The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1257 [1256] Under Changbai Mountain 33 (5000)

Chapter 1257 [1256] Under Changbai Mountain 33 (5000)

It's somewhat embarrassing to be described by my sister-in-law like this: "It's an exaggeration, I just yearn for rural life!"

"Well, I can see that your love is vividly reflected in your videos. The videos you made before are also excellent. Even a dewdrop or a bug trying to climb up can make you feel healed. , to be honest, you don’t learn photography, it’s a loss.”

Chu Qian gritted her teeth, "After being reminded by you, shouldn't I sign up for a famous school?"

"Oh, my dear mother, you know so many skills, you still go to learn? I'm afraid you can't find another one with your learning ability. I really admire you!"

Chu Qian then told about her plan to make a TV series. When she learned that she wrote the script and wanted to be an investor herself, her family all looked at her with admiration. Is it worth it to make a TV series with no future?

However, Jin Jun expressed his support: "It's nothing, the big deal is to start all over again, anyway, we have hands, feet, houses and children, so let's go out."

When he said this, Jinqian and his wife admired even more: "Second brother, we are waiting for your return as soon as possible."

Jin Jun shook his head: "I will not sit in front of the mobile phone to broadcast live anymore. Even if I recover my body, I will only turn to the backstage. My body does not allow me to sit there for a long time. Rather than scaring your sister-in-law Just treat yourself as retired, and it’s enough to give you advice once in a while.”

Jin Jun is not greedy, he knows his physical condition, and he knows what kind of life his wife will live if he loses himself, so he wants to live well.

Even if he depends on his wife for the rest of his life, he will grow old with her, unless one day, she doesn't want him...

Of course, he won’t say this idea, and it’s not that he doesn’t trust his wife. It’s just that a person has too much time to spend in his life. If he is destined not to be the backbone of the family, he will be the husband of the house , what's the problem?There must always be a way to use the remaining heat, and you can't let the daughter-in-law worry about everything, right?
What's more, the daughter-in-law is so good, and the temptation of the society is also great. She is still young, so she shouldn't stay by the side of a waste like him.

If there is such a day, he will definitely leave with his family and will never cause her any trouble.

Because that's the only thing he can do for her.

There are so many full-time mothers in this world who are working hard to contribute to their families. Even though he is a man, he still has to afford and let go. What mothers can sacrifice, so can fathers.

As the most eastern part of the motherland, the light is the earliest and the dark is the latest every day. The temperature is minus [-] degrees at the lowest time, and it is also around minus [-] degrees at ordinary times. Compared with the capital, it is much colder, but who of them is not in I grew up in Northeast China, so I can adapt quickly.

Jin Qian led the children to find a place to ski, and the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were busy around the stove making New Year's goods, which were fried and steamed, and they were extremely busy.

Grandpa went to the butcher's house in the village to buy meat and tofu, and meet old friends by the way. He went out at dawn every day and returned only after dark.

Since we haven't seen each other for so long, we will sit together and have a drink at noon, and my mother-in-law doesn't care about him, anyway, I will come back by myself when it gets dark.

The two husky parents-in-law were given away back then, and Chu Qian wanted to go and see them, but since they moved to the city, it might be difficult to meet them.

Even if she wants them back, according to their family's situation, they don't have time to feed them. Forget it, this should be their home. How can life in the city be as comfortable as in the country?

Jin Jun didn't dare to go out for fear of slipping and falling, so he sat quietly on the kang to choose vegetables for them, peeled onions and garlic, and Chu Qian laughed frequently because of his laziness. After he got sick, he became more and more afraid of the cold. Even if he was sitting on the kang, he was still the thickest person in the family.

Seeing him chatting with them in an agitated way, Chu Qian felt that Jin Jun had an unusual temper.

"In the future, the homework of these two children will be handed over to you. It can be seen that you are more patient than me."

Jin Jun answered without even thinking about it: "You can put it down, just last month, because I didn't understand arithmetic, Xiaohan and I had a fight. I have a good temper? I have a bad temper, that's for you." Sometimes, you ask our mother if I have a good temper? This kid, do homework, go to the toilet, eat, ask for this, ask for that, I sit on the sofa, I want to scratch people!"

