The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1282 [1281] The story of the buried female farming 9 (5000)

Chapter 1282 [1281] The story of the buried female farming 9 (5000)

People in the country eat dinner early, not to mention that many people here do not eat dinner. As soon as it gets dark, one by one, they all come out to touch the cicada monkeys. Whether they are roasted or fried, they are all delicious. A rare delicacy, especially after this disaster, is even more important.

After Wei Ying and his son had eaten, it was not completely dark yet, so they hurriedly cleaned the pot and sent it over.

Bai He cleaned up the house after eating, and was about to take advantage of the moonlight to touch the cicada monkey, when Wei Ying came down with the pot, and when she saw it, she hurried over to take it.

"I'm not in a hurry to return it. How does it taste?"

Wei Ying still couldn't let go of outsiders, but nodded politely: "Very good, thank you."

"Thank you, isn't this what it should be?"

Wei Ying saw that she was carrying a cloth bag, "You want to go out?"

"I, I'll just see if I can touch a few pachas! Oh, it's the cicada monkey."

Wei Ying glanced at the empty home behind her and the pheasants crowing in the yard, and kindly reminded her.

"Those chickens must be watched at night, there are many weasels in the mountains."

Bai He looked back at the chicken circle, the wooden fence was tightly fenced, it shouldn't be too big, right?

Seeing her expression, Wei Ying found it funny, "The weasel is smarter than you think, your house doesn't have a gate, and the crowing of the rooster is the best attraction, and the door is blocked by a wooden peg, which can block it." Chickens may not be able to stop weasels, my father and I will install the gate for you as soon as possible, for safety, you'd better block it with wooden boards."

If it wasn't for the delicious food cooked for her, Wei Ying wouldn't have said so many things at once. After reminding her kindly, he turned around and went up the mountain.

Bai He walked home with the pot, and was not in the mood to touch pacha in the mountains, weasel?She actually forgot about this kind of creature. In fact, it's not just weasels. There are also wolves and wild boars on the mountain. If there is not enough food in the mountain, it is common for them to rush down the mountain to eat food, not to mention they live on the mountain. people?
Bai He thought for a while, then asked Liang Tian, ​​"Can your one-day-one-day locker hold living things?"

"One thousand gold coins a day for a living creature." Liang Tian's words made Bai He almost die of anger: "Thank you, great benevolent person!"

Bai He felt that it was not worth the money, so she went to cut some large and small branches near her home, and then surrounded the chicken coop with a fairly strong fence, and wrapped it with vines. Just turning over and jumping in, she was still worried about this, and tied the iron bell that was originally intended to be placed on the gate to the chicken coop, so that whoever dared to touch her chicken, she could pretend to be a ghost and scare it to death Turtle grandson!
Because she chose a place directly next to the chicken coop and entered the space.

The sweet potatoes planted during the day have matured, and the six plots are kept for themselves, and all the rest are sold into the mall.

Each field harvested three large sweet potatoes, one weighing four to five catties, and the vine leaves on it. She picked off the green and tender leaves together with the poles, and placed them neatly. The vines were stored separately and waited. Tomorrow it will be dried and can be wrapped around the chicken coop.

It's a pity that the plants in the space can't be grown outside, otherwise how much trouble would it save her?
After the sweet potatoes were harvested, she planted loofahs, and the mature loofahs were uneatable, so she took them outside to dry, peeled off the outer skin, knocked out the seeds inside, and used the shreds inside to wash pots and dishes, which is so much better than later generations All kinds of dishwashing materials are easy to use.

Because the plants in the space are immature and cannot be harvested, so if you want to eat tender loofah, you have to grow it outside yourself.

The demand for loofah is not high, only two plots are planted, and chestnuts and hazelnuts are still planted in the remaining plots, both of which are dried fruits, and they were very common in ancient times. Eat snacks, and no one will question anything.

But she hasn't seen these two kinds of trees in the mountains so far, so she turned around and asked the Wei family father and son who ran in the mountains and forests every day.

