The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1252 [1251] Under Changbai Mountain 28 (5000)

Chapter 1252 [1251] Under Changbai Mountain 28 (5000)

Chu Qian entered her junior year at the age of 22, and even got married a few years earlier than her peers. She also became a world champion with great vigor and popularity.

She used to be busy and busy with training, but now she manages not to miss classes, and shows up in the school library and cafeteria on time. Yes, I also squatted by and waited for autographs and group photos.

It is not an exaggeration to say that she is a world star of Capital University, especially her handwriting is really beautiful, and her conversation is also good. I don’t know why there are so many people on the Internet who slander her for just graduating from junior high school. If she is really junior high school After graduation, how could it be possible to excel in all subjects?

Because her handwriting is good, the notes and written test are like printed characters, so she deliberately posted them on the school bulletin board. In addition, her subject scores were also announced, which cannot be faked. It is clean and logical, and not everyone can copy it.

As for why her department's transcript was only posted, it was because she received a scholarship last semester. Some people in the school were not convinced, saying that she came to class for three days fishing and two days posting on the Internet. It is impossible to get such a high score. She also said that the school was unfair, no, in order to prove all this, her grade papers of various subjects, and even the video surveillance of the original exam, were all published on the school news network.

Now, no one dared to slander the dignity of the world champion anymore.

At the beginning of September, Jinjun’s insurance claims of up to 9 W also came down. This is the insurance he bought for himself after earning a million dollars a year. He didn’t expect it to come in handy at this time. On the other hand, the elder brother only bought ordinary insurance. Commercial insurance, so I only paid 30 in the end.

He and Jin Jun each paid 50 yuan in compensation, which was a humanitarian compensation given by the ZF department. After all, he was killed and injured in the line of duty. Jin Jun’s monthly rehabilitation expenses are also a big expense. Even if he himself has money, but More than 50 yuan can solve the lost wages.

The eldest brother sells the house and adds insurance, which is almost 260 million. Of course, the 20 for his ex-wife is deducted.

Although the 260 million was not enough to raise two children, it was better than nothing, and the money was transferred to Chu Qian's account at the discretion of her parents-in-law.

The beneficiary of Jinjun's insurance is also Chu Qian. Adding the previous 50 yuan, the total is 550 million yuan, and her and Jinjun's early participation in variety shows, as well as the income from manuscript fees and stock trading. Now she is also a person with tens of millions of assets .

"You don't need to invest or transfer money in the company anymore. You can live broadcast once a month, which can already drive the traffic of the entire company. You don't need to worry about the rest, you just need to collect dividends regularly. I can sit now, and I can occasionally use my mobile phone or computer for office work, I have the company's affairs, and you can just concentrate on school."

According to Jin Jun's explanation, she deposits these cash flows in the bank regularly, and she can get [-] to [-] yuan in interest every month. Don't worry about the interest money.

In general, she is not short of money now, and she will give about 100 to [-] million public welfare subsidies every year. Their company has a special department for management. She only needs to send money regularly and check where the money is spent on a regular basis. In the past, the eldest brother from the natal family was in charge, but now the eldest brother comes to the company to help, and the sister-in-law is in charge of management. The program needs to go through several checkpoints, and no one can waste money on it.

Whenever she went to the hospital to give Jinjun acupuncture, he sighed.

"If the child hadn't had an accident, wouldn't we have a little padded jacket to kiss now?"

"You want a baby?"

Jin Jun nodded, "Life is impermanent. If I just leave like this, I won't think about these things anymore, but now I'm hanging on like this, I feel like a useless person. My two nephews came to the hospital to see me, sweet When you call me uncle sweetly, I will sigh, if I have a daughter, will she be a fan? Call me daddy tenderly? It’s fine if I don’t have children in my life, but you, you are innocent , Sissy, why don't we get a divorce?"

Chu Qian was stunned for a moment, "Did the doctor tell you something again?"

Jin Jun shook his head, "No, it's just that it's so difficult to sit up, let alone stand up, kid? Hehe, it's too far away for me. If I knew this, I should have gone for a freeze."

Chu Qian can also understand him. After all, life is too short. It has only been about 30 years, not even [-] years. She just lies on the bed like this. If she wants to do something to prove her worth, she will be told by doctors and nurses , I can’t sit for a long time, I have to rest, I’m obviously working hard to do physical therapy, but sometimes the effect can be ignored, it’s not easy to insist on saying this until now.

"Big brother's children are our children. They still have memories of big brother and sister-in-law. We can't take them away. When these two children are willing in the future, they will naturally call you father and my mother. Don't worry, look. Am I not in a hurry? The doctor said, you have to take your time, you can’t do it overnight, step by step, this is only the first year, as long as you work hard, there will always be gains, right?”

