The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1312 [1311] The story of the buried female farming 39 (5100)

Chapter 1312 [1311] The story of the buried female farming 39 (5100)

This time, the four men brought back a total of about [-] catties of big fish, and distributed [-] to [-] catties to the godmother's family, and the remaining [-] to [-] catties were handled separately by Baihe.

The fish heads are specially reserved for chopping pepper fish heads. This is a dish that their family often eats. Except for the youngest Yusheng who can’t eat it, everyone else loves it very much. Especially in this cold winter, stew a pot of fish heads. Not to mention how exciting it is, the main thing is that these fish heads are all very big, and they are also enjoyable to eat.

The rest of the fish body needs time to be polished into fish balls to supplement nutrition for Liu Er and Yu Sheng.

Fishbone fish racks are generally used to stew soup, and then make noodles or something, which is also very delicious and nutritious.

Occasionally, I will order fish fillets to make pickled fish or spicy fish. In short, after these big fish are salvaged, they will be arranged as soon as they are fresh.

There is salted fish, smoked fish, and cured fish at home, so there is no need to make them again. How about a hundred catties of fish, no matter what, it will be enough to eat until the beginning of spring.

After all, in addition to fish, the rabbits, quails, roosters, and pork in the family are all daily protein supply stations. In terms of nutrition, since she took charge of the family, there has been no one in the family not to say good things about her.

Even the family of her mother who was involved with her was living a good life. Her sisters-in-law were so envious that they often went to other people's houses to chew their tongues.

I don’t know how many versions the godmother has heard. It’s nothing more than saying that she took advantage of Doctor Bai’s family. I don’t know how much work Xiaomang has done in the Bai family, and I don’t know that the godmother will return the gift. But I can’t tell these people, the godmother Don't care, Bai He doesn't care, so what's the point of worrying about other things?

After the trouble happened, Baihe really didn't receive outsiders anymore, but for the last time she came, she would still show it because of the difficulty of coming here, but she only prescribed prescriptions and didn't take medicines. Do not take medicine outside.

But why do these common people come to Baihe? Isn't it because she can see patients and get medicine here?Figure a convenient?

How difficult it is to enter a town or a city now, not to mention those who have traveled mountains and mountains, those medicines alone are not affordable for ordinary people. Doctor Bai is a kind-hearted man, and they are embarrassed to take them if they don’t charge them money. So I took the best things at home and exchanged them. Life is already very hard. Why would some people not be satisfied with the status quo and run over to find trouble?
Disappointed, they took the prescription and left. They didn't want what they gave to Doctor Bai, and they gave the prescription for free. They felt unspeakably bitter, because they didn't know how much it would cost to get the medicine, and whether they could afford it.

It's a pity that no one knows the person who made the trouble that day, otherwise, they would definitely have to vent their anger on Doctor Bai.

Both the godmother and the godfather are down-to-earth people, Baihe saw that their family planted a lot of beans this year, so she taught the godmother how to make tofu at home, and the godmother learned the technique after four or five days with her.

"We pay attention to hard work in making tofu. Lazy people can't eat this kind of food at all. It's hard work to earn money from early morning to late night."

Now tofu is purely handmade, unlike later generations, everything is mechanized, and tofu can be mixed with some messy chemicals, bad things that are ignorant of conscience, unlike the tofu made now, it smells like bean. The sweetness of the children and the spring water, the taste of the mixture is not to mention how good it is.

"Godmother, take advantage of this period of time years ago to practice hard at home. You have mastered the proportions of tofu, dried tofu skin, tofu, tofu, tofu, and old tofu. You can also make some yuba and cloud silk, which are suitable for eating. Selling, do it in the morning, and sell it in the afternoon, because there are mountain roads between the villages here, I am afraid that the godfather will have to carry a pole to sell it!"

Those in their own village can exchange beans or other grains. Whether those in other villages receive money or grain depends on the arrangement of the godfather and mother.

But Mrs. An was very grateful for learning a craft from her, and said that their tofu would be sold in the Anjia Sanfangbao in the future.

