The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1254 [1253] Under Changbai Mountain 30 (5000)

Chapter 1254 [1253] Under Changbai Mountain 30 (5000)

In March 2027, not long after the start of the second semester of the junior year, the Science Education Channel and CCTV set broadcast "Up and Down 3 Years" at the same time on weekends. There was no notice of the advertisement, and it was directly followed by the file.

She didn't even show Chu Qian a separate shot. It was only when the audience saw her in the rematch that she was uploaded on the Internet and then made it to the hot search list. Although the ranking was very low, it was at least the hot search list. I didn't expect to have such attention.

And the footage of her in the first issue was edited separately and posted online for analysis.

Even the juniors and seniors at the same school took chances to strike up a conversation with her and ask her questions.

"During the rematch, did your arguments come from your own thinking, or did you have an outline given by others? Did you draw a wide range?"

Chu Qian shook her head, "The preliminary and rematch are all based on their own ability. The final field will draw a large range. You can memorize according to this range. If you are lucky, you can PK, and if you are not lucky, you will be eliminated directly!"

Originally, to participate in such a competitive program, how could it be possible to choose someone who does not have two brushes?If you can pass the preliminaries and semi-finals, it is enough to prove the strength of this person. When you reach the finals, even if you draw a range, what questions you ask are actually the same as the open-book political exams. It still depends on you. A person's reserve of knowledge from childhood to adulthood.

So when Chu Qian said this, the top students figured it out, and there were even some people who were interested and planned to take part in it if they had the chance in the future.

As soon as Chu Qian's popularity rose, the script of her Zhaidou work "The Female Official Wanru" passed the review and was also favored by the film and television company. The next step is to attract investment.

Chu Qian's works are posted on her personal official account. All copyrights belong to her and are not capitalized. From the script to the adaptation, she has single-handed control. Even so, the authors are all disadvantaged groups. According to the industry's price , only a few hundred thousand, unless you are famous, and she took advantage of this gimmick, so she got 120 million royalties. Of course, 120 of the 20 million is her share of the money as a screenwriter, right? many?
It is indeed not much, but she has gained a certain right to speak, because she has already planned to put all her net worth on it and invest 3000 million to bet on this drama. After all, it is her first work, and she has so much With the experience of the whole world, I am confident that I will make a good film of this leading female lead drama.

The 3000 million was saved by her withdrawing all the money in the stock market, plus the dividends from Jinjun Company last year, and his previous insurance compensation and other expenses. Before that, she also discussed with her family. No, film and television investment will not become the protagonist of her life, she just wants to put her own works on the big screen.

It is equivalent to how many works she has produced in her life, she will shoot as many works, and will not participate in other film and television shootings.

The historical dynasty of "Female Official Wanru" was adapted from the script and set in Wu Zetian's period. In the early stage, the family fights because she is a concubine. She lived in Zhuangzi outside the city, but by accident, she met a Taoist nun in a nunnery, and after gaining her favor, she was able to give advice and enlightenment. After that, she took part in the imperial examination with her own efforts and became an official in the court.

As we all know, Wu Zetian did a lot to improve the status of women during his reign. For example, women were allowed to participate in politics at that time, and women were publicly allowed to participate in the imperial examinations.Abolished the ancient ritual of keeping filial piety for three years after the death of the father and one year of filial piety for the mother, stipulating that the same three-year filial piety be observed for children after the death of parents.It also abolished the feudal ethics that women could not remarry after the death of a man.

Such measures to a certain extent broke the idea that men are superior to women and greatly improved the status of women. The social status of women in the Tang Dynasty was completely different from that of other dynasties, which had a great impact on the social atmosphere at that time and later.

She never married in her life. After the death of Empress Wu, after the dynasty returned the surname Li, she was dismissed and returned to the farmland. Like her master, she lived in seclusion in the mountains and forests, clothed in coarse linen, but lived a comfortable and peaceful life. The adopted daughters only married ordinary people. The family is filial and friendly. , a harmonious life.

