The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1333 [1332] The story of the buried female farming 60 (5000)

Chapter 1333 [1332] The story of the buried female farming 60 (5000)

They lived by the sea until the next spring. After the two men got acquainted nearby, they contacted a shipping caravan ten kilometers away. She soon became a worker of the sea fleet, and Bai He was simpler. After they settled down, she applied for the job of a cook in the past, and because of her medical skills, she could see the people on board for free, and got The easiest work with a lot of money.

Due to the extreme danger of working at sea, Guang's sister-in-law and the child stayed at the seaside. The child was still born, and the couple did not allow Guangzi to go with the fleet, but let him stay in the port to do the docking work of the fleet.

The work of the men is very hard, but they are both capable. Their monthly wages are between [-] and [-] Wen, so they can make ends meet.

Photon drives a carriage to the port every morning to do half a day's work, and uses the carriage to transport goods in his spare time. For this reason, the two also remodeled the carriage. The waterproof performance is improved so that they can haul seafood, so that they can also subsidize a lot of money in a month .

The four horses in their family change jobs, which can reduce their fatigue. In addition to taking care of the children, Mrs. Guang carries the children to the back mountain to find fresh grass to feed the horses. Although the work is hard and life is exhausting, the children Small, this is also impossible.

Bai He and Wei Ying went out to sea successfully. Neither of them had been floating in the sea for a long time. The symptoms of seasickness and seasickness in the early stage were very obvious.

Fortunately, she made preparations before boarding the ship, and with the assistance of medicine and space spirit water, she persisted.

Their fishing boat is the largest boat in the port, which can accommodate more than 300 people. It does not depend on fishing, but on transportation, transporting good things from the country to the vassal state.

If the sailing time is short, half a year will start, if it is long, there will be no upper limit. Strictly speaking, it is very hard work, especially when they set foot on land to replenish supplies, the down-to-earth and yearning smiles on their faces cannot be concealed.

Before I came to the beach, I longed to eat seafood, but now?Three meals a day are endless seafood, I feel like I am soaking in a salted fish tank, it stinks, it smells extremely bad.

There are hundreds of people on board, but there are forty or fifty women, but only a dozen or so dare to serve others, and the rest are all beauties sent to foreigners.

She is a cook in name, but in fact, her medical skills have more room to play on board the ship, but the work of the cook is not done at all, and the wages have risen from thirty yuan to one hundred yuan. There is no way, who let these women die Being delicate and weak, and not letting the male doctor approach, she became the biggest winner anyway.

Even the place to sleep was arranged in the pharmacy, and he slept in a room alone.

Wei Ying, like those men, sleeps at the bottom floor where the air environment is extremely poor, but because he is smooth, neat and quick, and has good skills, he has now become the little leader among these bottom people. method, with ability, people will naturally appreciate it.

The relationship between the two has not been exposed, husband and wife files are not allowed, and even relatives are not allowed to exist, so if you want to meet one day or have a conversation, you have to find a time when no one is around, and sneak around.

There were no female doctors on the ship before, but this time it was because there were many women among the transporters, so she was hired as an exception. I didn't expect that her medical skills were not bad, and she was quickly recognized by the people around her. In this way, When she arrived at the port, she was qualified to disembark to purchase medicinal materials. Although there were people on the ship with her, at least she felt the down-to-earth feeling.

During the driving process, if the sun is shining, there is no wind, and the offshore operations are not affected, the blue sky, the endless sea, and the smelly sea breeze will make it rare for people to calm down and enjoy the sunshine.

But if encountering waves, storms, when a huge merchant ship is humble like a paper boat on the sea, and the woman in the cabin is staggering, vomiting, feeling uncomfortable, and crying, probably only those who have experienced such an environment will know how difficult it is.

She only had time to lie on the grass in the space when she was sleeping at night, enjoying the double healing of the grass and the aura of the space.

Sea fresh water resources are very precious, and it is almost impossible to wash. If you really can't stand it, you wash with sea water. But as we all know, the more you wash, the dirtier it will be, and it will also put a burden on your body.

When Baihe encounters weak women on weekdays, she will also give more or less subsidy of Lingquan water to help them get through the most difficult days.

When the couple were reunited, she would usually bring him a small gourd of spiritual spring water to drink, falsely claiming that it was a potion made by herself to supplement the energy needed by the body.

On this boat, the only person who can maintain a clean body and mind is Bai He, who can eat, drink, and wash without hindrance.

It took her more than a month to gradually adapt to life at sea.

Probably due to traveling this route all the year round, the sailors and workers are very familiar with these sea areas. They know better than anyone else which island has fresh water and which island has no grass. Once encountering strong winds and waves, they will try their best to find a place to dock , This is also a kind of survival instinct, of course, this kind of situation is very rare, most of them need to be dying in the waves.

It happens from time to time that crew members and workers fall into the sea due to storms. Others she can only look at the sea and sigh, but when the person who fell into the sea becomes Wei Ying, the rescuer, she almost sprints at a speed of [-] meters, turning over and jumping She went down without any hesitation, the wind and waves were so strong at that time, if she hadn't just stepped out of the cabin, she might not have known that her man had separated from her.

