The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1356 [1355] Enrichment (4100)

Chapter 1356 [1355] Enrichment (4100)

Probably because of this accident, every household in this year will be shrouded in a shadow. When they should be happy to celebrate the new year, they are not in any mood. Even the meat for the new year is marinated by mother When I got up, I was afraid that I would not be able to eat it in the future, let alone those dried vegetables and dried food.

Fortunately, it is still allowed to grow vegetables at home. As for whether it is possible to cook with fire, it is not clear. To be on the safe side, parents decided to start rationing food. Whenever there is an opportunity, they will buy food, because the next life may not be easy.

"Mom and Dad, I don't eat refined grains anymore. I will eat them with you. I can eat whatever my brothers can eat. I don't eat eggs either. When I grow up, I can eat everything. I don't have to take care of my own. .”

After the pigs at home were slaughtered, they took the chickens and ducks to the city and exchanged them for ten catties of coarse grains, because they were still laying eggs, so the price was not low, so they exchanged for ten catties of miscellaneous grains, which were mixed with cornmeal, sweet potato noodles, and sorghum noodles And millet noodles, the color is not very good-looking, and the taste of the rice is not good, but at least people will not starve to death after eating it.

No one regretted selling the chickens and ducks for food. The taste of starvation is not good, but some people are lucky to eat.

No matter how difficult the life is, the new year still has to pass, and relatives still have to leave, but compared to last year, everyone seems to be out of shape this year.

After the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, the school started. Although it was still very cold, the team held a meeting to clarify the notice issued at the end of last year, and also informed that their production team would welcome some cultural people from the city during the Spring Festival. , requiring the captains of each team to distribute talents equally and lead these people well.

Now that the college entrance examination is over, the primary and junior high schools are still in normal order. After the spring, the Ding family has resumed its previous vigor and vitality. Although the private land will be taken away, they will wait until the rapeseeds are ripe before recycling them. They cannot let their hard work last year be in vain. up.

After changing to the cafeteria, the mothers in the yard used to grow potatoes and sweet potatoes, not even tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, and greens.

Pumpkins, wax gourds, loofahs, and fungus are still planted in the corners of the wall. With fungus, even green vegetables don’t need to be planted. Anyway, outside the courtyard wall and corners are not spared. Sprinkle some onion seeds to taste delicious. Onions are also handy.

They eat pumpkins throughout the winter, and they are sweet and sweet. Whether it is soup or stir-fry, even if it is steamed, it tastes very good.

The pumpkin seeds are dried and baked in the griddle. They are scorched and delicious, just like eating melon seeds. Get on the horse and teach her carefully how to nibble and peel.

The dining time in the cafeteria is before work and school. Generally speaking, family meals are open from [-]:[-] to [-]:[-], which is about an hour.

There are a lot of wild vegetables in spring, so the children become good at digging wild vegetables, and they are given work points when they send them to the cafeteria. Therefore, when there are no vegetables in spring, they drink coarse grains and eat wild vegetables. The vegetables are mixed with wild vegetables. Yes, like this every day, unless there are new varieties of wild vegetables, the taste can be changed.

The cultural people in the city were dragged to the production team by the team leader in a bullock cart. For this reason, a house with no account was specially cleaned up for them, and it was repaired and still usable. This became the way for them to live and study in the future. place.

On the day I came, many people in the village went to see it. Some female comrades couldn't help touching their faces and sighed when they saw the fashionable clothes, small leather shoes, and bamboo boxes they were wearing.

"It's true that people are more popular than people. They are all people. Look at them. It's good to be young and rich!"

This time, there were six people in total, four men and two women, ranging in age from seventeen to eighteen years old, and the clothes they wore were cleaner and tidy than those of the country people, without patches, like new materials, unlike theirs. On the other side, a piece of clothing has been worn for a long time, and it is yellowed and patched. The white shirt of others is brand new, and it does not look like a workman at all.

But this is the first day, and it is not easy for people to walk this way. The house was cleaned out by the female team leader and a few women, and the production team leader led the male staff to repair the house to keep it out of the wind and rain. No problem. As for the addition of things inside, they have to come by themselves. Anyway, they have cleaned all the usable furniture. If they feel that it is not appropriate, they can go to the county or town to buy more.

If there are no major problems, these people will probably stay here for ten or eight years, and the days to come will be long!
Their Red Flag production team has a regular work place, which is under the big locust tree at the head of the village.

