The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1306 [1305] The story of the buried female farming 33 (5100)

Chapter 1306 [1305] The story of the buried female farming 33 (5100)

Although Baihe couldn't enter the city, the concern from Wei Ying was passed on to her through other villagers. In addition to the village head's family having an ox cart, her family had a donkey cart, which entered the city. After that, it was rare to hear news from the city, but people in other villages knew Wei Ying and Xiangzi. Anyone who had been to Bai He's doctor knew that this was Dr. Bai's fiancé, so they were very enthusiastic. .

After coming and going, after getting to know each other well, when Wei Ying couldn't go home, he would ask someone to deliver some food, clothing and clothes to Bai He, and even the rouge and gouache jewelry for women, he would find a way to wrap them in jars Li brought it back.

Although they didn't spend enough time guarding each other, didn't have so many sweet words, and didn't even have close contact, but they were taking care of each other in their own way.

This feeling is more like the love of Grandpa Tangyuan's generation. The two people meet each other in person, and it is very likely that they will last a lifetime.

As the saying goes, there is no time in the mountains. Every day, I guard the one-third of an acre of land. It is a busy day and a lifetime of hard work for family matters.

As soon as the farming season arrives, every household at the bottom of the mountain is busy. The old people and children have to go to the fields to harvest rice. Few children in the mountains go out to study because the distance is far away and there is no such condition. It is easy to climb up trees and down rivers, and children who drown every year also happen frequently, so no matter what age children are, parents need to take care of them.

Baihe's family has no land, and Xiaomang will help the family harvest rice at this time. Since she has to take care of the children, she can't help much, so she asks Liu'er to make some jelly, cold noodle, and cold noodles at noon and send them to her mother's house at the foot of the mountain. Now all the cucumbers have come down, and they also have mung beans that can be used to produce bean sprouts, which meet the needs of supplementary ingredients for cold concoctions. Xiao Liuer's technology is becoming more and more proficient. In summer, everyone likes to eat something to relieve the heat. Her mung beans Water and cool food are very popular in Anjia.

Baihe doesn't take care of everyone in An's family. She only cares about An Xiaomang's room. The amount she does is only four or five people. There are only three people in her family, An Xiaomang's father and himself, she Forget it, and Mother An will take one. As for the rest of the An family, she doesn't know them well, nor has she had a close relationship with them, so naturally she won't consider them.

When Father An first started eating, he saw people in the other rooms of An's family looking this way. It was embarrassing, neither eating nor not eating, but An Xiaomang and Mrs. An didn't have any psychological burden, and their heads didn't hurt. He started to eat the one he carried, and asked Father An after finishing his portion.

"Father, do you want to eat? If you don't, I'll eat it!"

Father An glared at An Xiaomang: "You have eaten two bowls, and you haven't eaten enough? Your mother only ate one bowl, and the rest is ours. Go to work when you are full,"

Then I went to ask Aunt An: "Is yours enough? Come on, I'll call you some more,"

Back on the mountain, Liu'er smiled and talked about what happened down the mountain, "Brother Xiaomang winked at me, saying that his father should be treated like this. When someone else's home has something delicious, I don't see anyone giving him an extra bite." , even the grandparents are partial to each other. Before the separation, their family lived in poverty and didn't get anything. Now it's not their turn to take care of it. Why should they think about others? Besides, grandparents They don’t work and stay at home, where do they need to send food and drink home after doing physical work?”

Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite, especially when there are many brothers and parents and the bowl of water is uneven, she understands it very well.

So when she was treating the two elders of An's family, she would not want their money for the sake of Mrs. An's face, but if she wanted to get medicine from her, she had to exchange it for food, otherwise there would be no discussion!

Bai He admits that sometimes she looks at the dishes and orders them, but it's not good if she doesn't order them. Honest people will be bullied to death.

The food for the second elder to take the medicine was pooled together by the five brothers. Although Mrs. An also had to pool, would Bai He treat them badly?

Look, during the busy farming season, other people's families have someone to cook, but their family has no one to cook. Who let An's two sons, one of them be a soldier outside, and An Xiaomang is only in his teens?

Then, as a daughter-in-law, Bai He, wouldn't it be unreasonable not to appear at this time?
So she will openly deliver food to their family, not only sent Liangpi cold noodles and jelly noodles to relieve the heat, but also a bun with meat for each person, and a large bucket of mung bean soup. Dad, he can't even think about his parents anymore.

After a day's work, An Xiaomang will come up the mountain to ask Baihe if there is any need for help. At this time, she will also chat with her about the other rooms and speak ill of her at his grandma, and say that since she recognized you If you are a relative, you have to take care of the whole family. Why don't you even pay attention to the other elders in the family?
My mother ignored my aunts and aunts, "I was born in the middle because my father didn't love my mother, but now I have a girl who loves me, and they envy them, bah, every one of them who don't worry about it will run away when they take advantage of it." This time, I will let them see, no one can take advantage of my daughter!"

