The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1268 [1267] Under Changbai Mountain 44 (5100)

Chapter 1268 [1267] Under Changbai Mountain 44 (5100)

Chu Qian thought that they had donated money, and Wang Hai's daughter-in-law had an operation, and she just had to wait for the lawyer to deal with this matter. She didn't expect that the drama on her side had just finished, and it suddenly broke out on the Internet——

The former Olympic champion Chu Xi forced a pregnant woman to death!

Due to a money dispute between relatives, the Olympic champion meddled in it, causing the pregnant woman to stumble and die, leaving one dead and two dead!
Chu Qian frowned, and called the lawyer at that time: "Lawyer Zhao, what happened?"

"Oh, I was just about to contact you. This family surnamed Deng is really nothing. They drove the pregnant woman to death."

"what's the situation?"

"They gave birth to the hospital. The pregnant woman wanted painless surgery and a caesarean section. The family refused, saying that her first child would go well, and the next child would definitely come out soon. Let her bear it any longer. The pregnant woman couldn't bear it. Going down, the old lady scolded at the side, and finally forced the pregnant woman to jump off the building!"

Chu Qian gasped, unable to calm down the anger in her heart for a long time: "What age is it, and there are people like this?"

"Now my family is making a fuss in the hospital. It's unreasonable. I see that there are still people pointing the finger at you on the Internet. It's unreasonable. Don't worry, the hospital will give an explanation. There is no evidence to blame you, but there are so many people in the hospital. Someone will always stand up and explain, and this money!"

She understands what the lawyer means. Such a big change happened to their family, and it's really not suitable to pursue it at this time, but is the family's shamelessness just like that?

"It's only natural to pay off debts. Yes, you must. You should first look at the attitude of the woman's family and the hospital. If the other party needs legal aid, you can also help out. This family's conscience is so bad. If we Don't pursue it, maybe they will still eat the woman's blood steamed buns. Even if the hospital is not the responsible party, it will impose a certain amount of condolence money out of humanitarianism. If this money falls into the hands of the Deng family, it is really unreasonable Already!"

"You mean... If the woman's family really loves their daughter, they will join forces with them to fight against the Deng family, not for the sake of compensation?"

"Well, it's enough not to benefit the Deng family. Besides, it's better for them to fight for the custody of the eldest child. This family has such a bad conscience. If the child falls into their hands, it won't be a big deal when he grows up. good stuff!"

She didn't expect things to develop to this point. Wang Hai was sentenced for half a year. His wife's surgery has been successful and she is still in the stage of recuperation. There are still many places to spend money in the future. Take the house to pay for it!
The facts were as expected by Lawyer Zhao. It didn't take long for the ugly face of Deng's family to surface on the Internet, and they even claimed millions of dollars from the hospital.

The natal family was also dealing with the hospital. Later, I heard that the Deng family ignored their daughter who was still dead and wanted to pay compensation, and angrily fought with the in-laws. Lawyer Zhao saw that the natal family had integrity, and they were really fighting for their own. The daughter fought for her interests, so he took his assistant to discuss with the pregnant brother that day.

Deng Hui's vileness caused him to be pointed out wherever he went, and he was beaten in a sack when he returned home at night, and he was almost beaten to death.

The coward was so scared that he didn't dare to go out for a week.

As a result, as soon as he went out, he was beaten and sent to the hospital again. This time he said he saw someone, and he frantically looked for someone to bring him back.

But the medical staff didn't bother to pay attention to him, so he went to call the police, and they asked him to find evidence, and he went to adjust the monitoring on the section of the road where he had an accident, but no one responded to him.

The image of a mouse crossing the street made him well-known in the local area.

He is currently involved in three lawsuits, Wang Hai's family's loan, the dispute between his wife and the hospital, and his brother-in-law competing with him for the custody of his son. Although Deng Hui thought it was ridiculous, the brother-in-law didn't look like a joke at all. Only then did Deng Hui gradually realize that except for his parents, everyone around him was looking at him with disdain.