She has washed and dried the fabric she bought back. She urgently needs a quilt, so she takes out the cotton she had saved before, removes the cotton seeds inside, and spreads it on the cut-size quilt layer by layer. In fact, this job is not easy to do, not only to ensure the thickness, but also to make sure there is no gap between them. After more than two hours of tossing, the neck is sore, and finally a quilt is barely finished, and finally it has to be sewn with needles and threads Fix the position of the cotton so that it does not run away.

Because this layer of quilt needs to be covered with a quilt cover, the fabric used is very ordinary, it can be said that it is the most inferior cotton cloth.

The one she made is 150×200. It is wide enough and long enough for one person to cover. Obsessive-compulsive disorder took her more than three hours to turn the cotton into a cotton quilt, and put on an embroidered quilt cover with uneven dyeing. , quilt covers are used by modern people, and ancient people used satin fabrics, but she has no money, and she also thinks that directly covering the body with cotton cloth is easy to get dirty, and it is not convenient to remove and wash. Would rather have a little trouble than make quilts the old-fashioned way.

As for the mattress, she plans to turn around and use straw and wheat straw to make a mattress. There is a lot of hemp in the mountains, cut it back and soak it in the river, take it home and beat it to make it fluffy, and then use bamboo needles to puncture and sew it to the ground. It is made of straw and wheat straw, tied on a solid mattress, and then spread a layer of thin cotton quilt on it. The quilt made in this way has excellent air permeability. It will be relatively heavy.

During the Xia and Shang Dynasties, the ancients mostly used furs and furs to keep warm together. In the pre-Qin period, quilts and quilts appeared. The cloth was spun from plant fibers such as kudzu and hemp, and then slowly began to fill the inside with reed flowers, catkins, thatch, and kapok. And other materials, rough cloth quilts are not as comfortable as silk quilts on the body, so Du Fu, a Tang Dynasty poet, wrote: "The cloth quilt has been cold as iron for many years, and Jiaoer is lying on the ground and cracked."

In fact, cotton has been introduced and planted in my country as early as the Southern and Northern Dynasties, but it has always been used for viewing just like other ornamental flowers.

Until Zhu Yuanzhang, Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty, forced the promotion of cotton planting and changed the textile industry dominated by silk and linen, only the dignitaries who could afford cotton quilts were still high-ranking officials, and ordinary people still had to "pick reed flowers in late autumn and put them in cloth quilts". It was not until the Qing Dynasty that cotton quilts became popular among the people and became one of the important properties of market households, and the custom of using cotton quilts as dowry has continued to this day.

The rich and noble families began to wear mink fur or filled silk cloth with duck down and cashmere. This is also the early duck down and cashmere quilt.

Now that Bai He has wrapped her life so tightly, no one would have noticed what was stuffed inside, because cotton quilts are very precious in this era, so she dared not take the quilt that she made casually. The one she made has six to seven catties of cotton, which is suitable for covering in spring and autumn. If it is very cold in winter, she will make a kang, otherwise she will have to make an extra quilt, which is too troublesome.

As for the summer quilt, she didn't plan to use reed flowers, because the space can be used to grow cotton, why use reed flowers, it's so uncomfortable to cover, so she plans to use three or four catties to make a thin cotton quilt. I'll do this tomorrow, I'm exhausted today, I just want to sleep quickly.

However, before she could wash up and go to bed, she heard movement outside the chicken coop. Bai He subconsciously sat up straight and listened with her ears.

After confirming that it was not a human being, she sneaked out of the space, only to find wild boars hitting the fence she had just made at night.

Wild boar?

A black, strong and ugly pig actually set his sights on her chicken?
How charming is this chicken, even if it is kept at home, it will not let it go?

But she also knows that it is an omnivorous animal, and its main food on weekdays is grass, roots, leaves and fruits of plants.

It also eats grass, worms in the soil, and steals bird eggs, especially grouse, pheasant eggs and chicks.