Bai He smiled and touched An Xiaomang's head: "That's the right thing to do, this person is a bit of a jerk sometimes, they can't see you when you dig out your heart and soul, and when you don't answer, they don't care about you." Started all sorts of moral kidnappings to accuse you, Xiaomang, my sister just said that, just have a clear conscience, five sons, who doesn’t have more children than yours? Your brother is not at home, you have to bear more, Instead of wasting energy on useless human calculations, it's better to learn more by your own ability."

This is also what Xiaomang thinks deeply, so now unless there is work at home, he basically runs to the mountains.

The relatives at the foot of the mountain said that their third house had climbed up to Gao Zhier, but An Xiaomang scoffed in his heart. He must study hard, and let them lick their faces to please him in the future, and express their bad breath for his mother. As for that foolish Xiaoman An Xiaomang looks down on his father, but what can he do?Who let him be such a father, as long as the general direction is not wrong, he can turn a blind eye to it!
Fewer people came to see the doctor during the busy farming season, so Bai He carried Xiao San'er on her back to secretly water her medicine field, and Liu Er cooked for the big family at the foot of the mountain. Uncle Wei was still a busy person, and the village There are a lot of large and small carpentry jobs, and there are also those from the nearby village. After seeing the doctor at her house, they will go up to look at some samples. If there is a sample, they will buy it directly, so Uncle Wei After this day, it was not in vain.

After the rice is taken back to the field, it is busy drying and threshing the grain again. When the inside is dry, it is necessary to put water again to plow the field and spread fertilizer.

It takes at least a month of tossing back and forth to get to the step of transplanting rice seedlings, so farmers are very hard, especially in the era of pure handwork.

Irrigation and drainage of paddy fields is a labor-intensive task. Although the village has built waterwheels, they are limited after all. Every family takes turns to come and go, so they can only find their own way. Very hard.

Because An Xiaomang's elder brother is a soldier, their family does not pay taxes and has a small population, so when they drew lots, they were lucky and got a position closer to the waterwheel, even if they couldn't get on the waterwheel, But just the water exposed by the waterwheel also saved them countless trips.

They were harvested in June, replanted in July, and left to stand for about half a month. After the seedlings turned green, the people who bought the fry from the county also came back.

The fish fry were bought by the village head in a bullock cart, contacted by Wei Ying, who spread about 10-20 kilograms per mu of land.

But half a month before the fish fry go to the pond, quicklime needs to be sprinkled in the ground, this is the method Bai He taught Xiaomang, and she doesn't care whether other people listen or not.

And after Xiaomang brought the fish fry back, she didn't rush him to sprinkle it immediately, but soaked it in salt water for a few minutes to kill and kill the virus. Of course, she had already adjusted the proportion before he came over. This water is still Lingquan water. Can greatly improve the survival rate of fish.

After the fish were sprinkled into the rice fields, they had to go over to check the situation from time to time. Xiaomang's family had two acres of rice fields, and bought about [-] kilograms of fish fry, which cost a total of [-] yuan. Among them, there was a lot of hard work for the village chief. , because only their family in the whole village knows the price of these fish, and the village head and others will definitely not do it for nothing, so the money is paid willingly.

Including their family in the village, there are only [-] households who choose to raise fish in rice fields. The rest either choose ducks or don’t raise anything.

After the rice was planted, the busy farming season was not over yet, and the dry land planting began. Sesame, millet, sorghum, and soybeans began to be planted. The busy work didn’t end until about mid-July. During this period, their family kept delivering meals until the busy farming season ended. Go back to the mountain to help.

It just so happened that their grandma didn't get her turn in the past few months, and naturally she couldn't eat the special family meal at Bai He's house. The greedy old lady often stood at the foot of the mountain and scolded her. But there was no half-sentence response.

After the cucumbers come down, Wei Ying will drive a donkey cart back to pull vegetables on average in about a week.

It’s not that they don’t use much vegetables, it’s a waste of time to go back and forth, so they spend most of their time going to the surrounding villages to buy vegetables, and the price is not expensive. It is much faster than going back and forth from the mountain.

As for the cucumbers at home, she has received a space to save them. When they come back once a week or so, she will pack them in advance and put them in the car when they leave, no matter if they are straight or curved. The four different cucumbers can all contribute their own strength, but their family does not eat much, because there are too many choices at home, and it is not necessary to eat cucumbers every day.

When the cucumbers just came down, Baihe pickled a jar of pickled cucumbers, which were sour and spicy, very appetizing.

Including the bean sprouts from the same period, the most tender ones are selected first, and then slowly marinated to taste. When these vegetables are marinated in autumn, they can be served as side dishes.

At the end of July, their family saved more than one hundred taels of silver, which was really not easy.

However, Baihe has also made a lot of special pills with medicinal materials from space. She sealed these pills with wax pills, and specially prepared a batch of trial packs, and asked Wei Ying to bring them to the pharmacy in the county town for free trial. If you are willing to negotiate the price with them, then we will talk about it later.

Unexpectedly, when a batch of pills was sent out, there was no movement like a stone sinking into the sea.

Bai He understands that the other party is afraid that they don't trust this kind of three-no products, and they are worried that they will spoil their stomachs after eating them, and they will not be able to take responsibility for the consequences, so she can understand.

