The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1262 [1261] Under Changbai Mountain 38 (5000)

Chapter 1262 [1261] Under Changbai Mountain 38 (5000)

On the eve of the National Day in 2029, her mother-in-law drove to school to pick her up in person. Because she was not good at walking, their family didn't go anywhere this holiday. They booked a farmhouse in the suburbs and took the children to toss about in the fields. Making ground pot chicken, taking their children down the river to fish, and the slightly disabled couple sat on the bank happily enjoying this kind of fun.

Today's Jin Jun, as long as the road is not too complicated, can throw away the crutches and walk slowly. I didn't expect that after two or three years, he could also become Chu Qian's crutches. When the children were playing, Jin Jun looked at Chu Qian affectionately.

"Do we want a child?"

Chu Qian stared straight at her eyes for an instant, and this action caused the man to stare blankly.

"I have problems with my legs and lumbar spine."

Chu Qian was embarrassed for a moment, her face blushed uncontrollably, of course it wasn't because of embarrassment, but because she felt a little embarrassed that her husband had brought up this topic in a serious manner.

So she coughed subconsciously: "No, in your current situation, it's better to be more reserved. What if you use your strength and your waist is worn out?"

Jin Jun narrowed his eyes slightly, and turned his magnified handsome face to his daughter-in-law: "Does your husband look so useless to me?"

Chu Qian pursed her lips and laughed, "That's not the case, but... I don't think about having a baby yet. I'm only in my second year of graduate school. How about thinking about it after I graduate?"

Jin Jun didn't mean to force his wife to have a baby, he just wanted a little padded jacket, and now that his daughter-in-law is facing this issue squarely, he doesn't feel disgusted, and his goal has been achieved.

"It depends on you. I just think these two children are too skinny. If I can give them a younger sister, maybe they will be more stable."

There are two monkeys in the house. She can see the picture clearly from the surveillance every day, and she can't help laughing.

"I've watched your live broadcasts for the past few episodes. During the live broadcasts, you were still cleaning the house. Comrade Jin, are you afraid that others will not know that you are now the husband of the house?"

Jin Jun put his arms around her shoulders, and leaned on her shoulders generously, with a face of relief.

"I have accepted my current job. They insist on me broadcasting live broadcasts to see what I do at home every day. Then I will show them the pictures of me cooking, cleaning, and cleaning up these two boys. Let me tell you , Now many full-time mothers are praising me for doing a good job. I can wash clothes in dark colors and light colors. I know how to hang clothes when I hang them. I also know how to use the hangers. Unlike their old man who hangs clothes The creases didn’t shake off, not to mention, even small clothes can be stretched and deformed, the socks are hard when washed by hand, and there are always urine stains on the toilet bowl, and I asked how I did it.”

As he was talking, this guy actually had an embarrassing look on his face, begging for praise, it's not too cute.

Chu Qian asked him with a smile: "Yes, I'm also very curious. Our toilet really didn't let me. After worrying about it, how did you do it?"

The corner of Jin Jun's mouth curled up, and he secretly said a word to Chu Qian's sensitive earlobe. After hearing his words, she stared straight.

"Is this okay? Then you are not afraid that your son will develop this habit and be ridiculed by his classmates?"

"They are all in elementary school, so you can just reason with them. In the past, the hygiene of our house was kept good because there was a mother who took care of them. Now I take care of them. I also saw many full-time mothers complaining about their husbands on the Internet. And my son, I thought of the difficulty of you and mother, so I taught them, and now they are used to it, and I haven’t heard anyone laughing at them. Who can see it when going to the toilet at home? For hygiene, sit and pee It’s not that you can’t urinate, why can’t you consider the difficulty of the female members of the family!”

Chu Qian's heart warmed up, and she gently touched his forehead with her hand.

"I have to say that you have become more and more involved in the drama, and you have done a good job as a full-time father. The turnover of our coffee shop has also shown a linear upward trend. The net profit has risen from [-] to [-] a month to [-] [-], and even broke through [-] to [-] in a month, how did you do it?"

"It's nothing, just passing by often, many people recognized me, and only then did I know that this shop was opened by our husband and wife, and it spread to ten and ten, and it spread like this. In addition, our price is fair, and the master we hired The pastries and ground coffee taste very authentic, especially the coffee shop and dairy products, which are really mellow and authentic, without fooling people. The environment in the shop is also good, suitable for review. As time goes by, there will be more people. "

Now the two children are dropped off by their grandma in the morning, picked up by their father at noon, dropped off by their father in the afternoon, and picked up by their grandma in the evening. During the rest of the time, Jin Jun rides a mountain bike to work.

Chu Qian was worried that his body would not be able to bear it. After the experiment, he found that his limbs could be fully exercised, and he didn't ride for an hour or two. With the combination of Yi and Yi, not only has he been trained, but he has not overdone it, so his recovery ability has improved so much now.

Jin Jun is also in the coffee shop on weekdays. On weekends, he spends time with his children. He usually commutes to and from get off work at the school time. Because he has to help with homework, he has to do a lot of psychological construction before entering the house every day. Now he I often chat with full-time mothers, so I have accumulated a lot of full-time experience.