Every day, the team leader arrives in advance, rings the sign and rings the clock on time, asks the male and female commune members what to do that day, where to do it, and obeys the team leader's arrangement, and asks about the work twice in the morning and in the afternoon.

She used to be young, and her parents were afraid of her suffering, so they were unwilling to put her on the ground to suffer, so the brothers usually took her with them. Although they had experienced such scenes before, it has been a long time, except for some technical memories. These fragments of life are already very blurred, but the scene in front of me is like watching a TV series, with a sense of age.

The work of the production team is divided into light and heavy. The heavy work is generally done by young and strong men, while the lighter work is done by female members.

Elderly people who are able to work can only do some auxiliary labor, such as vegetable fields, ditch repair, and some light work in the yard.

The work points are also determined according to the labor capacity and the amount of labor undertaken.

Generally speaking, young and strong men work eight to ten minutes a day, young women six to eight minutes, elderly men five minutes, old ladies with small feet and children two to four minutes.

Every day after returning from school, her brothers would dig wild vegetables and harvest pigweed for the production team or the kitchen, so she went to the fields to find her mother, and it was because of this that she could understand their difficulties more personally.

They usually leave school at four o'clock, and they have to set aside time for work. As soon as school is over, the brothers go to her class to pick her up, and then come back after carrying them on their backs.

As soon as I go home and put away my schoolbags, I have to ask someone what I am doing today. After the assignment is made, those who hunt pigweed will hunt pigweed, those who dig wild vegetables will dig wild vegetables, and those who gather firewood will gather firewood.

The difference is that there are also wild vegetables in the hogweed, but they are all old, like tender ones, and they are left for the children who dig wild vegetables, usually for an hour or two, before it gets dark.

After dinner at [-] or [-] o’clock, one member of each family takes the family’s work book to write the score, and reports the labor items and time the family members are engaged in. The result is used as the basis for the distribution of food and firewood and year-end dividends.

They are a collective, and a collective must revolve around their common hope - the land.

On weekends, my brothers woke up early in the morning and the whole family washed up. After washing, we had to go to the cafeteria to eat. She was small, so she was put in front of the table every time to occupy a seat.

The bowls and chopsticks for eating are all brought from home. Everyone, regardless of adults and children, has a large bowl of water. Adults have two steamed buns, and children under ten years old have one steamed bun. The above are also two steamed buns. The pickles are divided into one bowl (fictitious), if If the stew is salty and muddled, there will be no pickles to eat.

Because the wild vegetables brought back by the children are directly thrown into the soup pot and boiled together with the coarse grains. In this case, salt is sprinkled, so pickles will not be distributed.

Whether the soup is thick or thin, she can't finish it. Every time, mother will share it with father, and father will give it to mother.

"I don't do physical work, and I'm not that hungry. You are the pillar of our family. You eat all the steamed buns and soup left by my daughter."

Big brother and the others also think it makes sense, Jianguo can get two steamed buns, he only eats one, and the rest will be shared with his father and younger brothers. After going around like this, they can basically eat enough, but every time his mother asks I want to leave a small half of the steamed bun for my sister and put it away for my brother.

"Your sister eats little and has a small appetite. She will be hungry after a while. When you are hungry, boil some water and make some for her."

This is what my mother has to tell my brother every day after eating in the cafeteria. Although there is still food from last year, but if you don’t have to cook the fire, you don’t have to worry about it. Besides, this year, it’s more sensitive. No one Thinking of making trouble for myself.

I used to go to the field with my mother, and when we weeding, I could dig up worms, and the worms were collected and fed to the chickens. Now it is not allowed, and naturally I will not bother with that.

Ding Wei went to the field with Zhao Qingqing because she didn't want to disturb her brothers to work and earn work points.

Generally speaking, the production team throws manure, digs water wells, works out of the river, delivers public grain, carries grain bags in the yard, watches the yard at night, and makes night shifts in autumn to protect the autumn. Most of the work such as excrement, smashing garbage in spring, pruning and picking up cotton, weeding and weeding are mostly done by women.

They go to work three times a day, and sometimes four times when autumn is busy. They go to the fields in the morning glow, and harvest under the moonlight at night, not to mention how hard it is.

Their production team raises farm cattle to assist in heavy physical labor. Those cattle are registered in the commune and cannot be slaughtered and sold casually.