Mrs. An is a good workman at first glance, and she works quickly and quickly. On the contrary, Uncle An is a bit grumpy at work. The personalities of the couple really complement each other.

An Xiaomang said it himself, his father never went a day without being scolded, and his mother said it most often.

"I was really blind to marry you back then!"

Bai He laughed when she heard this: "Don't worry, it's not the godmother who said that, almost all married women would say that. Do you know what is the most common sentence you men say?"

An Xiaomang and Liu'er immediately turned their faces, and Xiangzi and Wei Ying, who were working on the other side, also raised their ears: "What?"

"If you didn't marry me, believe it or not, no one wanted you. Fortunately, I accepted you. Otherwise, you would just leave home and be an old girl?"

Liu'er laughed after hearing that, and An Xiaomang nodded straightly: "Yes, yes, yes, I really heard my father say that, and he also said that my mother is fierce all day long."

Bai He laughed so hard that tears came out: "Don't say that the godmother hates him all day long, if my partner has his personality, maybe I will get it!"

It's so f*ckingly annoying, it's so skinny to do anything, I want to take a whip and whip him twice in the back, telling him to hurry up.

"So it's not easy for you to understand your mother, and it's because you don't have a personality like your father's, otherwise I won't accept you as an apprentice. For me who has obsessive-compulsive disorder, you are not here to repay the favor, you are here Vengeful!"

"My brother doesn't look like my father either. We are both like my nieces. Indeed, don't say you are anxious when you see my father working. Sometimes I am also anxious. If it is not for my own father, I will not do anything. I want to get a whip too."

Liu'er pursed her lips and said happily, "Uncle An's personality can't be changed. Every time I see the two of them, Mrs. An walks in front angrily, and Uncle An chatters endlessly behind, and I don't know what he is talking about. My son, haha, I'm so happy just thinking about it, in fact, it's a kind of happiness if someone quarrels and quarrels, brother Xiaomang, you have to be filial to them, speaking of it, your brother hasn't come back for a while, right?"

Xiaomang nodded: "I wrote a letter this year, saying that I will go back after the end of the year. I don't know if it's true or not. There have been such claims before, but it's the end of the year, and I can't say it again. He is also relying on it now." I'm an official, and I can leave without the big head soldier. But before this person returns, my mother has already found seven or eight girls' homes for him, and she is ready to meet him! My brother is five years older than me, and It’s time to start a family.”

Xiaomang's older brother is called Xiaoguang, An Xiaoguang. Compared with Xiaomang, who looks a little more gentle, it is said that Xiaoguang looks very strong, very much like their uncle, a bit like a Shandong man, no wonder he can serve as a soldier , and still be famous, with this skill and stature, it's hard to think about it or not.

Farmers in winter don’t earn any income. Ever since their godmother learned tofu, they have been cooking at home all day long, and following her advice, they get up before dawn to toss around. Around ten o’clock in the morning, the couple carry their poles and go around. I wandered around the village and sold it.

At this time, Xiaomang went down the mountain to work on the tofu at home. If it was from the family, it would be cheaper, and those who did not do well would give more.

Most people understand the most basic ways of the world, but there are also those who don't give money or food all day long and try to take advantage of it. At this time, An Xiaomang will use Bai He's name and say: "We are also working for the master. Let’s pay, how much should I give? Otherwise, there’s no way to fix it!”

It was Bai He's initiative to ask, because she was the only doctor in the village, and it would be difficult for the An family to not pay, unless they didn't have a headache and needed her help to relieve it.

Originally making tofu is not easy, and the sellers are all hard-earned money. In addition, his family also borrowed a donkey to grind the beans with graphite for the godmother, saying that the business is hers, and no one will criticize it. Make it easier.

Of course, the advantage of doing this is that there are tofu, dried tofu skins to eat every day, not to mention yuba, as long as there are dried ones, apprentice Xiaomang will bring them over immediately, so their family eats stews in winter When cooking, the ingredients in it are always very rich, and the nutrition is also balanced to the greatest extent.

Because the Chinese New Year is coming, and for celebration, Tuo Weiying brought back a lot of red thread last time, and took this opportunity to weave some mascots.