It's the anger when I was tutoring homework. I couldn't suppress it no matter how hard I tried. Every minute my head burst into flames, my mother rescued them in time to extinguish them.

As long as he finds that he can't bear it now, he will go to the bathroom to wash his face, or put on gloves to squeeze fresh fruit juice for the child, and vent his anger and anger to other places, so that the two monkeys really think he is He didn't have a temper, until he thoroughly annoyed him once and got beaten up after he tore up his homework.

The boss saw that the second child was beaten, and the homework he wrote immediately was different from the usual fooling ghosts. After two days of beating, he returned to his original state within three days. He was so angry that he wanted to run away from home every minute , Facing the monitor, I cried to my daughter-in-law.

"I can't take this baby anymore. If this continues, I will have a heart attack, wife!~~"

Chu Qian pays attention to the monitoring every day, and saves the screenshots from time to time to make short videos and send them to her account. Although she can only see the back of the tutoring homework every day (the desks are on the balcony, one on each side, and the old father sitting in the middle ), but watching the strong man who brought the goods in the past now sit on the stool with a look of lovelessness and cry to the daughter-in-law on the monitoring side, it aroused the distress and sympathy of many netizens.

The same world, the same father, the same litter of cubs.

It's so real, it turns out that the families of celebrities are the same as us ordinary people.

This father's patience is not bad, at least he has been holding back his temper, unlike my daughter-in-law, who yells and the whole family shakes up.

I have to say that it is not easy for Papa Jin to do this, and their family is really simple, not as grand as I imagined.

It turns out that the star's house is so small, the living room is used to separate the children's room, the home decoration is very warm, small but well-equipped, I love it.

Under this comment, there are thousands of replies.

"Small? Do you know how much this house costs per square meter? It is said that this is the school district house awarded to Chu Xi, who won four gold medals, by the city government. Although it is a second-hand house, it is still a foreclosure house, but the price is not affordable for ordinary people." Yes, but it’s true that the couple are low-key, and they are serious about donating money. They have never been absent from public welfare in the past few years, and they have their own foundation, which deserves our love.”

Of course, there are also sunspots——

【This man is so pitiful. He has no reputation, so he started to use his children to pick up the little bit of dignity left. 】

【dignity?Does he still have dignity?You can see that he is getting worse and worse now, relying on women to support his family, and he actually became a full-time dad, which is really embarrassing to men. 】


The screenshot of Chu Qian's surveillance was not only popular on the search, but also reposted by several mainstream media. Suddenly——

[The former traffic king who brought goods is now a full-time dad who collapsed and complained to Chu Qian in front of the surveillance]

[It turns out that star dads also have the same troubles]

Jin Jun also never expected that his account would be followed again because he became popular with tutoring homework with his baby.

Although he seldom posts such videos and mostly chats with fans live, he doesn't dislike his daughter-in-law giving him a sense of presence.

As for the bad comments on the Internet, he did not respond positively, but said in the live broadcast room.

"If it was before, I might be like working fathers, thinking that raising a child and doing housework is no big deal, but now that I have experienced it, I know how difficult it is for them, so regarding the attacks on me on the Internet, I am I don’t care about it, because my full-time father also works, and I don’t regret my brave actions back then. My brother’s sacrifice made me cherish the hard-won life even more. The child is taken care of by our husband and wife. People, stop talking about the children, they are innocent and don't know anything, what is the original intention of your malicious evaluation? If it is to attract our attention, I'm sorry, I'm afraid I will disappoint you, because for Heizi, My daughter-in-law and I never take it seriously, those who understand understand themselves, there is no need to explain."

Since Jin Jun's accident, the video has stayed on the step-by-step video of rehabilitation training. It was not until he got home that he began to record the daily life of the dad, playing with the children, eating delicious food, and enjoying the TV series of his wife , jealous of my daughter-in-law playing against an actor, congratulations to my daughter-in-law for getting a scholarship, and congratulations to my daughter-in-law for winning her first battle in the TV industry...

This good man, who is full of his wife and children, has gradually fallen from being a top-ranking internet celebrity with live broadcasts, to introducing himself with "Daddy's Daily Life" in his profile.

He deleted all past honors, and simply left——

[Hello everyone, I am Jin Jun. I am glad that I am still alive, can stand up, and walk like a normal person. From today on, I will be a full-time baby daddy. I will record the daily life of my children and daughter-in-law. Please also Please take care of us, thank you to all the friends who love our family. 】

When a netizen asked him if he was going to transform without carrying goods, he also gave a very positive answer.

"This is not absolute, but it is a trend to move behind the scenes, raising a baby is a responsibility, and raising a family is a man's instinct. Please pay attention to my performance, thank you."

That is to say, Jin Jun cannot fully guarantee that he will not bring goods in the future, but he is already transforming. As a father, it is necessary to bring up a baby. As a man, it is an innate instinct to support a family. There is nothing to say about this !

It can be regarded as a very honest answer, and his reply has reached 10,000+ likes, which is more than the number of likes of the subject, which is enough to show that there are quite a few people who pay attention to his performance.