Farming cattle are the main contributors to the production team. They are the main labor force and undertake the heavy work of pulling, transporting and cultivating. They pay a lot, eat rough grass, and are easy to feed.

Tractors are usually used by several production teams during the busy farming season. Only the cattle belong to their own production team. The tractors are managed independently by the commune, so Dad is not in the village in many cases. When he is, it is their turn to the production team. If you leave, it means you are going to another village.

And unless it is particularly heavy, it will not be dispatched. After all, it burns diesel, which is very expensive.

Brothers and sisters now use their weekends to dig some wild vegetables or tender grass in the fields, and hand them over to the team to feed pigs and cattle in exchange for some work points.

"This year, the production team caught six little piglets. We won't be able to keep them after that. I heard that some of these piglets will be sold at the end of the year, and we will share some of them!"

In the past, the members’ families raised task pigs. This year, it has changed. It is a collective raising of pigs, which is slaughtered and distributed collectively.

But even if it is slaughtered and distributed, it will be the end of the year.

Due to the current shortage of food, most of the pigs can hardly eat enough to eat well. They only grow long but not fat. When they are slaughtered before the Spring Festival, they only weigh [-] to [-] catties. That is a whole year of feeding!

The pork in this era is really delicious, and members of the commune are willing to share some fat meat and make lard at home.

But because there are so many people, someone has to bear the bad parts, so starting from this year, I heard that the order will be determined by drawing lots.

If your number is in the front row, then you have the opportunity to choose, if your number is in the bottom row, you can only wait.

For a production team like theirs, at least two pigs are needed to get enough points, so when the time comes, one pig will draw lots once, and it will save unfairness.
Larger production tools are added by the production team, such as plows, rakes, ox carts, waterwheels, tillers, etc., and small production tools are mostly prepared by the family, such as shovels and picks. Every family has added small carts to push grain, firewood, soil, and manure to accumulate manure, and some families even have a cart for each person.

The value of the fixed assets of the production team is also shallow. There are only team headquarters, cowsheds, pig pens, widow houses, feed warehouses for stocking grain seeds and feeding cattle and pigs, yards and widow houses, and waterwheels.

The production team has to hand in the public grain to the superiors every year in the wheat autumn and the big autumn. After the autumn harvest, they push the best grain bags and carts to the commune grain and cotton station. That is an obligation to the country. When Dad was the busiest, he wished he could go to the commune more than ten times a day, and the things he pulled back and forth were different, and he would not be tight with a production team first.

In this era when everything depends on manpower, water conservancy is the lifeblood of agriculture. However, water pumps will not be available until the mid-to-late 70s. In this era, it is the shoulders and legs of the members to irrigate the fields!
During the irrigation season, this team goes all the way from the river to the fields, delivering life-saving water once the hunger and thirst of the crops are solved!
This year, I heard that the brigade is going to start a side business, a breeding farm, and plans to plant some fruit trees. There is no clearer instruction on how to do it.

But my mother is very supportive, because the breeding industry is really good and reliable. Chickens lay eggs, pigs sell meat, and the excrement produced by retting can also irrigate the land and increase fat. .

If it wasn't just for women to do some small jobs in shoe factories and garment factories, it would not be enough to pass the time during the slack season. Who wouldn't want to earn more, especially now that there are many children in the family, it would be even more worrying.

So when they heard that they were going to develop a sideline business, everyone was happy, which indirectly dispelled the regret of taking back their private land.

The production team implements a system of seven workers and three distributions. The distribution of grain, cotton, rapeseed and melons accounts for seven points of the population and three points of the labor force. Therefore, it is often not enough for the laborers to eat, and the children cannot eat. The work points are only a few cents.

The production team uses large scales to distribute food, vegetables, melons, and vegetables. After weighing the food and firewood, a note is placed on the pile. The name of the head of the household is written on the note, so that people can claim it. Whoever comes to weigh the melons and vegetables can get them at any time. Go, fair and reasonable, do not give shields.

How about the good social education and the good social atmosphere in this era, which indirectly makes the village atmosphere positive, and no one dares to do anything wrong.

The year-end dividend is the end-of-year distribution system for the production team. In most years, there is no bonus at the end of the year. It is often the labor amount minus the price of grain, cotton, melon and vegetables, which is basically the same.

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(End of this chapter)

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