Probably because they found a common language, the full-time mother Deng Ya immediately clapped her hands and agreed, because her eldest daughter and Jin Han are only a few months away, and she is now in the first grade of primary school, so when she and Jin Jun mentioned homework tutoring, it was very special. Excited, the two of them were still sitting on the sidelines discussing how to deal with the two children when school starts again.

Chu Qian and her mother-in-law watched from the side without interrupting, but were happy and muttered secretly.

"Look, they can still show their power in grades [-], [-], and [-], but they gradually stop in grades [-], [-], and [-]. Mom, you don't know how complicated the problems of elementary school students are, especially the so-called Olympiad problems. You asked me to get the question, and I didn’t read it four, five, six, seven, eight times. I couldn’t understand how to do it. Especially for the primary school students in this capital, the competition pressure is so great that you can’t imagine. Our only advantage now is that the children have capital account."

Then he looked at Deng Ya, "You are also good. The number of students in the college entrance examination in the three northeastern provinces is small, and the admission ratio is higher than that in southern Henan, eastern Shandong, and Guangzhou. But are the children good at studying? It’s too early to draw conclusions, and junior high school is the key. Cultivating good study habits is much better than forcing them to study questions too early. Don’t get used to it when the time comes, but get tired of studying in advance, then the loss outweighs the gain .”

Deng Ya looked at Chu Qian with emotion: "Let's not talk about it, let's just talk about you. No wonder people say that studying is not the only way out. Your excellence seems to come from your bones. Why are you in elementary school and junior high school?" If you didn’t study hard, if you study well and get admitted to high school, you don’t have to.”

Chu Qian shook her head, "If I really want to take the exam step by step, maybe I won't do better than now, but my life is definitely not as ups and downs as it is now. In fact, I am also very embarrassed to say that about myself, as if I have been opened up. It’s the same as Du Ermai, suddenly enlightened. I don’t recommend children to learn from me, because there are too many changes in this kind of life, but if you get bored with the semester, you can think about how to save it. Until the last moment, You can’t give up, sometimes you give up, maybe it’s their running-in period!”


Because the holiday is only one month, they not only stay at home, but occasionally drive around the city to purchase supplies and special products, so they can take them with them when they return to Beijing.

The autonomous prefecture at the junction of the three borders of China, North Korea and Russia has a dazzling array of specialties from the three countries, which can be dazzling.

But when she goes out with her family, her space will be useless, so occasionally she will drive out by herself, and even enter country E with her passport to stay for two or three days, purchasing hundreds of thousands of supplies, renting The car was used as a cover, and all of them were transferred to their own space.

As for North Korea, there is no need to go there. The food is not as good as our domestic ones, and she has no desire to buy it. Japan and South Korea are across the sea.

She spends money very quickly in country E. The seafood and meat alone is a big expense, because every purchase may cost a car, and there are more dairy products and pastures there, so The most indispensable thing is meat, but vegetables and fruits are the most expensive.

She is already an old hand at buying things to cover things up. She rents a pickup truck to haul goods. There are few people in places with large land and abundant resources. As long as she finds a place where there is no one to receive the space, she can move to the next place to buy other materials. With this In this way, she spent nearly 30 RMB in three days.

Now the direct trade between the two countries, especially the border, can be paid by mobile, which is very convenient and fast.

After hoarding enough supplies, I drove back again. The reason was to visit friends, because Capital University has students here. Now that I’m back, I’ll go meet them.

The family did not doubt her, so they naturally chose to believe her.

So this trip to the Northeast has replenished a lot of supplies, which is really exciting!

But they were bought whole, and when she was free, she had to spend time sorting out the meat and cutting it into convenient sizes and putting it in the freezer.

In the past few years in the capital, the parents-in-law never bought meat, at most vegetables, and rarely fruits, all of which were taken out by Chu Qian from the space reserve.

This time when they went home for the New Year, the neighbors bought them more than 30 catties of meat in advance. After eating this meat, the parents-in-law always felt that it was not delicious and not fragrant at all.