Although Jin Jun's current personality is not a perfect domineering president, nor is he worthy of the more versatile and versatile rising star Chu Xi, but he is also proving his worth through his own efforts. It is never too good for women to be strong and men to be weak However, it also depends on the degree of trust between the husband and wife. They are young couples who started working hard in their teens. It is not easy to get to where they are today, but they have not changed their mentality due to changes in the surrounding environment. It is enough to prove that the couple's determination is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Falling in love is easy and staying together is difficult, and we can share adversity but not share wealth and honor. It seems to have become a true interpretation that husband and wife are birds in the same forest, and they fly separately when disaster strikes.

However, the couple who had an ordinary beginning told everyone with facts that staying together seems not as difficult as imagined. The mutual support of the couple is the foundation of the golden marriage, and a harmonious family life is more conducive to the long-term marriage.

Among the typical daughter-in-laws who are loved by parents-in-law, there is definitely Chu Qian, as long as there is an inventory, because someone has photographed the mother-in-law driving to pick up the daughter-in-law from school, and when the father-in-law comes home to bring the grandson, he tells their mother how hard it is to work, Chu Qian put this video on the Internet, because she was very touched after seeing it, and she bluntly said that she watched it with tears in her eyes. Gotta drop it all and get out to work.

Therefore, the mutual understanding of Chu Qian's husband's family, when many fragments are integrated together, becomes a powerful cornerstone of a harmonious family, and it is impossible to be as harmonious and friendly as it is now.

Many people bluntly say that they will never let their children marry into families with many sons in the future, because not everyone in the family understands and accommodates each other. How many families are there in a bowl of water?

Some people even bluntly pointed out that the harmonious coexistence of the Jin family today is entirely based on the understanding and difficulty of the younger sister-in-law. Some netizens bluntly left a message to Chu Qian, asking her to treat her younger sister-in-law better. She can't make money without distraction at all.

[You said her sister-in-law was wronged, so I want to ask you, what did she do wrong?Her elder sister-in-law abandoned her husband and son when her eldest brother was still alive, and asked for insurance money and prescriptions. In the end, she accepted the two children unconditionally. She is also a sister-in-law. Isn't she also aggrieved?If you envy her life, just say it, why deny her efforts?She is only in her 20s, but she is already the mother of two elementary school students. From the children calling her mother affectionately, it can be seen how well she is doing. Be kind. After all, who is alive these days? easy? 】

[I can testify to this. I am an employee of Jinjun Company. Jinjun’s younger brother is in this company. He told us that his sister-in-law often mails things to the family. Apart from being unable to help us take care of the children, the basic necessities of life at home are basically covered by brother My sister-in-law did it, and his wife went out to deliver food to show the value of life because the child was bored to send it to school!So you said that her sister-in-law was wronged, which is a bit exaggerated. If you don't know how she makes up for it behind her back, don't make random comments. 】

Deng Ya is a treasure mother. After delivering the food, she opened an account and recorded life every day. She has thanked her brother and sister-in-law more than once in the video, but no one knows that this is Chu Qian's sister-in-law. They always think she said it. It's the brother-in-law of her mother's family, but she didn't know that she was talking about the brother-in-law of her husband's family.

So some people who knew her @见出 in Chu Qian's comment area. After people clicked in, they found that this sister-in-law really mentioned her brother-in-law countless times. There are countless clothes and accessories mailed home, as well as signed photos of various stars, and specialties from all over the country.

Deng Ya also said that her clothes, skin care products, and even underwear, socks and sanitary products were all arranged by her sister-in-law, and she hardly spent any money on them. Even her brother was jealous, she felt super happy and never regretted marrying into such a family.

Deng Ya doesn't have many fans, only more than 3 followers, but after being @出来, the number of fans soared, not to mention, some people left messages to her, are you really Chu Qian's sister-in-law?

Received a personal response from her [I am Deng Ya, my sister-in-law's sister-in-law, she treats me well, even my own mother is not so considerate, please speak kindly to her. 】

So in 2029, before Chu Xi's 24th birthday, the persona was held up to the ceiling by the entertainment industry, and her entire family became popular on the Internet because of her, becoming the envy of everyone. Families, and some people even want to recommend them to film variety shows, because such a family atmosphere is really healing.

But the reality tells them that not everyone can afford the atmosphere accumulated with money. If there is no money to do these things, will it become another ending?

Chu Qian personally responded to this, [How to live rich and poor, how to live poor and poor, no one is born rich, they all earn it through their own hard work, a good family atmosphere is not based on spending money, but on heart, When the heart is good, everything can be cured. If the heart is not good, no amount of money can comfort it. 】

As expected of a person with enough life experience, every word he utters seems to be a philosophy of life and a true portrayal.

At the end of 2029, Chu Xi overwhelmed many first-line stars and became the top ten cross-border female star in the topic of the year. Although most of them talked about her family and her works, in 2030, she has six waiting films. Judging from the three new songs in the drama, 2030 is bound to be another prosperous year?

(End of this chapter)

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