Now the family members know that he is not in a good mood, so they come here to persuade him every now and then. Although Jin Junming knows that he looks like a wimp, he can't help thinking about it. He even thought about committing suicide. , Looking at his case log, he can't think about it for a long time, and sometimes he feels that he may be depressed, and he will get angry at the staff because he can't get up repeatedly during physical training.

He felt that such a situation was terrible. After Chu Qian learned about the situation, she would send him a video after class to encourage him and show him the campus environment.

Sometimes when she was in the library, even if the two of them didn't talk, he just looked at her quietly, which could calm her manic heart.

It is said that falling in love is easy and staying together is difficult. There are overwhelming analyzes of their marital status on the Internet, and there are even various rhythmic self-media. As long as she talks to her male classmates or business partners and drinks coffee, she will be on the trending search the next day. , While helpless, he did not forget to make a joke to Jin Jun.

"Look, netizens on all platforms are helping you monitor whether I am a woman. Let me tell you, that's my classmate. This one is a film and television company. They want to sign a contract with me and send a manager assistant to help me plan my career. Yeah, I didn't know him at all before."

"You don't need to explain, I believe you. But, do you plan to enter the entertainment industry?"

Chu Qian shook her head, "With my little amount of business, I don't need a broker and assistants. I can handle my own affairs, and I only do business during the winter and summer vacations. I still study at other times. If I really sign the contract, I will be bound in the future, so I won’t do it. Also, my two novels are going to be filmed, one is a traditional house fighting and farming, and the other is fantasy fantasy. Now I’m in Finishing the script, as long as my two works can get out of the circle, my road will be wider in the future, I have my plan, and I won’t hang myself on a tree.”

This year, she also tried to write songs and compose and compose her own music. She is still immature. After she has practiced these songs in the space, she will post them on the Internet and become an Internet singer.

Life is so long, you can't always do what you are good at, you have to turn what you are not good at into something you are good at, and that is a master.

She has learned screenwriting before, but she has never learned to compose and compose music. It is very challenging. Chu Qian's voice is very recognizable, and it is a bit of a disadvantage not to sing.

In particular, she belongs to the jurisdiction of the three without the support of the record company, and there is no cutting leeks from the film and television company. From business cooperation to negotiation, all public relations are done by herself. Maybe she thinks it is unnecessary or troublesome, but It has indeed achieved the goal of a free man.

She considers herself to be a capable person, and her current state is just right. If she needs an assistant in the future, she will choose it herself.

Now that the children are in her own name, she can't just ignore them with the excuse of being busy. At least she has arranged for the children's basic necessities of life.

She likes online shopping herself, and has no spare time to go shopping, so she also buys the children's clothes, shoes, underwear, etc. online, and the size is measured and mailed directly to her home. Her in-laws are still young, so it is no problem to use mobile phones and so on. , Occasionally, she would buy it for her mother-in-law. As for her father-in-law, she would bring one if she saw something suitable, but she would not buy it on purpose. There has always been a distance between their husband and wife.

Her master bedroom has a bathroom, so the public bathroom is used by her in-laws and children without feeling awkward.

Of course, this is the condition of the house. As for going back to live in the school district house, how to avoid this problem will be discussed at that time.

As a family, there is nothing to be embarrassed about. It is much better to clarify some problems in advance than to have embarrassing incidents.

During the National Day of the National Day, she drove around Beidaihe with the elderly and children, as well as several famous scenic spots in northern Hebei Province.

Although these places are famous, there are too many people. Is this everyone's retaliatory behavior after the epidemic?

With the strength of the motherland, there are fewer and fewer people traveling abroad, and immigrants are not as fast as they were before the epidemic. Foreign countries with fewer Chinese tourists are also facing the bankruptcy of many industries, so how important is peace? .

I also believe that the awkward Nizi can return to her mother's arms as soon as possible, and don't let other brothers and sisters worry about it anymore.

The winter in the capital is cold, dry and windy, but for the children, they are very used to it. After all, the environment in the Northeast is worse than here.

What the parents-in-law can't let go of is the prices in the capital, haha.

In the Northeast, they have to store a lot of vegetables in winter, but here, there is no place, and second, everything can be bought, so there is no need to spend so much time storing food for the winter.

"Your heating is not good. It is not as strong as our Gada self-heating. It is too dry. The humidifier is turned on every day, and it feels dry. I put two basins of water in the child's room, and it will go down quickly. , Look at this day, Xiaobo had a nosebleed last night. He drank too much water and was afraid that he would wet the bed, alas, I am so worried."

Chu Qian laughed when she heard that, "Have you gone to the set of tickets I bought for you? Although it is not as grounded as our place, the effect is quite good."