But Deng Hui still had the attitude that a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water. Chu Qian felt that procrastination like this was not an option, so on a stormy night, she followed Deng Hui and slid into his house with a steel ball. Putting on maternity clothes, with disheveled hair, Deng Hui himself was so scared that he wet the bed by thunder, and ran out in a panic.

After Deng Hui ran out, Chu Qian didn't leave in a hurry, so she hid in the space and waited for his superb mother to come over.

The son was frightened like that. The mother definitely didn't believe in this evil, so she moved in with her son the next day, so that night, she was scared together with his mother. This old lady is worse than Deng Hui. The crotch is broken, oh my god, it's so disgusting!
She has a sense of proportion when she is scary. Since it is destined that the 20 will not come out, it is better to sell this house.

When they bought the house, the total price of this house was 80, of which 30 of the 20 down payment was borrowed from Wang Hai's family. Now the house can be sold for 60 to 20, so the 50 is calculated as interest and appreciation. That part should also be repaid at least [-].

Originally, Chu Qian planned to let Wang Hai's family buy this house, but under the current situation of their family, they simply can't afford so much money, and it is impossible for her to make up for this bottomless pit, because it costs a million or so. Even if it was lent to them, what should they pay back?It's better to hang up this house and pay it back with money.

In addition to this, she also asked Deng Hui to give up custody, and her son changed his surname to return to his grandmother's house. From then on, he has nothing to do with the Deng family, and he does not need to pay child support, but the remaining 100 million yuan from the sale of the house should be distributed to his wife's natal family. Half, this money is not only the child support, but also part of her daughter-in-law's due, so he shouldn't even think about spending a dime.

The old woman jumped up and shouted, "Why?"

Chu Qian smiled sadly: "Just because I'm still haunted, if you don't keep your account and don't give you money for a day, I'll come to haunt you every day, this evil pair, and I'll absorb all your yang energy. , come down to accompany me in the end, okay?"

The mother and son didn't believe in this evil. Chu Qian just finished filming, so she wanted to have fun with them before leaving. She also made a recording of the baby crying and took it with her. After they moved back from the building to their hometown in the countryside, it would be more convenient for her Yes, after they fell asleep at night, she also made a gloomy red light, her hair was disheveled, and her face was covered with blood and tears, which made the mother and son scream. The old lady passed away at that time, and Deng Hui crawled on the ground in fright. , to climb out the door to ask for help, she followed step by step, even if the neighbors came, she did not disappear in a hurry, but stood there openly, scaring the neighbors into hugging each other, even if she was brave enough, she took out The phone is facing her.

"I am optimistic about this family. From now on, I will come to them every night. If they don't pay back the money or keep the account, I will come to suck their yang energy until they get the punishment they deserve!"

As soon as the voice fell, she disappeared in front of everyone, and disappeared out of thin air. After she disappeared, there was a sudden lightning, thunder, and heavy rain, which woke up the neighbors who were still standing there, waiting for them to react. When I looked at my mobile phone, I found that everything just now was not a dream, but a real existence.

After the neighbor sent the video to Deng Hui's mobile phone, he took a look, groaned, and passed out.

The next day, under the compulsory request of the village head, Deng Hui went to an intermediary to put the house up.

But the house can't be sold so easily, so after the house was put up, they took him to his wife's natal house and asked him to voluntarily give up his custody rights.

The Yue family didn't expect Deng Hui's change to be so fast, but they already hated seeing him. Since he agreed, they naturally went through the formalities without delay.

The location of the Deng family’s house is not bad. The price of the house in the school district is 180 million. If you pay in full, you can get a discount of 30. Therefore, after the house was listed, many people were attracted to see the house.

Deng Hui didn't want to sell the house at all. Where would he live if the house was sold? have nightmares.