It wasn't until my father-in-law bought the local pork that he finally knew how bad the taste was!
When they were in the capital, they mainly ate beef, sheep and seafood, and seldom ate chicken, duck, geese, and pork, so the children didn't eat pork for a long time, and they couldn't stop when they tasted the local pork stewed in a large iron pot.

In the Northeast, the way to tell if there is anyone in this house is very simple, that is to look at the chimney, if there is smoke coming out, there are people, if there is no smoke in the cold weather, then no one is designated, now ten households and nine empties are not uncommon It's too late, everyone is going to higher places and moving to the city. Originally, their family stayed behind, but now that the parents-in-law have left, there are even fewer people left.

In the ice and snow, after dark, there is nothing, not even the dog barking, who is not hiding in the house in such a cold day.

So everyone's situation quickly changed from initial excitement to gradually boring. The days of eating, sleeping and eating every day are really boring.

Originally, I wanted to stay for a month, but after the fifth day of the first lunar month, after Jin Qian's family of four left, the in-laws also said, "Shall we go back too?"

"Yeah, Sissy, you can go back to Province G to visit your parents after you go back. They will definitely miss you throughout the year. Bring back some of our local specialties and let Jin Jun go with them."

Chu Qian thought for a moment: "Forget about Ah Jun, let him go back to have a good rest after a tossing all the way. I will drive the two children back and let them see the new year in my G province."

One sentence made the parents-in-law's eyes turn red: "Qi Qian..., you can just go back by yourself, and the child, just don't take it with you?"

"Mom, they are my sons. Isn't it normal for me to go back to my mother's house to see my grandparents? Oh, don't worry about it. Since you said you are going to leave, let's start packing up?"

It was a lot earlier than the expected time. Fortunately, when Jin Qian and the others drove away, they vacated a lot of things at home, and the rest was enough for them to take all the way back to the capital.

Fortunately, they bought an SUV at the beginning, otherwise the car would not be enough to sit in.

It started to pack up on the fifth day of the seventh day, set off at three or four in the morning on the seventh day, rested in the service area for a period of time, and drove until seven or eight in the evening on the eighth day, before arriving in Beijing.

The heating is turned on in the small house, but not in the big house. It is the father-in-law who refuses to let it go, saying that he is alone and does not stay at home during the day. When he returns home at night, he plugs in an electric blanket and sleeps as soon as he warms the bed. It is a waste of money What are you doing, turn on the air conditioner for a while when it's very cold, you don't need to turn on the heater.

So I saved thousands of dollars. Now that I have returned to Beijing, I naturally went back to the small house together. The house is small and it is cheaper to turn on the heating. The big house costs 4000 yuan, while the small house only costs 2000 yuan, which is less than half!
The father-in-law slept in the small house for one night. The next day, Chu Qian drove him back to Oak Bay, and brought the food upstairs. After the father-in-law changed his clothes and went to work, she took the freezer in the kitchen Fill it with meat, fill it with eggs and vegetables, put fruits on the balcony of the living room, and return to the small house after cleaning up.

After helping her mother-in-law to tidy up the small house, she booked three plane tickets to G province.

"Mom, I'm too lazy to drive, I'd better fly, my brother will pick us up then!"

She didn't bring the gift either, so she just pretended to 'check in' the suitcase.

Jin Jun regretted not being able to follow, but Chu Qian said.

"Brother brought my parents to see you before he left. Everyone knows about your situation. Don't worry, they won't mind. Wait until next year, let's go back to my house early for the New Year, and just make up for it."

Flying to province G in the morning on the eighth day of the eighth day, I sat in the living room of my hometown a few hours later, got off the plane, took my luggage, got in my brother’s car, and drove home for another hour. They were still in the capital at five or six o’clock. No, it’s just right to go home at noon. In time for lunch, even my parents lamented how convenient the transportation is now.

My brother set off for the Northeast on the tenth day of the Lunar New Year, "This time I will take your sister-in-law with me. I rented a house there, and I don't plan to rent out the house here. My parents just come and live here occasionally, just take a look. Wait until the future The child has gone to school, and your sister-in-law will come back."