It is a nocturnal animal, usually most active in the early morning and evening, and will come out to look for food and move around.

Spend most of the day sleeping in dense bushes.

Now it has broken through the fence and jumped into the chicken coop. The bell on the chicken coop is shaking crazily, and the two chickens inside are also frightened. , the sound is also very harsh, such a strong pig, the meat skin is very thick, and the meat is not delicious, but no matter how bad it is, it is still meat. Big, no wonder hitting her fence twice didn't work.

Bai He boldly rolled on the ground, and before the wild boar found her, she flashed into the space, because she was right next to the chicken coop, so when she rolled, she rolled directly next to the wild boar, not to mention, as long as As soon as she went out, she was likely to be trampled on by the pig, so she took a good posture with the dagger, and the moment she stepped out of the space, she stabbed at its belly from bottom to top, because the skin on the belly is relatively tender, and she At this angle, it can only be inserted from the bottom to the top. As expected, with a sharp roar, the four hooves exerted force at the same time, trying to break free at any time. At this moment, Bai He turned into a hell Shura, using all his strength to attack the wild boar. The more it struggled, the deeper it penetrated. Within 3 minutes, it stopped moving.

It was probably the sound from here that caught the Wei family's attention, and when the father and son ran over, they saw her sitting on a huge monster panting.

Acropolis opened his mouth wide. Shocked by this scene, he drank the bloody wind, and couldn't say a word, and said, "You, you, you...," for a long time.

Wei Ying raised his eyebrows and looked at the blood-stained woman with disheveled hair.

"You really impress me. I didn't know until now that you were able to escape from the wolves before. It wasn't luck, but your real strength!"

Bai He was really exhausted, she slowly stood up from the pig, looked at the pig behind her, panted slightly, worried about the blood on her body, and didn't dare to get too close.

"You know how to butcher pigs, right? Can you do me a favor? Share the pig with me and keep the wild boar skin. I'll make a pig glue later on. Since we're having dinner together, you can kill this pig hard. share?"

Looking at Bai He who was not polite at all, Wei Cheng couldn't help laughing.

"You little lady is really interesting. You don't seem to be surprised that we rushed here in the middle of the night? You also discussed with us how to divide it equally?"

"There are only two of our families living on the mountain. The pig squawks so loudly. If you haven't heard it, it's worth my deliberation. After all, you hunters have very strong hearing. If you can't hear it, I will tell my neighbor. I am disappointed, but luckily, you are here, which proves that you are very reliable, and I am willing to share with you, although the wild pork is not delicious, but it is meat at least, isn’t it?”

Wei Cheng and Wei Ying exchanged glances, smiled at her and said, "It's fine, it's just that it's late at night."

"I don't care about a woman anymore. What do you care about? It's such a hot day. I'm afraid it won't be fresh until tomorrow morning."

"Such a big pig, if we can't finish it, it will still be spoiled?"

Is this going to be distributed to the people down the mountain?
Bai He thought of those who helped her build the house, so she nodded.

"You help me kill, and I will distribute the meat to those who helped me at dawn. In this way, my favor can be regarded as repaying."

Although she has space to store it, but in terms of favors, it is better to pay back as soon as possible.

"Then stop talking nonsense and carry it to my house. I have all kinds of tools in my house. It's inconvenient for you here..."

Originally, she was worried that the father and son would not be able to carry it, so she wanted to reach out to help. Who would have thought that she underestimated the strength of the mountain people, and the two of them just carried it away. It weighed one or two hundred catties, dead pig So deadly, the father and son just carried it away?
Moreover, the father is in front and the son is in the back. It is impossible to see that Wei Ying is so careful. Because he has to go uphill, it will be easier for the father to do this.

After the father and son left, Bai He took off the bloody clothes and soaked them in plant ash, then took a cold shower in the space, washed off the filth on her body, changed into clean clothes and went up to the mountain to light the fire.

When she went, Wei Ying had already lit the fire. It should be a tool like flint and fire, or it would not be so fast.

