The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1342 [1341] Human Sophistication (2000)

Chapter 1342 [1341] Human Sophistication (2000)

One morning in mid-November, she woke up from the warm quilt, and heard the excited shouts of her brothers outside, as well as the sound of a broom sweeping the floor, but she poked her head out, and felt that the cold air was about to freeze Nose, she wanted to pee, so she cried out at the top of her throat, of course it wasn't real crying, it was just a signal.

Mom ran in from outside the house, put her cold hands on her face to warm her for a while, and then bent over to coax her.

"Hey, our Weiwei is awake? It's snowing outside, and the brothers are all playing. Mom will take you to watch the snow later!"

She was put on cotton trousers with feet, which is not very comfortable for her anyway. The upper body is fine and warm, but the lower body is terrible. It is such a cold day, and the buttocks are naked and chilly. The key point is that you can’t say What, because the child's urinary system is not fully developed at this time, and he can't control his bowel movements, especially in winter, and this is the custom here.

Because the Year of the Goat is coming soon, the cotton shoes made by her mother still have cute sheep patterns on them. Judging from the basic skills, this craftsmanship is not bad.

She combed her hair, braided it into two braids, and tied it with a red headband. Dad bought ten of these ropes for her when he passed by the market for a dime.

There is no red-headed rope like a rubber band, but the woolen rope has been processed to become a red-headed rope. The braided hair needs to be tied with a hair rope, which is far less convenient than a rubber band.

"Come, come, your sister is awake, let's have dinner!"

I haven’t eaten in the cafeteria since the beginning of winter. The eldest brother and the second brother are on winter vacation, and my father is more motivated. After the cold weather, I often go to some machinery factories to visit and study with the old master. Sometimes I eat and live in other factories. After all He is the backbone of the production team. If he wants to learn, he still has to pay a certain fee from the factory. This kind of rare opportunity is generally only known to insiders.

So their mother was left with the five dolls at home.

Mom rubbed the shredded radish and mixed it with salt and chili. It was a cold dish, boiled corn grits and put sweet potato cubes in it. This was their breakfast.

The sweet potato is very sweet. Seeing that she likes to eat it, my mother made two small pieces for her, and ate the skin with chopsticks.

In the era when there were no pesticides and fertilizers, sweet potato peels were a good thing, and she was reluctant to throw them away. Ding Wei was touched by her natural movements. It turned out that this was the life of her parents.

Of course, rice with corn grits and sweet potatoes is not something you can eat every day. This is saved by eating wild vegetables in summer, because there are no wild vegetables in the winter. It is very precious, so it is almost possible to save food until winter.

In addition to these, my mother also dried a lot of dried vegetables, including wild vegetables and vegetables grown in her own yard. In autumn, she almost saw that there was no idle time on the balcony in the yard. How much drying is indispensable in winter A flavor.

"Mom, I see that the commune is calculating work points recently, and I don't know how much our family can share this year?"

The mother just glanced at the elder brother: "It's not your concern for children, you just need to do a good job in your own studies. Other communes have accountants, and they are more clear than us."

After Meimei’s breakfast was finished, my mother hugged her and went out for a walk, because it was indeed time to count the money, so a fire was lit under the big locust tree at the entrance of the village, and all the women comrades who made clothes out of shoe soles, And what they say is always a big issue about food and money.

The accountant in the village is also the accountant of the production team. His daughter-in-law was asked where she went, and she decided not to go out.

No, when they saw her mother passing by, several people waved to her.

"From Zhenlong's family, come here quickly. Why haven't you seen your Zhenlong come out recently? Is this the production team going out to do labor?"

Each production team is divided into out laborers, men and women, strong laborers, auxiliary laborers, old, weak, sick and disabled, four households (family members of government officials, workers’ families, military families, etc.), and the people in the labor service team are also fixed, not If you want to go, you can go. First of all, you have to be capable, such as carpentry, cooking, and haircut. These are craftsmen, and when they are sent out, they earn real wages.

The situation at home is envied by others, and my mother is not that stupid, "Look at what my aunt said, Zhenlong is not a member of the labor service outside, isn't this my natal elder brother's house who wants to build walls and kang heads? He went to help I've been busy for a few days,"

Now Ding Wei can basically see people clearly, but she is still a little short-sighted, unlike a child who develops normally after two or three years old, who can see everything clearly. Now she is a short-sighted person without glasses, and can't see things in the distance. Qing, but from her perspective, she could feel that none of the women believed her mother's nonsense.

"Well, you guys are busy, I'll go to my aunt's house,"

Mom also saw that sitting down by herself would cause a lot of trouble, so she just left without staying.

As soon as she left, those people chattered again, and my mother just looked back, shook her head and sighed.

Although she didn't say anything, she could feel her helplessness.

The reason why Dad had the opportunity to become a tractor driver was not because he worked hard in the early years, read a lot and learned some characters, and then he was able to make troubles, and he got involved with the tractor master. If you want to come and learn, people may not be willing to accept it, so her father, who has nothing to do with it, can get into the eyes of the master, which is also very skillful and fateful.

Now my father still brings gifts to visit his old man during the holidays. Unlike other apprentices, he hasn't visited him since he retired.

Dad is not, he is grateful to them, and often goes to see them without saying anything, and brings drinks and snacks, because the old man just likes this, and Dad is very willing.

If you are not willing, how can you get so many learning opportunities?They are all comrades-in-arms and colleagues of the old master, and it can be regarded as the opportunity specially given by the old man to let him go to the factory in the city to study for the love of his father. go.

Parents rarely talk about the production team at home, because they are afraid that the children will learn to speak, but she is different. She still sleeps with her mother, and her brothers sleep alone in another room, so she can learn from their conversations. I know a lot of things here, and by connecting these fragments together, I know the reason why Dad can go out to study.

Parents are cautious people, especially in this age, except for your parents, they are basically people who don't see you well, probably because they have suffered from this aspect, the couple pay special attention to these things in front of their children, Never talking nonsense, which is why she stopped her brother, she thinks this habit is very good.

(End of this chapter)

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