It is really inconvenient for the husband and wife to live apart, especially the public welfare in G province has come to an end, and then they will move to other provinces and cities, so there is no need for the sister-in-law to go back and forth. She went to the Northeast to take good care of her brother and children, which is already very good. So Chu Qian not only had no objection, but also felt that such consideration would help the family harmony.

The sister-in-law gave each of the two children 1000 yuan in red envelopes, while Chu Qian proudly gave their children 5000 yuan.

After Chu Gang graduated from university, he worked as a part-time network maintainer in Jin Jun's company, earning 20 million yuan a year.

The 20 is of course a salary for him to be Chu Qian's younger brother. After all, he has just graduated from university and has taken the postgraduate entrance examination in province J, so he is currently working part-time.

So far this Spring Festival, I don't know how many relatives I have met, but I haven't fallen in love with any of them.

It's not that he has a high vision, it's just that after people's vision is enlarged, they will have resistance to people who are not in the same circle.

He has passed the postgraduate entrance examination and is studying for a master's degree. How can he look up to some junior high school or technical secondary school graduates?

What's more, the Chu family is a big deal now, that's the world champion Chu Qian's natal younger brother, no matter how beautiful your girl is, if you don't want a bride price, you may not be able to catch Chu Gang's eyes.

On the contrary, it made him very tired of talking about these things. From his point of view, he hadn't graduated from graduate school yet, and he was young. Why were his parents so anxious to tell him about his wife?

So as soon as his sister came back, he acted as if he saw a savior, "Sister, please tell your parents, I don't want to find a partner, I want to wait until I graduate from graduate school, let's talk about it, anyway, our family is not the same as before, right? Take a look at who the matchmakers introduced to me. They all came back from Xiangshiguangshi. They look like monsters. Who knows if they want to marry me, an 'honest man'? Maybe it's a cheating gift!"

My parents got angry when they heard this, "I entrusted my acquaintances to find them, how could they cheat me? Look at you, other girls say they don't want bride price, why do you still say it's a lie?" A bride price? You’re still a college student, thanks to you.”

"It's terrible not to have a bride price. Why not? She looks pretty and her family is in good condition. Why don't she want a bride price? Isn't this a contradiction?"

Seeing that Chu Gang had started arguing with her parents, Chu Qian had to interrupt with a sigh.

"Okay, Xiao Gang, take our two sons out for a walk, and give us the New Year's money by the way."

When the New Year's money was mentioned, the grandpa and grandma remembered it, and hurriedly handed the prepared red envelopes to the two children.

"Come, come, this is the New Year's money prepared by grandpa and grandma for you two,"

As soon as the children saw the red envelope, they reflexively said auspicious words, which made Chu Gang a little embarrassed: "Sister, I'm not married!"

"You always earn money if you're not married. You have to give it. I'm not happy if I don't give it. Our sons finally came back. Would you mind?"

Chu Gang curled his lips, "Why didn't I see that you were so picky before, all right, I'll give it, can I give it?"

Finally, Momo Haw entered the house, wrapped red envelopes for each of the two children, and then planned to lead them out to play, but the children turned their heads and stuffed the red envelopes to him, and ran out excitedly with Uncle Chu Gang. We know each other, so we became acquainted as soon as we met.

As soon as Chu just left, Chu Qian opened the red envelope to have a look, counted the number, and curled her lips: "This kid is really picky, why is it only 500 yuan per person?"

My mother laughed when she heard this: "He, he didn't earn much during the Chinese New Year. I guess he didn't have any cash, so he made it up on the spur of the moment. It's alright, it's almost a meaning."

Chu Qian also smiled: "That's right, thank you for giving it to me, parents, thank you for giving such a big red envelope (two thousand per person)."

"It should be, isn't this all the money you usually give us? Since you recognize the two of them as sons, parents will naturally treat them as grandchildren. How about it, are the two children obedient? Can you take care of them? You usually talk to your parents-in-law Get along, have there been any conflicts?"

When a series of questions came to her, Chu Qian suddenly and truly felt the sad scene of a married woman returning to her natal home, and her mother holding hands and having a heart-to-heart talk.

(End of this chapter)

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