Knowing that in such an environment, he couldn't live at all, so he simply asked the Yue family to go home to pack up his wife's belongings. He also packed up the things in advance and sent them back to his hometown, but he didn't have any of the things in the house. Yes, it's not that I don't want it, but I dare not want it, for fear of having nightmares again at night.

Unexpectedly, the house was eventually favored by the pregnant woman's brother, so the mother's family began to find a way to raise money, and within a week they got the full amount together. In fact, only 100 million yuan is needed, and the Deng family's 50 yuan , The Wang family has 50 yuan, and the remaining 50 yuan was originally given to their family, and he will raise his nephew in the future. This 50 yuan means that the nephew also has the right to inherit the house.

In this way, after half a month, the matter finally came to an end. The house was transferred to the child's uncle, and the Wang family also got the 50 that should belong to them. Even though Deng Hui was not reconciled, facing such a result, he He also has no right to say anything, because his mother has been bedridden since the fright. Without his mother to rely on, he is a coward.

His son was adopted by his uncle, and his household registration was also transferred. From then on, this child has his mother's surname and has nothing to do with their Deng family.

And the child’s uncle’s family has a son and a daughter. Now there is an extra son, and the aunt is kind enough. The house was bought for 150 million. The grandparents of the child testify that the house will also have the right to inherit the house from the nephew in the future.

The hospital itself is not responsible, and the court has no responsibility for the compensation. It is out of humanitarianism that the compensation of 20 yuan was made.

The money was eventually given to the child's grandparents, which can be regarded as a support for the child in the future.

After the Wang family got 50 yuan, they contacted Chu Qian immediately and returned the 20 yuan to their charity team.

Originally, she wanted to pay the lawyer's fee, but the lawyer refused, because the lawyer Fei Chuxi had already paid tens of thousands of yuan, and she didn't intend to let the family pay.

I thought the 20 yuan would be a charity donation, but I didn’t expect the Wang family to repay it, and the reason is also very good. I didn’t talk about it before if I didn’t have money. Now that I have money, I should return it. This money is more suitable for those who really need help. people.

This made Chu Qian feel even more that her tens of thousands of legal fees were not in vain.

As a result, the matter of the Wang family was completely resolved, and she also returned to Beijing to devote herself to the production of her new album.

This matter has been fermenting for several months, and the comments on her on the Internet are also mixed. Although she did not gain anything from this incident, at least it made her deeply aware that the happy life she has now is really hard-won , And like their brothers and sisters respect each other, sisters-in-law help each other, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law harmonious family relationship, it is simply too little.

The parents-in-law have worked extremely hard for this family in the past few years. They have four children and they are not allowed to hire a nanny. If they are not young, she is really worried that they will be driven crazy by these children.

But the fact is that the more children in the family, the more sensible the older children will be. They will take the initiative to help their grandparents take care of their two younger sisters. This is what makes Chu Qian most gratified.

The nature of the work of the two of them is doomed not to be able to accompany the children to grow up, but the grandparents are also constantly learning about parenting experience, loving but not spoiling them, whether it is their reading and learning, or the cultivation of interests, even their eloquence and emotional intelligence. Teach what I can teach, and enroll them in a class for those who can’t. Grandpa’s new energy car is never idle every weekend, and in the process, I found that Sasha, who is frail and sick, seems to have a super talent in painting .

Chu Qian has seen Sasha's paintings, and it is indeed remarkable that she can outline the characters' frowns and smiles without anyone's guidance, so she bought a lot of drawing paper and materials for her child, because she is still young and more We should pay attention to the cultivation of imagination, so we didn't enroll her in any classes. When she entered school and learned to adapt to the big environment, it would not be too late to enroll in classes.

After nearly a year of recovery, Jin Sha is in good health and her resistance is much stronger than before. She just doesn’t know if she can withstand the virus in the kindergarten, but even though she knows that there are many viruses in the kindergarten, she still has to send it because she Need to adapt to collective life, the more you escape, the more ugly you will be.

So she has planned to let her go to a private kindergarten in the community after this fall.

