"

"Hey, my niece is smart. You can guess right, but it's not a salary increase, but a chance to earn extra money. Your father and I are skilled. The factory will occasionally send me to the machinery factory to help repair machines. The factory gets half of the first payment, and I get half. As for my salary, I haven’t gone through the apprenticeship stage, so it won’t go up anytime soon. After five years of work, it will go up to 32 yuan. In the second year, it's too early!"

"Then... do you have many opportunities to be sent abroad?"

Ding Zhenlong shook his head, "Not many, I must stay in my own factory. The factory has paid me wages. It would be nice to have such an opportunity to be assigned twice a month."

"Then... Dad, how did you practice such a good skill? You can't just read books, right?"

"That's definitely not possible. You have to be able to draw pictures, understand blueprints, and draw inferences to figure out the structure and principle of these machines. To put it bluntly, as long as you are willing to study, there is no way you can't handle it. The machines are all related to each other. Yes, your dad, although I haven't studied for a few days, but he is willing to learn and is willing to ask others for advice. He has a thicker skin than others. When encountering difficult problems, I will treat them to dinner. This is all about you, Grandpa Ma. He gave it to me. He said something very right. What you learn is your own. Don’t be afraid to spend more money now. You can earn it back sooner or later. So I am humbler than you can imagine in the factory. many."

But this kind of humbleness mostly comes from his old age, entering the factory late, and being considered by others as coming in through the back door, so they look down on him very much. Although he has real skills, he can't change the way others treat him Therefore, Ding Zhenlong has to spend more time than many people to engage in human relations.

As a countryman, he didn't know so much at first, but because of a few good teachers, his current job is getting smoother and smoother, and he earns more money than he imagined, and his earning is smooth.

Coupled with the fact that the sons and daughters are up to date, the daughter-in-law is capable, and takes care of the family, Ding Zhenlong feels more and more that their family has a bright future.

I thought my brother would come on Sunday afternoon, but I didn’t expect him to come early on Sunday morning, and he brought over thirty catties of beans, which my mother asked someone to exchange for. The brothers were so busy last night. At five o'clock in the morning, more than 40 catties of tofu were tossed out, ten catties were left for the family, and all the rest were brought here.

Ding Zhenlong ran to the gate of the factory to have a look, then took the bicycle and headed towards the black market. Before leaving, he gave his second brother a food ticket and asked him to take Ding Wei to the cafeteria for breakfast.

When Ding Wei came to Ding Zhenlong's dormitory, she didn't see her father, but she saw her second brother. She was still very surprised. When she learned that her brothers had worked so hard to make dozens of catties of tofu, she couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Brother, you don't have to work so hard. You can't make enough money. You are nervous about studying now. It's better to focus on your studies and your health."

The elder brother was resting on his father's bed. Hearing what the younger sister said, he turned his head to look at her, touched her head, and said with a smile.

"My younger sister can earn money. As older brothers, we also want to contribute to our family. It's okay. Whether it's going to the field or making tofu, it's all hard work. Brothers have nothing else to do, it's just strength." Big."

Ding Wei was a little worried about Ding Zhenlong, because the brother and sister went to the cafeteria to eat, but they didn't wait for Ding Zhenlong to come back.

"Go to the radio station, I'll wait for my dad to come back here."

Although the policy has not been as strict as it used to be in recent years, the big guys are still cautious, for fear of encountering such random reports.

Ding Zhenlong paid an entry fee of [-] cents, and [-] cents during the Chinese New Year. Now it is not the peak season, so he only pays [-] cents. Relatively, the prices of things can't go up.

During the Chinese New Year period, the tofu sold at [-] cents a catty can only be sold for [-] cents a catty now. Fortunately, the tofu at Ding Zhenlong’s house is pretty good, and they were all sold out in the morning. It’s not too late for him to come here, but he still waited for a while. It took an hour to sell out, and holding the three yuan in his hand, he once again lamented that earning money is not easy and the risk is too great, because the entrance fee was paid [-] cents, so this morning he can only say that he earned two yuan and seventy cents. After deducting costs, labor, etc., it is not bad to earn a dollar.

Ding Jianshe waited at the gate of the factory until after nine o'clock before Ding Zhenlong came back on his bike. He was relieved to see his father come back safely.

Ding Zhenlong was also thankful: "Fortunately, I was on duty at ten o'clock, and there was still time. They were sold out. These are the eggs I bought when the tofu was sold out. They cost [-] cents. I bought [-]. Let's go to the kitchen and let the master help you." Cook it, you can take it to school to eat."

Ding Jianshe looked at the egg in his father's hand in astonishment: "Dad, isn't this too extravagant for you?"

"What's the luxury? You study so late every day now, you must eat more eggs to supplement your nutrition,"

"That doesn't need so many, one a day is enough luxury, but here are twenty."

Ding Zhenlong thought about it too: "Then cook five first."

"Dad, there's no need to cook. There are so many people here. I'll take five of them to school and to our cafeteria. When they're steaming steamed buns, I'll turn off the heat. If there's too much, it won't be good. You can take the rest home at night." Improve the food for my mother and younger siblings."