For example, Chinese knots, strings of firecrackers, and embroidered blessing and longevity characters will be used in later generations.

Playing nets can also be regarded as one of the female celebrities often made by women in the ancient boudoir. Misses from rich families use this to practice their hands, reward their servants, or give the finished ones to close friends in the boudoir, while girls from poor families use it to earn money. Living expenses, subsidizing the family, even if the ten nets are only paid for a penny, they are precious.

Bai He's workmanship is exquisite, she can do double-sided embroidery, Suzhou embroidery, and Bian embroidery, but it is too eye-catching to do this, and if she really does it, she can make a lot of money.

She taught Liu'er like her own daughter, she can make money without this, but if Liu'er knows this skill, she will not starve to death in the future, so as long as she can learn, she will teach patiently.

"Come on Liu'er, this time your brother and the others went to the embroidery workshop in the county to pick up a knot that will last forever. I'll teach you how to do it. If you learn it, you can earn more dowry."

"There are also double knots, double money knots, swastika knots, wreath knots, button knots, auspicious knots and other knots. If you make thirty simple knots, you will get a copper plate. If it is a little more difficult, you will get twenty fifteen knots for one copper plate. , you are like this knot that will always be of the same heart, but you will be given a copper coin for each knot, you have to learn it hard!"

As soon as Liu'er heard the money, her eyes stared: "A copper coin, such a high price? I want to learn, sister, you really know everything, even ask me about the price, that's great, then If I make fifteen knots, won't I be able to buy a pound of fat and lean pork?"

Seeing her gluttonous appearance, Bai He couldn't help laughing and said, "We have meat in our house, so there's no need for you to buy it. You should save up your money so that when you get married in the future, you can still do this with a straight waist." The most respectable girl in ten miles and eight inches."

The ancient pork was not fed with clenbuterol, it was fed with pure grain and grass, the braised pork was fragrant and glutinous, not to mention Liu’er loved it, even San’er of their family could eat it once It's a big piece!

In ancient times, pork was also divided into grades, the fatter the more expensive, the pork belly was [-] cents a catty, the pure and lean kind was the cheapest, you could buy it for about ten copper coins, and the one with fat slices was almost [-] cents. To Shiwuwen, this kind of meat is most suitable for braised pork.

They also made embroidery for the embroidery workshop before. At that time, they taught her to learn to embroider handkerchiefs. Twenty pieces only gave five copper coins. Now that they have learned Chinese knots, one can get a copper coin. In Liu'er's opinion, it is simply It's like a blessing from heaven.

In ancient times, occupations such as doctor and embroiderer need to be passed on. If you are a doctor, your child must inherit your mantle to study medicine. This is a rule. You have no other choice. Compared with embroiderer, this is not so strict. Harsh, after all, it is passed down from daughter to son, from daughter-in-law to son-in-law. There is a craft, which is passed down from generation to generation.

When marrying in ancient times, the matchmaker would first know what the woman knew, the more she knew, the higher her worth, so Liu Er knew very well that if she learned to read, write, calculate accounts and cook, if she learned to embroider now, then The future worth is beyond the reach of these poor people in the mountains.

My sister is planning for her future, so how can she let her sister down?

The more she learns from her sister, the more Liu Er feels that her sister is a treasure that can't be exhausted no matter what.

She even felt that such an excellent sister should not live in the mountains and forests, she should have a broader life, and even asked Bai He.

"Why did you talk about your partner with Wei Ying? Obviously he is not good enough for you, and there are obviously better choices."

To this, Bai He replied, "What I want to find may not necessarily be the most suitable for me, but it is the most suitable for living. You may not understand now, but it will not be too late to understand in the future. What I want The other half, don't need to be better than me, just have me with all your heart and eyes."

She is a strong woman who has experienced nearly [-] lives. What kind of life has she not had?
I'm tired, I don't want to bother with anything, I just want to close the door and live my own life, this feeling, Liu'er will never understand, and she doesn't need to understand.