In fact, there is not much difference between the script and the original work. After all, it was written by one person, but after the film and television production, some rules must be avoided.

Even during the period of Empress Wu, I didn't dare to mention it explicitly. After all, this is a fiction and cannot be regarded as a real drama, so when promoting it, I can't promote it as Empress Wu, and I can only implicitly default to the background of the dynasty.

It is still unknown whether it will be able to get on the stars. Fortunately, after the industry has been rectified, the salary limit order, cutouts, substitutes and other rough and bad dramas have been effectively rectified, but it still cannot get rid of the participation of traffic and capital.

Since the original author himself invested 3000 million yuan in assets in the early stage, it is not difficult to attract investment in the later stage. After she has the right to speak, she will choose actors according to the roles in the play. As long as you are a down-to-earth actor, even if you are a newcomer, It doesn't matter, she doesn't need traffic, a good script needs to be polished, and a good actor also needs to be trained.

However, in the later process of attracting investment, she found that as long as it is traffic, it will definitely involve capital, and someone even talked to her openly about bringing capital into the group, and she has to choose the role as she pleases. If Chu Qian is just a simple Chu Xi , she will definitely compromise, but she is not innocent, even if she can't access these video sites in the future, it doesn't matter, she just doesn't want to rely on these traffic to ruin her hard work.

Since she couldn't attract suitable investment, she simply stopped, polished the script well, and saved money along the way, maybe in the future she can win the whole drama by herself, and become a serious producer Filmmaker.

How many people have wasted years for a script, and she is not in a hurry, so she just procrastinates!
But what she didn't expect was that with the popularity of "Up and Down 5000 Years", she would be out of the circle again. Before that, it was because she won the Olympic Games, but this time it was because of her rich knowledge, which made countless parents excited. They were amazed and said, 'This is the star that children should pursue'. This knowledge is too broad, and I finally understand why people choose the Department of Archeology!

Relying on the program "Up and Down 5000 Years", Chu Qian's fans on the video platform have soared to 5000 million. Most of her followers are junior high school students and their parents. After realizing that she is liked by so many students, she started broadcasting When I was there, I would interact and chat with them and share some useful learning experiences.

After all, no one has read as many books as her, nor has she experienced a wealth of learning. She is the most qualified to share her experience with them.

There are a lot of fans, so bring the goods, don't talk about seconds, at least you don't need to shout like other anchors, she brings goods, only her voice in the live broadcast room, softly, the staff only occasionally help to reply Leave a message, it is not noisy, and there are not so many routines, so many people are willing to spend money with her, which is a kind of instinctive trust.

Her live broadcast room is only open for delivery one day a month, so every day, the number of people in the live broadcast room can reach millions.

School supplies, cosmetics, local specialties, fruits and meat, etc. are all affordable and affordable to the people. Except for cosmetics, which are more expensive, others are at prices acceptable to ordinary people. However, she can have tens of millions of transactions a day a month. The commission is also in the millions, and of course, the tax is also very high.

She is an honest taxpayer, and she doesn't have so much money, so don't look at how much she earns. After dividing it, she may only have hundreds of thousands left in the end. Even if it is hundreds of thousands, she is very satisfied. Yes, plus her income from other platforms, it is not a dream to earn a million a month now.

In fact, she has thought about weekly dramas, but the way of watching weekly dramas while filming is not suitable for them with insufficient funds, because there are only a few domestic film and television drama shooting bases, which need to be booked in advance, and the cycle is very special. Nervous, it’s unrealistic for you to shoot once a week, not to mention that there are still audits in the later stage, and there are many procedures to go through. Weekly dramas may be suitable for Japan and South Korea, but they are definitely not suitable for our country with a large land and abundant resources.

She is now at school on weekdays. On weekends, she is either live broadcasting or taking her children to acupuncture and moxibustion to accompany her family. She has a full schedule every day. If there is no room for cheating, she may not be able to take care of the creation and editing of the official account, and she may even sleep. Neither is enough.