And her sudden movement also scared the people on board, but unfortunately, she didn't have the chance to follow their advice, so she just grabbed the life buoy and put it on her body and jumped into the sea, desperately trying to find Wei Ying's position, but the waves are really It was too big, and there was a time difference between her and Wei Ying falling into the sea. Under the attack of strong waves, strong winds and heavy rain, she floated in the sea and kept scrubbing the sea water on her face. The fear of helplessness made her cry out.

The big boat didn't stop to save people, because they had experienced too many storms like this, and saving people would only cause more people to die, and even the person Wei Ying rescued left without any nostalgia.

She was alone in the cold sea, calling out Wei Ying's name, when suddenly a wave hit her and she was completely submerged in the sea. At a critical moment, she saw a figure of a person who swam towards her and threw She dragged it up, and she felt his temperature, and when she struggled out of the waves holding her breath, he started to sink down, Bai He gritted his silver teeth, and brought Wei Ying into the space together .

"You can't do this, you can't bring him in."

Ignoring Liang Tian's voice, Bai He looked at Wei Ying who was unconscious, and quickly gave him artificial respiration and cardiopulmonary resuscitation. When he spit out a big mouthful of water and gradually regained consciousness, Bai He breathed a sigh of relief.

"Great, are you awake?"

Wei Ying lay there like a puppet without strength, wanted to reach out to grab her face, lifted it up and put it down heavily, looking at her with affectionate eyes: "little fool, why do you do this?" To the point that you are alive, you are stronger than anything else!"

Bai He didn't want to hear him say this: "Not only do you want to live, but I also want to live well, can't we all live? You are tired, go to sleep, everything will be fine when you wake up."

Wei Ying's mental state was not very good. After all, his lungs were attacked. He was worried that he would be infected, and he was also worried that he would suddenly wake up and find the existence of space.

So while he was in a state of confusion, she gave him some medicine.

"I'm sorry, you should have a good sleep first, and let's start again when you have enough energy."

Then I had time to greet Liang Tian: "This man pushed me to the surface of the sea with his last strength. Based on this alone, I didn't jump into the wrong sea!"

"Yes, yes, you are right, but you cannot take him with you to occupy space resources,"

"Tell me, what do you want to do?"

Liang Tian laughed aloud: "There are sunken ships in this sea area, do you know? I can show you the location, you go down and salvage the good things, and leave them all to me, how about it?"

The corner of Bai He's mouth twitched: "Do you think I'm a fish? The location of the sunken ship is so low that ordinary people can dive? Even if you equip me with diving equipment, it will be extremely dangerous. Don't you let me dive?" If I go on an adventure, I will die!"

"Don't be so excited, can you? Since I said so, there must be a way to let you go down, here, stretch out your hand."

Bai He frowned, but stretched out her hand obediently, and a pill with a strange blue glow popped out of nowhere.

"What the hell is this?"

"If you eat it, you will be able to treat the ocean as land in this life. Not only will you not be restricted by diving, but you can also use this opportunity to help me salvage more treasures. This is my thank you, how about it? Of course, when that person from your family enters the space in the future, I will turn a blind eye and close my eyes, isn't that interesting?"

Bai He stared at the small blue pill in his hand, "Is there such a magical thing?"

"Well, it is the magic medicine of the cultivation world. Your body can tap the potential of the water system. Giving you the medicine is the real icing on the cake."

Bai He didn't expect to have such an adventure in this ordinary life, but what she couldn't figure out was, "Why do you want so many antiques?"

"You don't understand this. You need the evaluation, and I need it too. These yellow and white things are useful everywhere. Don't worry about what I do, just eat it quickly, and I won't cheat you."

"Hmph, how often have you cheated on me?" Bai He sneered, but obediently took the pills. After taking the pills, she felt pain and swelling in her back, neck and cheeks, and Both legs seemed to be torn apart, rolling on the ground in pain.

"Liang Tian, ​​you liar, what exactly did you feed me, didn't you mean the water ability? But look at what my legs look like?"

Liang Tian didn't know whether he looked at it or not, but when Bai He screamed about the mutation on the grass in the space, it made a guilty sound.

"Oops, I gave you the mutant mermaid's pill as a water-type ability. Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but it's nothing. Anyway, the functions are similar, but you should be careful when you get wet in the future. Well, it will be bad if the human face changes, "

"What did you say? Say it again, see if I don't tear your mouth apart. I'm a good person. If you let me get wet, you will become a mermaid? I will kill you bastard,"

"No no, don't worry, it won't change as soon as you touch the water, at least you have to soak in the water for more than a quarter of an hour before it will change, so you still have time to prepare,"

Next, Bai He was in so much pain that she couldn't speak, her whole body was like being splashed with water, she was drenched all over, her body also emitted a strange blue light, the parts below the waist and above the neck were like lesions Generally, blue scales like fish scales appear, which is really beautiful, but unfortunately her facial features are distorted, which is a bit scary at first glance, especially Liangtian, who has already hid because of a bad reason.