In winter, my parents-in-law and the others like to go to the bathhouse to rest. Once they go in, they spend a whole day in it, washing, cupping, steaming, sauna and playing cards. After a comfortable day or night, don’t mention how exciting it is, but the family on the capital side There are only hot spring hotels nearby. They think it's too expensive, so they just don't go.

Chu Qian went to save a few thousand dollars for them, and asked the two old people to take their children to the bubble. There is a pool of that kind of family. There is a transparent plastic film in the pool, so it will not feel dirty, and there is Children's facilities, whether it's leisure or entertainment, or even a buffet, are more comfortable than Korean bathing centers, but they always say that they don't feel that way, and they don't like to go after going there twice.

Later, I also knew that the saved card had to be consumed within a certain period of time, or it would be invalidated, so I took the children to the bubble once a week.

The so-called unaccustomed is also gradually forcing myself to adapt. Compared with the elders, the two children are more adaptable. The Northeast children can't change their voice, but the two of them speak Northeast authentically. It's because he has become a joke player in the class, and he is very popular among teachers and classmates.

Especially when the children knew that their mother was an Olympic champion, they adored them even more.

The children were very strange at first, isn't this aunt?How could it be mother?

Although the teacher knew about the relationship between them and Chu Qian, she felt that since the two children recognized Chu Qian, they should be called mother, especially since they are young now, and it is easy to forget their former mother.

Its main purpose is also that other people have parents. They open their mouths and shut their mouths to call them aunts. Turn the uncles and aunts who never leave their mouths into parents.

Because other people have parents, they should not be called uncles and aunts, but parents as well.

When my father just passed away, my mother and mother would yell non-stop, but after seven or eight months of getting along, grandparents became their mantra, and uncles and aunts became the people they admired and liked. Now teachers, grandma and grandma Teach them to call them parents, and the children will have the illusion that parents can be replaced.

Even the older Xiaohan is still vacillating in his heart. In his memory, his parents are good people to him, so his uncle and aunt are also good to him, so there is nothing wrong with being called parents, right?

So after the National Day, and entering November, the title was changed without warning.

Jin Jun's progress has been very slow, and he still can't get out of bed, and he can't walk alone. Even sitting and standing, there is a time limit, half an hour is the limit, but thanks to the encouragement of her and his brothers, everything is going smoothly. developing in a positive direction.

In order to show that he is still alive, he also specially asked the nurse to help record some videos of his daily training to prove that he is still alive.

Although fans don't know why he had such a serious car accident, kind people will leave warm messages, and vicious people have a gloomy side no matter when and where. Explain to the fans what he did during his disappearance, but some people said that even when he was paralyzed, he never forgot to run out to earn money, money, money, money is all in his mind.

What does it feel like for a recovering patient to see the word 'paralyzed'?
Maybe Jin Jun would choose to ignore it before, but now this word will make him fall into an ice cave.

The people of Jinjun Company are also awesome. Anyone who insults them will take up the weapon of the law and sue. They will claim compensation according to their viciousness. The compensation will be donated in full. The public welfare project I went to made those trolls who still wanted to attack them completely shut up.

But the words that have been said can't be said. They won't let any keyboard man go?No money to pay?Then go smash the pot and sell the iron!
You can blurt out words of gentleness and peace of mind. If you can't think twice about vicious criticism, then you deserve to bear the consequences.

Fortunately, Jin Jun has long seen the viciousness of Internet trolls, so he didn't take the curse of 'paralyzed' to heart.

Jin Jun and his wife's public welfare is a public welfare foundation established by themselves, and they never mix with other organizations and individuals.

At the end of the year, there will be various public welfare evenings in the entertainment industry, or annual selections. As long as you go, you can win any award.

Because Jin Jun has been a hot topic for a long time, these organizations contacted Chu Qian and wanted to invite her to these parties.

However, for such occasions, Chu Qian has always kept her distance. She said it was charity, but it was actually a show for various celebrities to steal the limelight. She was really not interested in watching all kinds of so-called celebrity couples who rubbed the red carpet without donating money. Instead of wasting that time, it is better to bury your head and do your own public welfare.

So she didn't even think about it, and she refused. Even though the other party persuaded that there were still many sports stars going, she was still unmoved.

After so many lives, the six faculties have long been purified, and the four elements are all empty.

The desire for fame and wealth, with the precipitation of time, has long been bearish.

Some people may see this and scoff, 'Nonsense, since you've taken everything lightly, why don't you donate all your property?That's the real Four All Empty! '

Chu Qian smiled slightly, "You don't need morality to kidnap me. I have relatives in this world. I am not alone. I care for the old and the young. There are many poor people in the world. Are they all under my care?"I will only help a limited number of people with my limited life force, and that is enough. There is no need to impose any morality on me. My annual public welfare investment of one hundred or even two million is real and effective, and I have a clear conscience! '

(End of this chapter)

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