After all, a person's energy is limited, and there is a painful price to be paid behind becoming famous.

More than a year of rehabilitation training has allowed Jin Jun to walk on crutches for at least a few minutes, which is much better than just holding the bed for 1 minute a year ago.

The better Jin Jun's condition, the happier everyone is, after all, this is his motivation to live!

The father-in-law has done a good job, and now he has been promoted to be the captain of the security guard, and his salary has risen to 4500 yuan a month.

He also bears all the utilities and gas expenses of the family property, so after discussing with the family, he decided that when Xiaohan and Xiaobo start school in the fall, the mother-in-law will take the two grandchildren to live in the school district house, and he will continue to stay in the new house. She has nothing to do with it. Opinion, after all, the coffee shop over there also needs her father-in-law to make arrangements and help from time to time.

Although the coffee shop doesn't make much money, the revenue of [-] to [-] yuan a month is still very stable. It may not show up at ordinary times, but after she invests all her net worth, the coffee shop will show its value.

Oak Bay’s mid-to-high-end community and Xingfuli’s Runyuan School District are considered good properties in the capital. Runyuan’s so-called second-hand housing is actually not very old, it’s only ten years old. The reason why this suite will eventually fall In her hands, thanks to the rich educational resources here, the house is a foreclosure. Of course, all the procedures have been sorted out before handing it over to her, otherwise it would be impossible to sell it, so she doesn't dislike it It is second-hand housing.

My father-in-law has already adapted to the life in Oak Bay. Compared with Oak Bay, the surrounding supporting facilities in Happiness Village are less surrounded by office buildings. They don’t have a sense of luxury, but they are more down-to-earth. It is suitable for their comfortable family.

If the father-in-law does a good job, his salary will increase next year.

As for the mother-in-law, she taught her to open an account, teach cooking, and raise fans, because she is Korean, and many people want to see something different. This kind of ethnic characteristics is very popular, because Xiaohan went to elementary school for the first two years. , I need to adapt, so I have to pick up and drop off four times a day, how can I spare time to go to work?

The work of cooking is not tiring. You just need to set up the camera in advance, and you don't need her to edit. This work can be completely handed over to her.

After the exam at the end of June, she and her children were on vacation in July.

The mother-in-law plans to quit her job until the end of August. She has opened an account to cook for two months. In Chu Qian's words, it is equivalent to practicing in advance.

Her mother-in-law has been around the stove for decades, and she knows a lot of things. One pattern a day can be the same for a month. Apart from her own ethnic characteristics, she has followed short video accounts and Chu Qian all these years. I also learned a lot of food characteristics of the Han people.

The mother-in-law doesn't like to talk when making videos, so don't talk, and she can add subtitles later.

After graduating from Jinhan Kindergarten, Xiaobo went to middle school in autumn. Because she had to earn money for filming, her live delivery workload this summer would change from one day a month to one day a week. The child went back to Changbai Mountain, but the mother-in-law did not expect to take over the job.

"Then shall I take them back to play? By the way, I will live in Hunchun and Changbai Mountain for a month each. I am also homesick. I will order more food from our hometown. I will keep shooting this video and send it to you. You are free." Just sort it out and upload it.”

"Mom, you can go back with Xiaobo and let Xiaohan stay with me. I also plan to teach him pinyin and arithmetic. Our child has only played in kindergarten for several years, and he has never seen the degree of introversion of elementary school students in the capital." , I am afraid that he will not be able to keep up after the first grade, so I want to make up for him during the summer vacation."

How could the mother-in-law disagree, but they also needed to seek the opinions of the two children. Although Xiaobo cried and wanted to be with his brother, the mother-in-law was still afraid that he would disturb Chu Qian's thoughts by staying, so in the end, the father-in-law drove them to the airport. And she took Xiaohan to the bookstore to choose suitable textbooks.