"Since you're here, you can boil the water here, and we'll drain the blood first."

"Okay." Wei's family obviously often handles this kind of animals, so there is a big pot in the middle of the yard. This big pot is big enough to put a pig in, and there is a stone surface for handling animals beside it, which is very smooth and neat. I don't know where they got the treasure from Tao.

Under the big stone surface is a support body made of stones, which looks very solid. She didn't pay attention to look at the things placed on it last time, but now she understands what these things are for.

Because the wild boar's hide was too thick, she dedicated her dagger.

"Use this, it's very sharp, if it wasn't for this dagger, let alone a wild boar, I wouldn't be able to kill even a wolf!"

Wei Ying took it and put it in his hand to observe. Because the fire light overflowed from under the pot table, the light around the processing table was not bad. After playing with it, Wei Ying looked at her in surprise.

"The origin of this dagger is not simple!"

"Would you believe me if I said I picked it up in the mountains the day Dilong turned over?"

When Bai He said it with a smile, it was meant as a joke, but Wei Ying felt that her smile carried a trace of deep meaning. As for whether he believed it or not, he didn't care, but this dagger is indeed a good thing, at least in his hand, Take a pig hair and blow it lightly, and it can be broken and opened, which can be used as the word "sharpening iron like mud!"
With Bai He's dagger, the operation was much smoother. After the pig's blood was drained, the three of them carried the pig into the low stove pot together. This process was very difficult, even for the low pot stove. Usually, it takes four or five people to lift a pig, but there are only three of them. If it weren't for Wei Ying's strength, they probably wouldn't be able to do it.

This child is tall and strong, just different!

The next operation was too bloody. In short, they tossed and tossed from midnight until dawn before killing the pigs. In the end, they did not forget to perform secondary processing on the places that were not clean enough before.

The butchered pork was laid out one by one on the stone table. It was all red, and the subcutaneous fat was so small that it could be ignored. No wonder it was so hard and unpalatable!
The father and son were also very tired, "It takes more effort to kill this wild boar than a cow. This guy is not young, at least four or five years old, and he is considered a middle-aged man."

"Since the fire is starting in my house, let's go to the foot of the mountain and ask someone to come over and eat pork. I know how you want to repay your kindness, but you're new here, you'd better take care of everyone. Anyway, the meat isn't delicious, why don't you invite me to eat it?" The people of the whole village come to eat?"

Bai He immediately showed an embarrassing expression: "Uncle Wei is right, but I am a small person, but, wouldn't that waste a lot of ingredients in your family?"

Weicheng shook his head: "Sensible people will bring their own ingredients, and those who are not sensible like to take advantage of it wherever they go. You can get to know the nature of the people in this village through the pig-killing feast, which will be beneficial for you to get along with them in the future. My family This day is much richer than theirs, and there is nothing to waste. Aren’t the ingredients for stewing pork all collected in the mountains? It’s nothing more than a waste of firewood and salt. It’s okay, we don’t care, you care What? You go to An's house and ask your godmother to come over and help cook pig-killing dishes, Wei Ying, you go to the mountains to find some ingredients suitable for seasoning, I'm old, I have to rest for a while."

After arranging all this, Wei Cheng yawned and went upstairs, Wei Ying thought for a while, then nodded in agreement, but Bai He was a little embarrassed to bother him all night, so he hurriedly said.

"Go and rest too. I have enough seasonings there, so you don't need to go to the mountains to look for it. But, don't say that this pork was made by me, but by you,"

Wei Ying immediately understood what she meant. She didn't want to be too high-profile. After all, it was his daughter's home. Who would want to get the limelight out of nowhere?
"Okay, then let's go, go down the mountain together, and call them all over."

When the two walked down the mountain together, Grandma Zheng, who was working in the field at the foot of the mountain, saw them and smiled involuntarily at the two of them.

"Boy Wei, you said that you are not too young, and you don't consider starting a family? I look at Dr. Bai very well, don't you, Dr. Bai?"

(End of this chapter)

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