The last time I went to the city years ago, Liuer, Xiaomang, and Aunt An went together. Liuer was going to hand over the results of the past half a month in exchange for money, while Xiaomang and Aunt An were going to sell what they made at home. Salted duck eggs and dried spicy tofu, topped with dried bean curd sticks.

These are all rare items, and they are good things that An's family has saved up over the past month. There is another purpose of going to the city, and that is to pick up my brother home.

An Xiaoguang came back, he came back on horseback by himself, and he will stop at the county seat first, and the time is almost the middle of the twelfth lunar month, so Mrs. An took her son to the city to have a look. Liu Er didn't want to go at first, but Bai He thought that she hadn't been home for a long time, so she asked her to go home and clean up, so that if she was there, the An family's mother and son would not appear restrained in her house.

In fact, to put it bluntly, Bai He thinks that Xiao Mang and Liu Er are a good match, but this is her wishful thinking. As for whether it will be successful in the future, it depends on their own fate.

Maybe Xiaomang is not good enough for Liu'er now, but she is what she wants to teach, and her character and ability have been confirmed by her, so how can she lose the sister she recognizes?

Liu'er is not at home, the weight of this fat boy is on her. I didn't feel it before, but now I realize that this little girl is by my side, but I have done a lot of work, especially this fat boy, who eats fat and Strong ones, just over one year old, weigh about twenty catties, is that okay?

Xiao Yusheng has already started to learn the single-character pronunciation, and he doesn't know how to call father and mother, because he doesn't have one. His sister shouts the best, followed by his uncle. Uncle Wei hugs him the most on weekdays, and he often feels embarrassed.

"I can be his grandfather at my age. It's weird to call him uncle."

But the child and Bai He are of the same generation, and they are in a default relationship with Wei Ying, so it would be ridiculous to call him grandpa.

So even if you feel awkward, this generation must not be messed up.

The little guy now drinks milk twice a day, one in the morning and one in the evening. He has eggs and tofu soup as snacks at noon and afternoon, and some meat at noon.

Basically, he doesn’t make supplementary food, and he doesn’t like to eat too complicated ones. He is probably used to eating egg custard and double skin milk, and he never picks them. Of course, children in this era are delicious in everything, and they don’t know how to picky eaters, unless they have allergies Fortunately, none of them have any worries in this regard.

After Wei Ying came back from fishing, he took Xiangzi into the mountains to look for prey. Although his family had a lot of food for the Chinese New Year this year, he felt that as a hunter, he didn't come back with any game all year round. It seemed that he was sorry for his status, so After discussing with Xiangzi, they went into the mountain.

That's why Xiangzi didn't follow An's mother and son into the city.

So these days it's time for dinner, that's Weicheng, Cui Yusheng, and Bai He. Of course, occasionally, when the godfather finishes delivering the tofu, Bai He will stay for a meal, because the relationship between the two is really good , the old man is ready for the first time and the second time. The main reason is that the food made by Baihe is so delicious, he can't help it, so he stayed for lunch while delivering tofu and dried tofu. As for the morning meal And at night, it was what was left at home, what he ate while sitting.

There are four or five brothers in the An family. He is the third child, the two above and the two below. Each son takes turns serving his father and mother for half a month. The family has been separated long ago, and they all have their own lives. Baihe has no adoption. When they arrived at his house, their conditions were the worst. Now with the help of Bai He, they are the worst, at least they don’t have to worry about eating and drinking. Another three years, not to mention living in a new house built uniformly in the village.

So the godfather is not only satisfied with the status quo, it can be said that he is about to wake up from a dream.

Because under the guidance of Bai He a few days ago, Xiaomang was able to give his grandmother an injection, and the injection was not bad, this is the first step to success.

In the past, the old lady looked down on their house the most. She always felt that her daughter-in-law was too powerful and treated her son too hard. Still not happy, if it wasn't for Mrs. An's own strength, she would have given up on this idea, I'm afraid they would still be living a life of being looked down upon.

Therefore, Mrs. An has obtained Baihe's household registration, and Baihe used An Xiaomang and the tofu business to repay the couple.

(End of this chapter)

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