When Bai He woke up again, she seemed to be recovering from a serious illness. She was weak and bald. She didn't seem to have changed much, but she knew that she already had the ability to change.

The sun had already appeared on the sea level, it was dawn, and the sea surface returned to calm. Baihe tentatively left the space and sank into the sea. Sure enough, within a quarter of an hour, he felt numbness and numbness in his body began to change. It no longer appears, replaced by a tail like a mermaid, or rare sapphire blue scales, that is so beautiful!

It’s rare to have such an opportunity to play in the water. She sank into the sea and swam to her heart’s content. The ancient ocean was really clean. There were abundant products under the blue sea. Picking up abalones, sea urchins, and huge pearl oysters together with their shells In space, these pearls are all high-quality goods and can be exchanged for money.

The more she played, the happier she probably made Liang Tian in the space feel her happiness, so she asked tentatively.

"Uh... well, it's just for fun anyway, otherwise, why don't you go to the shipwreck and have a look?"

Bai He rolled her eyes, but still followed its instructions to swim back and forth in the ocean. I have to say, this fish tail is easy to manipulate, and there is even a gill-like hole around her neck. Really as easy as on flat ground.

After swimming for about half an hour, when she reached the location of the sunken ship, she swam around the location of the sunken ship first, and only dared to approach it after she was sure there was no danger.

The underwater visibility is not bad, and the hull is still intact, but it is covered with things like seaweed. She doesn't have a flashlight, so she can only use her eyes to explore the water. According to the degree of decay of the wood, the ship's The sinking event is not short-lived.

The ship is 30 meters by visual inspection, and its width is also seven or eight meters. However, the superstructure is gone, but the compartments and sides of the ship are in good condition. Because the surface of the hull is covered with sand and large condensate, the hull and cultural relics Corrosion and man-made damage are relatively small, and she has been surveying for a long time, judging that except for the two or three cabins in the middle of the hull that were greatly affected by the fall and fracture, the rest of the cabin and the cargo in the cabin are well preserved.

Moreover, there were many antiques similar to porcelain scattered around the hull. She casually picked it up and observed it carefully. According to the archaeological research of the previous generation, she determined that it was a shipwreck at the end of the Song Dynasty.

Bai He asked the fertile fields in the space, "There are still a lot of things here, do I still need to clean it up for you?"

Liang Tian immediately said dog-leggedly: "No need, just bring mud in."

"I need hard work, such a large amount of work, I can't finish it in a day or two, why not ten days and half a month, so I ask for some benefits, isn't it too much?"

"All right, all right, I'll save some for you at the end, so it's okay for the head office?"

Bai He raised the corners of her lips in satisfaction. Although it said it didn't need to be cleaned up, it still put it in the empty space first, waiting for her to enter the space and enter the identification.

Because there are too many things in it, she also grabs blindly, whatever she touches, just put them all into the space.

This kind of immersive salvage action is just as healing as picking up shells at the beach or picking mushrooms in the mountains. Don't be afraid, because she has space and can bear everything.

Before these things were salvaged by her into the space one by one, she carried out preliminary cleaning work, so after being put into the space, the pieces of exquisite porcelain presented showed the warmth and whiteness of the origin, as if hundreds of years had never been lost .

However, these porcelains are just the tip of the iceberg of the ancient shipwreck. Although she doesn't need to worry about oxygen, the speed is also fluctuating due to the influence of weather, tides, and temperature. Afterwards, she also salvaged large boxes. , in addition to all kinds of porcelain, there are also gold and silver jewelry, pottery pots, iron pots, copper coins, copper plates, tin pots and other utensils. .

This time she stayed in the sea for nearly 20 days before cleaning the hull inside and out, but in the end she only got a box of gold ingots. There were ten gold ingots in one box, one weighed twelve taels, and ten were gold ingots. 100 taels, 100 taels of gold ingots gave her a lot, but she has nothing to say, at least the labor fee is paid, and this is gold, if 100 taels of gold is replaced by silver, then 1 tael of gold = 10 taels Silver = 10 copper coins = 10000 copper coins, then 100 taels of gold is 1000 taels of silver!
While cursing Liang Tian for this week's skinning, she enjoyed the fun of swimming in the seabed, and salvaged some valuable marine life from time to time, such as king crabs, super large pearl mussels, and various shellfish that can collect pearls. Afterwards, they will sit in the space and use tools to pry them open, open the meat to find pearls, keep the shells that can be used as tools, throw away the unusable shells, and use the meat directly for cooking, which can be said to serve multiple purposes.

Although she only got a box of gold from Zhou Papi, she has mined three or four hundred pearls, big and small, because the shells are of different types, so the colors are different, white, light yellow. ,. Milky. White, pink, and purple. Inside one of the mussels, there were three precious black pearls.

The key point is that this pearl is not pure black, but blue-black with a blue halo. It is said that the darker the color, the higher the value, and these three blue-black pearls are definitely treasures.

(End of this chapter)

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