Although Shasha's physique is not good, she has a strong self-care ability and is fully capable of going to kindergarten. She will be five years old in autumn, and she should go to kindergarten. Very disgusted to communicate with the outside world, this is not a good start.

There are still two years before Shasha enters elementary school. Now the eldest is entering fifth grade in autumn, the second is in third grade in autumn, and the three children will enter school in the second half of the year. The tasks of in-laws can also be a little easier.

Yoyo is very easy to carry. She can fall asleep on her own after feeding and puts her on the bed. She is not annoying at all, and she likes her brothers and sisters. Every day when the children hang around her after school, she always flies happily.

The more children talk, the more they can utter single-byte sounds very early, and they are very smart, which surprised Chu Qian.

Although she doesn't go home often, the video is not uncommon, and the same is true with her father. Both of them are trapeze people. They can stay in one place for more than a week, which is considered a long time.

Since Jin Jun recovered, he no longer sticks to the three eastern provinces. He often travels to Xinxing and Ningxia provinces. Whenever he goes to these places, there will be a steady stream of couriers at home, so his parents-in-law and the others seldom go out to buy vegetables. , The dry goods, meat, vegetables and fruits at home are all supplemented by the son and daughter-in-law.

The food is not only carefully selected, but also natural green and pollution-free. Naturally, their children look more juicy than other people's.

If there are too many children, the room will become crowded. When Chu Qian is not at home, grandma takes the two granddaughters to live in the room of the couple, grandpa takes the younger brother to live in their room, and the elder brother lives in the living room alone, because he gets up early in the morning. , There is early reading, which will delay several children, so it is divided like this.

If Chu Qian was at home, she would take the two daughters and grandparents take the younger brother.

Sasha is also calling her mother now, and she doesn't know when she became dependent on herself. After her mother shouted, she couldn't stop, and her hair grew long, and her face was fleshy. When you look up, the pink is cute and tight, although it is not soft and soft, but the daughter is more fragrant than the son, unlike the son, who is naturally stinky, even after washing, there is always a smell of sweat on the body, just like their uncle Virtue, it will fade, and it will emit a bad smell automatically.

Including their family, it's also very strange. It stands to reason that she doesn't take it with her often. She prefers to be by her grandma's side, but this child in their family is different. Whenever she sees her coming home, she opens her arms to hug her. Grandma It is said that she is smart, this is the nature of mother and daughter, a natural sense of dependence.

The combination of their family is very good, two sons and two daughters, there is no envy when you take it out, and the lineup is strong, and the genes are not bad.

Both the eldest brother and sister-in-law are not ugly, and after packing up the clothes she mailed back, the son who was born is handsome, and no matter how you look at it, he thinks it is better than others. Haha, my son is handsome even if he is ugly!
As for the daughters, it is even more healing, especially when they laugh, it feels like the glacier can melt.

Sasha likes Yoyo very much, and asks to take it with her wherever she goes. Then, when she goes to sleep at night, Yoyo also habitually hugs her sister. Sometimes she even suspects that this girl is willing to be with her because her sister is by her side. asleep.

Although I don’t know whose daughter Sasha is, but Sasha and her two elder brothers are quite similar in some angles, and they are very beautiful and cute, especially when she smiles, there are two small pear dimples, she cut her a Chibi Maruko's hairstyle will make her hair look a little longer, and it will not be pulled by the rubber band every day, and the hairline will not move back.

The whole family takes good care of these children. In addition to material conditions, there is also spiritual growth. Although Sasha did not go to school this year, she has learned to swim. She usually dances square dances with her grandma. The rhythm is very strong. Even I can still hum.

After dinner in the evening, the brothers were doing their homework at home, and the grandparents took the sisters down to play. If there were any questions they didn’t know, the brothers would also ask their mother for help via video. It seems to be out of tune with the reality. Maybe this is the self-reliance necessary for left-behind families?
(End of this chapter)

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