By the way, Chu Qian gave Jin Han an overview of his competitiveness in the next six years. Of course, she didn't mean to put pressure on her, and she wouldn't force the child to cause a mentality of being tired of studying in advance. She just explained the current situation clearly to him. Not being able to understand is not important, what is important is that he has to know that learning is for himself, not for her.

In the kindergarten stage, their family mainly focused on reading and playing, and did not enroll in any cram school, because swimming and playing ball were not considered cram schools in her opinion, but only a hobby. Other families needed to pay to learn, while their family, she can teach.

Of course, the summer vacation is long, and the time she can teach is limited, so she will plan the time, take him to the painting and dance studio for trial lessons, sign up if you are interested, and pass it if you are not interested.

Jin Han, who likes sports, chose hip-hop. He didn't like art, so he didn't apply for it. In terms of musical instruments, he also tried a few lessons, but he lacked interest.

Every night, he took her to play ball together, and after playing, he swam, exhausted himself, and went to sleep when he got home.

This kid is a born athlete!

After Chu Qian discovered this, she did a few more experiments and found that Jin Han was really only interested in interest classes where he could do activities, like the ones that required him to sit down to draw, do handicrafts, and learn programming. My son is not interested, as long as he is allowed to exercise, even if it is just skipping rope, it doesn't matter.

So this child's learning journey is probably very expensive!
After the mother-in-law brought the younger one back to her hometown, she sent the older one to remedial classes, because their area is a school district, so many training institutions, of course, are training classes for learning talents, and only formal institutions exist for the types of subjects within the nine-year obligation , all irregular ones were banned.

She sent him off a few times, and wanted to go by herself, and said, "I'm wearing a phone watch, Mom, can you let me go by myself?"

"It's okay. I'm not in a hurry. I still have an hour or two. At worst, bring the computer with me. I'll find a coffee shop and sit down and wait for you."

There are coffee shops everywhere in the capital. Because of the fast pace of life, it is impossible to work in offices, so coffee shops have become the best place to discuss business. Now that the child is handed over to her, it cannot be distracted at all.

After he finishes class, she will bring him with her. When she is working, he will read picture books and listen to stories. When she is not busy, she will come over to teach pinyin and arithmetic. In the evening, the two of them have dinner Meals, playing ball and swimming together, the summer vacation life is comfortable, full and busy.

This child seems to be quite interested in cooking. After she taught her a few times, she finally made the simplest tomato scrambled eggs the best.

From steaming rice, to how to add water properly, to beating eggs, cutting tomatoes, she taught step by step, and she was still recording the screen while teaching, of course, without showing the child's face, the mother will do it well in the end The rice was delivered to Jin Jun, and when he learned that his son had cooked the rice, Jin Jun ate all the soup and juice very much to save face.

Chu Qian pays great attention to the privacy protection of the two children. Whenever she is on camera, she will put a mosaic to protect her, and she will not show her face unless it is necessary.

Although she is not a big star, there is no need to do this, but she is still a celebrity, and their family is not as safe as a nanny car to pick them up. What if someone puts their minds on the child?Especially for their biological mother, she had to guard against it. Since the child was given to her through legal procedures, she would never give her a chance.

After the mother-in-law came home, she and Xiaohan lived in Runyuan. After all, the father-in-law lived there, so it was somewhat embarrassing.

After returning to Runyuan, the child lived in the small bedroom in the living room compartment. The small bedroom and the balcony had good light. After more than a year of drying, and the heating was turned on throughout the winter to release poisonous gas and dissipate it. The inside of the house was almost It has no smell, and it has been tested, and everything is within the acceptable range. After all, the original materials used are also safe and environmentally friendly.

Even so, she and the child can stay outside, and will never stay at home, so they will have a meal and sleep at home.

The plants in their home are also replaced with fresh ones every few months, and the replaced ones are transferred to the space, and they will find opportunities to move to the coffee shop in the future.

 Thank you [Xiao Xudong's mother] for the reward again, yum, I love you!

  I'm done wasting my manuscripts, I'm going to run naked today~~
(End of this chapter)

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