Ding Jianshe sympathized with Ding Zhenlong's hard work selling tofu, so he hurriedly took out the tofu he bought in the morning.

"Dad, you won't be on duty for a while, so hurry up and eat, and go to work after eating, I will rest with you for a while, and then go to school in the afternoon."

The father and son returned to the dormitory with the tofu trough, and the colleagues looked at it curiously: "Master Ding is delivering tofu again?"

Ding Zhenlong laughed awkwardly: "Yeah, his aunt and aunt's house is running an errand, and he ordered three plates of tofu, and asked us to help make it and send it over. No, the child wakes up early in the morning and is now sleepy. Let's sleep in the dormitory for a while."

Ding Zhenlong said this every time, because tofu needs to be ordered for weddings and funerals, so it is understandable to say so. Whoever knows how to make tofu will usually help, but if they don’t mention money, they will always say exchange or help. It didn't cause too much impact. After all, this tofu is cheap, and you can grab it at the supply and marketing cooperatives for five cents a catty.

If you can't afford it, you can buy it on the black market. The price on the black market is definitely more expensive than the supply and marketing cooperatives, because you don't need a ticket, you only need money, so a dime a catty is considered fair.

Eggs are also divided into low and high seasons. In winter, they can be sold for twenty or thirty cents, and in summer, they can be sold for five cents. Even in the black market, at this time, they are only sold for fifteen cents. Of course, Ding Zhenlong bought them at this price They are all small eggs, and big eggs are sold for [-] cents each.

In the 70s when supplies were scarce, basically a penny would be broken into two flowers. Their family’s situation was better, and uncles and aunts lived, that was the real sting.

Parents also feel that life is a little easier now, and they don't want to lose their children, so they will find ways to earn money to supplement their children's nutrition.

For example, Ding Wei ate with Ding Zhenlong in the factory. They couldn't afford meat, and they still had to buy an egg. Parents are like this. They would rather not eat it by themselves, but also let their children eat and drink well.

Ding Wei would lie to him every time that he didn't like egg yolks, but only egg whites, so father and daughter shared an egg.

Ding Wei didn't eat eggs today, so she bought two vegetable nests, a steamed stuffed bun, chopsticks pickles and an egg for her father.

He didn't serve soup, but brought a pot of hot water for his father. Ding Zhenlong looked at the breakfast in the lunch box and sighed emotionally.

"This girl tricked me into eating the eggs I bought for her."

Ding Jianshe said with a smile: "Dad, my sister said that she ate better than this in the cafeteria of the radio station, and she had enough nutrition. On the contrary, you... work so hard every day, and you can't even go home with your sister. I said I plan to let you go home to spend time with mom next week, don't stay with her like this!"

"You brothers and sisters, it's not right for a father to be a child, but you all take it to heart. No wonder you. Mom said that the most successful and most achievable thing in this life is to raise your children." A thankful child."

After Ding Zhenlong finished his meal, he went to the workshop. Ding Jianshe packed the troughs under the bed and lay down on his father's bed to catch up on sleep.

Ding Wei cleans up first when she goes to work, and then has a meeting with the department. The programs on Zhou Tiantai are more abundant than usual, so the workload is not small.

Uncle Lei has been busy for two weeks in a row, and this week is off. Ding Wei proofreads and organizes with the uncles and aunts of the news team. During the break, he passes by the small conference room. They have friendly smiles.

One of the girls saw it and immediately asked the training teacher.

"Teacher, why doesn't that girl need to come to study? She also said that she is a cleaner. How is it possible, at such a young age?"

When the teacher turned her head, Ding Wei just picked up the hot water and walked back. She turned her head and said to the five children clearly.

"Also, you have to study hard with that little girl. She is only eight years old. She speaks Mandarin very well. She comes here to study and work every week. Because she has passed the Mandarin test, she doesn't need to study. Only after you have passed this first level will you be eligible to go on to study."

One of the boys asked curiously, "Teacher, what's her name?"

"Ding Wei." When Ding Wei was mentioned, the boy turned his head in amazement: "Is she Ding Wei? The Ding Wei who hosted the youth story meeting with anchor Lei?"

The teacher nodded: "Yes, otherwise, what do you think, our radio station never takes care of idlers. Ding Wei is young, and she has been here for two and a half days, but she has never been lazy. She commutes with us every day. Like you, you can’t hold on for two hours, so there is a reason for their success.”

Originally, these five classmates were candidates for "Youth Story Club". Who hasn't heard of this show, and who doesn't know Ding Wei?

Although they only heard voices before and never saw a real person, but now that they saw a real person and saw that she was more down-to-earth than they imagined, it was somewhat unbelievable, especially the boy, who thought that Ding Wei and his It was different from what I imagined, and I asked the teacher to repeatedly confirm Ding Wei's authenticity.

He didn't murmur until he got an affirmative answer: "How is that possible? She is confident and lively from the voice. She should be a bright and dazzling girl, but the girl just now is too... so-so, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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