After all, people still rely on soup and water to take medicine now. She spent nearly a hundred taels to build the alchemy furnace, so she couldn't even get back the money, right?
"Why don't you go to the city and open a small pharmacy? The one that can see a doctor and give medicine? Your medicine is really effective, but it's a bit bitter. We both saw the effect as soon as we got a cold. There is no need to drink so many soups and medicines, this kind of medicine is especially suitable for children to swallow, they don't know the goods, it's not because you didn't do it well."

The money for the alchemy furnace was given to her by Wei Ying. In order to build this alchemy furnace, she had to make a lot of troubles. The one she finally built was barely suitable. I didn't expect that she would lose to the reality when she made the alchemy. stay home! ! !Why can't it be sold! ! !
But Bai He didn't choose Wei Ying's way: "I don't want to go to the county seat, I just want to stay in the mountains. Since those people don't know the goods, then don't send them trial kits. I don't have any shortage of patients now. If you spread it ten times, maybe it will get better!"

What Bai He said is not wrong, at least she has patients coming here every day. Although she lives in seclusion in the mountains, there are not a few people who have benefited from her pills and craftsmanship. These villagers pass it on one after another. At least, among the common people who came out of Mount Qingcheng, there was no one who didn't know Dr. Bai.

Although she earns very little, she believes that gold will shine. It doesn't matter if it takes a long time, as long as she has enough medicines, what difference does it make between sooner and later?
So she didn't get more and more discouraged, but she became more determined to refine alchemy and medicine. Of course, there were not all failures, there were, very few.

Because some medicines come from space, and their efficacy is three to five times better than ordinary medicines, so when she made the pills, she calculated the dosage very carefully, so she was afraid that it would be bad if she took it again, and the children in the mountain because of her I don’t have to worry about not being able to feed the medicine anymore.

Of course, the price of this kind of pill is clearly marked, and it cannot be replaced with something. If you can't afford it, then you can continue to take the soup, it doesn't matter.

But Baihe's medical skills have already gained their trust, so these pills with clearly marked prices must be more effective and save time. Go down, pass it out.

Although Baihe has lost the business chain in the county seat, the link between the villages has been connected, and even people from far away from the mountain have worked tirelessly to visit her, the gradually famous "Doctor Bai" in Qingcheng Mountain. '.

Otherwise, when this person's luck came, he couldn't stop it. Who would have thought that after more than a month, those experimental equipment sent out would actually work?
When several waiters from pharmacies approached Wei Ying for cooperation, he realized belatedly that his wife's business could be taken over?
After asking, I found out that the medical clinic was dealing with several emergency patients, and tried her pills with the attitude of a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

If it was a coincidence that only one patient turned from danger to safety, then after several consecutive cases improved, they realized that they had really encountered a miracle doctor.

Such diseases are mostly due to poisoning, abdominal pain, asthma, dysentery, hemoptysis and other diseases. Because there are symptomatic instructions and oral dosage on the outside of each wax pill, it is very convenient for doctors to find and feed them immediately.

With the results, the business was closed, and Wei Ying was naturally happy, so he drove back to Qingcheng Mountain in a hurry that day.

Bai He was also a little surprised by this result, she thought that those pills were thrown away without even looking at them, but she didn't expect that these people not only didn't throw them away, but also found a chance to use them.

She thought for a while, then took out a box, "Here are the pills I brewed recently, here is the price list, you can take it for me and sell it, we don't have to argue too much with them, just follow my instructions If you don’t bargain, take it if you want it, and don’t sell it if you don’t want it. The price of such a box is about 500 taels. This is a medicine for the rich. It’s not my reality. The poor still use those traditional soups and medicines. cheaper."

Now she is here as a free clinic. She has devoted too much energy and material resources to the pills. If they are still sold as ordinary medicines, there is no need to bother, so her prices are not cheap, and the pharmacy wants to add more. The commission, the price, may really only be affordable by the rich.

Therefore, after Baihe sealed it with wax pills, he made some small wooden boxes to put them in. The inside matches Liu’er’s handwriting instruction manual. A lot of wax as her future packaging.

The packaged medicines are all made in a sterile environment in space, which can ensure cleanliness and hygiene, and can be stored for a long time without spoiling. The name written by her is still on the outside of the small wooden box, so you can find it at a glance, and then treat the symptoms accordingly. Compared with the original trial Pretend, another level.

Wei Ying did not doubt that she was there. Anyway, what the daughter-in-law said was right, such a large box must have taken a lot of effort, and she deserved the 500 taels.

Now space planting medicine, no matter what level, as long as she needs any medicine, she can grow it, but like some more precious medicines, it will take longer. In the past, the most expensive vegetables were only one day. Maturity, now that I planted the medicine, I found out that some rare and hard-to-find medicines have to wait for more than a month, so naturally, she charges more, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Wei Ying stayed at home all night, and left early the next morning with vegetables and pills. Because of this business, Baihe aroused her competitive spirit. The time spent on making pills was obviously There are more than before, and her pills must be made in a sterile environment, so she may shut herself in the room for most of the day, and Liu'er is used to it.

(End of this chapter)

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