The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1348 [1347] Qingming Farming (2000)

Chapter 1348 [1347] Qingming Farming (2000)

Every year around the Ching Ming Festival, it is the time when everyone puts their memories on the deceased relatives. Although the grandparents are gone, and the two aunts don’t usually come back, on the day of going to the grave, they all have to come to the eldest son Ding Zhenlong’s house first, and then pack up the sacrificial offerings. Tribute, let's go to the grave together.

The condition of the eldest aunt is better. Every time she comes back, she brings four kinds of fruits (chicken cake, jujube cake, rice cake, and rice sticks) as a tribute. Relatively speaking, the condition of the second aunt is not so good, but she still prepares her own Fried sesame candies, chive meatballs, vegetable steamed buns, and steamed buns are all four gifts. Although the second aunt is not as valuable as the elder aunt, but because she made it herself, she has done her best.

As the eldest son and daughter-in-law, father and mother will naturally not neglect this. It is rare for mother to fry burnt leaves and twists, buy apples, and steam the bean paste buns and tofu vermicelli stuffed with grandma’s favorite food. He also carried some white wine. Grandpa would have a sip when he had nothing to do when he was alive. In this way, there are six gifts.

The second uncle made dumplings with chives and eggs, pancakes stuffed with acacia flower vermicelli, and salad with gray vegetable vermicelli and scallions mixed with dandelion that my grandma loved when she was alive.

The third uncle's family made leek boxes, Tonghua tofu buns, tofu with shallots, and egg soup.

Look, the eldest son brought six gifts, and the others were four gifts, including fruits, staple food, side dishes, egg soup, and drinks, which were enough for grandma to have a grand festival.

Of course, these gifts will be brought to their homes afterward, and several families will sit and eat together, because the tribute has the blessing and protection of the deceased relatives, and eating such blessings in the stomach is more effective than any blessing.

The priest chose Sunday. The aunts brought their children, and the fathers and uncles brought the children here to worship and burn paper money at the moment where the grandparents were buried together. They talked about their hearts. The daughter-in-law also cleaned up the cemetery. After tidying up, I left.

Such a big family can’t even get together for the New Year’s day all year round, but no one is ambiguous about the major issues of the parents, so everyone attaches great importance to such opportunities. Although the children are very happy, they dare not show it. At this time of the year, you can eat good food, and even a boat and these brothers-in-law rarely have a drink.

Fortunately, the yard of their house is big enough, and it was only after setting up four tables that they opened it. Because everyone knows that there are many people on this day, so what they brought over was only part of the cooking. When they got home, the two sisters-in-law went home to serve the pot Serve the pot, put the prepared rice here to heat up, the three families can finally get their fill.

In such a comparison, the things that the girls bring are really not enough to fit between the teeth. It has been like this every year since the death of their parents. It cannot be said that they took advantage of it. After all, there are several members in the family. It can only be said that they She doesn't care about the relatives on her natal side, unlike Zhao Qingqing, who uses her eldest sister-in-law's tolerance, after all, there is only one day a year, and for the sake of her parents, she doesn't care too much.

After the meal, the sisters-in-law and their family left, leaving a mess in the yard, and the children would help spontaneously without the need for the three sisters-in-law. On the contrary, the men who drank too much were not busy at all. It's fine if you can't help, you have to find time to take care of them.

Dad's wine didn't wake up until the evening, and mother poured him a glass of water, and when he finished drinking, she showed him a bundle.

"Speaking of which, Eldest Sister is quite generous this year. She has been hugging our daughter this morning and even brought Wei Wei such a large bag of her daughter's old clothes. They all look pretty good, there are no patches, to be honest. I'm quite surprised, that's right, she speaks condescendingly, with a charity-like attitude, and how good her own things are, which makes me feel uncomfortable, as if we take advantage of them at this time of year of."

Dad also knows what his sister is like, so he can only comfort his daughter-in-law not to take it to heart. As mother said, she took the bag of clothes and went out. The clothes were all soaked in, and my mother took the opportunity to look at the size of these clothes, but they were just right for her to wear until she was four or five years old.

So the daughter of the second aunt's family couldn't wear it, and the aunt gave the third aunt some suitable ones.

The aunt and sister-in-law have a good relationship, and they are closer to each other. The eldest aunt has two sons and two daughters, and the second aunt's family has three sons, so all she is given is boy's clothes.

This is what she heard from their conversation. Mom and the others didn't know it, because the two of them met more frequently than them, so naturally they gave it at that time.

Probably because the parents have gone, and the sister-in-law here is not close, so the two sisters don't like to visit here after a long time. Of course, there is another reason, which means that they have a good life in the husband's house. , have not been bullied, and need her natal family to stand out, otherwise, she would not treat her natal family like this.

My mother is with her two sisters-in-law and never speaks ill of the two sisters-in-law. This is her bottom line. She is not a bad-mouthed person, but also someone else's sister-in-law, so she feels that the two sister-in-laws have nothing wrong with their principles. Not being close to them, and never paying attention to the affairs of her natal family, not getting involved is the greatest respect for them, and she is satisfied with this.

On Ding Wei's first birthday, her mother skillfully steamed braised noodles for her.

The meat for the braised noodles is the meat ticket that my father asked for to repair the tractor for other brigades.

Although I only bought a catty of meat, my mother was able to pull out thin and round pure white noodles without a machine, and used the noodles to make authentic Henan special braised noodles with garlic sprouts and meat. I also made egg soup, the richness, let the brothers say that it is enjoyable to eat, that is the taste of happiness!

I have to say that the current pork is really fragrant and delicious, soft and glutinous, and my mother is not willing to put a catty, but only half a catty, and the remaining half catty is marinated with salt and kept for a few days. Let's make dumplings and improve food. Spring leeks are the most suitable for making dumplings.

Although life is hard, but because her mother is hardworking, her father is capable, and her brothers are very sensible to let her and hold her, Ding Wei really didn't think that this would be a poor age, but felt the hard-won family affection.

The production team not only grows food crops, but also vegetables and fruits. Generally, spring plowing begins at the end of March and early April in the Gregorian calendar. The vegetable fields left unused in winter are sprinkled with farmyard manure, plowed, and the dam land is the property of the entire production team. Main job.

If it doesn’t rain, you have to carry water. This is a big project. In the era when there was no electricity, no pumps, and no canals, farming was really hard. Every night, my parents would massage each other’s shoulders, red and swollen. It hurts just to look at it.

(End of this chapter)

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